A thermophilic microbial consortium (RSV) developed from vermicompost using RS as sole carbon source [13] was used for isolation of cellulolytic bacteria. RS was thoroughly washed with distilled water, dried and ground into small (6 ± 2 mm) pieces and stored in zipper lock bags at 4°C until use.
Isolation Of Cellulolytic Bacteria From Rsv Consortium
The consortium was serially diluted (10− 1 to 10− 7) and were spread on Minimal Salt Media-Carboxymethyl cellulose (MSM-CMC) agar plates containing (g/l), Na2HPO4, 6; KH2PO4, 3; NaCl, 5; NH4Cl, 1; MgSO4, 0.5 and CaCl2, 0.015; and 1% CMC and 2% bacteriological agar. The bacterial colonies obtained after incubation at 60°C for 24h were sub-cultured weekly in MSM-CMC agar slants and stored at 4°C.
Screening Of Bacterial Isolates For Qualitative And Quantitative Activities
For qualitative assay, the bacterial isolates were spot inoculated in MSM-CMC-agar plate followed by incubation at 60°C for 24 h. The plate was then flooded with 0.1% (w/v) aqueous Congo Red solution. After 30min, the plates were drained and flooded with 0.5M aqueous sodium chloride solution for 30 min [20]. Hydrolytic indices were calculated according to the equation
$$\text{H}\text{y}\text{d}\text{r}\text{o}\text{l}\text{y}\text{t}\text{i}\text{c} \text{i}\text{n}\text{d}\text{e}\text{x}=\frac{\text{D}\text{i}\text{a}\text{m}\text{e}\text{t}\text{e}\text{r} \text{o}\text{f} (\text{w}\text{e}\text{l}\text{l}+\text{c}\text{l}\text{e}\text{a}\text{r}\text{a}\text{n}\text{c}\text{e} \text{z}\text{o}\text{n}\text{e})}{\text{D}\text{i}\text{a}\text{m}\text{e}\text{t}\text{e}\text{r} \text{o}\text{f} \text{w}\text{e}\text{l}\text{l}}$$
For quantitative determination of activity, the bacterial isolates were individually inoculated in MSM-RS broth in which CMC was replaced by 3% RS and incubated at 60°C and 80 rpm shaking for 24 h. Thereafter, the bacterial culture was centrifuged at 11000xg for 2min at 4°C and the supernatant was used exoglucanase and endoglucanase assay using Avicel and CMC as substrates, respectively [13]. The reaction mixture comprising citrate buffer (pH5.5), 80 mM; Avicel or CMC, 0.1% (w/v) and crude enzyme extract, 0.1ml; was incubated at 60°C under 80 rpm shaking. After 24 h of incubation, 1 ml of dinitrosalicylic acid (DNS) reagent was added followed by incubation in boiling water bath for 10 min. After cooling the reaction mixture at room temperature (RT) the absorbance was measured at 550 nm. One enzyme unit (EU) refers to the quantity of enzyme required to release 1µmole of glucose equivalents per min. under the reaction condition. The total protein (mg/ml) was estimated by the Bradford method using bovine serum albumin (BSA) as standard [21] and was used to calculate the specific activity of the enzyme (EU/mg). One bacterial isolate, NBCB1 was used for further studies on optimization of cellulase production.
Morphological And Molecular Characterization Of Bacterial Isolate Nbcb1
The bacterial isolate NBCB1 was characterized for colony colour, motility, and Gram staining. The morphological features of the isolate were monitored by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). For this the bacterial isolate grown in nutrient broth at 60°C over-night was centrifuged at 2500 x g for 10 min. and the cell pellet was washed with 100 mM phosphate buffer, pH 7.2 (Buffer A). The cells were fixed with 3% glutaraldehyde in Buffer A for 14 h at 4°C followed by centrifugation at 2500 x g for 10 min and washing the cell pellet with Buffer A. The cells were then fixed in 1% osmium tetraoxide for 2-3h at RT. After thorough washing the cells were dehydrated using increasing concentrations of ethanol and then mounted on 0.5cm x 0.5cm cover slips. The sample was sputter coated with gold (Au) nanoparticles in an ion-sputter coater before viewing under SEM (JOEL JSM-IT 100) at 10 mm and 5kV acceleration voltage and 12,000X magnification.
