3.1 Global Performances
A first approximation was made, in order to evaluate the overall performance of SUDS, in terms of water quality and quantity. The values used for the design parameters were the mean values of those reported in the literature. A different model was developed for each typology, using as base-area 1% of SUDS area with respect to the total watershed area. The typologies included in the analysis are listed in Table 1, including the group of design parameters that each typology included.
The study consisted of continuous modelling on a hypothetical watershed, using a 10 years database from Santander, Spain. The variables used to assess the performance of SUDS were: total runoff volume, peak flow, maximum flows (average of the top 50 flows), pollutants loads, and nature of events; for the nature of events, the mean duration, volume, delay and detention times for all runoff events were calculated.
Table 1: Typologies and parameters groups for the structures modeled
Bioretention Cell (BC)
Rain Garden (RG)
Green Roof (GR)
Infiltration Trench (IT)
Permeable Pavement (PP)
Rain Barrel (RB)
Vegetated Swale (VS)
The global analysis for the total runoff volume allowed us to identify good performances for the RG, BC, and PP (reductions between 10% to 30%), but quite limited for the rest of the typologies (lower than 5%). At the same time, the decrease in pollutant (TSS, NT, and TP) loads was high for all the typologies (higher than 90%). Regarding the peak flow, a good capacity was evidenced for the BC, GR, RG, IT, and PP, with reductions between 20% and 30%; at the same time, the reduction for the maximum flows did not evidence the same behavior, with no reductions, or even slight increments (IT and VS).
The results for the nature of the runoff events are presented in Table 2. First, a decrease in the total number of events due to the presence of SUDS (20% to 40% reductions) was noticed, which in turn generated increases in the mean duration and volume, with increases of 50% to 100% depending on the typology. Additionally, the analysis for the delay times allowed us to identify that the storage structures (RG, BC, and PP) had the potential to delay an average of 4 hours the start of runoff, by storing the first part of the events; however, they did not generate delays at the end of the runoff events. On the other hand, transport and source control structures (VS, IT, and GR) behaved differently, delaying the end of the runoff by an average of 2 hours, through low flow velocities or temporary ponding, but in the long term, they did not store large runoff volumes.
Table 2: Nature of runoff events results by typologies
Reduction Number of Events (%)
Reduction Mean Duration (%)
Delay Start Runoff (h)
Delay End Runoff (h)
3.2 Design parameters analysis
Due to space limitations, the full decision matrices for each parameter are not presented in this manuscript but will be supplied if needed. These matrices present a complete summary of the ranges used for each parameter, as well as the results found for the performance variables; according to this, a scale color is presented to easily identify the global performance of typologies and the sensitivity of the parameters. Nevertheless, the following sub-sections make a brief description of the main findings made for each parameter.
3.2.1 Surface Variables
The surface variables included 2 parameters: the berm height and the vegetation volume fraction. For the berm height, the values ranged between 0 to 500 mm, depending on the typology assessed. In general terms, the sensitivity found for the volume reduction, and the peak flow was low, with variations of no more than 5%. However, when analyzing the pollutants loads, results showed a clear positive correlation, with increases between 10% to 50% on the reductions, depending on the typology; this means that the height of the berm is a relevant parameter, by allowing higher levels of surface ponding, and promoting settlement and filtering phenomena (Bastien et al., 2010; Charlesworth et al., 2003; Napier et al., 2009). The analysis of the nature of runoff events allowed us to identify a high potential for reducing the total number of runoff events, which can be explained by the fact that the detention and delay times increased; this last fact also evidenced increased mean volume and duration for the runoff events due to the presence of SUDS.
The sensitivity for the vegetation volume presented variations between 0% to 100%; regarding the total runoff reduction, the BC started with reductions of 20%, which decreased as the vegetation cover increased. At the same time, the RG presented constant values of 25% reduction, with low sensitivity with respect to the design parameter. Both the GR and the VS (including modifying their vegetation cover) showed not to be efficient strategies to reduce the total volumes, with constant values of 0% reduction.
