The ARTS system
Multiple failed tagging attempts using crossbows during a 1997 field effort to tag minke whales was the driving force behind the initial search for alternative deployment options. LK-Consult, later renamed LKARTS-Norway initiated collaboration with Restech Norway AS and the rifle manufacturer Rune Landrø (Norway). The first design of the launcher was built during winter 1997 and was followed up with laboratory testing the next year, resulting in the first ARTS ready for field tests (fig.1A, fig 2). The ARTS launches an arrow (carrier) with a grip designed to hold the tag during the flight, and then releases upon tag deployment. The grip is specially designed for each tag type. In collaboration with Villum Jensen (Danmark), the first ARTSCarrier (fig.1B, ARTSC) was developed for a bowhead whale project in West Greenland [40], and the following years further development resulted in a variety of different ARTS carriers and accessories with diverse applications, all unique and adapted to the shape and size of each instrument for optimal flight performance.
The basic of the ARTS is to deploy the instrument to the target (whale or dolphin) at distances from 5-20 meter, and then release the carrier from the tag. The carrier itself floats and can be recovered and reused. On some of the latest models of ARTS carriers a biopsy element is added which collects a biopsy upon the deployment of the tag. The ARTS is a pneumatic launcher, where launching pressure is adjusted (5-25bar) depending on the total weight of the ARTSCarrier and the sensor package, the species and the expected distance to the target. Thus, the expected distance to a target during approaches of a specific species will guide the setup of ARTSCarrier and will often be custom designed. Generally, lower pressures are preferred to reduce the impact on the animal and the risk of damage to the sensor packages, - this is a trade of with deployment precision and range.
During tagging approaches target species may be more or less evasive, keeping the tag boat at a distance – though whales may be more approachable in feeding and socializing contexts. For most species in any context, a boat approach within 20 meters is likely possible and the ARTS can be set up for tag deployments at 20-, 15-, 10- and 5-meter ranges with different sensor-packages. A typical field setup for a tagging project would be using a small tag boat to approach the whale and deploy the tag, however also sailing boats, larger vessels, helicopter and even deployment from shore are platform-options during ARTS tagging.
ARTS – development and design
The total production of the whale tag launcher ARTS is (as of March 2022) 53 units since the pilot was constructed in 1997, and it has become an international standardized field tool in research projects working with telemetry and behavior studies of whales and dolphins. During the past 10 years ARTS have also been delivered with tagging-related accessories in a complete ARTS package (n=15) including a specific design for the deployment of larger archival tags (fig. 3B and 3C, ARTS-SD).
The ARTS is based on technology owned by Restech Norway AS and is a reconstruction of a PLT® line thrower [8]. The stock resembles a shotgun stock (fig 1A) where the air-fill handle enables the tagger to choose the launching pressure (fig 3D). The air-fill handle is a two-way valve, allowing the filling or release of air from the pressure chamber. The air-fill handle can be constantly connected to the pressure tank on a fixed platform using a long flexible high-pressure hose attached to the quick coupling on the unit. In some cases, a smaller air tank carried along side, or in a backpack setup, is convenient if the tagger position needs to be flexible. In these cases, the hose can also be disconnected from the ARTS, since the valve has a closing function. The standard barrel dimension is 38mm in diameter and 840mm long, however custom-made barrels are available (diameter: 12mm to 90mm), with variable length. The ARTS comes in different versions depending on tags, carriers and aiming device. A complete ARTS package (ARTS-SD) includes a standard ARTS (ARTS-S) setup for satellite tag deployments (Fig. 3B) and an aiming bar for the launching of larger sensor packages which have a hyperbolic trajectory and need a different aim device (ARTS-D) (Fig. 3C).
ARTS deployment of satellite tags
In telemetry projects using satellite tags the original ARTS carrier (fig.1B) is a commonly used setup [15,18,27,31,46]; however other carrier systems have been developed in the last decade [20,23,47]. The original ARTSC has been modified to a variety of satellite tag molds. The ARTSC standard is 650mm long, with a body of Polypropylene (DURAPIPE superFLO ABS 32mm PS EN ISO 15493), an outer diameter of 32mm and inner diameter of 28mm, and three polycarbonate steering fins of (Lexan 2mm) attached with flexible Flex-Master glue (Partsmaster, USA). It is a simple carrier, easy to handle and easy to use. When operating at close range, the ARTSC can be deployed without any safety line, and thus recovered after deployment. However, for many projects a tethered system is preferred, where the tag can be easily recovered if the deployment is unsuccessful in a miss or a bounce off the whale. Especially the latter can result in the loss of tags if the safety line is not used since the carrier does not float with the satellite tag still attached.
