The study was carried out as a qualitative content analysis study from September 2020 in the academic year 2020-2021. The three stages of SMART model (Social Marketing Assessment And Response Tool) were implemented namely audience analysis to identify the needs and preferences in students; market analysis to determine elements such as competitors and the elements of marketing mix in regular physical activity field; and channel analysis to determine communication channels and proper ways to implement the program [42].
The participants were selected through purposive sampling method. To ensure the reliability of the collected data, maximum diversity in the participants was ensured. The target group was selected among teenage girls between 12-16 years old in junior high schools of Kermanshah, Iran. Before interviewing, the participants were briefed about the study method, confidentiality of information, and the objective of the study. Data gathering was through semi-structured personal interviews. The interviews were based on the questioning guideline and with observance of health protocols and social distancing during COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, the interviews were based on social marketing mix (4P). Each interview took between 20 to 30min and given the answers, probing questions would be used to motive participants to give more complete answers (e.g. what is the best type of physical activity from your viewpoint? and probing questions like “explain more,” “what do you mean?” “how and why?” and “please give an example?”)
In observance of research ethics, the participants were informed that their voice would be recorded and that all information will remain confidential and used only towards the objectives of study. In addition, the participants were reminded that they can leave the study at any stage. The participants and their parents signed a written form of consent. With the consent of students, the interviews were private and face-to-face at school. It was made sure that the participants felt relaxed during the interview. Sampling was continued until data saturation -i.e. no new information would be found [43]. With 32 interviews with 23 students, five parents (mothers) and four physical education trainers at school, data saturation was achieved.
At the end of each interview, the interview would be summarized and the respondent would be asked to add any last comment if any. The answers by the participants were analyzed using content analysis method. Following each interview and along with data gathering phase, the recorded interviews would be transcribed verbatim and examined along with the field notes. Word processing was done in Microsoft World Software. To achieve a general perception of the interviews, the content would be read for several times. Then, the primary codes would be extracted and through comparing the codes based on the similarities and differences, subcategories would be extracted [33]. The process would be continued to obtain categories. To add to scientific rigor (like data reliability in quantitative studies), specialized methods for qualitative works such as peer review, external review (experts), and participant review were used.
The study was confirmed by the Research Committee, Hamedan University of Medical Sciences (IR.UMSHA.REC.1398.952) and the participants received adequate written and verbal information about the study. All participants gave the informed consent.
The mean ages of the participating students, parents, and physical trainers were 13.8, 46, and 32 years respectively. Other demographic characteristics of the participants are listed in Tables 1 and 2. Following primary coding of the interview text, concept extraction was started and totally, 110 primary codes were extracted. Following data analysis and extraction of primary codes, they were categorized as the four elements of marketing mix (product, price, place, and promotions) and the subcategories (Table 3).
Table 1-Demographic characteristics of participating students
Mean± standard deviation
Has it
Does not have
Table 2- Parental demographic characteristics
Table 3- Participants viewpoints
examples of comments
Ensuring physical health
Prevention of disease
It is good for health and skeletal stability. It improves growth and corrects the bones form.
Ensuring mental health
Acquisition of self-confidence, happiness, less stress, vitality, higher concentration, joy
Exercising is needed for physical and spiritual health and it improves self-confidence. Exercising makes you happier and stronger and it can fill the moments in the day that you have nothing to do.
Facing obstacles
Of course, we should do it during COVID-19 pandemic to remain in shape, prevent cardiac diseases, and work better
Physical activity status
Jogging, jump rope, warm up, and stretching, basketball, volleyball
Jogging is good even for sick people. Any physical activity is good and before anything, it is imperative to worm up and prevent muscle cramp.
Advantages of physical activity
Prevention of disease, body fitness and skeletal growth, vitality, less aggressiveness, less stress
It helps burning fat, it is good for the body and it may be harmful when it does not suit the age. It helps you become taller, have stronger wrists, and have a stronger body.
Personal obstacles
Laziness, lack of family support, physical problems
Laziness prevents physical activity and creates negligence about one’s health. Maybe it is no possible for them to exercise. For example, they are obese and there is no space for physical activity where they live.
Environmental and social obstacles
Lack of space, living in small apartments, long distance to the nearest facility, high cost of going to gyms
Because of COVID-19, people are recommended to stay at home. If you have yard, you can run in a circle at the yard. Going gym was a good option before the pandemic because the environment was motivating. The environment in gym is design to motivate physical activity.
Good place to receive the message
Gyms, educational facilities, cyber space
It depends on the method; you can use online courses or ask someone who has the information; of course, a physical trainer is better
Suitable places for physical activity
Easy access to facilities and equipping all schools with sport equipment
Of course, gym, because there is a trainer and enough equipment to exercise. Public parks and the home are also good.
Using advertisement and proper communication channels
Using environment ads, the TV and Radio, sport celebrities at provincial level, and other celebrities and artists
Cultural work is needed in the society, the media and social network should promote physical activity. Schools also need to promote it.
The media and families can motivate children. The media also affects adults. The environment should also promote this by providing decent environment in public parks.
Influencers on physical activity in teenagers
Parents, trainers, peers, relatives
I would prefer my parents and watching them doing physical activity. I do not like it when older individuals are at the gym.
Using technology
Findings partner
I would say a mobile app that runs at a specific hour of the day to promote exercising
Support services
We should make sure that they are attracted to physical activity and exercising. For instance, we can help them when they do not have enough time to make time.
