Whole-rock and mode compositions
The products of the 2011 eruptions (2011-2SGP, 2011-3SGP, 2011-4VB, 2011-5VL and 2011-7VL) were found to have andesite composition (SiO2 = 57–58 wt.%), which is similar to that of 1716-17GP (Table 2; Fig. 2). 2011-2SWP has a dacite composition (SiO2 = 63 wt.%), which is similar to 1716-17WP. Suzuki et al. (2013b) concluded that most of the ejecta from the 2011 eruptions are mixed magma products (SiO2 = 57–58 wt.%, 960–980 ºC) of felsic mgama (silicic andesite having SiO2 = 62–63 wt.% and 870 ºC) and mafic magma (basaltic andesite having SiO2 = 55 wt.% and 1030 ºC). The products of the 2011 eruptions (2011-2SGP, 2011-3SGP, 2011-4VB, 2011-5VL, and 2011-7VL) with andesite composition are therefore mixed products and 2011-2SWP, with a dacite composition, was derived from the silicic andesite magma chamber.
The products of the 2018 eruptions have SiO2 content of 58–59 wt.% and K2O content of 1.6–1.7 wt.%, which is similar or a little more evolved than 2011-2SGP and 2011-3SGP. However, the porous gray lava samples from the 2018 eruptions (2018-4L3 and 2018-4L5) (Table 2; Fig. 2) have similar chemical compositions to 2011-2SWP. This result indicates that two different magmas that were similar to those from 2011 and 1716–17 were erupted in 2018; one an andesitic magma with SiO2 = 57–59 wt.% and K2O = 1.5–1.7 wt% and the other dacite with SiO2 = 63 wt.% and K2O = 2.4–2.5 wt%. This suggests that the same magma system was present in 1716–17 and 2018. On the other hand, the major-element composition of 1235S is basaltic andesite and is similar to lava from the 7 ka eruption at Takachihonomine (Table 2). 2011-2SGP and 2011-3SGP are composed of 20–21 vol% plagioclase phenocrysts, 1–2 vol% clinopyroxene- and orthopyroxene phenocrysts, < 1 vol% olivine phenocrysts, < 1 vol% Fe-Ti oxides, and 72–74 vol% groundmass (Additional file 1). 2011-2SWP has a mode composition similar to the subplinian gray pumice. 2011-4VB, 2011-5VL, 2011-6VA, and 2011-7VL also have mode compositions that are similar to those of the subplinian gray pumices from January 2011, but their groundmass contents (66–71 vol%) are slightly lower. The porosities of products from the subplinian eruptions (42–54 vol% of 2011 levels at -2 to -4) are a little higher than those of the vulcanian bomb, ash, and lapilli (2–40 vol% of 2011 levels at -4 to -7; Additional file 1). 2018-1VGP and 2018-2VGP are composed of 20–22 vol% plagioclase phenocrysts, 8 vol% clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene phenocrysts, < 1 vol% Fe-Ti oxides, and 70–72 vol% groundmass (Additional file 1). 2018-1VS and 2018-2VS have slightly less plagioclase (16–17 vol%) and a slightly higher pyroxene content (11 vol% clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene phenocrysts) than the vulcanian gray pumices, although they have similar groundmass contents (72–73 vol%). The groundmass contents of 2018-4L1, 2018-4L2 (67–69 vol%), and 2018-4L3 (54 vol%) are lower than those of the vulcanian gray pumices and scoria. 2018-4L3 has the highest phenocryst content of 46 vol% (and the lowest groundmass content of 54 vol%). Considering its andesite composition (SiO2 = 62.65 wt.%; Table 2), it is likely a silicic andesite end member (SiO2 = 62–63 wt% and 43 vol% phenocryst content) estimated by Suzuki et al. (2013b). The pumices, scoria, and lava from the 2018 eruptives contain no olivine phenocrysts, except for 2018-2VS with olivine phenocrysts of less than 1 vol% (Additional file 1). The rare olivine phenocrysts in 2018-2VS have a reaction rim composed of orthopyroxene (Additional file 2l). These observations suggest that olivine could not stabilize in the 2018 magma chamber.
Chemical compositions of minerals and groundmasses
The cores of the plagioclase phenocrysts (hereafter “plagioclase-phenocryst cores”) in the 2011 eruption products have variable composition (An42 − 94) with major An84 − 94 and An50 − 62 populations (Fig. 3a). The two populations indicate that mafic magma has been mixed with high-An plagioclases, and felsic magma with low-An plagioclases. Significant variation was also observed in the rims of the plagioclase-phenocrysts (hereafter “plagioclase-phenocryst rims”) with two peaks at around An50 − 60 and An66 − 76 (Fig. 3b). In contrast, the plagioclase cores (< 0.1 mm) in the groundmass (hereafter “groundmass-plagioclase cores”) show variation of An40 − 90 with only one peak observed (Fig. 3c). The small variation indicates that the groundmass is a mixed product. In comparison, the significant variation observed in the plagioclase-phenocryst rims suggests that the plagioclase phenocrysts did not regrow after mixing, implying that the eruption occurred soon after mixing occurred. Similar variations are observed in the plagioclase-phenocryst cores (An44 − 91) and rims (An50 − 90), and in the groundmass-plagioclase cores (An57 − 88) of the 2018 products (Fig. 3a-c). This similarity indicates that the magmas that were erupted in 2011 and 2018 formed via mixing of the same end-member magmas. Of the 222 plagioclase phenocrysts from 2011, 10% (2011-1PP to 2011-7VL) have rims reaching more than 0.1 mm in length (Additional file 2), while 28% of the 85 plagioclase phenocrysts in the 2018 products have such wide rims. The increase in the fraction of plagioclases with wide rims suggests that the magma chamber was able to crystallize over this period. Clinopyroxene-phenocrysts from the 2011 products have cores of Wo34 − 45En40−47Fs13−20 and Mg#70–77 (Fig. 3g), and rims of Wo33 − 45En40−50Fs13−19 and Mg#70–80 (Fig. 3h), while the groundmass-clinopyroxene cores show Wo15 − 44En34−62Fs13−36 and significant variation in Mg# (Mg#60–76) (Fig. 3i). Similar variations are observed in the clinopyroxenes from the 2018 eruptions (phenocryst cores of Wo39 − 46En38−45Fs14−18 and Mg# 69–76, phenocryst rims of Wo38 − 46En37−46Fs14−18 and Mg# 68–76, and groundmass-clinopyroxene cores of Wo12 − 43En40−64 Fs12 − 28 and Mg# 67–79; Fig. 3g-i). The similar chemical composition of the clinopyroxene-phenocryst cores from 2011 and 2018 indicates that these clinopyroxenes were from the same source.