Another safety system for lighter tags (WC; SPOT5 mold 177) is a galvanic time releaser (GTR) mounted on a string between the tag and the carrier (fig. 5A). Other carriers have been developed for implant tube tags (fig. 5B and 5D)), and the latest ARTSTBC is designed for both Wildlife Computer SPLASH 302 and SPOT 303 tags. This tethered ARTS-carrier is especially designed for deployments up to 20 meters, typically for approaches from larger vessels. It is designed with an integrated physical stopper in order to utilize increased pressures giving greater accuracy, while simultaneously collecting a biopsy sample.
In 2015, LKARTS-Norway developed a carrier for the Wildlife Computer LIMPET tag SPLASH 292 (fig.5C). This carrier was specially developed for the off-range beaked whale study (ORBS) project studying Northern bottlenose whales [14]. This setup will also be equally useful for tagging other relatively small cetaceans like pilot whales, killer whales, minke whales, and beaked whales, or on larger whales where it is desirable to deploy the tag to the dorsal fin.
ARTS deployments of archival tags
The initial idea of launching a larger sensor package using the ARTS was conceived in 2006 while suffering through long days trying to tag herring-feeding killer whales in Vestfjorden, Norway, using the traditional hand-held pole to deploy the DTAGv2 [41]. Killer whales were routinely approachable to within 10-15m, however for hand pole tagging one needs to be within 5-8m. LKARTS-Norway, with support from the 3S program (The Sea mammals and Sonar Safety program studying behavioral responses to naval sonar in six species of cetaceans), started dry tests during the 3S-2006 cruise [42]. Following 3 years of development and testing the ARTS-DTAGv2 setup, the LKCv2 carrier (fig. 3C) became a fully operational system in 2009 [43]. We were then able to deploy DTAGs to killer whales at more than double the standard pole distances [43]. From 2012 a new and larger manometer (Figure 6) was made an optional accessory for the ARTS, enabling finer control of the deployment pressure and hence better deployments.
Additionally, several aiming devices have been tested in order to improve accuracy when using heavier tag systems with a hyperbolic curved flight (fig. 3C; 7A and B).
The launching of the tag and impact on the whales poses stress to the tag electronics and housing. We found that the G-forces when launching the DTAGv2 using the ARTS at 6-8 bar pressure at distances of 5-10 m, are well within the impact forces during pole tagging. While the impact forces when ARTS launching the DTAGv2 using 10-12 bar pressure at distances of 5-10 m are in the upper part of the forces measured during pole tagging (fig. 8). These tests were performed to ensure that the risk of tag damage or impact on the whale were not significantly greater when deploying the DTAGv2 using the ARTS compared to the well-established method of deploying the tags with a long handheld pole [43].
Field results from 2009 showed that DTAGs launched with 7-8 bars pressure at 9-12m range gave the highest success rate, especially when working with killer whales, and the average tag on whale time (TOWT) for ARTS deployed tags were comparable to TOWT using the pole system [43].
During the development of the ARTS-DTAG setup a rugged version of the DTAG housing was built at WHOI (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, USA) and the ARTS carrier was modified in order to soften the impact of the tag on animal. During cruises in Norway, Iceland and Brazil in the period from 2009 to 2020 the ARTS launcher was successfully used to deploy DTAGs on pilot, killer, northern bottlenose, sperm, minke, Bryde’s (Balaenoptera brydei), sei (Balaenoptera borealis), fin (Balaenoptera physalus), blue (Balaenoptera musculus) and humpback whales [9,11,12,14,43,44,45].
At present the basic ARTS carrier, LKC, is operational with several archival tags (Table 1). Some of these tags (DTAGv2 and DTAGv3) are shown in figure 9, with their respectable specialized carriers the LKCv2 & LKCv3. For the details of various setups with tags and carriers we refer to field reports and publications [7,9,11,12,41,42,43,48,49,50,51,52,53].
