Culture Optimization
Long-term (7-day) time-lapse microscopy of non-adherent primary hematopoietic progenitors can provide a robust approach for studying single-cell dynamic behavioral phenotypes but poses several technical challenges. The first technical hurdle is the need to stabilize the cells in three-dimensional space to permit accurate cell tracking, and the second hurdle is the need to utilize a cell culture system that can sustain the long-term nutritional requirements of the cells. We resolved both of these technical issues by using a collagen-based semisolid medium (see Methods). To restrict the motility of the cells in the z-plane for a consistent focus between cells, we placed a 12-mm2 coverslip over the cells in 15 µL of collagen-based medium to create a sandwich with a depth of roughly 30 µm. To reduce the rate of evaporation, we added additional semisolid medium to cover the coverslip and well bottom.
In Situ Staining of Colonies in Semisolid Media
Another technical hurdle in tracing the lineage of primary human hematopoietic progenitors is the lack of an endogenous fluorescent lineage reporter. Previous approaches for identifying colony types based on the presence of lineage-restricted progeny have relied on morphological analyses of brightfield microscopic images, which require a highly trained eye and can result in discrepancies between independent observers. We previously reported an immunohistochemistry-based approach for staining colonies with antibodies derived from disparate species that bind lineage-specific markers (CD235a for E and CD41 for Mk) to reveal the lineages present within colonies after physical transfer of semisolid media to a slide, evaporation, and fixation. While this colorimetric approach allows simultaneous visualization of two lineages, it is time-consuming, is limited in the number of lineages than can be detected, and causes mechanical disturbances to the cultures, which risks disrupting colonies and thereby altering the observed colony numbers. To resolve these limitations, we implemented an in situ staining approach: we stained colonies in situ by directly adding fluorescently conjugated antibodies against CD235a and CD41 to the cultures during time-lapse microscopy. We confirmed that this direct immunofluorescent approach results in colony counts and outcomes similar to those of the previously reported immunohistochemistry method (Fig. 1a).
Light Exposure Optimization
To enable accurate cell tracking, we attempted to image the cells in brightfield with an exposure time of 75 ms every 10 min for 7 days; however, significant cell death occurred within the first 2 days of imaging, resulting in failure to form colonies in 50% of cells imaged compared with unimaged controls (Fig. 1b). Reducing the exposure time decreased the image quality such that it became difficult to discern the boundaries of individual cells. Therefore, to reduce phototoxicity to the primary cells, we initially imaged the cells only once during the first 24 h (the first MEP division occurs between 24 and 48 h of culture; Supplemental Fig. 1a), followed by imaging every 2 h with a 75-ms exposure time over the next 36 h (60 h in culture). For time points beyond 60 h in culture, the rapid motility and high division frequency of the cells necessitated 10-min acquisition intervals in order to reach the required confidence threshold in the cell-tracking parameters described below. We found that after the first 60 h of less-frequent imaging, the cells could tolerate 75-ms exposure to light every 10 min for the remainder of the acquisition period. This approach restored the colony-forming efficiency to match that of unimaged control cultures (Fig. 1b) while still facilitating single-cell tracking. Importantly, the image acquisition did not cause a change in colony-type distribution (Fig. 1c). Among all of the MEPs imaged, 15.7 ± 4.1% died before giving rise to progeny (Fig. 1d), consistent with the colony-forming efficiency observed in static CFU assays. Thus, having overcome the technical hurdles to long-term time-lapse imaging of primary hematopoietic cells, we proceeded with this acquisition frequency and exposure time protocol to observe colony formation in MEPs.
Choice of Lineage Markers to Identify Mk- and E-committed Progeny
Due to the rapid expansion of E-destined progeny in growing colonies, accurate tracking of single cells was only possible for up to 7 days of colony growth. At this time point, however, CD235a was not yet detectable for many E-destined cells that ultimately became E-committed. Therefore, we investigated alternative antibodies to discriminate E-destined progeny from Mk-destined progeny downstream of MEPs. We tested antibodies against CD36, CD44, and CD71 on cells from plated MEPs at multiple time points, with the “ground truth” being determined at day 14 with anti-CD235a (Supplemental Table 1). Neither CD36 nor CD44 uniquely marked E-committed progeny at day 7 (Supplemental Fig. 1B and data not shown). Bright CD71 staining proved to be a unique marker for early E-committed progeny; we observed bright staining by day 7 post-plating only in cells that were later marked with CD235a by day 14 (Fig. 1e).
