2.1. Experimental animals and management
The study was conducted at Embrapa Pecuária Sudeste - CPPSE, São Carlos, São Paulo, Brazil (22°01’S and 47°53’W). The region’s climate is classified as Cwa (Koëppen), with two well-defined seasons: rainy from October to March and dry from April to September. The average annual temperature is 21.2°C and the average annual air humidity is 75.6%.
The Morada Nova ewes were kept in 2.5 ha pasture, predominantly of Panicum maximum cv. Aruana, and managed in a rotational grazing system, with a period of occupation of 7 days and rest of 21 days. During the rainy season the ewes’ feeding was composed by pasture and supplementation with 300 g concentrate/animal. In the dry season, corn silage was also provided. Water and mineral salt were kept ad libitum.
To study the growth of lambs in the rainy season, the ewes were mated in March and April, so the births occurred in August and September. 100 ewes with 114 lambs in natural suckling, from single and twin births, were selected. Weaning occurred in the rainy season, in January. In the dry season, the mate was held in October and November, so that the ewes delivered between March and April. In this season, 76 females with 102 lambs met the same selection criteria. The animals were weaned in August, mid-dry season.
Immediately after birth, lambs were identified by conventional ear tags and by subcutaneous electronic chips and were weighed. Natural weaning was performed at 150 days of age in average. The ewes were removed from the Aruãna pasture, and the lambs remained in the same pasture until 210 days of age (D210) in average, under natural infections. The concentrate was supplied in a ratio of 1% of live weight (LW) per day and, in the dry season, corn silage was also provided gradually, as the supply of pasture decreased. Water and mineral salt were kept ad libitum.
2.2 Experimental design
At 63 days of age (D63), all lambs received anthelmintic treatment with Ripercol® L - 150F (levamisole 18.8% injectable, 9.4 mg.kg-1) in order to initiate the experiment with all animals at the same parasitological conditions. This dose was higher than the recommended (6.2 mg.kg-1) in order to reach a better efficacy in the sheep nematode control in Brazil (Costa et al. 2017) and make this trial possible. Levamisole presented the highest efficacy (81%) (albendazole - 54%, closantel - 79%, ivermectin - 44%, moxidectin - 35% and monepantel - 62%) in the FECRT performed with the Morada Nova lambs. These results reflect the resistance situation of the parasites from the Brazilian flocks (Veríssimo et al. 2012), as well as from the tropical countries (Sepúlveda-Vázquez et al. 2021), demonstrating the difficulty of carrying out experiments that require the use of highly effective anthelmintics.
The lambs were separated into three experimental groups in order to obtain similar means for: birth weight, type of birth (twin or single), sex, EPG and PVC, considering the data at D63 for the last traits. Anthelmintic treatments throughout the experimental period were performed with levamisole (9.4 mg.kg-1), according to the criteria adopted for each treatment: 1) Control (CT): animals without anthelmintic treatment. 2) Routine (RT): animals treated every 42 days from D105 to D210, as usual at São Paulo state3) Targeted Selective (TST): animals treated according to the formula: lamb’s DWG ≤ DWG of the TSTgroup - standard deviation*0.5 (adapted from Cintra et al. 2018), every 21 days, from D105 to D210.
From D63 to D210, every 21 days, blood samples were collected for packed cell volume (PCV) determination, and feces samples for individual EPG counts (Ueno and Gonçalves 1998) and for group fecal cultures (Roberts and O'Sullivan 1950). In addition, the lambs were weighed every 21 days from birth to D210. To prevent deaths, precautionary anthelmintic treatment with the same drug was administered to lambs wherever they presented PCV ≤ 21% (adapted from Starling et al. (2019); CEUA CPPSE/ Protocol No. 01/2020), which occurred only in the CT. Their post-treatment data were removed from the statistical analyses.
2.3 Assessment of dry matter in forage and climatic factors
Forage collections occurred every 15 days in the rainy season and every 30 days in the dry season. All the material contained in a 1 m square was cut to 20 cm of the ground level and weighed for the determination of green matter production. After this procedure, sub-samples were placed in a forced-air oven at 65°C for 72 h, in order to determine the production of dry matter (DM), expressed in kg.ha-1 (Nogueira and Souza 2005).
Climate data were assessed by the climate station at Embrapa Pecuária Sudeste. Temperature (ºC), relative humidity (%) and rainfall (mm) were measured.
2.4 Anthelmintic resistance analyses performed after 210 days of age
2.4.1 Parasitological necropsy
Two lambs from the rainy season and three from the dry season were selected from each treatment with the highest EPG counts. These animals were euthanized after stunning for parasitological necropsy according to technical criteria of the Ministry of Livestock Agriculture and Supply (MAPA), following humanitarian slaughter rules. The abomasum was recovered and cut into the larger curvature, and the small and large intestines were lined up and opened. The contents were then washed with water and recovered in a 0.297 mm sieve. Using a magnifying glass, the parasites were separated by genus and sex and stored in 70% alcohol for morphological identification (González-Garduño et al., 2013).
2.4.2 Diagnosis of levamisole resistance by the Fecal Egg Count Reduction Test (FECRT)
After D210, the lambs that were not selected for parasitological necropsy and had EPG higher than 200 were randomized for FECRT. The objective was to verify levamisole efficacy in each group, after its differential use.