Students’ comments analyses about the products yielded two subcategories including physical activity status and benefits of physical activity.
Physical activity status:
The participants viewpoints about physical activity (e.g. the best type of physical activity) and their desire to perform such activity indicated that the majority of them would do jugging, rope jump, and stretching on daily basis. “Jugging, running, and warming up are not heavy tasks and can be done every day.” The majority of participants noted that jugging was a common type of physical activity; while some named daily choir at home as physical activity. “Because the body is active and does not rest.” “Any activity that makes us burn energy is considered as physical activity.”
Benefits of physical activity:
The participants listed a wide range of physical and spiritual benefits for physical activities. The majority highlighted prevention of chronic diseases, fitness, better skeletal development, and vitality. “…the mind can concentrate more on the homework and school works and you feel more vitality.”
“It makes you feel more energy and stronger. It can fill the time of the day that you have nothing to do.” Among the main causes of lack of physical activity in the teenagers was seeing no value in life, reluctance to do physical activity, no interest in body fitness, lack of knowledge about the benefits of physical activity, and financial problems.
Mental health appears in different forms such as gaining more self-confidence and feeling more energy, which was mentioned frequently as the benefits of physical activity. “It is a way to use energy, control aggression, and decrease stress.”
The comments by the participants about tangible and intangible prices of physical activity were categorized into two subcategories of personal obstacles and environmental and social obstacles.
Personal obstacles:
The majority of participants mentioned lack of a strong will and laziness, lack of family support, lack of time because of heavy homework, physical problems, and illness. “Even the family has a role to play. They are not interested in their health, or they might be even unaware when they do not motivate the child to have physical activity.” This was one of the obstacles and problems of doing physical activity in teenagers. Some other participants highlighted lack of facilities and required condition to have physical activity. Some mentioned the sexist attitude in the society about physical activity in girls as a reason for lack of physical activity in teenage girls. “Some believe that physical activity and exercising such as martial sports are not good for girls.”
Parents are the main factors in lack of physical activity in teenagers and the long hours with mobile phone spent in social media. “Mobile phone and social networks keep my daughter busy all day and stops her from doing physical activity.” Some noted that having no sibling was a reason for lack of physical activity.
Social and environmental obstacles:
This category refers to the social and environmental factors that limit physical activity in individual. All participants highlighted lack of facilities such as space for doing physical activity. For instance, there is no enough space in the neighborhood and the nearest sport facility is too far. Some others mentioned financial problems and expensive gyms.
This category refers to the place that girl students prefer being exposed to physical activity messages or the place that they want to do physical activity. The extracted codes were categorized into two subcategories including a good place to receive the message, and a good place to do physical activity.
A good place to receive message:
Facilities in public places are opportunities to transfer knowledge. The majority of participants mentioned that schools, gyms, the media, and social networks are good places to receive messages. “It depends on the method. You search the Internet or ask an individual who has the knowledge. I prefer asking a sport trainer in person.”
Some mentioned city billboards or holding public sport events to promote physical activity.
There are factors in the environment that can motivate teenagers to have physical activity. For instance, public transportation facilities are good places for sending the message. “If there are bicycles on sidewalks for rent, I might be motivated to use them instead of taking a cab. The fact that there is only cab and everyone use it, makes it a norm to only use cab for transportation.”
Good places for physical activity:
The majority of participant mentioned that going to gyms was a good idea and some found public parks a better place given the open space and availability sport facilities at parks. Some others mentioned that green spaces and using body building equipment were good for doing physical activity. “A good point in gyms is that there is a trainer and you can learn the right way of practicing.” Some rejected the idea of doing sport in open spaces because of COVID-19 pandemic. “I don’t like going outside for doing sport during the pandemic. You can practice at home or run in the yard.”
“The best place for physical activity is a gym as there is no limitation for physical activity and no one would interrupt you.” “The gym environment is designed for doing physical activity so that you only think about practicing.”
From the parents and school officials’ viewpoint, the best places for doing exercise are school and gym. Going gym was recommended if there was a specific hour for it.
Promotion is to use different methods to give awareness and motivate teenagers. Two subcategories were found in promotion namely “advertisement strategy” and “influencers on teenagers.”
Using advertisement and efficient channels:
The majority of participants noted that face-to-face sessions, SHAD social network Telegram, the Internet and asking individuals with regular physical activity or a trainer were the best channels.
Influencers of physical activity in teenagers:
The majority of participants mentioned parents and school instructors as good influencers. Some mentioned family members (parents and siblings), relative, friends, health clinic, and medical staff. “… My father motivates me.” Some said that they do not receive that much motivation from others. “I usually do the opposite; therefore, I prefer not being motivated by others.”
Accepting peers as role models was an efficient factor in doing regular physical activity. “At this age, the peers have a special influence on you and they can guide you towards good things.” Some mentioned that only successful peers in terms of school lessons and morality can be role models and motivate them to do physical activity. “If she is a good girl and good at her lessons, she can be my role model for physical activity.”
Use of technology:
One of the ways to improve healthy behaviors is to use new educational media like the Internet, mobile phones, and applications. Social networks applications were mentioned by the participants as ways to promote physical activity. “An application to explain the right way of doing physical activity and designed to be activated at a specific hour of the day can be a good solution.”