Energy is a vital component required for improving the human quality of life, abating poverty, and promoting socioeconomic activities [1]. However, millions of communities and households, particularly in developing countries, still lack access to basic energy services such as electricity, liquid fuels, and natural gas [2]. For example, ~ 1.5 billion people (> 20% of the global population) have no access to electrical power, while ~ 3 billion people (~ 45% of the global population) still rely on traditional biomass sources such as firewood, dry food waste, and coal for their cooking needs [3, 4]. Moreover, large quantities of municipal solid waste (MSW) from numerous urban areas in developing countries are being dumped in unregulated landfills, and these pose severe threats to both the environment and human health [5]. Anaerobic digestion (AD) is a cost-effective, clean, and–arguably–the most popular renewable energy source that can utilize MSW such as food waste to produce biogas [6].
The Chinese dome digester (CDD) is one of the most popular, low-cost and widely applied household digesters in rural areas of developing countries, given its energy-efficient self-mixing process, no moving parts, reliability, low maintenance, and long lifespan [7, 8]. CDD is usually constructed underground with a hemispherical dome top (headspace), which serves as gas storage and gas pressure is maintained through the height of the expansion tank [9]. When the biogas produced accumulates and is stored in the headspace above the slurry, the stored gas results in a pressure build up and pushes part of the slurry into the expansion tank. During gas release through a valve, the slurry flows back into the main digester, thus, creating a mixing regime [10]. Figure 1 illustrates the self-mixing process in a CDD. Furthermore, CDDs are relatively inexpensive and have non-forced mixed systems, making them suitable to meet the energy needs of millions of rural households in developing countries and mitigate greenhouse gas emissions from MSW [11].
The major hindrance to achieving sufficient biogas production in a CDD is the formation of scum. Scum is a mixture of undigested substrate, microbes and, virtually any material that can float [12, 13]. Scum represents a severe technological challenge because it hampers the release of biogas and can reduce the available digester capacity by 30% [14]. Rankin & Schlenz. [13], Raman et al. [14], and Jegede et al. [15] have reported that insufficient mixing is the main cause of scum formation in CDD. Notably, the structural design of CDD and mixing frequency have a direct impact on digester hydrodynamics and eventually digester performance. In CDD, optimized mixing can reduce applicable hydraulic retention time (HRT) and therewith digester volume and investment costs [16]. Some previous studies had developed various methods to break scum in CDD such as heating the digester and the application of stirrer. However, when heat was applied, the lower liquid zone heated up, but the heat failed to penetrate the scum layer at the top [13]. Also, the application of a stirrer was inefficient as a stirrer was persistently stocked with scum. Although some previous studies have applied various methods to break scum, no measures for scum control have been incorporated in the designs of CDD, applicable for large-scale applications, yet [14]. Mixing intensity in Chinese dome digester is controlled by a gas valve operation (mixing frequency) during gas production and gas usage [9, 19]. For instance, if a large amount of gas is released at once, it would make the mixing intensity stronger. Thus, by optimizing the mixing frequency in CDD, scum formation can be controlled without additional investment cost. The reason scum is formed at the upper part of CDD is attributed to initial dead zones created due to insufficient mixing. Because the presence of the dead zone in CDD led to formation of the scum, advanced modeling and simulation techniques could be employed.
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is a major tool for evaluating velocity profile, particle trajectories and dead (stagnant) zones in anaerobic digesters, reducing both expense and time [17]. CFD predictions show good qualitative comparison with the experimental data in terms of flow pattern, location of dead zones, and trends in velocity profiles [18]. Notably, computer simulations had showed that insufficient mixing results in lower methane yield and treatment efficiency [18].
This study pioneers in exploring 3D, multiphase CFD simulation in CDD to characterize mixing and the effect of mixing frequency on the performance of semi-continuous AD in CDD to identify dead zones, improve mixing intensity, prevent scum formation, and enhance methane yield. To this end, we elucidate 3D, multiphase CFD simulation in CDD and the optimum mixing frequency to achieve sufficient mixing intensity.