The research area is in the Regueb basin, Central Tunisia. It has a surface of 1050 Km2 (Fig. 1). The Kairouan basin and Jebel Khechem limit it from north, Bouthadi anticline from Northern-East, Jebel Telil in Eastern, Mazzouna Range from southern and the Tunisian dorsal (Jebel Jabes, Jebel Gouleb, and Jebel Goubrar) in the West. The climate in the Regueb basin is semi-arid, with variable precipitation in the average of 250 mm year-1. The temperature varied between 19°C winter and 45°C in summer, which influence the evapotranspiration to attender the 2300 mm year-1 (Hamed et al., 2018; Ncibi et al., 2020a, b; CRDA, 2021).
Geological and tectonic setting
Regueb basin is located in the eastern boundary of Central Tunisian. It is made up of oriented folds North West-Sud West that divide syncline basins holding Tertiary deposits. The lithostratigraphic unite subdivisions reveals a stratigraphic succession spanning the Triassic to the Quaternary. The olds series are found in the North-South Axis (NOSA) in the western part of the study area and in the Mazzouna Range in the West. The extrusive evaporitic rocks from the Triassic outcrop in Jebel Goubrar and Jebel Rheouis. These Triassic rocks are composed with gypsum, halite and anhydride, which are easily dissolved and so have an impact on water mineralization (Boukadi 1994; Dlala 1995; Zouaghi 2008; Ncibi et al., 2020a, b; Hamed et al.,2021). The dolomitic massive limestone of Nara Formation represents the Jurassic series (Burollet 1956). The most of surrounding anticlinal layers are centered on the Cretaceous series, which outcrops in the study area. The Lower Cretaceous series consist from bottom with detrital deposits and with sandy and carbonate deposits in top (Zouaghi 2008). Carbonate series (dolomite, limestone, and marl) are abundantly in upper cretaceous and presence of clay sequences interspersed with evaporitic deposits occurring during Cenomanian (Creuzot et al.,1989). The central Tunisia characterized by a regular sedimentation snapping the Cretaceous to the Tertiary. Messiouta, Ain Grab, Mahmoud, Beglia and Saouaf are the Formations of Neogene, often found in slumped areas (Zouaghi et al.,2011). The Mio-Pliocene layers are fine to coarse in character and lie unconformable atop those from preceding areas. The study area contains extensive outcropping of Quaternary rocks, which is characterized by diversity of sedimentation (Hajji et al., 2018). The deposits are predominantly detrital, fluvial and aeolian in origin, and have a high permeability.
The Regueb basin permeate many faults, which controlled the geometry of hydrogeological basin and the groundwater circulation. The collapsed segment of the anticline of Bir-Ali Ben khalifa basin changes the flow direction of Leban Wadi from NNE towards Sebkhat Mecheguigue to NE-SW towards the Ouedrane basin. The synsedimentary deposits and the multiphase deformation induced by two major faults running in opposite directions: the first, the NE-SW direction, which affects the Goubrar, Gouleb, Khechem, and all of the western boundary; and the second, the NW-SE to E-W direction, which affects the Bouthadi and Bir-Ali ben Khalifa anticlines, as well as the Mezzouna chain, which resulted in intense fracturing of Cretaceous deposits, facilitating the drainage of the water in limestone and dolomitic deposits. It's a Mio-Plio-Quaternary filling aquifer with many layers. The reservoir levels are interspersed by impervious to semi-permeable layers in sandy clay formations (clay and sandy clays).
Hydrology and Hydrogeological setting
The subsidence of the Regueb basin allowed for the formation of a very deep ditch filled with continental detrital deposits in the form of alternations of sand and clay with a wide range of intermediate terrains. The Mio-Plio-Quaternary is credited with this series. Boreholes drilled to the north and south of the plain revealed the asymmetry of the Regueb basin's structure (Gassara 1980). The continental deposits were discovered near the basin's northern closure (drilling el Akerma 800 m), whereas the infill becomes weaker towards the plain's southern end. At an elevation of 417 meters, this is how the Ksar Gheris borehole reached the Eocene. There are two major components: (1) The Mio-Plio-Quaternary detrital complex, which contains numerous aquifer layers and consists of sandy to sandy-clayey foundations. In certain areas, the thickness of this entity exceeds 1,000 meters. (2) The Eocene limestone that is more than 800 m to the north and less than 450 m to the south of the plain and is not caught in the Regueb basin. Thus, only the Mio-Plio-Quaternary aquifer deposits are of hydrogeological relevance. The Regueb basin is characterized by a dense hydrographic network generated by Leben Wadi, which eventually becomes Ouadrane Wadi as it approaches the Sfax plain. The following are the groundwater movements: (1) In the north, the flow is NW-SE from Jebel Khechem and Jebel Goubrar to the Sebkhat Mechiguigue, which serves as the water table's natural exit. Total endorsees characterize the sheet at this point. The hydraulic gradient is around 1.5%, (2) The converging streamlines in the plain's center reveal a flow from NW-SE to West-East and (3) The flow SW-NE towards Leben wadi, materializing a groundwater supply through infiltration of Leben Wadi inputs (Fig. 2).