The variables of pollutants load, peak flow, and detention times presented similar results. In all cases the sensitivity yielded for the vegetation coverage was low. The net changes were small (quite a few 0%, some 5%, and some 10%). Due to this, it is suggested that the percentage of surface vegetation cover does not have a direct influence on the runoff quality and quantity. However, it is considered that the greatest potential of the vegetation cover of SUDS regards the aesthetic and landscape dimension, so is recommended to focus on these aspects when defining the percentage and type of vegetation cover, as highlighted previously by Monberg et al. (2018).
3.2.2 Soil Parameters
The soil variables analysis included the depth of this soil layer, with variations between 30 to 500 mm. In general terms, the sensitivity of the parameter was low for peak and maximum flow, runoff volume, and nature of events, with variations less than 5% in most of the cases. Only the mean duration and volume of runoff events presented a 10% increment due to the increase of the soil depth for the BC.
Results for pollutants loads were different. In this case, the variable sensitivity was high for BC, GR, and PP, with increases of up to 10% in the reduction of contaminants when increasing the soil depth. This fact can be explained by the fact that the greater the total volume of soil, the adsorption and filtering processes of contaminants are favored (Schlu¨ter & Jefferies, 2005). For the rest of the performance variables, the depth of the soil did not show significant repercussions on the functioning of the structures.
3.2.3 Storage Variables
The analysis for the storage variables was also made for the height of this layer. Overall, the analysis yielded low levels of sensitivity (less than 3% for all the performance variables). One aspect to highlight is the inclusion of the RB in the analysis, which did not happen in the previous sections, as it did not have any of the design parameters that had been discussed so far. However, the performance of this structure, both in the sensitivity of the parameter and in the global reductions, behaves similarly to the rest of the typologies. In this case, only the BC presented increases of 30% in the mean average duration of runoff events while the storage layer increased.
A possible reason why the storage height of the structures was not a relevant parameter is that most of the relevant phenomena that intervene in the long-term modification of the patterns of runoff quality and quantity (seepage, infiltration, evapotranspiration, etc.) are not directly related to this parameter (Charlesworth et al., 2012).
3.2.4 Drainage Variables
In this case, the offset of the drainage orifice was analyzed, and the results obtained are similar to the previous sections: low levels of sensitivity, with less than 2% variations with changes in the offset between 0 to 150 mm. These results indicate that this parameter might not have a clear influence on the long-term performance of the structures.
3.2.5 Parameters Definition
Using the decision matrices, the design parameters were re-defined, and results from this process are presented in Table 3. For this matter, three different levels of sensitivity were defined, depending on the net differences detected in the performance variables comparing the results between the lowest and the highest value of the parameter. The levels were defined as follows: 1) High, for net changes above 50%, 2) Medium, corresponding to net changes between 10% and 50%, and 3) Low, for changes below 10%.
From the parameters analyzed, none presented high sensitivity levels. Furthermore, four parameters presented a medium sensitivity level (orange); in these cases, a manual selection of the value of the parameters was made, finding a balance between the performance and the constructive facilities of the structure. The rest of the parameters presented a low level of sensitivity (green), which is why the lowest values for the parameters were assigned.
3.3 Distribution and Disposition Analysis
3.3.1 Area
Having defined a unique design for each typology, an analysis was carried out in which progressive increases were made in the area of the SUDS. The minimum and maximum areas were 0.1% and 1% of the total area (80 ha). In general terms, the analysis allowed us to identify that the sensitivity in the performance variables was high for changes in the area. For the specific case of total runoff volume, maximum flow, and pollutants loads, the performances of SUDS increased in values between 20% to 50%. The nature of the runoff events (number, mean volume, and duration) also showed high correlations with the total area of SUDS. As a general fact, the performance of the structures improved when the area of the SUDS was higher; the above occurred indistinctly, for all typologies.
Considering that 1% area offered a fair balance between performance and implementation complexity, and also being in accordance with the recommendations of multiple design guidelines (Strecker et al., 2010; Till & Torre, 2004; Valley, 2010; Woods-Ballard et al., 2007), it was decided to fix this value for the SUDS area.
3.3.2 Number of Structures
In this phase, the effect of modifying the number of SUDS structures in which the already fixed area was distributed was assessed. For this purpose, different models were generated in which the area of SUDS in each subcatchment was distributed in 1 to 10 structures of the same typology.