The orthopyroxene-phenocrysts in the 2011 products have cores of Wo1 − 6En61 − 77Fs21−36 and Mg#63–79, and rims of Wo2 − 5En62 − 74Fs23−38 and Mg#62–76 (Fig. 3j-k), with the groundmass-orthopyroxene cores showing similar composition (Wo2 − 11En57−74Fs22−35 and Mg# 60–76), (Fig. 4l). The Mg# is bimodally distributed in the orthopyroxene-phenocryst rims (Mg#64–68 and Mg#72–74; Fig. 3e). Most of the groundmass-orthopyroxene cores show a peak at Mg#70–74. The high-Mg# orthopyroxene-phenocryst rims therefore appear to have grown simultaneously with the formation of the groundmass-orthopyroxene cores. The low-Mg# rims on some of the orthopyroxene phenocrysts indicates that the period between mixing and eruption was too short to allow high-Mg# rims to grow on all phenocrysts. Orthopyroxene phenocrysts from the 2018 eruptions have cores of Wo2 − 4En61 − 75Fs22−37 and Mg# 62–77 and rims of Wo2 − 5En61 − 74Fs23−36 and Mg# 63–77 with groundmass-orthopyroxene cores of Wo2 − 8En63 − 76Fs20−34 and Mg# 65–79 (Fig. 3j-k). The orthopyroxene-phenocryst cores show bimodal Mg# distribution, similar to those in the 2011 products (Fig. 3j), indicating that the magmas that were erupted in 2011 and 2018 formed by mixing of the same end-member magmas. Although the orthopyroxene-phenocryst rims have bimodal Mg# distribution in the same manner as the 2011 samples (Mg#64–68 and Mg#72–74; Fig. 4e), more high-Mg# (Mg#72–74) orthopyroxene-phenocryst rims formed as compared to 2011. This discrepancy suggests that the high-Mg# orthopyroxene-phenocryst rims from the 2018 samples were able to grow in the magma chamber over the period 2011–2018.
All clinopyroxene phenocrysts in the 2011 products observed in this study have rims of less than 0.05 mm (Additional file 2). On the other hand, 13% of the 68 clinopyroxene phenocrysts from 2018 have rims reaching more than 0.05 mm in length, and the maximum width of the clinopyroxene-phenocryst rims from the 2018 eruptions is 0.16 mm. The fraction of orthopyroxene phenocryst with rims larger than 0.05 mm increased from 3% in 2011 (130) to 21% in 2018 (82). The maximum width of the orthopyroxene-phenocryst rims also increased from 0.07 mm in 2011 to 0.16 mm in 2018. The increases in the numbers of clinopyroxenes and orthopyroxenes with wide rims and the maximum width of the rims from 2011 to 2018 suggest that the magma chamber crystallized over time, as did the plagioclase-phenocryst rims.
The olivine phenocrysts in the 2011 products have core compositions of Fo74 − 80 (Fig. 3d). The olivine-phenocryst rims and groundmass-olivine cores from 2011 vary more (Fo60 − 76 and Fo52 − 78, respectively) than the olivine-phenocryst cores in terms of composition (Fig. 3e and 3f). The olivine phenocrysts have rims that show normal zoning with widths of less than 0.06 mm (Additional file 2), while olivine phenocrysts are rarely observed in the 2018 products (Additional file 1) and the phenocrysts that are present (2) have large orthopyroxene rims (Additional file 2l). No groundmass-olivines were found in the 2018 products. These observations indicate that the physical and chemical conditions during the formation of the 2018 magma were not stable enough for olivines to form.
The groundmasses of the eruption products from January 2011 (2011-1PP, 2011-2SGP, and 2011-3SGP) have andesite compositions: 61–62 wt% SiO2, and 2.1–2.2 wt% K2O (normalized to volatile-free basis; Additional file 3; Fig. 4), except for 2011-2SWP, which has a rhyolitic composition (71 wt% SiO2, and 3.8 wt% K2O; Additional file 3; Fig. 4). The groundmasses of the products from February 2011 (2011-4VB and 2011-5VL) have slightly SiO2- and K2O-rich compositions (63–64 wt% SiO2 and 2.4 wt% K2O) compared to the subplinian gray pumices. The groundmasses in the eruption products from March-August 2011 (2011-6VA to 2011-9A) have richer SiO2 and K2O compositions (62–65 wt% SiO2 and 2.0–2.8 wt% K2O), except 2011-8A (GG-type). The groundmass of 2011-8A (GG-type) has a highly evolved composition (68 wt% SiO2 and 3.5 wt% K2O), which is similar to that of 2011-2SWP. These results indicate that the melt in the magma chamber gradually transformed to a high-SiO2 and -K2O composition between January and August 2011. The groundmasses of 2018-1VGP, 2018-1VS, 2018-2VGP, 2018-2VS, and 2018-4 L1 and L2 (dark-gray and lithic lava) have a dacite composition: 64–66 wt% SiO2, and 2.5–2.9 wt% K2O (Additional file 5; Fig. 4). These compositions are similar to or a little evolved compared to the eruptive products from March–August 2011. This similarity suggests that the melt in the 2018 magma was a remnant of the melt in the 2011 magma. On the other hand, the groundmass of 2018-4L3 (gray and porous lava) has a rhyolite composition (75 wt% SiO2, and 4.5 wt% K2O; Additional file 3; Fig. 4), which is the highest SiO2 and K2O contents among the groundmasses observed in the 2011–2018 products.
Melt inclusions
Four melt inclusions from 1235S, 16 inclusions from 1716-17GP, 79 inclusions in the 2011 eruptive products (2011-1PP to 2011-7VL), and 24 inclusions from 2018-1VGP were analyzed in this study (Table 1; Table 3; Additional file 4). Most inclusions are glassy, but several contain minerals and/or bubbles, and are found in the olivine, clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene, plagioclase, and ilmenite phenocrysts (Table 3; Additional file 4). Most inclusions are elliptical or quadrilateral in shape and range from 0.01 to 0.15 mm in diameter (Fig. 5). BSE images of the melt inclusions in the olivines show overgrowth of 1–2 µm. The chemical compositions of these inclusions were corrected for post-entrapment crystallization by adding the host-olivine component until an olivine-melt equilibrium was reached, assuming that KD = 0.30 (Roedder and Emslie 1970; Saito et al. 2010). Olivine overgrowth of 0–5.3 wt% was estimated via this method (Table 3; Additional file 4).
One inclusion found in an olivine from 1235S has andesite composition (59 wt% SiO2 and 1 wt% K2O) while three inclusions in the clinopyroxenes from 1235S have dacite composition (63–68 wt% SiO2 and 1–2 wt% K2O) (Table 3; Fig. 6). Sixteen inclusions in 1716-17GP have dacite to rhyolite compositions (62–76 wt% SiO2 and 2–5 wt% K2O; Table 3; Fig. 6; Additional file 4). Inclusions from the 2011 eruptions can be divided into two types: andesite inclusions in olivine phenocrysts (34 inclusions) with 53–62 wt% SiO2 and 1–3 wt% K2O, and dacite-rhyolite inclusions in the plagioclase, clinopyroxene, and orthopyroxene phenocrysts (8 inclusions with 72–75 wt% SiO2 and 4–5 wt% K2O in the plagioclase phenocrysts, 18 inclusions with 68–76 wt% SiO2 and 3–7 wt% K2O in the clinopyroxene phenocrysts, and 17 inclusions with 68–78 wt% SiO2 and 3–5 wt% K2O in the orthopyroxene phenocrysts). The inclusions from the 2018 eruptions have andesite to rhyolite compositions; 6 inclusions in the plagioclase phenocrysts have 72–73 wt% SiO2 and 4 wt% K2O, 6 inclusions in the clinopyroxene phenocrysts have 71–76 wt% SiO2 and 4–5 wt% K2O, and 12 inclusions in the orthopyroxene phenocrysts have 60–75 wt% SiO2 and 2–4 wt% K2O. The chemical composition of the andesite and rhyolite inclusions did not differ greatly (Fig. 4). Less-evolved chemical compositions of < 60 wt% SiO2 and < 2 wt% K2O in the 2011 samples were not observed in the inclusions from 2018, which have intermediate compositions rather than the andesite and dacite-rhyolite inclusions observed in the 2011 eruptives.