Analytical techniques and data sets
During February 2021, 48 water samples were selected and collected from accessible wells. The chemical element (Mg2+, Na+, Ca2+, K+, Cl-, NO3-, HCO32-, and SO42-) have been analyzed at the Laboratory of physical and chemical Analyses of Soil and Water of the Regional Commissariat of Agricultural Development (CRDA) of Sidi Bouzid. Titration was used to determine Mg2+, Cl-, HCO32-, and Ca2+. Using flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry, the concentrations of SO42- were determined. Flame photometry was used to determine the elements K+ and Na+. NO3- concentrations were determined nitrate meter LAQUAtwin B-743, and SAR values were calculated using Eq.1:
For each sample, an ionic balance error was calculated and utilized as a framework for verifying the analytical data's quality. A duplicate analysis was used to assess the reproducibility of the analytical processes, and the duplicate results did not differ by more than 10% of the mean. Ionic balances were calculated using Eq.2:
Milliequivalent per liter (meq/L) is the unit of measurement for all ionic concentrations.
The Analytic Hierarchy technique (AHP)
AHP is an MCDM (Multi-Criteria Decision-Making) method for analyzing complicated decisions including multiple criteria that was created in the 1970s (Staaty 2008). The current study evaluates the irrigation water quality based on a multicriteria analysis using the AHP method. The AHP approach serves a variety of functions often contradictory, functions, including framing an issue, representing and quantifying decision criteria, and connecting these criteria to larger goals, most notably classifying water quality from each criterion (SAR, EC, TDS, Na+, SO42- and Cl-). As shown in fig.3, the AHP approach is a commonly utilized concept that is built on solid mathematical and psychological underpinnings (Alya 2014; Golden et al., 1989; Lui 2004).
For each criterion, a matrix A of pairwise comparisons is produced. The matrix A's components i and j are numerical entries that indicate the relative importance of element i over element j in comparison to the comparable element at the next higher level. Thus, the matrix A has the form of the Eq.3:
where n is the number of criteria defined in step one.
Criterion i is more (less) important than criterion j if the value of element (i, j) is greater (less) than 1. Element (j, i) of the matrix is the inverse of element (i, j) (Tab.1, 2). The principal elements of the matrix A are calculated in order to estimate relative priorities among the n elements of the matrix A. Then are weighted and rated in relation to the criteria or sub-criteria (Ayla 2014; Bhushan and Rai 2004).
Table 1
Table 2
The matrix's consistency is assessed in order to ensure that the priority ratio is consistent. Based on the CI and the Random Index RI, the Consistency Ratio CR is calculated using Eq.4 (Hsu and Hu 2008):
The consistency index (CI) is calculated using Eq.5:
Where max is the biggest matrix or major eigenvalue, and n is the number of elements in the matrix being compared.
The random index RI is obtained by performing various simulations as shown in Tab.3.
Table 3
The weights of the sub-criteria are multiplied by the rating of each alternative, and the results are summed to provide local ratings for each criterion. The rating of each alternative is then multiplied by the weights of the sub-criteria, and the results are aggregated to produce local ratings for each criterion (Fig.3).
The classification and mapping of water quality
Water Quality Index (WQI) was then developed using six criteria (SAR, TDS, pH, Na+, SO42- and Cl-) that were grouped into five classes (Tab.4). Each quality criterion was allocated to one of five classes for each water sample. Thus, various levels of groundwater suitability for irrigation uses are detected: excellent, good, permissible, doubtful and unsuitable. Each of these groups related to a specific range of quality criterion values (Tab.4).
Table 4
Based on the AHP, the calculation and the weighting of each criterion done. The evaluation of WQI was calculated using the equation Eq.6 below:
Where Wk and Ck are the weight and class of quality criterion k, respectively (Tab.4). Finally, a spatial distribution map of the WQI has been generated based on GIS.
Statistical analysis (ACP)
A quantitative and independent method to groundwater classification appears to necessitate multivariate statistical analysis, which allows for the reduction of a large dataset of variables into a few components and the clarification of chemical parameter correlations. Principal Component Analysis (ACP) was performed on the 48 groundwater samples using SPSS 2021 software based on 10 physicochemical variables (TDS, pH, SO42-, HCO3-, Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+, Cl-, and NO3-). The data was standardized using Pearson's correlation coefficient.