Results obtained showed low sensitivity for most of the parameters analyzed. Except for some specific cases, the variation in the performance of the SUDS when modifying the number of structures was practically imperceptible. The two highest sensitivities observed were 25% variations (for GR and VS), always being the best performed, the scenario with 1 structure per subcatchment. Due to this, this was the option selected.
3.3.3 Spatial Distribution
The objective of this section was to define the optimal spatial distribution of SUDS structures. For this purpose, different spatial configurations were developed. As a general fact, the runoff from each subcatchment was managed with 1 structure, which is why the number of subcatchments always coincided with the number of SUDS (to see the detailed spatial distributions proposed, refer to Figure 1). Distribution 1 (D1) had a total of 8 subcatchments; from distribution 2 onward, the number of subcatchments decreased progressively, making the spatial distribution more aggregated, until reaching distribution 4 (D4), with only 1 SUDS managing the runoff of the entire catchment.
The spatial analysis allowed us to identify that the sensitivity changed depending on the performance variable. For the total runoff volume and pollutants loads, the variations were minimal depending on the spatial distributions; however, for the peak flow, there were significant differences. Due to this, additional analyses were performed for this variable, to guarantee that the spatial distribution selected was the one that maximized its performance.
Figure 2 presents the results for the peak flow analysis in the 7 typologies assessed. In all cases, D4 was the best-performed distribution, however, it was discarded due to its lack of real-life implementation (no pipelines or additional runoff transport infrastructure). Subsequently, it was identified that, depending on the typology, D2 and D3 had better performances than D1. Giving priority to IT, RB, and VS, and also to ease the applicability in real cases (less complex and expensive sewage systems), D3 was chosen as the spatial distribution for SUDS.
Inquiring about the reason why the spatial distribution of the SUDS was relevant, multiple authors were found stating the same fact (Tedoldi et al., 2017; Joshi et al., 2021; Fenner, 2017). In all cases, it was concluded that, because the SUDS modify the hydraulic and hydrological patterns of the catchment, how they are located in the space will be a determining variable in these modifications, which is why it is essential to adequately define what is the best distribution.
3.3.4 Combination of Typologies
3 So far, independent models were used for each SUDS typology. In this section, it was decided to evaluate the effect of mixing typologies within the same catchment. For this purpose, the urban drainage guide by Butler et al. (2018) was used, to propose logical combinations of structures. Figure 3 shows each of the stages or processes that the guide suggests, as well as the recommended typologies for each stage. Furthermore, two basic criteria were established for proposing the combinations: 1) each scenario included all stages of the drainage process, and 2) each scenario included one, and only one typology for each process.
Following the previous criteria, 6 possible combinations were reached (Table 4). To contrast, the results of combining SUDS with the previous results, the worst and best-performanced scenarios without combining structures were included, which were GR and RG, respectively. It is worth clarifying that, for all the scenarios, the runoff from each sub-catchment was divided into 4 equal parts, and each part was directed independently to each structure; furthermore, each structure drained to the outlet point of its corresponding subcatchment.
Table 4: SUDS combinations selected
Input Control
Source Control
Local Control
Results for total runoff volume, peak flow, maximum flows, and pollutants loads are presented in Figure 4. For the total volume of runoff and the pollutants loads, Figure 4(a) and Figure 4(d) showed that in none of the combined cases (scenarios 2 to 7), results were better than the best-uncombined scenario (Scenario 8), nor worse than the worst uncombined scenario (Scenario 1); however, results for the peak flow (Figure 4(b)) and the extreme flows (Figure 4(c)) did show a tendency to improve performance for the combined scenarios. In both cases, scenarios 6 and 7 showed the best performance (expressed as the lowest flow); in both cases, the local control strategy was the RB, which suggests that this typology has a strong effect on reducing peak flows.
In general terms, this analysis allowed us to identify that it is very important to clearly define the objective variable (volume, peak flow, or contaminant load), and from that definition, determine which combination is the most appropriate, taking into account that in some cases combining typologies might not be the most appropriate.
3.3.5 SUDS Trains
Making use of the same combinations defined in the previous section, it was proceeded to evaluate the effect of having SUDS trains (interconnected with each other sequentially). For analyzing the results, it was decided to quantify the performance, using and not using SUDS trains. Due to the above, Figure 5 presents the results with and without SUDS trains (blue and green bars), and also the percentage of reduction implied by the fact of including the trains (red dots).
