2.1. Sampling and experimental design
Adults of the calanoid copepod T. longicornis (Müller, 1785) were collected from the Belgian part of the North Sea (BPNS), on the research vessel (RV) Simon Stevin on 15th February 2021 at sampling station 330 (51°25’ 995” N, 2°48’41.5” E) in the coastal waters near Ostend. Copepods were collected using a vertically towed WP2 net (57 cm diameter, 200 µm mesh size), towed from bottom to surface (SST: 4.8°C, 32.997 PSU, 0 µg L− 1 chlorophyll a). Individuals were transported and held in 35 L vessels, containing natural seawater obtained from the sampling station. Adults of the harpacticoid copepod P. littoralis (Brady, 1880) were obtained during low tide from the Paulina intertidal mudflat, Westerscheldt estuary, Netherlands (51°21' 24" N, 3° 42' 51"E) on 9 March 2021. The top sediment layer was sampled (5.45°C, 21.55 PSU), and individuals were isolated by sieving through a 250 µm mesh. Adult copepods were randomly selected under a Wild Heerbrugg M5 stereomicroscope. To characterize the FA profile and carbon content of individuals in the field, quadruplicates of 50 and 20 copepods, respectively, were sampled and stored at -80°C after allowing gut clearance for 12 h in autoclaved filtered natural seawater (FNSW). Following identification to species level, adult individuals (n = 60: T. longicornis, n = 70: P. littoralis) were placed directly in 1 L glass jars of autoclaved FNSW with aeration for 12 h at 11°C to allow gut clearance before addition of the food. No aeration was added to the P. littoralis experimental jars, as without sediment the benthic copepods would be disturbed beyond natural conditions.
The chlorophyte, Dunaliella tertiolecta (Butcher, 1959), was obtained from the Laboratory of Aquaculture & Artemia Reference Center at Ghent University, and cultured at 15°C in autoclaved FNSW with NutriBloom Plus. D. tertiolecta was isotopically labelled with 16.8 mg NaH13CO3 stock solution per 100 mL of growth medium (De Troch et al. 2012; Werbrouck et al. 2017). The stock cultures were grown in climate rooms (15°C, 12:12h light:dark, 17–46 photons m− 2 s− 1) for 10 days prior to the experiment. Average culture cell concentrations were determined with a Beckman Coulter counter Multisizer 3. In the calanoid experiment, 25 mL of algae were transferred to 50 mL falcon tubes for each replicate, to achieve approximately 25 000 cells mL− 1 inside the experimental unit (0.248 ± 0.078 mg carbon L− 1), ensuring non-limiting food concentrations (Koski and Klein Breteler 2003; Arendt et al. 2005; Veloza et al. 2006). The falcon tubes were centrifuged (10 min, 10°C, RCF = 3500 g), the supernatant containing the 13C label and nutrients was removed, and D. tertiolecta was resuspended in autoclaved FNSW. This was repeated twice, after which the falcon tubes were stored without light for 12 h at 4°C prior to the treatment to inhibit further algal growth (De Troch et al. 2012; Werbrouck et al. 2017). In the harpacticoid experiment, D. tertiolecta culture flasks were prepared similarly as above, however then combined to reach non-limiting food concentrations; 11 mL were added to each experimental unit, thereby containing approximately 25 000 cells mL− 1 (1.098 ± 0.089 mg carbon L− 1). Quadruplicate 10 mL samples of D. tertiolecta were taken from separate culture flasks for FA analysis, centrifuged (10 min, 10°C, RCF = 3220 g), and supernatant removed. The resulting concentrated 1 mL sample was transferred to a glass 10 mL vial and stored at -80°C. Additional samples were taken for total carbon analysis by filtering 25 mL onto GF/F paper and stored at -80°C. Algae concentrations were measured approximately 12 h after addition to the experimental units and after 6 days.
