2.1 Description of the study area
The study was conducted in Salale milk shed the central highlands of Ethiopia. The study area is lies at 38°07’60”E longitude and 9°40’60’’N latitude and having an elevation of 250 to greater than 3000 masl. The area receive average annual rainfall of 1200 mm with average minimum and maximum temperature of 6˚C and 21˚C respectively. According to Brandsma et al. (2012) the large proportion of the area (42%) falls under tropical highland similar to that of temperate regions climate and almost a quarter of the land in the zone which is typical tropical dry land. Livestock, especially dairy farming is the dominant agricultural enterprises and sources of income in the Salale highland.
2.2 Sampling and Data collection
A multi-stage stratified random sampling technique was employed to select SHF for this study. First four districts (Sululta, Wuchale, Girar Jarso and Degem) were purposively selected from Salale milk shed to represent different agro-ecology and farming system. Girar Jarso district was selected to represent urban SHF where dairy farming is practiced to support family income in addition to off-farm activities. Sululta and Wuchale districts represent mid-land agro-ecology and peri-urban dairy farming system where crop and livestock production are closely integrated. Degem district is characterized by typical highland agro-ecology where both crop and livestock (dairy) production are closely integrated. Four kebeles (the smallest administrative unit in Ethiopia) were purposively selected from each districts by considering dairy cattle potential, road accessibility and SHF registered under national dairy cattle data base. In each kebele, SHF were stratified to urban, peri-urban and rural dairy farming system based on scale of production, production resources, feeding system, breeds and genotypes kept, and contribution of dairy to livelihoods (Gizaw et al., 2016; Tegegne et al., 2013). A total of 480 (Urban = 120, peri-urban =180 and Rural = 180) SHF were randomly selected to represent all farming system (Arsham, 200). A survey questionnaire was designed to collect data on farm household characteristics, farm input-output, sources of feed, production and feeding practices, production and reproductive performance, manure management system. Three enumerators, experts in livestock production were selected from each district, were given orientation and refresher training on household survey. The survey was supervised by the firs author. The data collected through survey were triangulated by transect walk and group discussion. Additional data were extracted from national dairy cattle data base found Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Data collection was held between July 2020 and February 2021. SHFs were visited three times in the period of July, 2020 to February 2021 to obtain seasonal variation of feed resources and for cross checking the data.
Field measurements: Body weight of different categories of animals were estimated by using heart girth (HG) measurements of individual animals by the standard description list developed by FAO, (2011). The HG measurements were converted to an estimate of live weight (LW) in kg by using the regression equation developed for Ethiopian Zebu and cross breed cattle and east African cattle by (Taylor and Galal,1980), ILRI, 1998; (Goopy et al., 2018).
Milk yield and Chemical Composition: Milk yield data for SHF under the study was extracted from national dairy cattle data base. Milk yield data also obtained from milk collector (retailers) and dairy cooperative union and farmers to substantiate data obtained from national dairy data base. Milk yield data of 2019-2020 lactation period were used for the analysis. The standard 305-d milk yield for each animal was estimated from test date (TD) milk yield records by using test interval method described by Sargent (1968), cited in Meseret et al. (2015). Milk suckled by calf was not accounted for in rural SHF. For milk chemical compositions, milk samples were collected from a total 70 SHF (U= 27, PU = 21, Rural = 21) in the morning and afternoon time following standard procedure and analyzed for its chemical composition such as fat (%), using (Gerber method) and milk density (Kg/L at 20oC; Van Marle-Koster et al., 200). Richmond’s formula (Becter and Sharma, 1980) was used to calculate milk Solid Not-Fat (SNF) as follows:
Milk energy content (ECM) was calculated following the equation developed by Tyrrel and Reid (1965):
Secondary data collection: Secondary data was collected from various sources. Nutrient component and nutritional characteristics of common feed basket specific to the study area were taken from ILRI database and various scientific publications. The standard crop yields, fertilizer use, pesticide use and market price were based on central statistics agency (CSA). Secondary data was also collected from: IPCC guidelines (IPCC, 2014 refined, 2019; default values, coefficients, and emission factors for calculation of emissions from animals, feed, and manure). GLEAMi databases (Opio et al., 2013; FAO, 2016; IPCC, 2019), Feed Print (Vellinga et al., 2013) were used for feed emission.