Results yielded that the performances for the interconnected structures improved substantially. For the total volume of runoff (Figure 5(a)), the fact of including SUDS trains causes the total volume of runoff to decrease significantly (between 40% and 60%). Something similar occurred with the pollutants loads (reductions around 65% to 85%). However, for the peak and maximum flows SUDS trains did not show to be an efficient strategy, as it can be evidenced in Figures 5.b and 5.c, with overall higher values for the scenarios with trains.
For this specific case, and because the positive effect of trains over runoff volume and pollutants loads was comparatively higher than the negative effects over the peak flows, it was decided to prioritize the first two variables, which is why it was decided to continue using SUDS trains. Based on the results, the combination 5 was the best option, and it was selected for the subsequent analysis.
3.3.6 Optimal SUDS scheme definition
To summarize the decisions procedure followed, Table 5 presents each of the stages of the analysis, along with the possibilities in each stage and the decision made (in green).
It is worth clarifying that this configuration was selected for this specific case study. Although it cannot be guaranteed that it applies to other case studies, this selection methodology can be recommended as applicable and extrapolated to other cases. Because the results can be highly variable, and also because of the variability of possible decisions based on the specific objectives, it is recommended to apply this methodology to each specific case study.
Table 5: Variables assessed, options and decisions made at each step (green)
% Area
Num. Structures
3.4 National and Regional Effect of SUDS
Finally, the SUDS scheme selected was tested with different rainfall regimes, in order to quantify the effect of the region on the SUDS performance. 23 continuous databases from cities in Colombia and Spain were used to develop the models, and Figure 6 summarizes the main results. For each city, the main Y-axe presents the performance variables for the model with SUDS (blue) and without SUDS (green). Furthermore, the secondary Y-axe represents the percentage of reduction due to the presence of SUDS; for this last case, results are differentiated between Colombian and Spanish cities, with rounded red indicators for the first group of cities, and pink quadrangle indicators for the second group. In all cases, the International Air Transport Association (IATA) code was used to represent the cities.
The analysis for the total runoff volume (Figure 6(a)) allowed to identify high variability in the efficiency of reduction, with overall values varying between 30% and 80%. Except for Pasto (PSO), the cities with the lowest reduction percentages were located in Colombia, with values between 30% to 55%. Consequently, Spanish cities showed higher reduction rates (above 60%). Based on the above, it is suggested that SUDS have high variability in their efficiency and effectiveness depending on the region; for tropical regions, with more intense rainfall regimes, the SUDS effectiveness decreases, while for regions with longer but less intense rainfall events, the effectiveness of these structures increases considerably, as previously identified by Zhang et al. (2019).
Analyzing the inner-country variability, a similar trend was identified. In the case of Colombia, in cities with large rainfall events, such as Inírida (PDA), Quibdó (UIB), and Mitu´ (MVP), SUDS efficiency was lower than in the rest of the cities. The same happened in Spain, showing that the variability is also observed at the regional (inner-country) level.
The analysis for the peak flow (Figure 6(b)) allowed to identify reductions between 5% and 30%. Regarding the trans-national and inner-region analysis, a similar (but inverse) variability was observed. This means that in this case, the potential of the SUDS to reduce peak flows is greater for cities with more intense rainfall regimes (Colombian cities), and gradually decreases for cities with more stable rainfall regimes (Spanish cities). However, in this case, the dispersion between the different performances was less perceptible than that of those observed in Figure 6(a).
Finally, Figure 6(c) allowed us to identify that for the contaminants loads the variability, both national and regional, decreased significantly. Colombian cities such as In´ırida (PDA), Quibd´o (UIB), and Mitu´ (MVP), which are those with the highest annual rainfall, had lower rates of reductions, but in this case, the differences were less than 5% or 10% within the cities. Overall, the pollutant reductions were between 90% and 99 %. Data suggests that SUDS have a high potential to reduce pollutants, and this potential does not depend directly on the region.
Considering that the selection methodology was applied to the city of Santander (SDR), it could be confirmed that the results obtained from the methodology proposed were satisfactory since the performance of SUDS was good for this city. At the same time, this confirms the need to apply the proposed methodology to each case study, since SUDS did not perform equally in all cities.