Istanbul Mehmet Akif Ersoy Research and Training Hospital Ethics committee approved this retrospective multicenter study (Approval number: 2019-77) and waived the need for informed consent. All procedures performed in studies involving human participants were in accordance with the ethical standards of the institutional and/or national research committee and with the 1964 Helsinki declaration and its later amendments or comparable ethical standards. The dataset was obtained from six tertiary care centers. Six medical doctors reviewed the radiology reports of consecutive brain DWIs of adult patients obtained with clinical suspicion of acute ischemic stroke between January 2012 and October 2019 using several keywords (e.g., stroke, ischemia, limb weakness, and diffusion-restriction). The exclusion criteria were as follows: (1) DWI obtained 24 hours after the onset of the symptoms; (2) patients with a primary brain tumor, metastatic brain tumors, or demyelinating lesions; (3) DWI with severe motion or metallic artifacts; and (4) incomplete imaging or clinical data (i.e., no information on the ischemia time or lack of high b-value images or apparent diffusion coefficient maps). Detailed information regarding the patient selection process is depicted in Figure 1.
Of the six study centers, three had 1.5T Genera Electronics MRI scanners (Optima MR450w, Signa HDxt, and Signa Explorer; GE Healthcare, Milwaukee, WI, USA) and the other three had 1.5T Siemens scanners (Aera, Avanto, and Symphony, Siemens Healthineers, Erlangen, Germany). The data of the six centers were divided into two parts based on the MR scanner; dataset A included DWIs obtained using a Siemens scanner, and dataset B included DWIs obtained with a GE scanner. Detailed information regarding the DWI protocols at each center is provided in Supplementary Table S1.
Ground-Truth Segmentations
Six neuroradiologists (E.K., O.K., H.H.S., B.K., S.N.D., M.V.) with over 10 years of neuroradiology experience from each center examined the recruited images. The neuroradiologists were free to assess all the available clinical and radiological data during the evaluation. Briefly, the neuroradiologist evaluated the images for acute ischemia; acute ischemic lesions were defined as those with hyperintense signal on diffusion-weighted (DW) images with high b-values and corresponding hypointensities on apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) maps [22]. If a neuroradiologist decided that a scan had undiagnostic image quality or had no visible acute ischemic lesion, then the patient was excluded from the study. Subsequently, DW images with the highest b-values and corresponding ADC maps of the patients were anonymized. A unique identification number was assigned to each patient for further analyses.
Anonymized ADC maps and DWIs were imported into a known open-source software for segmentation (ImageJ, The neuroradiologists performed segmentations on the DW images using a free-hand region of interest. The segmentation quality of the test sets of datasets A and B was mandatory to achieve reliable performance comparisons. The neuroradiologists re-drew the segmentations on the same images of the test sets in two different sessions after an interval of 1 month. To this end, each patient in the test sample had three different segmentation masks provided by the same neuroradiologists. A intra-reader majority voting was used to create ground-truth masks of the test sets. The pixels accounted as positive for an ischemic lesion in two or more masks were accepted as positive, and those accounted as negative for an ischemic lesion in two or more masks were accepted as negative.
DL Models
We employed a well-known CNN architecture for biomedical image segmentation, U-net, or U-shaped networks, but made several modifications [23]. The original U-net model has two main components: the encoder, which serves to identify the most representative features of the images, and the decoder, in which the up-sampling process is performed to regain spatial resolution while preserving the high-representative power of the feature maps for precise segmentation. The concatenations between the encoder and decoder facilitate the network’s ability to preserve the spatial information of the pixels. U-net can work on both 2D and three-dimensional (3D) data [23, 24]. Hypothetically, using 3D U-net might appear to be the best option since DWIs consist of a stack of slices and these images are routinely interpretated in a three-dimensional fashion by a radiologist. However, 3D U-net requires higher memory capacity and it might require lowering the original spatial resolution or using patch-based approaches in the network, which inevitably leads to loss if contextual information [25, 26]. In contrast, 2D networks suffer from a lack of 3D, or sequential, interpretability of their 3D counterparts; therefore, they might lead to inferior performance [14].
To mitigate the drawbacks of 3D U-net while preserving spatial contextual information, we used a residual ConvLSTM U-Net, which is a hybrid network architecture that leverages the high spatial and sequential representational capacity of convolutional and recurrent neural networks as well as exploits the skip connections that facilitate information flow throughout the network [27, 28]. Figure 2 illustrates the details of the proposed residual ConvLSTM U-Net architecture.
DL Experiments
The stack of high b-value DW images and corresponding ADC maps were fed into the network on a patient-basis using two different channels. Following typical image pre-processing operations were performed on the images before feeding them into the network: (1) intensity normalization within 0–1; (2) resampling the images into 224*224 pixels; (3) and image windowing, which is determined as the best window level for the neuroradiologist's eye for assessing DWIs for each center and scanner. Several data augmentations, cropping, rotation, flipping, and elastic deformations were implemented on the go.
All DL experiments were conducted using a high-level DL library, Keras on TensorFlow (Tensorflow 1.4 Google LLC, Mountain View, CA). The total trainable parameters of the residual ConvLSTM U-Net were 8,228,401. The hyperparameters of the models were optimized using the validation partition and were as follows: loss function was Tversky loss (alfa = 0.5, beta = 0.5); number of epochs was 100; optimizer was Adam; and learning rate was 1e-5. The total training time for models A and B was 10.5 and 12 h, respectively.
Datasets A and B were split into three parts as the training (80%), validation (10%), and internal test (10%) sets. The best model was selected based on its performance on the validation data. The DL models trained on datasets A and B were referred as models A and B. The segmentation performance of models A and B was first assessed on the internal test sets consisting of images from the same manufacturer. Subsequently, their performances were evaluated on the test partition of the other dataset (i.e., model A on the test set of dataset B and vice versa), and these assessments were referred to as external tests.
Furthermore, to simulate a scenario of extensive available imaging data from one manufacturer while it is limited from another, we utilized transfer learning [29]. The validation parts of each dataset were used to fine-tune the pre-trained model on the other dataset (e.g., pre-trained model A was fine-tuned with the validation part of dataset B and vice versa) for approximately 20 epochs with a learning rate of 1e-6. These models were referred as fine-tuned models A and B, respectively. Figure 3 shows the DL experiment pipeline of the present work.
Evaluating the Performances
The primary metric for investigating a model's performance was the Dice coefficient (two * areas of overlap/total pixels combined), which is a measure of overlap between the model’s predictions and the ground truth [30]. The Dice coefficient ranges between 0 and 1, where 1 represents a complete match between the ground truth and prediction, while 0 reflects no match. To compare the performance of the DL models with that of a radiologist, another radiologist with 8 years of experience (D.A.) manually delineated the borders of the ischemic lesions on DWI on the test partitions.
Statistical analysis
Statistical analysis was performed using Scipy library v1.5.4 of Python programming language (“”). Categorical variables are presented as frequencies and percentages. Continuous variables were investigated using distribution plots and the Shapiro–Wilk test to assess for normality. Normally distributed continuous variables are presented as mean, standard deviations, and ranges, while non-normally distributed continuous variables are presented as median and interquartile ranges. Mann–Whitney U test was used to compare each model’s performance on its internal and external tests. Wilcoxon test was used to compare the performances of fine-tuned and native models A and B on the external test sets. Mann–Whitney U test was used to compare the Dice scores of the models and the radiologist on the test sets. A p-value < 5% was considered as a statistically significant result.