Figure 1 to Fig. 8 show the activity concentrations of 137Cs, 239Pu, 241Pu, 241Am, 236U and the plutonium and uranium isotope ratios in a sediment core from Lake Lugano, Lake Brienz, Lake Biel and Klingnau Reservoir. The 240Pu/239Pu isotope ratio for global fallout (Ketterer et al., 2004b) and the 235U/238U and 234U/238U isotope ratio for natural U (Richter et al., 1999) are represented as dashed lines. The reference date for 137Cs, 241Pu and 241Am corresponds to the sampling date of each core.
The maximum 137Cs activity from the Chernobyl accident and the Pu and 137Cs activities associated to the 1963 global fallout maximum were well identified in sediments from all three lakes. For the Klingnau reservoir it is difficult to associate a peak to the NWT testing because of additional inputs of 137Cs and Pu isotopes from the nuclear power plants. Table 2 shows the Chernobyl and NWT inventories for 137Cs and 239Pu for the three lakes. The upper parts of the sediment cores is dominated by the Chernobyl contamination. The 137Cs Chernobyl inventory was calculated by summing up the area-specific activities associated with the respective peak and the area above. Only for the Lake Lugano a slightly higher plutonium concentration in the Chernobyl layer was found. The plutonium contribution of this layer was < 1 Bq/kg. The NWT inventory was calculated by summing up the area-specific activities associated with the NWT peak and the area above until the Chernobyl peak. For Lake Biel, additional 137Cs inputs from discharges of the nuclear power plant Mühleberg have to be considered. The contribution to the NWT inventory of the area disturbed by additional 137Cs inputs were calculated from the Pu concentrations by assuming a constant 137Cs-/239Pu ratio for NWT input. The Chernobyl 137Cs was referenced to the year 1986 and the NWT 137Cs to the year 1963. The measured inventories correspond well to inventories calculated from surface soil samples (0–20 cm) (Meusburger et al., 2020). Because of much higher precipitation in the southern part of Switzerland in May 1986, up to 7 times more 137Cs was deposited in Lake Lugano compared to Lake Biel. Highest plutonium inventories were measured in sediments from Lake Brienz, corresponding to higher rainfalls in the Alpes in the time period 1952–1985.
Table 2
Chernobyl and NWT 137Cs inventories decay-corrected the year 1986 and 1963, respectively. Plutonium concentrations are dominated by global fallout, therefore only 239Pu NWT inventories could be calculated.
| Chernobyl | | NWT | |
| 137Cs kBq/m2 | 239Pu+240Pu Bq/m2 | 137Cs kBq/m2 | 239Pu+240Pu Bq/m2 |
Lake Lugano | 21 | < 1 | 8.6 | 128 |
Lake Brienz | 7.5 | - | 17.5 | 255 |
Lake Biel | 2.9 | - | 10.8 | 167 |
The NWT contamination of 137Cs and Pu isotopes in the sediment show a double-peak structure for the cores of all three lakes. These two peaks are characteristic for the periods 1951–1958 and 1961–1962, respectively, matching the chronological order of NWT activities worldwide. The first period spans more than approximately 7 years and ends with a maximum in 1958, while the second period is shorter but more intense, with a maximum in 1962. The local minimum in between corresponds to the nuclear test moratorium for the years 1959/60 (UNSCEAR, 2000). Assuming an average delay of one year for the deposition of global fallout, peak maxima are expected for the years 1958 and 1963 and a minimum for the year 1960 (Warneke et al., 2002).
The 240Pu/239Pu atom ratios in the sediment cores varied with depth showing a similar pattern as was found in the annual grass samples from Rothamsted, UK (Warneke et al., 2002). The records show four major distinct features that can be associated to certain time periods: : i) an increase between 1952 and 1959; ii) a decrease between 1959 and 1961; iii) an increase between 1961 and 1963; and iv) a rather constant ratio from 1964 up to present days in cores only affected by global fallout. As the layer thickness was 1 cm, the structure was more distinct for lakes with a higher average sedimentation rate.
