Evaluation and classification of fruit tip shape in cucumber
In practice, fruit tip shape of cucumber cultivars was simply divided into sharp and round types. In present study, the commercial fruits at 10 days after pollination (DPA) of 186 cucumber inbred lines were classified into three categories including blunt-round fruit tip (BFT), oval-round fruit tip (OFT) and sharp fruit tip (SFT) separately based on the appearance of fruit tip (Fig. 1A, Additional file 1: Table S1). The fruit tip angles (α) and fruit tip index (a/b) as described in Fig.1B, were utilized to conduct precise the shape of fruit tip accurately. Among the cucumber inbred lines, fruit tip angle was in range of 99°~173° (Fig. 1C, Additional file 1: Table S1). The fruit tip index was in range of 1.4~3.5 (Fig. 1D, Additional file 1: Table S1). According to the data of fruit tip angle and fruit tip index, thresholds were set to classify BFT, OFT and SFT categories (Fig.1 C-D). The cucumber with range of fruit tip angle less than 125° or range of fruit tip index less than 2.1 were classified into SFT group. The OFT group were considered that had fruit tip angle range from 125° to 150°or fruit tip index range from 2.1 to 2.5. The BFT group were considered that had fruit tip angle range from 150° to 180° or range of fruit tip index greater than 2.5. Though correlation analysis suggested that fruit tip angle was significant correlated with fruit tip index (Fig. 1E), the mismatch rate of defined categories to tip appearance of fruit tip angle (7.6%) was greater than fruit tip index (4.3%) (Supplementary Table S1). Hence, fruit tip index is a flexible application that provides a good indicator to classification of fruit tip shape.
Phenotypic variation of fruit tip related traits
The phenotypic quantification methods of fruit tip shape (the FTD, FTL and FTI) were further to analyze the genetic basis. Phenotypic data of FTD, FTL and FTI were collected from four parents, their F1, B/S (F2 population) and O/S (RILs population) population (Table 1, Fig. 2, Additional file 1: Table S2-S5). Significant differences (P=0.05) for fruit tip related traits were detected between EC1 and 8419s-1, CCMC and IL52 (Table 1). All distribution of phenotypic data from B/S and O/S population (RIL population) showed a clear single distribution in violin and box plots (Fig. 2E-G), which suggested that multiple major-effect QTLs controlled fruit tip shape in B/S population and one major-effect QTL controlled fruit tip shape in O/S population. Significant difference of genotypes (G), environment (E), and G × E interactions were observed for all fruit tip related traits in two population. However, variance estimates of G × E interactions(σ2GE) and error(σ2E) were less important than the dominated effect of genotypes (σ2G), which were led to relatively high estimates of heritability (h2 >70%) (Additional file 1: Table S2, Table S3). High positive correlations of FTD, FTL, FTI in two environments were consistent with the dominated effect of genotypes (σ2G) in the two population (Additional file 1: Table S5).
Histological section analysis and comparison of diversity fruit tips
Significant morphological differences (P=0.05) of FTD, FTL and FTI were observed in parental cucumber lines EC1, 8419s-1, IL52 and CCMC (Table 1). Furthermore, histological analysis of four parental cucumber lines were examined at 0 DPA (Fig. 3, Additional file 2: Fig. S1). The fruit tip of cucumber fruit develops from the fusion part of ovary and receptacle. Histological observation of fruit tips suggested that the morphological structure was varied in different cultivars (Fig. 3A). Cytological observation showed that cell number of sharp tip fruit (8419s-1, CCMC) were markedly greater than round tip fruit (EC1, IL52) in the vertical direction, and cell number of sharp tip fruit were fewer than round fruit tip fruit in the radial direction (Fig. 3C). But the cells size of fruit tips had no significant differences (Additional file 2: Fig. S1), which was indicated that the different structures of fruit tips were owed to the different distribution of cell number in vertical and horizontal direction, rather than different cell size. Furthermore, the significance difference of cell numbers ratio (T/H) as the same as FTI could be used for identifying fruit tip category.
QTL analysis
Mean phenotypic data of fruit tip related traits (FTD, FTL, FTI) was collected from B/S and O/S population in multiple environments. QTL analysis was performed in the WinQTLcart2.5 software package. For each fruit tip related traits QTL, the QTL peak location, LOD threshold, 1.5-LOD QTL interval, R2 value, additive effects were illustrated in Table 2. QTLs for fruit tip related traits from O/S population were integrated in the genetic map of B/S population based on the physical position of flanking markers in the 9930 draft genomes (Additional file 1: Table S6). The interaction between the major-effect QTLs was analyzed (Table 3, Fig. 4 and Additional file 1: Table S7).