Significant variation is observed in the H2O, CO2, and S contents of the andesite inclusions within the olivine phenocrysts, which range from 1.4 to 7.0 wt% for H2O (by SIMS), from 0.001 to 0.054 wt% for CO2, and from 0.019 to 0.170 wt% S (Fig. 8; Table 3; Additional file 4). These large variations are uncorrelated with the SiO2 and K2O contents of the inclusions, indicating that the differences were not the result of fractional crystallization. Furthermore, inclusions with high H2O content (> 4 wt%) have high S content (0.148–0.170 wt%; Fig. 8; Table 3). These results indicate that the observed variation may have been caused by the exsolution of H2O and S from the andesite melt. On the other hand, relatively small variation was observed in the Cl content of the inclusions (0.053–0.092 wt%), except for 2 inclusions in 11-4V-p8i1 and 11-1P-p1I1 that have high Cl contents (0.165 wt% and 0.121 wt%, respectively). These high Cl content inclusions are accompanied by high SiO2 and K2O contents (61.80 wt% SiO2 and 2.91 wt% K2O and 61.16 wt% SiO2 and 2.84 wt% K2O, respectively), suggesting that the increase in the Cl contents was due to crystallization.
Large variation is also observed in the H2O, CO2, and Cl contents of the dacite-rhyolite inclusions from the 2011 eruptions, which range from 1.4 to 4.8 wt% for H2O (by SIMS), 0.002 to 0.048 wt% for CO2, and 0.040 to 0.166 wt% for Cl (Fig. 8; Table 3; Additional file 4). These large variations are uncorrelated with the SiO2 and K2O contents in the same inclusions, indicating that the differences were not caused by fractional crystallization but were rather the result of degassing in the dacite-rhyolite melt. Most of the inclusions have S contents of less than 0.02 wt%, although four of the samples: 11-1P-p7i1, 11-4V-p6i1, 11-4V-p7i1, and 11-4V-p12i1 have inclusion S contents of 0.034–0.061 wt% S. These inclusions with relatively high S contents and low SiO2 contents (67.85–70.35 wt%; Table 3; Additional file 4) suggest that the high S contents were the result of mixing high S content mafic melt with rhyolite melt.
The andesite-rhyolite inclusions in the 2018 eruptions also show large variations in terms of H2O, S and Cl contents, which range from 0.5 to 5.0 wt% for H2O (by SIMS), 0.003 to 0.138 wt% for S, and 0.065 to 0.166 wt% for Cl (Fig. 7; Table 3; Additional file 4). The CO2 contents in these inclusions are less than 0.027 wt%. The maximum H2O, CO2, and S contents in the andesite inclusions from the 2018 eruptions (5.0 wt% H2O, 0.021 wt% CO2, and 0.138 wt% S) are lower than those in the andesite inclusions from the 2011 eruptions (7.0 wt% H2O, 0.054 wt% CO2, and 0.0170 wt% S) (Fig. 7; Table 3; Additional file 4), suggesting that the andesite melt in the 2018 magma was volatile-poor compared to the 2011 magma. The large variations in the H2O, S, and Cl contents of the andesite-rhyolite inclusions from 2018 are roughly correlated with the SiO2 contents of the inclusions; those with lower SiO2 content have higher H2O, S, and Cl contents (Fig. 7). The results indicate that these variations were likely caused when mafic melt with high H2O, S, and Cl contents mixed with felsic melt of low H2O, S, and Cl contents.
Physical And Chemical Conditions In The Magma From 2011–18
Temperature of the magma
Two-pyroxene thermometry (Putirka 2008) was applied to the compositions of the borders of intergrown clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene phenocrysts from the 1716–17, 2011, and 2018 eruptions. A temperature of 948 ºC was obtained for the intergrown phenocrysts from the 1716–17 eruptions and the intergrown phenocrysts from all eruptions in 2011 (2011-1 PP to 2011-9A) gave similar temperatures (908–945 ºC; Additional file 5), except 2011-8A, for which the intergrown phenocryst yielded a higher temperature estimate (1055 ± 10 ºC). 2011-2SWP, with a dacite whole-rock composition (Table 2), showed the lowest temperature of 908 ºC in the 2011 eruptives. Two-pyroxene thermometry indicated that the temperature of the 2018 eruptives (914–944 ºC) are similar to those of the 2011 eruptives. 2018-4L3, with a whole-rock dacite composition, showed the lowest temperature of the 2018 eruptives at 914 ºC, which is similar to the temperature of 2011-2SWP (908 ºC) with dacite composition.
FeTi oxide thermometry (Anderson et al. 1993) was also applied to the border compositions of intergrown magnetite and ilmenite phenocrysts from the 1716–17, 2011, and 2018 eruptions (Additional files 5 and 6). The compositions of the intergrown phenocrysts in 1716-17GP gave a temperature of 940 ºC (Additional file 5) and an oxygen fugacity (log fO2) of -9.9 log units (2.0 log units above the FMQ buffer; Additional file 6), while the compositions of the intergrown phenocrysts from the 2011 eruptions (2011-1 PP to 2011-5VL) gave temperatures of 891–977 ºC (Additional file 5) and oxygen fugacities (log fO2) of -12.1 to -9.7 log units (0.6–1.3 log units above the FMQ buffer; Additional file 6). The temperature estimated for the 2011 magma by FeTi oxide thermometry is similar to that obtained by two-pyroxene thermometry, except for the slightly higher temperature obtained for 2011-4VB (977 ºC) by FeTi oxide thermometry. In addition, the temperatures of 2018-1VGP, 2018-1VS, 2018-2VGP, 2018-2S, 2018-4L1, and 2018-4L2 (944–985 ºC) estimated by FeTi oxide thermometry are similar to those obtained by two-pyroxene thermometry (914–944 ºC). The oxygen fugacities of these eruptives (-10.5 to -9.9 log units and 1.2–1.4 log units above the FMQ buffer) are identical to those of the 2011 eruptives (-10.7 to -9.9 log units), except for 2011-1PP. 2018-4L3 showed the lowest temperature (868 ºC) and the lowest oxygen fugacity (-11.2 log units) of the 2018 products.
The results of two-pyroxene thermometry and FeTi oxide thermometry applied to the 1716–17, 2011, and 2018 eruptions indicate that the temperature and oxidation state of the magma chamber did not change from 1716–17 to 2018. The lowest temperature 868 ºC, which was obtained for 2018-4L3 with a dacite chemical composition (Table 2), is identical to the temperature estimated for the felsic magma end member (870 ºC for a silicic andesite magma with 62–63 wt% SiO2) by Suzuki et al. (2013b). 2018-4L3 was therefore derived from the low-temperature silicic part of the magma chamber. 2011-2SWP, with a dacite chemical composition (Table 2), shows a relatively low temperature (908 ºC), suggesting that it originated in the low-temperature silicic part of the magma chamber and was heated by high-temperature magma before the eruption.