Segmentation Model
To construct a lineage tree of all progeny from each time-lapse-imaged single CFU, one must be able to track each individual cell as it forms from mitosis, follow its trajectory, and mark its division. The first step is to stack the images based on time to create a continuous movie (Fig. 1f). Tracking the individual cells requires two important aspects: 1) proper cell segmentation, where individual cell boundaries can be recognized, and 2) proper cell tracking, where appropriately segmented cells are linked from frame to frame over time. While cell tracking is intuitive for humans, automation of these steps requires model optimization to minimize human input.
To define clear cell borders and to segment individual cells that were either dispersed or positioned within a tightly packed colony, we employed segmentation settings that limited the expected size of each cell and variance in pixel intensity in the brightfield images and applied a segmentation watershed to define cell boundaries (Supplemental Fig. 2). We confirmed all segmentations manually with human oversight. We optimized the automated segmentation by adding a nested U-Net7-style7 deep-learning model based on the U2-Net architecture8 for segmentation and imported results from this model within the Baxter cell-tracking algorithm9 (Supplemental Fig. 3a). The model uses a cascading down-sampling path and a symmetric up-sampling path with skip connections that bridge features learned in each path. In contrast to the classic U-Net, which has already demonstrated great utility in segmenting biomedical images, our proposed nested model substitutes the standard convolutional blocks with residual U-Blocks consisting of additional U-Net-style structures to further extract features at different scales. Each up-sampling U-Block produces its own segmentation predictions, starting at the lowest resolution produced by the down-sampling path and increasing in resolution until achieving predictions at the original input image resolution. This approach increases the model depth while providing the ability to detect more contextual information, which is advantageous for segmenting individual cells, especially when they form clusters.
We trained the model in a supervised manner by minimizing a scaled binary cross entropy loss as formulated in a previous report8, which penalizes incorrect classification of individual pixels. We collected the ground truth through manual annotation of individual cells in a dataset composed of 1,962 images sampled across five different image sequences. We set aside 10% of these images for testing and evaluation and reserved the remaining 90% for training. Of the 90% used for training, we further reserved 10% for validation and parameter tuning. The proposed model performs better in identifying individual cells and delineating their boundaries in a densely packed cell colony than both the current Baxter algorithm and the state-of-the-art deep-learning algorithm DeepSea10,11 (Supplemental Fig. 3b).
Cell Tracking
The Baxter algorithm (version 1.5.3) allows for customized tracking settings, which we set to account for the maximum distance that a cell can travel between frames. This algorithm also uses probabilistic inference based on specific settings to predict which cell matches a given cell from the previous time frame with high accuracy (Supplemental Fig. 4). Using the Baxter algorithm, we color-coded the cells according to their state as follows: 1) blue cells are upstream of both Mk and E daughters (bipotent), 2) green cells (Mk-destined) are upstream of Mk-only progeny, and 3) red cells (E-destined) are upstream of E-only progeny (Fig. 1f,g; Supplemental Video 1). Using this approach, we built lineage trees for single MEPs producing mixed Mk/E, Mk-only, and E-only colonies (Fig. 2a,b i, iv, v). For comparison with the inferred cell state (Mk-destined and E-destined), we also built lineage trees from “ground truth” prospectively sorted Mk-committed (MkP) and E-committed (ErP) cells, which were functionally validated by traditional CFU assays3 to grow unilineage colonies (Fig. 2a,b ii, iii).
Characterization of Individual Cells Within Each Colony
We tracked each downstream cell within all of the colonies until it divided, died, visibly began endomitosing, or was no longer trackable due to crowding; otherwise, we ended acquisitions once we confirmed the lineage of the cell based on cell surface marker expression. Cell tracking allows for quantitation of division types (symmetric self-renewal, maintenance self-renewal, or differentiation), division rates, and motility over time at the single-cell level.
