Compositional attributes
Species composition
From the total 143 plots of 0.25 ha (35.75 ha area) of three temperate forest types of Kashmir Himalaya, India, altogether 7808 trees (≥ 10cm DBH) were enumerated, which belonged to 13 species, 13 genera and 8 plant families. Tree density was lowest (191.25 ha-1) in BP forest, moderate (228.92ha-1) in MC forest and maximal (232.72ha-1) in SA forest (Table 1).
The species richness in three forest types varied from five species in SA forest and six in BP to a maximum of ten species in the MC forest. Out of 13 species, seven (53.9 %) were hardwood deciduous species, while the remaining six were evergreen coniferous species. One singleton species Robinia pseudoacacia, with just a single individual across the landscape, was confined to MC forest. Furthermore, uniques (species restricted to only one sample plot), two in BP forest (Populus nigra and Juglans regia) and three in MC forest (Juglans regia, Aesculus indica and Robinia pseudoacacia) were present. One duplicate (species present in only two sample plots) occurred in MC forest. However, no uniques or duplicates occurred in SA forest. Besides species richness in BP and SA forests, diversity indices varied across forest types. MC forest being most diverse, has eminent H՛ (1.1), D (0.6) and S (2.1) indices among the three forest types. The D scores unveiled just 37 % randomly chosen pairs consist of different species indicating overall low diversity across the landscape. Regression analysis displayed an influence of elevation on species count within forest types (R2BP = 0.04, R2MC = 0.02, R2SA = 0.05) and also across the landscape (R2 = 0.07). Moreover, the number of species displayed a significant positive correlation with elevation (rs = 0.237, p ˂ 0.01) and density (rs = 0.18, p ˂ 0.05). Abundance scores revealed that BP and SA forests are monospecific dominant forest dominated by Pinus wallichiana (60.23%) and Abies pindrow (76.44%), respectively, whereas, MC forest dominance was shared by Abies pindrow (46.12%; dominant) and Pinus wallichiana (38.77%; codominant). Three species Abies pindrow, Pinus wallichiana and Picea smithiana were widespread and occurred in all three forest types (Table 1).
Table 1 Summary of tree inventory in low-level blue pine (BP), mixed conifer (MC) and subalpine (SA) forests of temperate Kashmir Himalaya, India
BP forest
MC forest
SA forest
Tree abundance on plots (area sampled in ha)
1529 (8)
4460 (19.5)
1919 (8.25)
7908 (35.75)
Tree density (stems ha-1)
Mean DBH (cm)
Max. DBH (cm)
Total basal area (m2)
Basal area (m2 ha-1)
Total no. of species
Dominant species & % abundance
Pinus wallichiana ;60.23%
Abies pindrow; 46.12% & Pinus wallichiana; 38.77%
Abies pindrow; 76.45%
Abies pindrow;46.51% & Pinus wallichiana;37.41%
Diversity indices
Species richness (d=S/N1/2)
Shannon-Weaver Index (H՛)
Simpson diversity Index (D)
Fisher's α index (S)
No. of evergreen species, their abundance and %
4, 1521, 99.48
5, 4423, 99.17
3, 1879, 97.86
6, 7822, 98.91
No. of deciduous species, their abundance and %
2, 8, 0.52%
5, 37, 0.83 %
2, 41, 2.13 %
There were no predictable contrasts in tree community composition due to a strong overlap among the studied forest types (Stress = 0.08; R2 = 0.99). Out of 13 tree species documented, just three species were shared among the three forest types (Fig. 2).
One-way non-parametric ANOSIM revealed an overall compositional dissimilarity among forest types (R = 0.12; p = 0.001). Pairwise examination of forest types indicated that structural composition of BP forest varied considerably from MC (p ˂ 0.001) and SA (p ˂ 0.001) forests, although there were no noteworthy distinctions between MC and SA forest (p = 0.8) combinations. (Fig. S1).
Species accumulation and rarefaction curves
Species accumulation curve of BP, MC and SA forests for sampled plots 32, 78 and 33 respectively exhibited a monotonic increase and reached more or less an asymptote indicating that sufficient area was sampled (Fig. S2). In contrast to BP and MC forests, species-area curve of SA forest levelled off quickly after 4.25 ha (17 plots) of sampling. The number of species ranged from five to ten across the three forest types with six, ten and five species in BP, MC and SA forests, respectively. In BP and MC forests, 50 % of species were trapped within 12.5 % (1 ha) and 12.8 % (2.5 ha) sampled area, whereas it looks only slightly greater than 6.06 % (0.5 ha) area to capture 60 % of species count in SA forest. Plot-based rarefaction curves of BP, MC and SA forests attained an asymptote and the number of individuals to attain maximal within plot diversity ranged from just one to ˂ 50 individuals. Bi-plot species richness in MC forest was maximum for plot MC-54 with five species, while in SA and BP forests with a maximum of four and three species in 4th/8th/17th and 7th/28th plots, respectively (Fig. 3).