We then applied the olivine-liquid thermometer (Putirka 2008) to the chemical compositions of the melt and the host phenocrysts of 22 olivine-hosted melt inclusions from the 2011 products in order to estimate the temperature of the mafic end member magma that included olivine phenocrysts (Table 3; Additional file 4). Temperatures of 940–1041°C (average 990°C with standard deviation of ± 25°C) were obtained, which is similar or slightly lower than the estimate for basaltic andesite magma obtained by Suzuki et al. (2013b). We also applied plagioclase-liquid thermometers (Putirka 2008) to the chemical compositions of the melt and the host phenocrysts of 10 plagioclase-hosted melt inclusions, clinopyroxene-liquid thermobarometers (Putirka 2008) to the chemical compositions of the melt and the host phenocrysts of 20 clinopyroxene-hosted melt inclusions, and orthopyroxene-liquid thermobarometers (Putirka 2008) to the chemical compositions of the melt and the host phenocrysts of 14 orthopyroxene-hosted melt inclusions (Table 3; Additional file 4). The temperature estimates for the plagioclase-, clinopyroxene-, and orthopyroxene-hosted melt inclusions in the 2011 products (938 ± 23 ºC, 951 ± 18 ºC, and 978 ± 36 ºC, respectively) are similar to those obtained by the two-pyroxene thermometry (912–945 ºC) and FeTi oxide thermometry (891–977 ºC). In addition, the temperature estimates for the plagioclase-, clinopyroxene-, and orthopyroxene-hosted melt inclusions in the 2018 products (973 ± 15 ºC, 955 ± 33 ºC, and 979 ± 29 ºC, respectively) are similar to those obtained by two-pyroxene thermometry (914–944 ºC) and FeTi oxide thermometry (944–985 ºC).
Magma pressure
The large variability observed in the H2O and CO2 contents of the andesite inclusions in the olivine phenocrysts and the dacite-rhyolite inclusions in the clinopyroxene- and orthopyroxene-phenocrysts from 2011 (Fig. 8) is not related to the SiO2 content (Fig. 7), suggesting that magma degassing occurred with a decrease in the pressure. Gas saturation pressures were calculated from the H2O and CO2 content of the inclusions by using the melt-H2O-CO2 solubility models proposed by Newman and Lowenstern (2002) and Ghiorso and Gualda (2015) (Saito et al. 2018). Gas saturation pressures of 62–486 MPa (average of 232 MPa with standard deviation of ± 132 MPa, n = 22) were obtained for the andesite inclusions in the olivine phenocrysts via the solubility model of Newman and Lowenstern (2002). The pressure range corresponds to a depth of 2–20 km under a lithostatic pressure gradient. Gas saturation pressures of 127–225 MPa (average of 182 MPa with standard deviation of ± 36 MPa, n = 9) were calculated by the solubility model of Ghiorso and Gualda (2015), which is in the range of the estimates made using the solubility model of Newman and Lowenstern (2002). The pressure range corresponds to a depth of 5–9 km under a lithostatic pressure gradient. These results indicate that mafic magma ascended from a depth of at least 9 km to 2 km as the olivine crystallization occurred.
Large variability was also observed in the H2O and CO2 contents of the dacite-rhyolite inclusions in the clinopyroxene- and orthopyroxene-phenocrysts from the 2011 products, which is not related to the SiO2 content (Fig. 7), suggesting that magma degassing occurred alongside a decrease in pressure. Gas saturation pressures were calculated using the H2O and CO2 content obtained for the inclusions by the two melt-H2O-CO2 solubility models. Gas saturation pressures of 36–199 MPa (average of 120 MPa with standard deviation of ± 50 MPa, n = 10) were obtained via the solubility model of Newman and Lowenstern (2002). The average pressure (120 MPa) corresponds to a depth of 5 km under a lithostatic pressure gradient. Gas saturation pressures of 126–186 MPa (average of 152 MPa with standard deviation of ± 25 MPa, n = 5) were calculated using the solubility model by Ghiorso and Gualda (2015), which is within the range obtained in the above estimates. These results indicate the presence of a felsic magma at a pressure of 120–152 MPa (corresponding to a depth of 5–6 km). The average gas saturation pressures obtained by the two solubility models (120 ± 50 MPa and 152 ± 25 MPa) are in good agreement with the pressure estimated for silicic andesite magma (125 MPa) by Suzuki et al. (2013b).
Gas saturation pressures were similarly calculated using the H2O and CO2 content of the andesite-rhyolite inclusions in the 2018 products and the above two melt-H2O-CO2 solubility models. Gas saturation pressures of 74–205 MPa (average of 118 MPa with standard deviation of ± 45 MPa, n = 7) were obtained using the solubility model by Newman and Lowenstern (2002), except for the extremely low gas saturation pressures observed in 18-1V-p2i1 and 18-1Vp4i1. The pressure range corresponds to a depth of 3–8 km under a lithostatic pressure gradient. The gas saturation pressures for the inclusions calculated by the solubility model by Ghiorso and Gualda (2015), were generally in the range 114–194 MPa (except for 18-1V-p2i1), with an average of 144 MPa and standard deviation of ± 44 MPa, n = 3, which is within the range of the above estimates. These estimates indicate that the 2018 magma was at depths of 3–8 km as the pyroxenes crystallized within the magma. The maximum estimate (8 km) is also similar to the source depth of the crustal deformation (7 km bsl) from July 2017 to March 2018 reported by JMA (2019b). The average gas saturation pressures estimated by the two solubility models (118 ± 45 MPa and 144 ± 44 MPa) are the same as those estimated from the dacite-rhyolite inclusions in the 2011 products (120 ± 50 MPa and 152 ± 25 MPa ), indicating that the felsic magma was located at the same depth from 2011 to 2018.
Gas saturation pressures were also calculated using the H2O and CO2 content of the dacite-rhyolite inclusions in 1716-17GP and the andesite-dacite inclusions in 1235S using the two melt-H2O-CO2 solubility models. Gas saturation pressures of 71–106 MPa (average of 83 MPa with standard deviation of ± 20 MPa, n = 3) were obtained for the dacite-rhyolite inclusions in 1716-17GP via the solubility model by Newman and Lowenstern (2002) while a pressure of 95 MPa was calculated for one plagioclase-hosted inclusion by the solubility model of Ghiorso and Gualda (2015). Extremely low gas saturation pressures were obtained for KP-p4i1. These results suggest that the 1716–17 magma was stored at a depth of 3–4 km. Gas saturation pressures of 89–136 MPa (average of 119 MPa with standard deviation of ± 34 MPa, n = 3) and 117–122 MPa (average of 120 MPa with standard deviation of ± 2 MPa, n = 3) were obtained for the andesite-dacite inclusions in 1235S using the solubility model of Newman and Lowenstern (2002). The results suggest that the 1235S magma was stored at a depth of 4–5 km. These results suggest that the magmas were generally stored at a depth of approximately 4 km before the eruptions.
