Routine diagnostics using RT-PCR are usually interpreted as either positive or negative while Ct information is commonly disregarded. Here, we show how differences in the Ct values of gene targets could be used to detect SARS-CoV-2 viral variant replacements and, in certain cases, to infer the presence of a new variant in the sample. Regarding the observed delay in the N gene, we provide new data for Eta, Mu and Omicron variants and extend the existing evidence for the shift in gene N compared to both gene R and gene S for variants Alpha, Beta, Delta and Gamma. Giovacchinni et al.12 reported ΔCtNS values similar to the ΔCtNR values reported here for variants Alfa, Delta and Gamma. Our results also qualitatively agree with those published by Wollschläger et al. for the Alpha variant.17
Previous studies have demonstrated the usefulness of collecting and analyzing Ct data obtained by routine RT-PCR. At the population level, Ct data has been used to infer population-wide viral load kinetics and epidemic trajectory3,8 and to track the prevalence of Alpha through the change in the proportion of samples showing SGTF.9 Here we demonstrate that transition between specific viral variants could be evaluated in a rapid manner by analyzing the temporal evolution of ΔCtNR. Similarly, a recent study by Valley-Omar et al. showed the ability to detect the replacement of variant Beta by Delta occurred during May-July 2021 in South Africa by tracking the Ct differences between gene R and gene E using the Allplex 2019-nCoV assay.18 Our data in combination with that provided by Valley-Omar et al. is an indication that the methodology presented here could be valuable for various commercially available SARS-CoV-2 diagnostics kits.
Genomic surveillance programs for SARS-CoV-2 were rapidly implemented in multiple countries shortly after the COVID-19 pandemic started. Despite great effort, sequencing capabilities are limited and vary within country regions and between countries,19 sometimes restricting the maximum number of positive RT-PCR samples that can be used for genomic surveillance. Therefore, sequencing results might be available only for a reduced percentage of the total number of cases, especially during periods of elevated incidence, as exemplified in the current study (Fig. 2A, bottom). Contrarily, during periods of low incidence, the reduced number of samples might cause a delay in sequencing results owing to the need to accumulate samples for proper cost-effectiveness optimization of each sequencing run. Regardless of incidence, Ct data offers the possibility to monitor a large fraction of positive samples, without additional costs over diagnostic RT-PCR and in a faster manner than WGS. At the same time, Ct monitoring can reduce underlying systematic biases in sample selection for genomic surveillance. It is also important to remark that sustainability of high levels of sequencing might be compromised and some countries are already undergoing a change in their genomic surveillance programs for SARS-CoV-2, decreasing their sequencing efforts and focusing them on highly vulnerable populations or serious COVID-19 cases based on the premise that a higher proportion of immunized individuals has been reached.20,21 Thus, the new strategy presented here to track changing trends in ΔCt among RT-PCR targets in combination with available genomic surveillance using WGS could be helpful for real-time epidemics management and public health response.
This study has limitations. Firstly, as low viral loads (higher Ct values) might lead to failed amplification and prevent the calculation of the differences observed among Ct targets, our analysis was only applied to samples with detection of all gene targets. Secondly, our study is limited by the proprietary character of the Allplex™ SARS-CoV-2/FluA/FluB/RSV Assay. Since the genomic loci amplified by the assay primers and probes is protected, we were unable to confirm that the mutations correlating with the delay in ΔCtNR are actually responsible for these changes. Finally, it is important to remark that the novel tool presented here will need to be properly reevaluated and updated according to newly arising viral variants and their characterization by WGS.
In conclusion, our results demonstrate that Ct differences between gene targets from routine molecular diagnostics can be used to monitor replacements between SARS-CoV-2 variants. This new simple metric would allow local epidemic monitoring in almost real time and inform response decisions.