Important value index (IVI), and family composition
Across the landscape, three abundant and frequent species; Abies pindrow (46.4 %), Pinus wallichiana (36.2 %) and Picea smithiana (11.0 %) shared > 90 % of IVI. Pinus wallichiana (206.1) among the species inventoried in BP forest exhibited maximum IVI followed by Cedrus deodara (45.2) and Abies pindrow (25.7). However, in MC and SA forests Abies pindrow (135.7; 216.7) followed by Pinus wallichiana (108.4; 46.8) were the most important species.
The tree species enumerated across landscape belonged to a total of eight families with three evergreen and five deciduous species. Taxonomically, Pinaceae was the most diverse and abundant family with four (30 %) species accounting for more than 98 % of total tree abundance, followed by Betulaceae and Sapindaceae with two species each. A significant variation in family richness was observed among the three forest types (F = 7.77, p = 0.0004). Among the forest types, MC was most diverse and speciose forest comprising of 10 species of seven families and 4460 tree individuals as compared to BP and SA forests with six and five species, respectively. At landscape level, five families harboured single species. Apart from being the only family common to all the three forest types, the Pinaceae was dominant (FIVBP = 293.59; FIVMC = 278.75 and FIVSA = 284.57), followed by Salicaceae (FIV = 3.33), Sapindaceae (FIV = 6.90) and Betulaceae (FIV = 14.40) in BP, MC and SA forest respectively (Table S1).
Cluster analysis
In BP forest, the optimal number of clusters with maximal average Silhouette width represented two major clusters excluding an outlier (BP-1), which appeared as a distinct cluster (Fig 4a). Two-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for the distribution of individuals among the clusters proved to be insignificant (D = 0.67, p = 0.14).
In MC forest, irrespective of a couple of outliers (MC-41 and MC-47), two principal clusters with an agglomerative coefficient of 0.8 seemed to be more informative as per the average Silhouette method (Fig. 4b). Nevertheless, in relation to BP forest, statistical analysis unveiled an insignificant distribution of individuals between the clusters (D = 0.3, p = 0.75) in MC forest. SA forest, in contrast to BP and SA forests, formed a single large cluster with a relatively low agglomerative coefficient of 0.7 (Fig 4c).
Structural heterogeneity
Stand density and basal area (BA)
The cumulative tree density and BA of the study plots from the three temperate forests were 7908 individuals and 2226.9 m2 in 35.6 ha area (Table 2). Tree density and BA ranged from a low of 72 stems ha-1 in SA forest to as high as 924 stems ha-1 in BP forest and 13.0 m2 ha-1 and 125.7 m2 ha-1 BA in MC forest respectively.
Tree density did not vary significantly among the three forest types (F = 1.159, p = 0.317). In BP forest, mean stand density (191.1 ± 29.2 stems ha-1) was lower than overall mean stand density (221.2 ± 10.6 stems ha-1 ) in contrast to MC forest (228.7 ± 12.8 stems ha-1) and SA forest (232.6 ± 20.6 stems ha-1). Furthermore, stand density in sampled plots of MC and SA forests, ranged from 72 – 632 stems ha-1 and 72 – 628 stems ha-1 respectively whereas, it was markedly greater 72 – 924 stems ha-1 in BP forest.
A considerably significant variation in BA was obtained across the three forest types (F = 9.824, p ˂ 0.001) principally contributed by BP-SA and MC-BP forest pairs (Fig. S3a). Tree BA was maximum 74.5 ± 4.5 m2 ha-1 in SA forest followed by 63.8 ± 2.9 m2 ha-1 and 46.0 ± 3.6 m2 ha-1 in MC and BP forests respectively. Further, mean BA in MC and SA forest stands was more remarkable than landscape-level mean stand BA (62.3 ± 2.2 m2 ha-1). Although BA displayed different elevation patterns within three forest types, BA across the landscape showed a hump-shaped pattern, which decreased rapidly towards the end with elevation.
Density and diversity-diameter class distribution pattern
Tree density, species count and H՛ followed an inverse trend with larger diameter classes from 10 – 270 cm leading to nearly a hierarchical pattern. Nonetheless, species occurrence rate defined as the ratio of species count to density increased proportionally with increasing diameter class. Notably, the contribution of the lowest diameter class was 26.3 % to all individuals inventoried and 92.3 % to all total species count encountered (Table S2). Moreover, an insignificant dissimilarity is evident in the share of trees segregated into 12 diameter classes to density (F = 0.07294, p = 0.9298) and number of species (F = 1.018, p = 0.3725).