Bulk volatile content of magma
Suzuki et al. (2013b) concluded that a mafic magma, a basaltic-andesite magma with a temperature of 1030 ºC and 9 vol% phenocrysts of olivine and plagioclase, was mixed with a felsic magma, a silicic-andesitic magma with a temperature of 870 ºC and 43 vol% phenocrysts of plagioclase, pyroxene, and FeTi-oxide before the 2011 eruptions. The andesite inclusions in the olivine phenocrysts were likely derived from the mafic magma while the dacite-rhyolite inclusions in the pyroxene and plagioclase phenocrysts were sourced in the felsic magma. The H2O, S, and Cl contents of a melt in the 2011 mixed magma can be calculated from the volatile contents in the andesite and rhyolite inclusions, assuming that the melt was produced by the mixing of a melt from the mafic magma with a melt from the felsic magma (Table 4). The following assumptions were made; (1) inclusion 11-2SG-p9i1, with the highest H2O content of all the andesite inclusions from 2011-2SGP, can represent the mafic melt, (2) inclusion 11-2SG-p13i1, with the highest H2O content of all the rhyolite inclusions from 2011-2SGP, can represent the felsic melt, and (3) the mixed melt will have a SiO2 content of 62 wt%, considering the SiO2 content of 2011-2 SGP (Additional file 5). This calculation gave a H2O content of 5.9 wt%, a S content of 0.107 wt%, and a Cl content of 0.066 wt% for the 2011 mixed melt. Based on the content in a phenocryst from 2011-2SGP (28 vol%), a bulk content of 4.0 wt% H2O, 0.072 wt% S, and 0.044 wt% Cl (Table 4) was obtained. Both the andesite inclusions in the olivine phenocrysts and the dacite-rhyolite inclusions in the pyroxene and plagioclase phenocrysts of the 2011 products have lower CO2/H2O mass ratios than those of the volcanic gas (Fig. 8). The disagreement in the CO2/H2O mass ratios of inclusions and volcanic gas is most likely due to the super-saturation of CO2 at the time of inclusion entrapment. This indicates that merely measuring the melt inclusions might lead to underestimation of the total volatile content in the magmas, especially less-dissolved volatile species such as CO2 (Papale, 2005). Because the volcanic gas observed in 2011 was emitted from a mixed magma, we calculated the bulk CO2 content of the magma from the bulk H2O and S contents and the mass CO2/S and CO2/H2O ratios of the volcanic gas (Table 4). A bulk CO2 content of 0.70 wt% was calculated from the bulk S content (0.072 wt%) and the mass CO2 and S ratio in the volcanic gas (9.8; A1 magma in Table 4). A bulk CO2 content of 0.14 wt% was thus calculated using the bulk H2O content (4.0 wt%) and the mass CO2 and H2O ratio in the volcanic gas (0.035; A2 magma in Table 4).
Similar to the method used for the 2011 mixed magma, the H2O, S, and Cl contents of a melt in the 2018 magma were calculated from the volatile contents in the andesite and rhyolite inclusions, assuming that the mixed melt in the 2018 magma was composed of a mafic melt and a felsic melt (Table 4). The following assumptions were made; (1) inclusion 18-1V-p5i1, with the highest H2O content of all the inclusions in 2018-1VGP, can represent the mafic melt, (2) two felsic melts with low or high H2O contents were considered because the rhyolite inclusions are particularly varied in terms of H2O content (0.5–3.7 wt%); inclusion 18-1V-p1i1, with the highest H2O content of all the rhyolite inclusions in the 2018-1VGP represents felsic melt 1, and inclusion 18-1V-p2i1, with the lowest H2O content among all the rhyolite inclusions in 2018-1VGP represents felsic melt 2, and (3) a mixed melt has a SiO2 content of 65 wt%, considering the SiO2 content of 2018-1VGP (Additional file 3). Mixing the 2018 mafic melt with 2018 felsic melt 1 gave a H2O content of 4.5 wt%, S content of 0.094 wt%, and Cl content of 0.091 wt% for 2018 mixed melt 1. Mixing the 2018 mafic melt with 2018 felsic melt 2 gave a H2O content of 2.1 wt%, S content of 0.082 wt%, and Cl content of 0.011 wt% for 2018 mixed melt 2. Based on the content of a phenocryst in 2018-1VGP (28 vol%), we obtained a B1 magma with a bulk content of 3.0 wt% H2O, 0.063 wt% S, and 0.060 wt% Cl and a B2 magma with a bulk content of 2.1 wt% H2O, 0.054 wt% S, and 0.054 wt% Cl (Table 4). Assuming super-saturation for CO2 at the time of inclusion entrapment, we also calculated the bulk CO2 content of the 2018 magma from the bulk S contents and the mass CO2/S ratio in the volcanic gas. A bulk CO2 content of 0.10 wt% was obtained from the bulk S content (0.063 wt%) and the mass ratio of CO2 and S in the volcanic gas in October 2017 (1.6; B1 magma in Table 4). A bulk CO2 content of 0.087 wt% was calculated from the bulk S content (0.054 wt%) and the same mass ratio of CO2 and S in the volcanic gas (B2 magma in Table 4).
In addition, the bulk H2O, S, and Cl contents (6.2 wt% H2O, 0.14 wt% S, and 0.050 wt% Cl) were estimated for the 2011 mafic magma from those of the 2011 mafic melt and phenocryst content (8.9 vol%) of the magma estimated by Suzuki et al. (2013b). The CO2 content of the 2011 mixed melt was calculated at 1.0 wt% from the bulk CO2 content of A1 magma and its phenocryst content (28 vol%). Assuming that the CO2 content of the 2011 felsic melt was equal to that of inclusion 11-2SG-p13i1 (0.048 wt%), which is the maximum content in the rhyolite inclusions of the 2011 products, mass balance calculation gave a CO2 content of 1.5 wt% for the mafic melt from the 2011 mixed melt and the mixing ratio (mafic:felsic = 0.67:0.33). The bulk CO2 content of the 2011 mafic magma (M1 magma in Table 4) was calculated at 1.4 wt% considering the phenocryst content (8.9 vol%). In the same way, in terms of the A2 magma, this calculation gave a CO2 content of 0.28 wt% for the mafic melt in the 2011 mixed melt comprising the A2 magma and the mixing ratio, resulting in a bulk CO2 content of 0.25 wt% for the 2011 mafic magma (M2 magma in Table 4).
We could now estimate the bulk H2O, CO2, S, and Cl contents of the 2011 felsic magma, assuming that the H2O, CO2, S, and Cl contents of inclusion 11-2SG-p13i1 represent those of the felsic melt and no super-saturation of CO2 occurred at the time the inclusions were entrapped. The bulk H2O, CO2, S, and Cl contents of felsic magma depend on the phenocryst content. Assuming that the felsic magma contained no phenocryst, a bulk content of 3.7 wt% H2O, 0.048 wt% CO2, 0.007 wt% S, and 0.087 wt% Cl were obtained ((F1 magma in Table 4). On the other hand, if the phenocryst content was 43 vol%, as estimated for silicic-andesite magma by Suzuki et al. (2013b), a bulk content of 1.9 wt% H2O, 0.025 wt% CO2, 0.004 wt% S, and 0.045 wt% Cl is obtained (F2 magma in Table 4).
Chemical composition of melt in the magma
The chemical compositions of the groundmass in the 2018 products are slightly evolved as compared to the 2011 products (Fig. 4) in spite of the similarities in the whole-rock chemical composition and chemical compositions of the phenocrysts from the two masses. MELTS calculation (Gualda et al. 2012) was used to investigate the difference with the whole-rock composition of 2011-2SGP (Table 2) and a temperature of 928°C, pressures of 5–500 MPa, a FMQ + 2 buffer of fO2, and the bulk H2O and CO2 contents of the A1 and A2 magmas (4.0 wt% H2O and 0.70 wt% CO2 or 0.14 wt% CO2; Additional file 8). The MELTS calculations indicate the presence of crystallized plagioclase, clino- and ortho-pyroxene, and FeTi-oxide phenocrysts without any olivine phenocrysts (Additional file 8). The gas saturation pressures for the dacite-rhyolite inclusions in the 2011 products (36–199 MPa) that were obtained in the previous section suggest that the pressure in the 2011 felsic magma chamber was 50–200 MPa. Melts in the A1 and A2 magmas have SiO2 contents ranging from 65.37–71.48 wt% with 2.28–3.64 wt% K2O at pressures of 50–200 MPa (Fig. 4). These chemical compositions are slightly SiO2- and K2O-rich compared to the groundmass in the 2011 products (Fig. 4). Tomiya et al. (2013) proposed that the injection of mafic magma into the chamber occurred several weeks to several days before the 2011 subplinian eruptions. Therefore, the difference between the chemical composition of the melts in the A1 and A2 magmas and the groundmass occurred because the 2011 mixed magma had not reached chemical equilibrium due to the short time period between mixing and eruption.