Randomization for FECRT was based on EPG, PVC and animal weight data obtained on D210. Within each of the three treatments, the animals were separated into the control group (without treatment) and the group treated with levamisole. On post-treatment D7, feces were collected for individual EPG counts, fecal cultures and drug resistance evaluation according to the formula: % Efficacy = (Mean of EPG in the control group - Mean of EPG in the treated group/ Mean of EPG in the control group) x 100.
2.4.3 Diagnosis of levamisole resistance by the Larval Development Test (LDT) - RESISTA-Test©
This test was performed on D210 with eggs from a pool of the feces collected from each experimental group and recovered by sequential sieves. About 70 GIN eggs were added to each well of a 96-well culture plate, which also received nutritive medium (Escherichia coli [EC11303] and amphotericin B [A9528] - Sigma-Aldrich). The plates were identified, sealed with PVC film and kept in an incubator for 24 h (27°C, RH 80%) for larval development (L1). After this period, wells received 12 dilutions of levamisole hydrochloride (RESISTA-Test©; Gainza et al. 2020; 2021). The plates were incubated for another six days. The negative control was composed of distilled water and nutritive medium. After the incubation period, first, second and third stage larvae (L1, L2, L3) of each well were quantified using an inverted microscope to calculate the efficacy and lethal concentrations (LCs) of levamisole. All anthelmintic concentrations and negative control were evaluated in duplicate (Gainza et al. 2020; 2021).
2.4.4 Diagnosis of levamisole resistance by molecular testing
Fecal samples collected on D63 and D210 were submitted to fecal culture. After obtaining L3, DNA extraction and genotyping of the 63 bp indel in the acr-8 gene was performed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) specific for Haemonchus contortus, to evaluate the resistance to levamisole (Chagas et al. 2016).
In the rainy season, genotypes were assessed in 20 L3 of all treatments (group-pooled fecal culture) on D63 and in 35, 21 and 20 L3 on D210 for CT, ST and TST, respectively. In the dry season, 39, 27 and 30 L3 were used on D63, and 69, 35 and 43 L3 on D210, respectively. The L3 were submitted to DNA extraction according to Silvestre and Humbert (2000) and Coles et al. (2006) with modifications by Niciura et al. (2012). For DNA extraction, sodium hypochlorite solution was used for exsheating, and larvae were individually collected and incubated in digestion buffer (10 mM Tris-HCl pH 7.6, 10 mM EDTA pH 8.0, 50 mM NaCl, 2% SDS, 40 mM DTT and 0.4 mg/mL proteinase K) at 56ºC overnight. DNA was extracted with Phenol solution: Chloroform: Isoamyl alcohol (25:24:1), precipitated with 100% isopropanol and washed with 70% ethanol. DNA was then suspended in water, incubated at 37 ºC for 30 minutes and stored at -20 ºC (adapted from Sambrook et al. 2000).
PCR to detect the 63 bp deletion in the acr-8 gene associated with levamisole resistance was performed according to Barrère et al. (2014) with LEVF (5'-ACCTTACCTATACACCCGTC-3') and LEVR (5'-CTTGCCGTTATTACACCCTCG-3') primers. It consisted of 1x buffer, 0.25 µM each primer, 0.2 mM each dNTP, 1.5 mM MgCl2, 1U Taq DNA polymerase and 2 µL DNA, in a final volume of 20 µl. Thermocycling conditions were initial denaturation at 94ºC for 2 minutes and 40 amplification cycles at 94ºC for 30 seconds, 55ºC for 30 seconds and 72ºC for 30 seconds, followed by final extension at 72ºC for 10 minutes.
Genotypes were attributed by banding pattern (256 bp for deletion and 319 bp no deletion) after 2% agarose gel electrophoresis in TBE buffer, ethidium bromide staining and observation in a UV transiluminator. The positive control was previously standardized (Chagas et al. 2016) and the negative control consisted of distilled water without DNA. The resistance genotype was assigned to animals homozygous for the 63 bp deletion.
2.5 Statistical analyses
Weight, DWG, PVC and EPG data were submitted to variance analysis by the SAS Proc Mixed procedure (SAS 2016) considering in the model the effects of treatments (CT, ST and TST), Day (from 0 to 210) and the respective interactions following a Split-Plot with repeated measurement in time. In selecting the best covariance matrix structure, the AIC (Smaller is Better - Akaike’s Information Criterion) criterion was used. Mean comparisons were performed by Tukey’s test at a significance level of 5%. The variable EPG was submitted to LOG (X+25) transformation.
Anthelmintic efficacy in RESISTA- Test® was determined based on the arithmetic mean of larval development according to the following equation (Coles et al. 1992): , whererefers to the number of larvae that has not reached the L3 phase andcorresponds to the number of L1 + L2+ L3. The results were analyzed by the Probit logistic regression model to determine the values of LC50, LC90, LC95 and LC99, which were defined as the anthelmintic concentrations in which 50%, 90%, 95% and 99% of larval development were inhibited. The analyses were performed with XLSTAT-Premium 2019.2.2 (Addinsoft 2019 - XLSTAT, Boston, USA) and a significance level of p ≤ 0.05 was considered. In the molecular test, Chi-square test was used to compare differences in frequency of the resistant genotype between D63 and D210 in each treatment group.