2.3 Method of estimating carbon footprints
An attributional LCA approach was employed to assess GHG emission of 480 SHF over one year. Global warming potentials (GWP) of the IPCC assessment report ( IPCC, 2007; IPCC, 2014) were used to calculate carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) units for carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide. The Global Livestock Environmental Assessment Model-interactive (GLEAM-i) (https://gleami.apps.fao.org; FAO, 2020) was used to estimate GHG emissions, and the CF is expressed in kg CO2e per kg FPCM (fat and protein corrected milk).
2.3.1 System boundaries, functional units, and allocation
A cradle to farm gate system was determined following (Opio et al., 2013; FAO, 2016) which include all on farm and off-farm processes related to dairy production. On farm processes were mostly related to the farm activities such as management of dairy cattle, feed production and processing and manure management practices. The off-farm process included production, processing and transportation of feeds and energy production. As indicated in the schematic diagram below (Fig. 2) the system boundary included on farm processes (Feed production and processing, farm management practices and manure management) and off-farm processes.
2.3.2. Functional Units and Allocation
As recommended in global CF studies the functional unit used is kg CO2e/kg FPCM (FAO, 2016). Milk yield (liter) was converted to kg using a standard density of 1.031 kg /L and corrected to kg CO2e/kg FPCM, following equation described (Opio, 2013), assuming the overall average of 4.18% fat, 3.25% protein content of laboratory analysis of the study area (Table 1). As reported in previous studies in Tropics, dairy farming plays a multiple roles in SHF livelihoods, provide milk and meat, sources of income (sale of animal and animal products), draft power, insurance and security for future finance needs and other social and cultural services in Ethiopia (Moll et al., 2007; Behnke and Muthami, 2011; Woldegebriel et al., 2017). Hence, in this study the burden of GHG emissions were shared to a kg of row milk, a kg of beef, an hour of draught power, and a kg of manure used, finance and insurance. Emissions were attributed to milk production using three allocation methods: economic allocation based on the prices of products and co-products, mass allocation based on the protein content in milk and meat produced at farm level, and where all GHG emission were allocated to milk production at farm level. However, to compare the result with the existing literature and for consistency, the present study used economic allocation for each products and co-products.
In economic allocation approach, GHG emission generated in the process of milk production are allocated to product and co-products according to their economic values ( FAO, 2010; Opio, et al., 2013). As also suggested previously, in the present study milk and meat have a direct market value, while the economic value of finance and cattle as a means of insurance and manure as fertilizer can only be assessed indirectly (Moll et al., 2007; Weiler et al., 2014). The current milk price per kg reported was 21.65, and 16.15 (Br). This price difference was caused by lack of appropriate and consistent market system in the area. The economic value of animals sold was based on the selling price of different categories of animals. The local rent value of an ox per year was used to determine the economic value of animal used for draught purpose. The quantities of manure produced (Refined IPCC, 2019), used as fertilizer for on farm crops, sold as fertilizer and used as fuel in the form of dung cakes was collected and observed during survey. According to Alary et al. (2011), the economic value of manure as fertilizer is valued based on synthetic nitrogen fertilizer equivalents. The economic value of nitrogen in manure used for fertilizing is computed by multiplying the amounts of manure applied to crops based on farmers’ estimates and the nitrogen content in cattle manure, 1.4% was taken for this study as used by (Alary et al., 2011; Weiler et al., 2014). Similarly, as described in the study of Woldegebriel et al. (2017), the economic value of dung cake sold and used as source of fuel was valued based on the local market.