Thermal gradient experiments were conducted on T. longicornis and P. littoralis. Quadruplicates of 60 and 70 adults of T. longicornis and P. littoralis, respectively, were placed in glass jars filled with 1 L of autoclaved FNSW and fed ad libitum (10 000–25 000 cells mL− 1) with the prepared 13C-labelled D. tertiolecta. Experimental units were exposed to five different temperature treatments (11, 14, 17, 20, 23°C) in temperature controlled Lovibond TC-175 incubators (± 1°C) for 6 days under a 12:12 h light:dark regime. These treatments were acclimated from 11°C to their treatment temperature at a rate of 2°C h− 1. To assess potential algae growth throughout the experiments, quadruplicate 1 L jars of autoclaved FNSW containing only D. tertiolecta were placed in the 14°C incubator for the duration of the experiment. No increase in cell concentration was reported in these samples (Figure S1), hereafter we assume algae growth was successfully inhibited. On day 6 of the experiment, individuals were sieved on a 38 µm mesh and living individuals were counted and transferred to fresh autoclaved FNSW to allow gut clearance for 24 h. After this period, surviving individuals were transferred to glass vials and stored at -80°C prior to FA analysis. If more than 40 or 50 individuals survived during the calanoid and harpacticoid experiment respectively, additional samples were taken for carbon isotope analysis. These individuals were stored at -80°C prior to stable isotope sample preparation.
2.2. Bulk 13C stable isotope analysis
Individuals were washed three times in MilliQ, removing particles attached to the cuticula, then placed in Elemental Microanalysis Pressed Tin Capsules (8 x 5 mm) within 1 h of removing samples from the freezer. Tin capsules were dried at 60°C for 24 h, pinched closed, and analyzed by an isotope mass spectrometer PrecisION coupled with an elemental analyser C, N, and S VarioMicro (Elementar, Germany) at the Laboratory of Trophic and Isotopic Ecology, University of Liège.
2.3. Fatty acid extraction, quantification and CSIA
Fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) were prepared from freeze-dried samples using a direct transesterification procedure with 2.5% (v:v) sulfuric acid in methanol as described by De Troch et al. (2012). An internal standard (FA 19:0, 5 µg) was added prior to the transesterification procedure. FAME were extracted twice with hexane. The hexane was evaporated and the residue was dissolved in 200 µL hexane. Composition analysis of FA was carried out using a gas chromatograph (HP 7890B, Agilent Technologies, Diegem, Belgium) equipped with a flame ionization detector (FID) and connected to an Agilent 5977A Mass Selective Detector (Agilent Technologies, Diegem, Belgium). The GC was further equipped with a PTV injector (CIS-4, Gerstel, Mülheim an der Ruhr, Germany). A 60 m × 0.25 mm × 0.20 µm film thickness HP88 fused-silica capillary column (Agilent Technologies, Diegem, Belgium) was used for the gas chromatographic analysis, at a constant Helium flow rate (2 mL min-1). The injected sample is split equally between the MS and FID detectors at the end of the GC column using an Agilent capillary flow technology splitter. The oven temperature program was as follows: at the time of sample injection the column temperature was 50°C for 2 min, then gradually increased at 30°C min-1 to 180°C, followed by a second increase at 2°C min-1 to 230°C. The injection volume was 2 µL. The injector temperature was held at 30°C for 0.1 min and then ramped at 10°C s-1 to 250°C and held for 10 min. The transfer line for the column was maintained at 250°C. The quadrupole and ion source temperatures were 150 and 230°C, respectively. Mass spectra were recorded at 70 eV ionization voltage over the mass range of 50–550 m/z units. FAME were analyzed with the GC-MS prior to CSIA due to the higher total FA profile resolution and detection capabilities. Chromatogram analysis was done with Agilent MassHunter Quantitative Analysis software (Agilent Technologies, Diegem, Belgium). The signal obtained with the FID detector was used to generate quantitative data of all compounds. Peaks were identified based on the combination of their retention times, compared with external standards as a reference (Supelco 37 Component FAME Mix, Sigma-Aldrich, Overijse, Belgium) and the mass spectra obtained with the Mass Selective Detector. Quantification of FAME was based on the FID area of the internal standard (19:0) and on the conversion of peak areas to the amount of the FA by a theoretical response factor for each FA (Ackman and Sipos 1964; Wolff et al. 1995).