This type of dynamic insight into single progenitor cells as they make fate decisions significantly adds to the traditional static CFU assay. By providing information on the number and rate of cell divisions and motility in each state (bipotent MEPs, Mk- or E-destined MEPs, and unipotent MkPs and ErPs), we can analyze these progenitor cells throughout differentiation. Note that by eye, when cells are tracked in individual colonies, there are clear differences in the number and rate of cell divisions between the cell states. Thus, we performed quantitative analyses of cell movement and division rates in the context of fate specification.
Analysis of Cell Growth and Differentiation of Time-lapse Imaged MEPs
To identify unique cell states between closely related progenitors, we quantified the cell death, division rate, motility, and division outcome of every cell downstream of an MEP. These metrics allowed us to calculate the cell death rate (Fig. 2c), expansion capacity (Fig. 2d), division outcomes by generation (Fig. 2e,f; Supplemental Fig. 2a–c), and lifetime of each cell (Fig. 2g).
With the optimized acquisition settings described above, we observed very low cell death rates in the time-lapse movies, with a slightly higher death rate (< 5%) in E-destined daughter cells compared with Mk-destined daughter cells starting in the sixth generation downstream of the MEP (Fig. 2C).
Analysis of Expansion Potential by Cell State
The proliferative potential showed striking differences between Mk- and E-destined progenitors. E-destined daughter cells had the greatest expansion, with exponential growth for at least seven generations, after which we could no longer discern single cells to continue tracking (Fig. 2d). MEPs had a shorter period of exponential expansion, with symmetric self-renewal (one blue cell giving rise to two blue cells) peaking between the fourth and fifth generation in culture. The MEPs were then capable of self-renewing asymmetrically to maintain bipotency for more than 13 generations (Fig. 2d). Mk-destined progeny had the lowest expansion potential, undergoing symmetric self-renewal (one green cell giving rise to two green cells) for an average of 2.5 generations up to a maximum of 5 generations before terminally committing into endomitosing megakaryocytes (Fig. 2d).
Our data indicate for the first time that primary human MEPs are capable of self-renewal, undergoing a transient expansion phase that culminates in exhaustion as late as 13 generations in culture (Fig. 2e). The lineage output of MEPs is significantly skewed toward the E lineage, partly because of the higher expansion capacity of E-destined progeny, but also because MEPs generate twice as many E-destined daughter cells as Mk-destined progeny (Fig. 2f).
MEPs, ErPs, and MkPs all start in culture with similarly slow divisions, which is likely an artifact of isolating the primary cells and seeding them into in vitro cultures, but the division rate increases disparately in a manner that correlates tightly with different cell states. On average, MEPs divide every 15.8 h, whereas the ground-truth MkPs have an average cycle length of 35.7 h, ErPs have an average cycle length of 10.2 h, E-destined MEP daughters have an average cycle length of 15.5 h, and Mk-destined MEP daughters have an average cycle length of 25.5 h, indicating that the cell cycle rate increases as cells commit to the E lineage and decreases as cells commit to the Mk lineage (Fig. 2g).
Quantitation of Motility
The use of time-lapse imaging and cell tracking to build a lineage history uniquely enables us to add motility measurements to multimodal single-cell analyses. We exported cell trajectories for all cells within a forming colony from the Baxter algorithm (Fig. 3a i-v), and for each cell in the colony, we determined the total distance traveled (Fig. 3b), diffusion distance (absolute distance between starting and ending position; Fig. 3c), directionality (calculated as the ratio of total distance over diffusion distance; Fig. 3d; Supplemental Fig. 6b), and peak velocity (Fig. 3e; Supplemental Fig. 6a).