Table 1
An overview of operational ARTS, carrier systems and biopsy darts
Wildlife Computer satellite tag; mold177
Advanced Telemetry Systems VHF tag; MM100 Series
LKARTS-Norway archival tag; CTag
Wildlife Computer satellite tag; LIMPET SPLASH292
Wildlife Computer satellite tag LIMPET SPLASH292
Wildlife Computer satellite tags; SPOT303/SPLASH302
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution archival tag; DTAGv2
DTAGv2 with barb attachment
LKARTS-Norway archival tag; HVTag
Sea Mammal Research Unit archival tag; MixedDTAG
Univ. Of Michigan?? archival tag; DTAGv3
LKARTS-Norway archival tag; HVCamTag
Sea Mammal Research Unit archival tag; MixedDTAG+
LKARTS-Norway biopsy dart
LKARTS-Norway biopsy dart
* Carriers including a biopsy part with biopsy tips from CETA-Dart (Finn Larsen, Danmark)
In the 3S program, the objectives were to study behavioral changes to naval sonar pulses in 6 whale species inhabiting Norwegian waters (killer (Orcinus orca), long-finned pilot (Globicephala melas), sperm (Physeter macrocephalus), Northern bottlenose (Hyperoodon ampullatus), humpback (Megaptera novaeangliae) and minke whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata)). The new ARTS-DTAG setup was an important tagging novelty for this program [7,9,11,12,14,15,42,43,48,49,54].
ARTS and custom biopsy darts
The LKDart was developed during 2010 in order to able to take biopsy samples through the blubber layer of large cetaceans. These darts are launched with the ARTS system, typically using biopsy tips from Finn Larsen (CETA-dart, DK). In 2010 the LKDart was successfully tested using variable biopsy tips from 20 to 80mm, and the ARTS-LKDart biopsy system was operational from 2012 [56,57]. In figure 12 is shown the LKDart (fig.10A), with the 2010 and the 2021 versions, and details of the tip attachment as well as a sample collected with an 80mm biopsy tip (fig 10B). Furthermore, the LKTDart (fig.10C) a tethered (25m) dart setup designed especially for use from larger vessels was functional as of 2017.
In 2012 a design of a system to enable the collection of a biopsy sample simultanouasly with the deployment of DTAGv2 was initiated. Today this setup using the LKBC carrier is operational, and can be seen in figure 11A. A recent design of the ARTSLC (for LIMPET tag deployments), also includes a simultaneous biopsy collection. This carrier, now named ARTSLBC, was operational from 2017 (Fig. 11B).
DFHorten – a digital signal processing radio direction finder unit
An increasing number of the tags deployed with the ARTS system are archival tags in projects using controlled exposure experiments to study changes in whale behavior, where it is vital to know in real time and control the position of the tagged animal. The signal processing radio direction finder, the DFHorten unit (fig. 12A), was developed for this purpose, to make it possible to track and follow VHF signals and thereby visually record positions of a focal tagged whale, collect relevant environment data, presence of intraspecifics and interspecifics around the focal tagged whale, as well as social behavioral data. The total production of the DFHorten is at present (as of March 2022) 17 units.
The DFHorten is a tracking device, connected to 4 Yagi antenna elements pointing in 4 different direction 90° apart (fig. 13A, B and C), and further connected to a speaker and a radio receiver [57]. The unit has a front panel with LED lights in a circle with 24 red diodes (15 degrees between diodes), and a cross of 9 red diodes on each cardinal direction (fig.12B and C). The four antennas are connected to separate channels and the DFHorten unit switches between the four channels within a 16ms cycle. The signal strength of the two channels receiving the weakest signal is discarded and the signal strength of the two channels receiving the strongest signals are weighted in a digital processing chain. The best estimate of direction is indicated with 15° resolution on the outer diodes (fig.12B and C). The signal strength on all four antennas will be shown on the LED cross. To indicate the quality of the incoming signal the centered LED will flash, indicating that you have had a good signal reception. For optimal performance 2-4 pulses are required. However, multiple, longer and stronger VHF pulses would increase the range and performance of the DFHorten unit. The DFHorten function well with the radio receivers ATS 2000 (Advanced Telemetry Systems, USA) and the R-1000 (Communications Specialists Inc., USA). The advantage of using the DFHorten becomes evident in poor weather or when it is dark, as well as during recovery of a floating tag. The unit is operational to a maximum of 2 nm depending on the antenna height and electromagnetic noise of the platform [7,9,11,12,16,17,42,43,44,45]. For detailed description of the DFHorten unit we refer to the manual [57]. We are currently in the testing phase of using the DFHorten box also to apply to satellite tag signals, thus being able to track satellite tagged whales and dolphins in real-time.