The density-diameter distribution followed the above-generalised pattern, besides 30 – 50 cm and 10 – 30 cm classes in BP and MC forests, respectively, in which density of former class was less than the subsequent diameter class. Relative distribution of density to various diameter classes revealed that threshold diameter class (10 – 30 cm) in BP forest shared 38 % of all individuals whereas, it was only 24.57 % and 22.76 % in SA and MC forests. Notably, in MC forest, 60 – 90 cm class scored 3.36 % greater density than lowest diameter class.
Species diameter-dominance does not show much variation in three forests. Although species diameter-dominance does not vary in SA forest (10 – 190 cm), BP and MC forests displayed a shift from Pinus wallichiana (10 – 110 cm) to Abies pindrow (110 – 150 cm) and again to Pinus wallichiana (190 – 210 cm), and Abies pindrow (10 – 170 cm) to Picea smithiana (170 – 230 cm), respectively (Table S2).
The relative distribution of species and H՛ to lower diameter class among three forests ranged from a low of four (in BP forest) and 0.64 (in SA forest) to 10 (in MC forest) and 1.20 (in BP forest). In contrast to MC and SA forests, species count was maximum in diameter class subsequent to threshold diameter class in BP forest. Similarly, besides MC forest, H՛ scores in BP and SA forests were maximum in diameter classes (90 – 110 cm & 50 – 70 cm) rather than threshold diameter class. Maximum species count reduction with diameter class was displayed in MC forest (ten-fold), followed by SA forest (five-fold) and least in BP forest (four-fold). Species occurrence rate scores among three forests were maximum in MC forest in 170 – 190 cm class followed by SA forest in 250 – 270 cm and BP forest in 190 – 210 cm class. 3.2.1. The forest stand-structural heterogeneity
Abundance-based stand structure of BP, MC and SA forests exhibited a reverse J-shaped pattern with abundance frequency distribution declining with respect to increasing diameter class (Fig. 5). The difference in the distribution of individuals to various size classes was significant (Kruskal-Wallis χ2 = 32.06; df = 11; p = 0.0007) among the three forest types (Fig. S3b). More than 50 % of individuals fell within the first three diameter classes. The lowest diameter class (10-30 cm) share to abundance in MC forest accounted for 22.8 %, lower than two successive diameter classes, i.e., 30 – 50 cm (26.1 %) and 50 – 70 cm (26.1 %); nonetheless, the trend is quite reverse in BP and MC forests. Although the diameter class distribution pattern in SA and BP forests were more or less similar, there was a sharp decline in MC forest due to very dense first three diameter classes than other two forests. Among the forest types, mean DBH was maximum in SA forest (55.1 cm) followed by MC forest (52.6 cm) and least in BP forest (47.0 cm), thus indicating greater frequency of large-diameter class trees as compared to small-sized trees in SA forest. Moreover, trees with maximum DBH across sampled plots were found in SA forest. Except for one or more diameter class gaps in
all three forest types, none of them harboured even a single tree in 230 – 250 cm class, although 250 – 270 cm size class featured in SA forest.
Nevertheless, with regard to BA, stand structure unveiled an asymmetric Gaussian or bell-shaped curve with a smaller BA in highly dense lower diameter class, reaching a maximal between 70 – 110 cm class across the forest types, and lowered towards the end. Distribution of BA to various diameter classes among the three forest types varied significantly (Kruskal-Wallis χ2 = 31.26; df = 11; p = 0.001, Fig. S3c). The R2 values for abundance and BA varied between 0.64 to 0.80 and 0.37 to 0.39, respectively, for BP and SA forests and were found statistically significant in all three forest types (Fig. 5).
Stem size heterogeneity of dominant species
Structural heterogeneity of top three dominant species drawn by analysing diameter class frequency distribution and BA varied within species in three forest types (Fig. S4). By forest type, dominant species with maximum abundance also varied: Pinus wallichiana in BP forest and Abies pindrow in both MC and SA forests. Generally, the abundance of each dominant species in three forest types declined with size class increase. However, structural pattern ranged from perfect ‘L’ or reverse J-shaped distribution in Abies pindrow and Picea smithiana within MC and SA forests to asymmetric inverse J-shaped curve holding at a minimum one missing or less dense size class other than lower size class as in Cedrus deodara. Moreover, an inverse J-shaped pattern with lesser number of individuals in threshold diameter-class than subsequent classes, as depicted in Pinus wallichiana and Abies pindrow in BP forest and asymmetric normal or bell-shape resulted from the preponderance of individuals in middle size class as displayed in Pinus wallichiana within SA forest. The regression coefficient (R2) with level of significance (p) value for abundance varied from species to species. The R2 with p-value ranged from 0.505 to 0.933 with p ˂ 0.001 to ˂ 0.05. Notably, the highest R2 with p-values was 0.933 with p ˂ 0.001 for Picea smithiana in MC forest indicating a highly significant correlation between the size class and abundance.