To assess the 13C within the FAs, FAMEs from all treatments and field samples were analyzed by capillary gas chromatography combustion-isotope ratio mass spectrometry (GC-c-IRMS) at the Isotope Bioscience Laboratory (ISOFYS), Ghent University. The GC-c-IRMS system consisted of a Trace GC 1310 equipped with a PTV injector and a VF23-MS column (length = 60 m, ID = 0.25 mm, film = 0.25 µm), connected to combustion/pyrolysis unit (GC-ISOLINK) where the FAME are converted to CO2. The FAME is let by an automated open split system (Conflo IV) to an IRMS detector (DeltaV advantage, Thermo Scientific, Bremen Germany). During injection, the PTV was set at 50°C and heated to 280°C at a rate of 10°C s− 1, with a cleaning phase at 350°C and flow set at 1.2 mL. The GC column was kept at 50°C for 2 min, heated to 150°C at a rate of 50°C min− 1, then heated to 210°C at 1.5°C min− 1, during a final clearing phase the column was heated to 250°C and kept at that temp for 5 min. 13C abundance was calibrated using the F8-3 mix of Arndt Schimmelman. Typical precision of 13C abundance is within 0.0005%. The GC-c-IRMS was not able to determine the position of the unsaturation in the carbon-20 chain (20:1), therefore its full notation is not indicated in the figures and tables reported in the results section.
2.4. CSIA calculations
During GC-c-IRMS analysis the analytes are converted to CO2 to be analysed by the IRMS detector where m/z 44, 45 and 46 are recorded simultaneously by three detectors. From the ratio of these three traces the a13C can be determined with high precision. The peak area (PA) of the individual FA can be used to also assess the FA content ([FA]). Commonly, in not artificially 13C enriched material this is done by using the combined peak area of the three mass traces. However, due to the high 13C enrichments and the different amplifications of the detectors, the [FA] per copepod was determined as follows:
(1)\(\left[FA\right]= \left(\frac{{PA}_{44,FAME} {\times (1-a}^{13}{C}_{IS})}{{PA}_{44,IS}}+\frac{{PA}_{45,FAME }{\times (a}^{13}{C}_{IS})}{{PA}_{45,IS}}\right)\times \frac{{m}_{IS }\times {(nC}_{IS}) \times {M}_{FA}}{{M}_{IS} \times {(nC}_{FA }+ 1) \times N}\)
With PAX,FAME and PAX,IS being the peak area at m/z = x of the FAME of interest and of the internal standard (IS), respectively, a13CIS the 13C abundance in the IS (1.08%), mIS the mass of the C19:0-FAME added (50 µg), MFA and MIS the molar mass of the FA of interest and of the IS (312.54 g∙mol− 1), respectively, nCFA and nCIS indicating the number of carbons in the FA of interest and in IS (20), and N being the number of copepods in the extracted sample.