The MELTS calculation was also applied to the whole-rock composition of 2018-1VGP (Table 2) with a temperature of 944°C, pressures of 5–500 MPa, a FMQ + 2 buffer of fO2, and the bulk H2O and CO2 contents of the B1 and B2 magmas (3.0 wt% H2O and 0.10 wt% CO2 for B1 magma, 2.1 wt% H2O and 0.087 wt% CO2 for B2 magma; Additional file 8). The MELTS calculation indicated crystallization of the plagioclase, clino- and ortho-pyroxene, and FeTi-oxide phenocrysts (Additional file 8) with melts containing SiO2 contents of 66.31–70.76 wt% and 2.43–3.40 wt% K2O at pressures of 50–200 MPa. These chemical compositions are similar to the results for the A1 and A2 magmas and are similar or slightly SiO2- and K2O-rich compared to the groundmass in the 2018 products, except for that obtained for FeO (Fig. 4). The similar chemical compositions obtained for the groundmass in the 2018 products and the melts obtained by the MELTS calculation suggest that the 2018 magma was closer to chemical equilibrium. This suggests that the mixed magma from 2011 remained in the magma chamber and that the chemical reactions between the minerals and melt produced the 2018 magma. The rarity of olivine phenocrysts and lack of existence for groundmass olivines in the 2018 products support this hypothesis because the results of the MELTS calculation indicate that olivines could not crystallize in the A1, A2, B1, and B2 magmas. The olivine phenocrysts that originated in the 2011 mafic magma, which were injected into the 2011 felsic magma, were probably dissolved in the mixed magma over time. The increase in the fractions of plagioclase phenocrysts with wide rims of > 0.1 mm, and clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene phenocrysts with wide rims of > 0.05 mm from the 2011 magma to the 2018 magma (mentioned previously), also supports this hypothesis.
In order to evaluate this hypothesis, compositional profiles from the core to the rim of 13 orthopyroxene phenocrysts from 2011-1PP to 2011-7VL and 12 orthopyroxene phenocrysts from 2018-1VGP and 2018-1VS were measured, all of which show rims with reverse zoning under EPMA (Additional file 2). The compositional profiles of the orthopyroxene phenocrysts in the 2011 products show a large change in the Mg# at a distance of 0.02–0.03 mm from the rims, with widths of less than 0.005 mm. The Mg# profiles were calculated via Mg-Fe diffusion (Saunders et al. 2012) using a residence time of 1, 10, and 100 years at a temperature of 928 ºC. The observed Mg# profiles were similar to those obtained for 1 year using the calculation (Additional file 2). On the other hand, the compositional profiles of the orthopyroxene phenocrysts in the 2018 products show a large change in the Mg# at a distance of 0.04–0.10 mm from the rims. The widths of the Mg# range from 0.010 to 0.028 mm, which is larger than those obtained for the 2011 products, suggesting that Mg and Fe diffusion continued over this time period. The observed Mg# profiles appear to be closer to those obtained for 10 years by calculation (Additional file 2). Therefore, the observed compositional profiles of the core to rim of orthopyroxene phenocrysts in the 2011 and 2018 products are consistent with the above hypothesis, although more detailed analysis is needed in the future.
Bubble volume and magma density
The density contrast between magma and crust can control the ascent of magma; magma can become trapped within a magma chamber if the density contrast becomes negligible (e.g., Walker 1989). In addition, the bubble volume of magma can control its eruption style; magmas with high bubble volume cause explosive eruptions, while those with poor in bubble volume lead to effusive eruptions. We therefore need to obtain the bubble volume and the density of the magma to investigate the magma ascent and eruption processes. Both bubble volume and magma density are highly dependent on the bulk volatile content of a magma. Assuming that the gas bubbles that formed by the exsolution of H2O and CO2 from the melt did not separate from the magma during its ascent, the bubble volume and densities of the mafic and felsic magmas of the 2011 eruptions, the 2011 mixed magma, and the 2018 magma at different depths were calculated using the bulk H2O and CO2 contents of the magma (Saito et al., 2018). Details of the calculation methods are given in Additional file 8 and Additional file 4 of Saito et al. (2018).
The conditions used for calculation of the 2011 mafic magmas (M1 and M2 magmas) were as follows; whole-rock composition and temperature of 1030°C of basaltic-andesite magma estimated by Suzuki et al. (2013b), an oxygen fugacity controlled by the NNO buffer, and the bulk H2O and CO2 contents of the M1 and M2 magmas (Table 4). The major-element compositions of the mafic melts at pressures of 50–500 MPa are similar to those of the andesite inclusions in the olivine phenocryst (Fig. 6). The H2O and CO2 contents of the mafic melts at pressures of 50–500 MPa are also similar to the distribution of the andesite inclusions (Figs. 7c, 7d and 8a). These similarities indicate that the calculation results are close to the actual conditions. The calculation indicates that the mafic magmas (M1 and M2) had bubble volumes of 12.7–19.7 vol% and densities of 1987–2144 kg m− 3 at a pressure of 200 MPa, indicating that mafic magma contained abundant bubbles and was of low density before it was injected into the felsic magma.
The conditions used for calculation of the 2011 felsic magmas (F1 and F2 magmas) were; a whole-rock composition of 2011-2SWP, the temperature of 870°C for silicic-andesite magma estimated by Suzuki et al. (2013b), an oxygen fugacity controlled by 2 log units above the FMQ buffer, and the bulk H2O and CO2 contents of the F1 and F2 magmas (Table 4). The major-element compositions of the felsic melts at pressures of 50–200 MPa are similar to those of the dacite-rhyolite inclusions in the 2011 products (Fig. 6). The H2O and CO2 contents of the felsic melts at pressures of 50–200 MPa are also similar to the distribution in the dacite-rhyolite inclusions (Figs. 7c, 7d and 8a). The calculation indicates that the felsic magmas (F1 and F2) had bubble volumes of < 8.4 vol% and densities of 2264–2496 kg m− 3 at a pressure of 125 MPa (Additional file 8), which is the pressure of the felsic magma chamber estimated using the gas saturation pressures for dacite-rhyolite inclusions in the 2011 products. Because the mafic magmas had lower densities of 1717–1835 kg m− 3 than the felsic magma at the same pressure, the density contrast may have caused the two magmas to mingle and mix.