Valuing the role of cattle as finance and insurance is well documented in the previous sudies (Moll et al., 2007; Behnke and Muthami, 2011). The financing value in the study area was estimated at 8%, based on commercial interest rates for short and medium term credit in Ethiopia. Similarly, the economic value of cattle as insurance was calculated as a product of economic value of herd and the insurance premium, i.e. the cost that farmers would need to pay to purchase insurance coverage equal to the capital value of their herd (Moll et al., 2007; Weiler et al., 2014). The insurance premium of 10% in the rural system was estimated based on national insurance rates. Economic allocation was also used to allocate the share of GHG emissions for crop residue production, where the proportion of economic importance of crop residues were computed (Woldegebriel et al., 2017).
Table 1.Chemical composition of milk in the study area
Milk composition (%)
3.79 ± 0.09
3.79 ± 0.12
4.49 ± 0.43
3.05 ± 0.063
3.2 ± 0.034
3.5 ± 0.41
8.2 ± 0.15
8.2 ± 0.33
8.56 ±1.56
29.9 ± 0.29
30.5 ± 0.29
31.15 ± 1.65
4.36 ± 0.9
4.66 ± 0.1
4.34 ± 1.43
2.3.3 Inventory Analysis
Four hundred eighty (480) SHFs were selected to represent the three SHF system in the study area. GHG emissions were estimated for a total 1365 (515, 515, 350) cattle in urban, peri-urban and rural SHF system respectively, while about 235 dairy cattle were dropped from the analysis because of incomplete milk taste date and data inconsistency prior to data analysis (Table 2).
Methane emission from enteric fermentation: Enteric methane emission was estimated based on gross energy intake (GEI) and 6.5% conversion factors, using IPCC Tier 2 model (IPCC, 2006; Refined IPCC, 2019). Average daily feed intake expressed as gross energy intake was calculated from the diet for cattle (cow, replacement and male). Emission factor for each animal category was calculated following Marquardt et al. (2020), a protocol for a tier 2 approach to generate region -specific enteric methane EF.
Emission from manure management:
Direct and indirect N2O and CH4 emissions from manure management were calculated for each animal category using IPCC Tier 2 method. The New Refined IPCC (2019) spreadsheet was used to calculate methane emission factor from manure management. Methane conversion factors (MCF) were estimated considering average annual mean air temperature (oC) in the study area. The basic step in N2O emission calculation using tier 2 is estimation of nitrogen excretion rate from managed manure. Nitrogen intake rates were calculated following Refined IPCC (2019) equation using input data on GE intake, CP content of major feeds. Nitrogen excretion was estimated by subtracting nitrogen retention from nitrogen intake IPCC (2019). IPCC default emissions factor (for direct N2O emissions from manure management system (EF3) for Africa farming system was adapted from IPCC due to lack of country specific data.
Emission from feed production and transportation: Data on-farm feed production and transportation include, draught power; application of synthetic fertilizers, manure, pesticide and seeds; and modes of transportation were gathered during survey. Framers used animal traction for crop production and harvesting, and no SHF reported to use farm machines in the study area. Following Feyissa et al. (2018), the amount of hay, crop residue and improved forage per hectare was estimated from farmers recall and data from CSA (2020). Emission related to off-farm feed production and transportation was estimated from the amount of feed produced off-farm. There were no country-specific emission factors available in Ethiopia. Feed emission factors (kg CO2e kg DM-1) for this study were taken from (FAO and LEAP, 2015; Wilkes et al., 2020), and feed print (Vellinga et al., 2013) Netherlands.
2.4 Data analysis
Both descriptive statistics and one way ANOVA was used to analyze quantitative data. One way ANOVA was employed to analyze variation of GHG emission per kg milk among the three farming system. Post-hoc test was used for means comparison. The association between GHG emission and milk yield, digestible energy, and feed efficiency was estimated using regression analysis. Analyses were made by using Statistical Package for Social Studies (SPSS) (2003) version 26 computer software and Microsoft Excel computer program. Uncertainty analysis was carried out using Monte Carlo simulation implemented in excel spread sheet. Uncertainty was estimated as the margin of error with a confidence interval of 95%. Calculation of margins of error used a z-score of 1.96 corresponding to α value of 0.05.