The GC-c-IRMS measurements delivers the 13C abundance of the individual FAME (a13CFAME). To obtain the a13C of the corresponding FA (a13CFA), the measured a13CFAME must be corrected for the contribution of the methyl (a13CMeOH), added during derivatization to FAME:
(2) a 13CFA \(= \frac{\left[{a}^{13}{C}_{FAME} \times \left(n{C}_{FA}+1\right) - {a}^{13}{C}_{MeOH}\right] }{n{C}_{FA}}\)
The fraction of carbon assimilated (fC assi) in consumer FAs derived from the 13C-labelled D. tertiolecta can be computed as:
$${f}_{C assi} = \frac{{a}^{13}{C}_{FA-exp.} - {a}^{13}{C}_{FA-control} }{{a}^{13}{C}_{labelled DUNA} - {a}^{13}{C}_{field food}}$$
With a13CFA − exp. and a13CFA − control representing the a13CFA of the specific FA in copepods fed with 13C-labelled D. tertiolecta and control copepod (directly collected on field site), respectively, a13Clabelled DUNA and a13Cfield food (1.08%) indicating the bulk a13C of the 13C-labelled D. tertiolecta and of the food prior to incubation, respectively (adapted from Werbrouck et al. 2017). The bulk 13C of the labelled D. tertiolecta, was not measured due to instrumental limitations to measure very high enrichments, therefore the a13Clabelled DUNA was estimated using the a13CFA of 18:3ω3 (46.45%) found in the calanoid copepod samples. This value was used as a proxy due to the high concentration of 18:3ω3 in D. tertiolecta (Thor et al. 2007), and high uptake by T. longicornis. Finally, the absolute amount of FA derived from the carbon assimilated of the 13C-labelled D. tertiolecta ([FA]C assi) could be computed as follows:
$$[\text{F}\text{A}{]}_{C assi} =[FA] \times {f}_{C assi}$$
For FAs already present in D. tertiolecta (SFA, MUFAs and PUFAs > 20 carbon units), we assume that labelled FAs in the copepods are a combination of direct unaltered incorporation, biosynthesis and conversion. LC-PUFAs (ARA, EPA and DHA) are not present in D. tertiolecta, therefore labelled LC-PUFAs in the copepod are the result of biosynthesis from dietary obtained FAs (see Supplementary Information, Table S1). The carbon assimilation from the algae into the total sum of all measured FAs (TFA) relative to the absolute concentrations was additionally calculated.
2.5. Statistical analysis
All statistical analyses and visualizations were conducted in R, version 4.1.1 (R Core Team 2021). Intra-specific cell concentrations of D. tertiolecta between day 1 and 6 were compared using a Bonferroni corrected multiple pairwise t-test. No increase of algae concentrations during the experimental treatment was detected, therefore algae growth inhibition was considered successful (Fig. S1). Relative percent FA composition data were analyzed using non-parametric multidimensional scaling (nMDS), Bray-Curtis dissimilarity, on cube-root transformed data. A permutational analysis of variance (PERMANOVA) was conducted based on groups determined by hierarchical clustering. To discriminate which FAs were contributing the most to these differences, a similarity percentages test (SIMPER) was conducted.
A quasi-binomial logistic generalized linear model (GLM) was used to model proportional copepod survival along temperature, considering species identity as a factor and weighted by the number of copepods in each sample, to account for an overdispersion of the data estimated by the ratio of the residuals deviance and the degrees of freedom (Haman 2020). Multiple comparisons of type Tukey were applied to the survival GLM, using the package ‘multcomp’ to determine significant differences considering species and temperature (Hothorn et al. 2008). Due to the non-linear relationship, generalized additive models (GAM) were applied to the relative carbon assimilation into the TFA (Cassi TFA− 1) and the fraction of carbon assimilation into specific FAs using the package ‘mgcv’ (Wood 2011). Non-parametric smoothers (s) by restricted maximum likelihood were applied to the temperature effects (T) by species identity (S), considering species as a factor: Cassi TFA− 1~ f(S) + s(T, by = S). These data violated homogeneity assumptions evaluated by the dispersion of the residuals versus fitted values, due to zero-inflation, therefore a gamma distribution family was assumed with a log-link function (Zuur et al. 2009), providing a better model to include differences between species (Table S3). The exception to this was 18:3ω3, which was entered into the gaussian GAM untransformed (link = identity). Due to high mortality the FA data from two T. longicornis replicates at 23°C have been omitted. Model selection was done on the basis of the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) and ANOVA. The significance of the smooth terms are reported, and explained deviance is listed on the GAMs as it is considered as a generalized measurement of goodness of fit, rather than R2-values (Wood 2011). Some models could not be reliably interpreted for FAs with numerous undetected values and were omitted; therefore, caution should be exercised in the cases where sample quantities were below detection limits.