For phylogenetic analysis, genomic DNA was isolated from logarithmic phase of culture using HiPurA™ Bacterial Genomic DNA isolation Kit, following manufacturer’s instruction. Universal forward and reverse primers, 27F (5’AGAGTTTGATCMTGGCTCAG3’) and 1492R (5’TACGGYTACCTTGTTACGACTT3’) were used to perform PCR amplification of the 16S rRNA gene (region V3-V4) using the genomic DNA as template. The PCR reaction mixture in a final volume of 25µl contained: 10X buffer, 2.5µl; 50 mM MgCl2, 1µl; 10 mM dNTP mix, 2 µl; and 7 picomole forward and reverse primers, 1 µl each; template DNA, 100 ng; Taq polymerase, 2.5 Units. The reaction condition consisted of initial denaturation at 95°C for 5 min followed by 30 cycles of denaturation at 94°C for 30s, annealing at 58°C for 30 s and extension at 72°C for 1min for every individual cycle and then a final extension at 72°C for 7 min. The PCR amplicon was cloned into pGEMT-Easy vector (Promega, USA) by the manufacturer’s protocol and then sequenced using vector specific SP6 and T7 primers. The phylogenetic relationship of the bacterium was determined by comparison of its 16S rDNA sequence with that of closely related neighbor sequences retrieved from the GenBank database of the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), via BLAST search ( [22]. Phylogenetic analysis was done by using the software package MEGA X [23]. Bootstrap analysis was used to evaluate the tree topology of the neighbour-joining data by performing 1,000 replicates [24].
Optimization Of Cellulase Production By Ofat
The cellulase production by NBCB1 on MSM-RS was optimized with respect to various process variables, like cultivation time (days), initial medium pH, additional carbon source, nitrogen source, inoculum volume (%) and speed of agitation (rpm), using OFAT approach. Each parameter optimized was incorporated in the subsequent optimization experiments. For all optimization experiments cellulase activity was assayed using Avicel as substrate, and NBCB1 was inoculated at (except for inoculum volume) 1% (v/v).
Incubation period
MSM-RS inoculated with NBCB1 was incubated at 60°C and 80rpm shaking. The culture was withdrawn at one day intervals for five consecutive days, centrifuged at 11000xg for 2min and the enzyme activity was monitored in the culture supernatant.
Initial medium pH
To determine the effect of medium pH on enzyme production the bacterial culture was grown in the MSM-RS of pH values 4.5 to 8.5 at 60°C and 80rpm shaking for 72h. Thereafter, cellulase assay was performed with the culture supernatant.
Carbon source
The bacterial culture was grown in the production medium supplemented with 1% (w/v) of either of the carbon compounds like D-sorbitol, D-mannitol, meso-inositol, native cellulose, Avicel, CMC and trisodium citrate, at 60°C and 80rpm shaking for 72h. Then enzymatic activity was monitored in the culture supernatant. The carbon compound showing the highest enzyme production was varied further to determine its optimum level.
Nitrogen source
To determine the effect of nitrogen source on enzyme production, the bacterium was grown in the production medium supplemented with 1% (w/v) of either of the nitrogen sources, such as beef extract, yeast extract, peptone, casein and ammonium molybdate, followed by the determination of enzyme activity in the culture supernatant. The nitrogen compound showing highest enzyme production was varied further to determine its optimum level.
Inoculum volume
The bacterial inoculum at 0.5–2% (v/v) was added to optimized production medium and grown at 60°C and 80rpm shaking for 72h, after which cellulase assay was performed with the culture supernatant.
Agitation speed
The bacterial culture was grown in the optimized medium at 60°C for 72h at either of the agitation speed, such as 0, 30 and 80rpm. Then enzyme assay was performed with the culture supernatant.
Optimization Of Cellulase Production Through Ccrd Based Rsm
CCRD combined with RSM is a second order design which assesses each parameter at two levels. It increases the number of experimental runs for every additional parameter it analyzes [25]. CCRD has three categories of design points: axial points (2m) which produce quadratic terms, factorial points (2m) which contain varied ratios of both the high and the low factor levels, and centre points which compute error values that are generated while experimenting. If 'N' number of experiments were conducted with 'm' number of process parameters and 'n' number of repetitions, then the equation
would give the relation between the design points [26]. CCRD model can be represented by the popular quadratic equation
$$Y={\beta }_{0}+\sum _{i=1}^{k}{\beta }_{i}{x}_{i }+\sum _{i=1}^{k}{\beta }_{ii}{x}_{ii}^{2}+\sum _{i=1}^{k}\sum _{i\ne y=1}^{k}{\beta }_{ij}{x}_{i}{x}_{j}+\epsilon$$
where Y is the response, 'i' and 'j' are linear quadratic coefficients, ' β0', ' βi', ' βii' and ' βij' are the constant, linear, interactive and quadratic coefficients, respectively, ' xi', 'xii' and ' xj' are the quantitative variables and ‘Σ’ is the error value [27].