For Lake Lugano, a small additional plutonium input can be recognised in the sediment layers corresponding to the Chernobyl accident in 1986. For this layer, 240Pu/239Pu and 241Pu/239Pu atomic ratios (corrected for the reference year 1986) of 0.29 ± 0.02 and 0.10 ± 0.02, respectively, were measured. (Jakopič et al., 2010) reported 240Pu/239Pu and 241Pu/239Pu ratios of 0.414 ± 0.004 and 0.117 ± 0.007, respectively, for plutonium particles from the Chernobyl accident. The difference of the Pu isotope ratios measured in Lake Lugano compared to those observed in Chernobyl plutonium could be explained by the additional contribution of NWT plutonium. Because of the small half-life of 241Pu (t1/2 = 14.3 years), about 95% of the NWT 241Pu has decayed meanwhile to 241Am. Despite the relative high uncertainties for the determination of 241Pu due to the very low concentrations, the 241Pu/239Pu ratio seems to be higher in the Chernobyl accident layer compared to the NWT zone (Fig. 2). Assuming that all 241Am originated from the decay of 241Pu, the Pu production date can be calculated. Figure 9 shows the calculated production dates for Pu found in Lake Lugano. The calculated production dates seem to be dominated by NWT plutonium (production dates 1953–1968) in layers deeper than 15 cm, and in the upper zone by the additional plutonium input with a production date of 1994 ± 5 years. The age of plutonium is slightly increasing with depth in the NWT zone, leading to a maximal plutonium age difference of about 10 years whereas for the upper most 13 cm, the age seems to be rather constant. The age of the plutonium should not be confused with the age of the sediment layer. The difference in the plutonium age means that the plutonium for the NWT tests originated not from the same plutonium batch, but was consistently separated during the test period. In the upper most 13 cm, the plutonium originated from the run-off of the global-fallout plutonium and not from direct inputs. The age of this run-off plutonium is expected to be constant. The calculated age of the plutonium seems to be younger than expected from the run-off of the bulk of GF plutonium. The reason could be a higher mobility of plutonium compared to americium, or the influence of additional non-global fallout plutonium from Chernobyl. In a nuclear reactor 241Pu is produced. The influence of the produced 241Am in the nuclear fuel during the run-time of the reactor is small. Hence, the calculated age refers rather to the release of the plutonium from the reactor than to the production date of the plutonium.
As the 236U concentrations were very close to the detection limits, the uncertainties of the ratios of 236U/238U and the calculated 236U concentration might be higher because of the difficulties with baseline (uranium tailing) corrections. However, a small increase of the 236U/238U ratio can be recognized for the NWT zone in all three lakes and, for Lake Lugano, a further distinct increase in the Chernobyl layer. For Lake Biel, an increase of the 236U/238U ratio occurs in the zone where additional 137Cs from discharges of the nuclear power plant Mühleberg was found (Fig. 5). Figures 10 and 11 show the mass ratio of 236U/239Pu for the sediments for Lake Lugano and Lake Biel. For both lakes, ratios < 0.1 were measured for the NWT zone. For the time period before 1980, the 236U/238U ratios show a trend towards higher ratios up to 0.8–1 with rather high variations. The 236U/238U ratios seem to increase continuously towards the top of the sediment for Lake Biel whereas for Lake Lugano the increase is more abrupt. As for the plutonium age, the reason for the change of the ratio 236U/239Pu could be non global fallout sources or a higher mobility of uranium compared to plutonium. (Srncik et al., 2011) reported 236U/239Pu ratio in soil profiles in a similar range from 0.04 to 0.78, and > 3 in the top most layer (0–2 cm). For global fallout (Sakaguchi et al., 2009) reported 236U/238U atomic ratios for global fallout in a close range between 0.212 and 0.252.
Natural 235U/238U was measured in the sediments of the three lakes. For Lake Lugano and Lake Brienz mostly enriched 234U/238U ratios and for Lake Biel depleted 234U/238U ratios were measured. Depleted 234U/238U ratios (activity ratio < 1) in the sediments can be explained by the alpha recoil effect, which leads to activity ratios > 1 in the water. The reason for activity ratios > 1 can be sorption and precipitation effects of uranium.
The interpretation of the contamination of the Klingnau Reservoir is far more difficult as there are additional inputs from the nuclear power stations Mühleberg, Beznau and the nuclear facility Paul Scherer Institute. An additional plutonium input is of special interest. The 240Pu/239Pu isotope ratio is distinctly lower than expected for global fallout plutonium. The calculated Pu production date (1952–1958) in these layers is older than the age of the sediment from the age-depth relation (1973–1979). The reason could be that Pu was stored and discharged some years later. The measurement and modeling of a few different radionuclide concentrations and their activity ratios helped to find out the origin of the radioactive contamination (Klemt et al., 2021).