QTL analysis for B/S population
A total of 14 fruit tip related QTLs for fruit tip diameter (Bftd), fruit tip length (Bftl) and fruit tip index (Bfti), were detected in B/S population (Table 2). Three major-effect QTLs, Bfti4.1 (R2 = 13.7-15.4% in 2016S and 2016F) and Bfti6.1 (R2 = 21.0-35.9% in 2016S and 2016F) for fruit tip index, Bftd6.1 (R2 = 32.6-33.6% in 2016S and 2016F) for fruit tip diameter, were detected in two environments. Location of major-effect QTL Bfti6.1 was consistent with QTL Bftd6.1. Four QTLs (Bftd2.1, Bftd3.1, Bftd4.1, Bftd6.1) for fruit tip diameter were detected accounting for 77.5% (2016S) and 33.6% (2016F) phenotypic variations observed. Four QTLs (Bftl1.1, Bftl1.2, Bftl1.3, Bftl4.1) for fruit tip length were detected accounting for 70.2% (2016S) and only 12.7% (2016F) phenotypic variations observed. Six QTLs (Bfti1.1, Bfti1.2, Bfti2.1, Bfti3.1, Bfti4.1, Bfti6.1) for fruit tip index were identified accounting for 43.45% (2016 S) and 76.28% (2016F) phenotypic variations observed.
QTL analysis for O/S population
Sixteen QTLs for fruit tip related traits were detected by analysis phenotypic data of the O/S population in spring and fall 2017 (Table 2). There are four QTLs for fruit tip diameter with one major-effect QTL, Oftd6.1 (R2=11.6-12.4% in 2017S and 2017F) and minor-effect QTL, Oftd3.1 (R2= 6.6% in 2017S) and Oftd3.2 (R2= 6.7% in 2017S). Three QTLs (Oftl3.1, Oftl3.2 and Oftl4.1) were consistent in positive additive effect for fruit tip length, of which Oftl4.1 was a major-effect QTL (R2=10.7-12.8% in 2017S and 2017F). Five QTLs were consistent in negative additive effect for fruit tip index, suggesting allele from IL52 can increase fruit tip index. Ofti4.1 was a major-effect QTL accounting for 11.0-15.5% phenotypic variation observed in two environments. The major-effect QTL Oftl4.1 and Ofti4.1 were also located in the same genomic region.
Two consensus interacting QTL, Ft4.1 and Ft6.1 control round fruit tip shape
Though QTL detection in different environment/population combinations in this study, the location of QTLs from B/S population was highly consistent with the region of QTL from O/S population (Additional file 1: Table S6). These QTLs at the same or near physical interval probably belong to the same QTL/gene for the fruit tip related trait. Four consensus QTLs, Ft3.1, Ft3.2, Ft4.1 and Ft6.1 were identified. Ft4.1 was a major-effect QTL harbored 5 QTL from B/S and O/S population, of which additive effect of Ofti4.1(allele from IL52) and Bfti4.1 (allele from EC1), were consistent in increasing fruit tip index. Ft6.1 was a major-effect QTL harbored two QTL (R2>10%) from B/S population, of which additive effect of Bfti6.1 (allele from EC1) can increase fruit tip index.
Possible epistasis interactions among major-effect QTL Ft4.1 and Ft6.1 were detected in B/S population by the methods of Yang et al [19] and Mackay et al [20]. Epistasis interactions in which the locus Ft6.1 is much greater in the oo of genetic background of Ft4.1 than that in the OO genetic background of Ft4.1 (Fig. 4). Epistasis interaction of Ft6.1/Ft4.1 was accounted for 12.9% of the phenotypic variance in two environments (Additional file 1: Table S7). Considering Ft4.1 and Ft6.1 at two chromosomes, the F2 population would be expected to follow classical two-gene model in segregation. We examined phenotype data (fruit tip index, fruit tip shape) and genotype at locus Ft4.1 and Ft6.1. As expected, the segregation ratio of both genotype and phenotype did not deviate significantly from expected ratios of 12 blunt round fruit tip (_B_): 3 oval round fruit tip (O_bb): 1 sharp fruit tip (oobb) (Table 3), supporting epistatic dominance interaction between Ft6.1 and Ft4.1 control fruit tip formation. The phenotype of Ft4.1 was suppressed by epistatically suppressed by dominant Ft6.1 genotype (Table 3).
Candidate genes prediction of Ft4.1
Although the physical location of Ft4.1 has 680 genes in reference genome database of 9930 (data not shown), only three candidate genes, CsEXT (Csa4G291360), CsPRK (Csa4G385800), CsRNApase (Csa4G414910) were predicted based on genome resequencing of four parental cucumber line (Table 4). CsEXT encodes proline-rich extension-like family protein (PRP). PRP was an important call wall protein that was crucial for plant cell division and expansion [21-22]. CsPRK, an ortholog of AtPRK4, encodes leucine-rich repeat protein kinase family protein (PRK), which can regulate the actin cytoskeleton that was associate with cell division and expansion [23-25]. CsRNApase encodes RNA polymerase beta subunit protein. However, the RNA-seq data showed that only CsPRK (log2-fold change =1.87 and FDR-corrected P-value≤0.001) was differentially expressed during fruit development of EC1 and 8419s-1 [17].