The production of cellulase was optimized by CCRD-based RSM, which studied the interaction among four effective parameters of OFAT i.e. incubation time (2–4 days), medium pH (4–8), sorbitol concentration (0.5–1.5%) and peptone concentration (0.5–1.5%). Each factor was analyzed at a low (-2) and a high (+ 2) level with a total of 30 runs. The Design Expert Software (Version, State-Ease, Minneapolis, MN, USA) was used for statistical analysis by RSM.
Artificial neural networking and global optimization
An ANN consists of an assemblage of input, hidden and output layers and is used to analyze multiple regression models according to a GA. It arbitrarily selects 70% of the data for training, 15% of the data for concurrent validation and the remaining 15% for testing [28]. GA can be performed on non-linear models with bounds (-2 or + 2 levels), to find an optimal solution for a response. It starts with a primary number of chromosomes which are basically matrices containing 'z' numbers of genes or values. Chromosomes give rise to newer values through cyclical customization of genes over 'k' number of generations (s1k, s2k, s3k, ...szk), until a point of convergence is reached where there is minimal difference between the solutions [29]. Obtained data was fed into an ANN for further analysis. The neural network toolbox of the Matlab R2020b ( was used to create a bilayered model with 12 neurons that would functions on a back-propagation algorithm. Weights and biases were adjusted according to the Levenberg-Marquardt (TRAINLM) function which gives a higher degree of error minimization within 1000 epochs. LEARNGDM, mean square error (MSE) and tansig were used as the adaption learning function, performance function and the transfer function respectively. Stepwise reduction of insignificant terms was performed for further improvement of the model. Statistics such as R2, root mean squared error (RMSE), F-value and p-value were obtained through model fitting.
Purification Of Cellulase And Its Characterization
NBCB1 was inoculated into the optimized MSM medium except for replacement of RS by 1% Avicel (Sigma) and cultured at 60°C at 80rpm for 72h. Cellulase from the culture supernatant was purified by ammonium sulphate precipitation, DEAE-Sephacel ion exchange chromatography and gel filtration. The culture supernatant was subjected to 0–75% ammonium sulphate precipitation and the protein pellet obtained after centrifugation was suspended in 2.5ml of 50mM sodium citrate buffer, pH5.5 (Buffer B). The enzyme extract was loaded onto gel filtration column (Biogel P-100, 30 x 1 cm) and eluted with Buffer B into 2ml fractions. The fractions with cellulase activity were pooled and loaded onto DEAE-Sephacel ion exchange column (7 x 1.5 cm) pre-equilibrated with Buffer B. The bound protein was eluted in step gradient using Buffer B containing 0.15 and 0.30M NaCl into 2ml fractions and all the fractions were analysed for cellulase activity. The crude, ammonium sulphate, and active enzyme fractions of gel filtration and ion-exchange chromatography were analyzed by SDS-PAGE, following the method of Laemmli [30] and the gel was stained by silver staining [31].
The purified enzyme was characterized with respect to pH optima and stability, temperature optima and stability and the effects of metals and denaturants. For the determination of pH optima, cellulase assays was performed at 60°C using different buffers: 100mM citrate buffer (pH3.5, 4.5, 5.5, 6.5) and 100mM Tris buffer (pH7.5, 8.5, 9.5). The pH stability was determined by pre-incubating the enzyme in buffers of indicated pH for 1h followed by monitoring cellulase activity. The temperature optimum was monitored by assaying the enzyme at different temperatures (4°C to 80°C). Temperature stability was determined by pre-incubating the enzyme in 100mM citrate buffer (pH5.5) at different temperatures for 1h followed by assaying the enzyme at optimum pH and temperature.
The effect of metal ions, additives and other metabolites on cellulase activity was tested by carrying out standard enzymatic assay in the presence of 2mM and 5mM of metallic chlorides (NaCl, FeCl3, NH4Cl, SnCl2.2H2O, NiCl2.6H2O, CoCl2.6H2O, MnCl2.4H2O, CuCl2.2H2O, MgCl2, CaCl2.2H2O, KCl, ZnCl2, HgCl2), 5mM of either of additives, like sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS), ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA), β-mercaptoethanol (β-ME) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and 5mM of either of the carbohydrate, like dextrose, cellobiose, xylose and maltose, in the reaction mix.
Statistical analysis
Mean and standard deviations were calculated from the results of triplicate experiments, and comparison of means was performed through one way ANOVA and Tukey's HSD tests with the help of IBM-SPSS (version at a significance level of 95% (p < 0.05) [20].