These calculations also provide information about the bubble volume and density of the 2011 mixed magma. Assuming that the chemical equilibrium obtained for the mixed magma is correct, the 2011 mixed magma (A1 and A2 magmas) had a bubble volume of 3.2–9.2 vol% and a density of 2280–2401 kg m− 3 at a pressure of 200 MPa, and 48.1–50.4 vol% and 1348–1402 kg m− 3 at a pressure of 50 MPa. However, the difference between the chemical composition of the groundmass and that obtained by the MELTS calculation for the 2011 products reveals that the mixed magma had not attained chemical equilibrium upon eruption. Consequently, the above estimation for the A1 and A2 magmas might be an extreme example. Therefore, we calculated the bubble volume and density of the mixed magmas M1 (or M2) and F1 (or F2) by using the mass ratio for each magma in the mixing process (M1 or M2 : F1 or F2 = 0.65:0.35; Additional file 9). This case defines the other extreme in which the two magmas simply “mingled” without any chemical reaction. The bubble volume and density of the mixed M1 + F1 magma are 13.8–57.1 vol% and 1162–2118 kg m− 3 at pressure ranges of 50–200 MPa while those of the M2 + F2 magma are 13.8–53.5 vol% and 1162–2147 kg m− 3, respectively, at the same pressure ranges (Fig. 9; Additional file 9). These calculations indicate that the 2011 mixed magma had a high-volume content of approximately 50 vol% at a low pressure of 50 MPa, whether chemical equilibrium was attained in the magma or not.
We also calculated the bubble volume and density of the 2018 magma, assuming that chemical equilibrium was attained in this magma. The 2018 magma (B1 and B2 magmas) had a bubble volume of 0.5–1.1 vol% and a density of 2483–2549 kg m− 3 at a pressure of 200 MPa, and 24.4–37.4 vol% and 1657–1983 kg m− 3 at 50 MPa. The bubble volume of the 2018 magma (24.4–37.4 vol%) at a pressure of 50 MPa is smaller than those calculated for the M1 + F1 and M2 + F2 magmas (53.5–57.1 vol%) and the A1 and A2 magmas (48.1–50.4 vol%) at the same pressure (Fig. 9). The lack of subplinian eruptions in 2018 is therefore considered to have been because of the low bubble volume in the shallow part of the magma at this time.
Degassed-magma Volume
The mass of degassed magma during volcanic activity is one of the important factors used in investigating the degassing process. We calculated the mass of degassed magma based on the estimated bulk volatile content of the 2011 and 2018 magmas, the measured SO2 flux, and the chemical composition of the magmatic gas emitted from the summit crater, using the equation:
MVE = ( CMM – CDM ) × MDM,
where MDM is the mass of degassed magma (kg), CMM is the bulk volatile content of the mixed magma (kg kg− 1), CDM is the bulk volatile content of the degassed magma (kg kg− 1), and MVE is the mass of the volatile material emitted from the summit crater (kg). The bulk volatile content of 0.072 wt% S and 0.044 wt% Cl (Table 4) that was obtained for the A1 (or A2) magma (CMM) was used to calculate the mass of degassed magma in 2011–12. The volatile content of degassed magma (CDM) was estimated from the S and Cl contents of the groundmass in the 2011 products (Additional file 3), assuming phenocryst contents of 28 vol% and no S or Cl contents in the phenocrysts. The mass of emitted sulfur was calculated from the SO2 flux and the mole ratio of SO2/H2S (Additional file 10). The mole ratio was 8 on 15 March 2011, before decreasing to 0.8–3.3 after April (Shinohara 2013). Mole ratios of 8 and 2 were therefore assumed for these periods, respectively. The H2O/SO2 and CO2/SO2 ratios were assumed to be 560 and 8 (Shinohara 2013) and a Cl/S ratio of 0.235 was based on the ratio in the ash-leachate (Vinet N Person. Communication). The mass of degassed magma (kg) was then converted to the degassed-magma volume (x106 m3) for comparison with the erupted-magma volume and crust deformation, assuming a magma density of 2500 kg m− 3. The mass of the degassed magma in 2017–18 were also calculated for two cases in which the magma had (1) the bulk S content of the B1 magma (0.063 wt% S) and (2) the bulk S content of the B2 magma (0.054 wt% S) before degassing (Table 4). The bulk S content of the magma after degassing was calculated from the minimum S content of the groundmass (0.002 wt% of 2018-4L1 in Additional file 3) and the phenocryst content (28 vol%) of the 2018 products. The mole ratio of SO2 and H2S in the volcanic gas was assumed to be 2.7 based on observation of the volcanic gas (Additional file 10). A detailed description of the calculation used for the degassed magmas is given in Table 5 and Additional file 10. If the average, minimum, and maximum SO2 flux values are observed over a single day, the maximum value is at most two times larger and the minimum value 0.3 times larger than the average (Additional file 10). This indicates that an error of 30–200% for the degassed-magma volume is unavoidable.
The degassed-magma volume in 2011–12 is summarized for four periods, depending on the eruption style (Table 5). The degassed-magma volume on 26–27 January (4–5 × 106 m3) is smaller than the volume of magma that was erupted (7–11 × 106 m3 ; Maeno et al. 2014) during the subplinian eruptions on 26–27 January. However, the estimation that was used to obtain the volume of degassed magma is likely to have been underestimated, because no SO2 flux measurement was made during the most active periods of eruption. The volume of degassed magma on 28 January–1 February (24–32 × 106 m3) was 1.6–2.1 times larger than that of erupted magma in the same period (15 × 106 m3; Kozono et al. 2013; Nakada et al. 2013). Considering the error in the SO2 flux measurement mentioned above, the degassed-magma volume is likely consistent with erupted-magma volume. This indicates that the SO2 gas emission on 28 January–1 February could be explained by degassing of the lava effused in the summit crater. On the other hand, the degassed-magma volume on 2 February–7 September (13–18 × 106 m3) is more than 65 times greater than that of the erupted magma in the same period (less than 0.2 × 106 m3; Nishiki et al. 2013). Furthermore, during the period 8 September 2011–26 September 2012, approximately 2–3 × 106 m3 of magma was degassed although none was erupted. The excess degassing during the period 2 February 2011–26 September 2012 indicates that the magmatic gas was derived from the non-erupted magma located in a deeper part of the chamber. Because the magma chamber is located at a depth of approximately 5 km (Suzuki et al. 2013b), such degassing may be due to magma convection in a conduit (Ohwada et al. 2013; Shinohara 2013). This excess degassing may have decreased the bulk volatile content of the 2011 magma in the chamber over time.
GPS observation indicates that deflation reaching 14 × 106 m3 occurred between 25 January and 1 February, which could be explained by the discharge of magma from the chamber to the surface (Nakada et al. 2013). The crustal deflation changed to inflation on 25 February, and this continued until December 2011. GPS observation indicates that the total volume of the inflation was 11 × 106 m3 (Table 5). The inflation could be explained by continuous replenishment of the magma chamber from a deep source (Nakada et al. 2013; Nakao et al. 2013; Suzuki et al. 2013b). The mafic-magma proportion of the degassed magma on 2 February 2011– 26 September 2012 could be 10–14 × 106 m3 using a mixing ratio of 0.65 for mafic to mixed magma (Suzuki et al. 2013b) and a degassed-magma volume of 15–21 × 106 m3 (Table 5). This estimate is similar to the inflation of the chamber observed by GPS, suggesting that mafic magma was injected to the chamber from deeper in the volcano during February–December 2011, causing inflation of the crust, gas emission, and small eruptions.