The BA distribution followed a trend of asymmetric Gaussian or normal curves for all dominant species except Picea smithiana from MC forest (Fig. S4b). Tree species with the maximal BA were the same with maximum abundance, thus alluded to a considerable number of individuals in higher diameter classes. The BA R2 with p-value ranged from 0.123 for Cedrus deodara in BP forest with p ˂ 0.001 and Pinus wallichiana in SA forest with p ˂ 0.05, to 0.244 with p = 0.08 for Abies pindrow in BP forest.
Distribution patterns
Variables on the PCA plot diagram are scattered based on their correlations. A longer distance between origin and projected variable as in mean BA, H՛, and smaller angles among the variables respectively indicated a greater quality of the variable and relevance among one another (Fig. 6). The mean DBH, mean BA, H՛ and also species count, and S (although less than the former three) exhibited high cos2 values, thus well represented and were positioned adjacent to the perimeter. However, more than two components were required to thoroughly interpret the variables closer to the point of commencement.
Eigenvalues, an estimate of the magnitude of total inertia retained by each dimension, were examined to determine the estimated number of dimensions. As eigenvalues consistently decrease with the number of dimensions, the top five principal components with eigenvalues above one accounted for more than 80% of total inertia, hereafter the residual scores were comparatively insignificant and were analogous to one another (Fig. 7). For axis-1, the most significantly associated variables were H՛, species count, S, elevation and density with p ˂ 0.0001, thus interpreted as diversity axis, as diversity indices explained > 80% of inertia of the given axis. The below expected average contribution variables followed the order: UTM-E (Universal Transverse Mercator easting) ˂ slope ˂ UTM-N (Universal Transverse Mercator northing) ˂ aspect ˂ mean BA ˂ density ˂ mean DBH՛ ˂ elevation. Nonetheless, variables such as mean BA, mean DBH, density, etc., were significantly associated with axis 2 (p ˂ 0.0001). However, lower scores of the order of magnitude were UTME-E ˂ slope ˂ UTM-N ˂ aspect ˂ mean BA ˂ density ˂ elevation ˂ mean DBH. Although significant variables contribute >85% of total inertia to axis 2, altogether 23.6% of total inertia or variance was interpreted by dimension-2. Subsequent dimensions lacked considerable interpretation power.
Individual plots and variables positioned on the same side indicated a high value of the latter for the former and vice versa. In Fig. 7, most of the BP forest plots were concentrated opposite to diversity indices (species count, H՛, and S indices) and elevation and in positive direction with well-represented dominance and poorly interpreted aspect and UTM-E; in contrast, most of the plots of MC forest were scattered almost all over the factor map. Further, projection points of some SA and MC forests plots scattered in the direction of mean DBH, mean BA, and also towards density, UTM-N and slope projection, thus indicated an association between stand characteristics and location features.
Among all documented variables, elevation and slope formed the principal environmental factors restricting the tree abundance and species distribution as indicated by the length of projections in the CCA plot (Fig. 7). Eigenvalues for the first two axes were 0.21 (CCA1) and 0.09 (CCA2) with a total of 93.59 % of explained inertia of tree species variability (p = 0.001; Table 2). The first axis (CCA1) explained 63.81 % of data inertia and was mainly related to elevation, thus separating low elevation tree species (Cedrus deodara, Robinia pseudoacacia, Aesculus indica, etc.) from higher ones (p = 0.001), mainly Betula utilis (Table 2). Similarly, the second axis (CCA2) was related to the rest of the variables, particularly slope (p = 0.008) and interpreted 29.78 % of the explained variance. However, the second axis mainly bifurcated tree species of steep (Taxus baccata and Acer caesium) and gentle slopes (Juniperus macropoda, Cedrus deodara, etc.; Fig. 7).
Table 2 Summary of CCA analysis. (VIF; variance inflation factor, UTM-E; universal transverse Mercator-easting, UTM-N; universal transverse Mercator-northing)
Eigenvalue (% explained inertia)
0.21 (63.81)
0.098 (29.78)
0.013 (3.95)
0.006 (1.82)
0.002 (0.60)
Permutation test for testing significance of CCA model
Permutation test the significance of first CCA-axis
Permutation test for testing significance of environmental variables