This study aimed to assess household characteristics that predict the concentrations of PM2.5 and CO within households in an informal urban settlement in the newly created city of Fort Portal city, Uganda. The primary type of cooking fuel used by the households was charcoal. The concentration of PM2.5 and CO during the cooking time for both the cooking area and the living area were above the WHO Air Quality limits of 25µg/m3 and 7ppm for 24hr, even for those households that used cleaner energy of LPG and electricity. Cooking from outside was associated with higher PM2.5 concentrations in the cooking area. However, cooking from outside using LPG and charcoal showed a reduction of PM2.5 concentrations compared to highly polluting fuels of wood, straw/ shrubs, and grass. Cooking with charcoal was associated with increased CO concentration in the living space.
In this study, charcoal was the primary fuel used for cooking. Charcoal is a readily available and accessible fuel as this district is surrounded by forests, which serve as a source of wood for charcoal burning. Similar studies conducted in informal settings have found a smaller proportion of households using charcoal or wood at the household level (47–49); however, it was comparable to findings from a nearby city of Mbarara, Uganda, and Avenor in Accra, Ghana where charcoal was reported to be the most commonly used cooking fuel (38, 50). The burning of charcoal biomass has environmental and health effects. The demand for charcoal encourages deforestation that destroys habitats of vital ecosystems leading to a reduction in ecosystem services, including tourism and climate change. Combustion of charcoal releases particulate matter, volatile organic compounds, including PM2.5 and CO, in the cooking and living area that may exceed the WHO Air Quality limits of 25µg/m3 for PM2.5 and 7ppm for CO for 24hr, as was observed in this study.
Households that used less polluting fuels of electricity and LPG also had high mean PM2.5 concentrations indoors. This study finding indicates that there is possible migration of PM2.5 from neighboring sources. These may include pits where open burning of garbage is done and garages. The other sources also include proximal households that use solid biomass for cooking. These sources facilitate the migration of PM2.5 and CO into households using less polluting fuels (51). This study finding contradicts that observed in Korogocho and Viwandani informal settlements of Nairobi (47), where usage of LPG and electricity resulted in a reduction in PM2.5. Our findings imply that the switch to less polluting fuels has to happen for a significant proportion of the neighborhood for the protective effect of cleaner energy against PM2.5 and CO to be realized.
In this study, moderately polluting fuel use (e.g., charcoal) was associated with higher CO concentration in the living area. When using the traditional cookstove, the incomplete combustion of charcoal may have resulted from the accumulation of CO in the poorly ventilated living spaces. Other studies have shown an association between charcoal combustion and increased indoor CO (52, 53). Exposure to indoor CO can accumulate toxic concentrations with mild and short-term exposure resulting in nausea, headaches, dizziness, impaired psychomotor function, loss of balance, fatigue, and respiratory symptoms (8, 54, 55). More prolonged exposures to CO can lead to loss of consciousness and death (52).
Outdoor cooking was associated with a 0.112 unit increase in PM2.5. Most households cooked outside to avoid smoke from entering their houses as they lacked space designated for cooking in their single or double roomed structures. Ambient air currents disperse airborne particles produced when cooking is done outdoors, away from the cooking area. However, ambient PM2.5 concentration from outdoor activities such as open burning of garbage, dust from the earth pathways and roads, and dispersal from nearby cooking areas which used biomass fuels may have contributed to the PM2.5 in the outdoor cooking areas. The cooking location is one of the practices that influence the average concentrations of smoke in the cooking areas (56, 57). For this study, the ambient air PM2.5 (58) may have negated the positive benefits of cooking outdoors. Ambient air quality monitors (21) in the neighboring Rwengoma village reported an average PM2.5 of 69.62 µg/m3 in the week during which these study air quality measurements were taken. However, other studies have observed that outdoor cooking resulted in reduced PM2.5 (57). Our study was conducted in an informal setting. In contrast, Rosat et al. (2014) (57) was conducted in a rural village that may have been sparsely populated compared to the informal settlements that are densely populated with more anthropogenic activities resulting in lower PM2.5 in ambient air quality for rural areas.
Cooking with less polluting and moderately polluting fuel was associated with a unit decrease of 1.77 and 0.934 in PM2.5, respectively. Despite the increased concentration of PM2.5 associated with cooking outdoors in this informal urban settlement, using a less polluting cooking fuel of electricity, LPG, or kerosene or moderately polluting cooking fuel of charcoal resulted in decreased concentrations of PM2.5 compared to solid biomass fuels of wood and straw/shrubs/grass. The use of less polluting fuels may have resulted in a higher decrease in PM2.5 than moderately polluting fuels because when using traditional cookstoves, incomplete combustion of solid biomass fuels occurs due to difficulty in mixing the fuel and air during burning, unlike for LPG (gas) and kerosene (liquid) leading to release of a significant proportion of products of incomplete combustion PM2.5 (10, 58). The decrease in PM2.5 concentration with the type of cooking fuel is similar to a study conducted in rural Malawi that assessed the effect of cooking location and type of cooking fuel on the level of PM2.5 (59). The use of less polluting fuels during outdoor cooking in informal settings may reduce PM2.5 in the cooking area, further emphasizing the need to promote cleaner cooking energy.
This study determined the cooking time PM2.5 and CO concentrations of the cooking areas and living areas for many households in this informal urban settlement. The cooking period presents the most imminent danger because this is the time the fuel sources are actively burning with the highest expected concentration of incomplete combustion byproducts of PM2.5 and CO. Some limitations of this study are the cross-sectional nature of the research and the limited air quality measuring devices available to use for the large sample size. Thus, a one-minute measurement was adapted according to Saad et al. (45).