The degassed-magma volume in 2017–18 is summarized for five periods, depending on the kind of eruption that occurred (Table 5). The degassed-magma volume estimated for 11 October 2017–28 February 2018 (14 × 106 m3) is much larger than the erupted-magma during this period. The degassed-magma volume for 1 March–9 March (29 × 106 m3) is 1.9–2.2 times greater than the magma erupted in the same period (15 × 106 m3; Chiba et al. 2018). Considering the error in the SO2 flux measurement, the degassed-magma volume on 1 March–9 March (29 × 106 m3) is similar to the volume of erupted magma, indicating that all the SO2 gas emitted in the summit crater was derived from the lava erupted during this period. On the other hand, the degassed-magma volume for 10 March–27 June (5 × 106 m3) is 17–20 times larger than erupted-magma volume in the same period (0.3 × 106 m3; Oikawa et al. 2018). Furthermore, 3 × 106 m3 of magma was degassed from 28 June–13 October 2018, although no magma was erupted. Similar to 2011–12, a large degassed magma volume that was greater than the erupted magma volume was observed in a period of vulcanian eruptions occurred alongside ash and gas emissions, suggesting that the degassing occurred by convection in a conduit (Ohwada et al. 2013; Shinohara 2013). GPS observation indicates that the deflation of the crust after 1 March reverted to inflation on 10 March and that the inflation continued until January 2019, with a total volume of 10 × 106 m3 (Table 5). As discussed for 2011–12, the magma chamber must have undergone replenishment from a deep source during this period, causing inflation of the crust, gas emission, and small eruptions.
Ascent And Degassing Processes Of The Magma
Based on the above estimation of the physical and chemical conditions in the magmas and the degassed-magmas, the magma ascent- and degassing processes were estimated for the 2011 and 2017–18 Shinmoedake eruptions. The subplinian eruptions in January 2011 were the result of mixed mafic- and felsic magma. The mafic magma had basaltic-andesite composition while the felsic magma had silicic-andesite composition, and the proportion of basaltic-andesitic magma in the mixed magma ranged from 0.6 to 0.7 (Suzuki et al. 2013b). The felsic magma must have been stored at a pressure of 120–152 MPa (equivalent to a depth of 5–6 km), considering the gas saturation pressures for the dacite-rhyolite inclusions in the 2011 products that were obtained using the two solubility models (120 ± 50 MPa and 152 ± 25 MPa). The felsic magma had relatively lower bulk volatile content (1.9–3.7 wt% H2O, 0.025–0.048 wt% CO2, 0.004–0.007 wt% S, and 0.045–0.087 wt%; Table 4), bubble volumes of < 9.3 vol%, and a bulk density of 2241–2496 kg m− 3 at 125 MPa (Fig. 9). The density structure beneath Shinmoedake is estimated to be 2000–2500 kg m− 3 at depths of less than 0 km bsl and approximately 2500 kg m− 3 at depths of 0–1 km bsl (JMA, 2013). Assuming that the density of the crust is 2500 kg m− 3 at depths of more than 0 km bsl, the felsic magma may not be able to ascend to shallower depths because of the small contrast between the density of the felsic magma and the crust. Considering that the major-element composition of 1716–17WP is similar to that of 2011-2SWP (Table 2; Fig. 2), which was likely derived from the felsic magma, the felsic magma can be assumed to have remained in the chamber following the 1716–17 eruptions.
The mafic magma with bulk volatile content of 6.2 wt% H2O and 0.25–1.4 wt% of CO2 may have ascended from a depth of 19 km (at a pressure of 486 MPa) based on the gas saturation pressures of the andesite inclusions in the olivines from the 2011 products ((i) in Fig. 9). The mafic magma had bubble volumes of 27.6–33.0 vol% and densities of 1717–1835 kg m− 3 at 125 MPa (M1 and M2 in Additional file 8). The lower density of the mafic magma than the felsic magma (2241–2496 kg m− 3; Fig. 9: Additional file 8) suggests that it may have injected into the felsic magma chamber, promoting mixing of the two magmas ((ii) in Fig. 9). Comparison between the results of the MELTS calculation and the chemical composition of the groundmass in the 2011 products indicates that the mixed magma did not attain chemical equilibrium before eruption. Densities of 1875–2022 kg m− 3 for the M1 + F1 and M2 + F2 magmas and 2050–2147 kg m− 3 for the A1 and A2 magmas were obtained at a pressure of 125 MPa. Both densities are lower than that of the surrounding felsic magma at the same pressure (2241–2496 kg m− 3; Fig. 9), suggesting that the mixed magma may have continued ascending ((iii) in Fig. 9). Furthermore, the ascending mixed magma had bubble volumes of 51.3–57.1 vol% (M1 + F1 and M2 + F2 magmas; density of 1186–1222 kg m-3) or 48.1–50.4 vol% (A1 and A2 magmas; density of 1348–1402 kg m-3) at a pressure of 50 MPa. Such bubble-rich magma could have caused the subplinian eruptions. We should mention here that the above densities and the bubble volumes were calculated with the assumption that gas bubbles that formed from the exsolution of H2O and CO2 from the melt do not separate from the magma during its ascent. If the bubbles separated from the magma and rose up to an upper part of the chamber, the magma erupted at the subplinian eruptions could have a higher bubble volume than the above estimates. The chemical composition of the groundmass in March–August 2011 seems more evolved than that in January–February, and becomes close to that predicted by MELTS for a melt in the mixed magma, indicating that the chemical reaction partially proceeded in the magma during the period March–August. On the other hand, the volume of degassed-magma from 2 February 2011 to September 2012 was more than 75 times greater than that of the eruptive products during the same period. This suggests that the magma in the chamber underwent degassing due to the convection of magma in a conduit. This excess degassing may have decreased the bulk volatile content in the 2011 magma.
The similar whole-rock composition and variations in the plagioclase-, clinopyroxene-, and orthopyroxene-phenocryst cores of the 2011 and 2018 magmas indicates that the 2011 mixed magma remained following eruption. Similar gas saturation pressures (with averages of 118 ± 45 MPa and 144 ± 44 MPa by the two solubility models) were obtained from the H2O and CO2 contents of the andesite-rhyolite inclusions in the 2018 products, indicating that the depth of the magma chamber did not change from 2011 to 2018. However, the rarity of the olivine phenocrysts, wide rims of plagioclase, clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene phenocrysts in the 2018 products and the comparison between the MELTS calculation and the groundmass in the 2018 products indicates that that chemical reaction of the magma proceeded to reach equilibrium. The estimated bulk volatile contents for the 2018 magma (3.0 wt% H2O and 0.10 wt% CO2 for B1 magma and 2.1 wt% H2O and 0.087 wt% CO2 for B2 magma; Table 4) are lower than those obtained for the 2011 magma. The decrease in the volatile content may have been caused by the excess degassing of the 2011 magma in the magma chamber following the eruptions. The density of the 2018 magma was 2374–2498 kg m− 3 at a pressure of 125 MPa, which is similar to that of the surrounding felsic magma (2241–2496 kg m− 3; Fig. 9). Considering the small contrast between the density of the 2018 magma and the surrounding felsic magma, the 2018 magma may not have ascended via buoyancy. Instead, the injection of new magma into the bottom of the 2018 magma chamber, inferred from the crust inflation from June 2017 to March 2018 (JMA 2019b), may have forced the 2018 magma into shallower depths, resulting in the 2018 eruptions. We speculate that the new magma had relatively low bulk volatile content because if the magma had high volatile content like the 2011 mafic magma, it could have turned over to mix with the 2018 magma before eruption. The lower bubble volume of the 2018 magma (24.4–37.4 vol% at 50 MPa) is likely to have led to effusive rather than explosive eruption. After the lava effusion in March 2018, the volume of degassed magma present was greater than the volume of erupted magma ( more than 27-fold), suggesting the degassing of magma by convection in a conduit. GPS observation indicates a total volume of 10 × 106 m3 for the inflation that occurred from 10 March to 31 January 2019 (Table 5), suggesting that new magma injected into the chamber from greater depths caused the degassing activity.