The cell trajectories tightly correlate with cell state. The ground-truth ErPs have the lowest motility; trajectory mapping over their lifetime reveals that these cells remain relatively stationary, with tight colonies of closely related cells (Fig. 3a iii). In contrast, the trajectories of ground-truth MkPs demonstrate much higher motility early in culture, with a deceleration as the cells enter terminal megakaryopoiesis (Fig. 3a ii). The trajectories of MEPs are similar to those of early MkP motility (Fig. 3a i). This trajectory analysis enables us to compare MEPs giving rise to E-only colonies versus ErPs and MEPs giving rise to Mk-only colonies versus MkPs. Here, we find that the motility data separate progenitors based on cell state because the E-destined progeny of bipotent cells have a much higher total distance traveled and peak velocity than lineage-committed ErPs (Fig. 3a; Supplemental Fig. 6a). Mk-destined progenitors exhibit an increased velocity during commitment and a decreased velocity during terminal maturation whereas E-destined progenitors show a decreased velocity during commitment and terminal maturation (Fig. 3E). These striking cell-state-dependent differences in motility patterns, where MkPs exhibit the most motility and ErPs exhibit the least motility, suggest inherent differences between MEPs that give rise to E-only or Mk-only colonies and sorted ErP or MkP cells. These data further support the hypothesis that sorted MEPs that give rise to E-only colonies are not in fact contaminating ErPs, but rather a bipotent cell that happens to choose only the E lineage. This behavioral phenotypic difference between lineage-destined and lineage-committed progenitors also corroborates single-cell transcriptomic analyses demonstrating discrete cell states in immunophenotyped cells1.
Progenitor Clustering by Behavioral Phenotype
To determine if proliferative rate and motility alone can predict cell state, we conducted PCA analysis to reduce multiple dimensions (lifespan, velocity, distance, and directionality) and visualize potential cell state clusters (Fig. 4a). We performed clustering through a combination of unsupervised and supervised approaches. We first determined the optimal number of clusters through hierarchical clustering, in which the cells were partitioned by a function to identify k = 3 clusters (Supplemental Fig. 7). We then applied this value of k to conduct k-means clustering to visualize cell-state clusters (Fig. 4B). Although we did not observe discrete clustering among bipotent MEPs, Mk-destined cells, E-destined cells, and control MkPs and ErPs, we observed a 53% enrichment of MkPs in cluster 1, whereas cluster 2 exhibited an 84% enrichment of ErPs. Cluster 2 also contains 65% of the bipotent cells, indicating that MEPs more closely mimic ErPs in cycling and motility than MkPs. Interestingly, as Mk-destined cells transition from bipotency to Mk commitment, we observe a 72% enrichment in cluster 3, demonstrating that the proliferative rate and motility of these cells gradually shift toward that of committed MkPs. Similarly, E-destined cells gradually shift toward committed ErPs, with 73% enrichment in cluster 2 (Table 1).
Modeling of MEP Fate
We performed probability modeling to describe the formation of an Mk/E colony from control MEPs differentiated in MegaCult. As observed through tracking, MEPs may undergo maintenance divisions and expansion divisions interchangeably until exhausting (no longer bipotent) into lineage-destined/committed daughter cells. MEPs may also undergo several rounds of maintenance divisions or expansion divisions until exhaustion. Therefore, the probability of an MEP division outcome does not depend on previous division type until exhaustion, which can be described by a Markov chain (Fig. 4c i). In previous work, Wheat et al. used a homogenous Markov chain model to describe transcriptional state dynamics in hematopoietic stem cells and progenitors12. However, tracking indicates that division outcomes change over time, with expansion occurring more frequently during early generations and exhaustion occurring more frequently during later generations (Supplementary Fig. 5b). Thus, we chose a nonhomogeneous Markov model to account for this time-dependent change in the probability of each division outcome. To create a nonhomogeneous Markov model, we designed a transition matrix with the assumptions that 1) the probability is different for each state transition and 2) the change over time for each transition is also different (Fig. 4c ii). We used the observed sequence of division outcomes from the initial expansion to final exhaustion in each movie, along with the transition matrix, as input to build the nonhomogeneous Markov model. We then applied the model to generate predictions for the probability of a division outcome for an MEP at each generation after plating (Fig. 4d). Comparison between the model and observed data demonstrates a high level of agreement, with the observed MEP data points falling within the 95% confidence interval for each division outcome at each generation (Fig. 4d). The reduced agreement between the model and observed MEP data for the maintenance Mk probability is likely due to the limited number of data points available for establishing the maintenance Mk probability.
Effects of TPO and EPO on MEPs
To demonstrate the utility of our time-lapse imaging CFU technique, we evaluated the role of TPO and EPO in MEP lineage specification by culturing MEPs in control conditions replete with the standard cytokine cocktail (recombinant human Interlukin-3, Interlukin-6, Stem Cell Factor, TPO, and EPO), as well as conditions that lacked either TPO or EPO.
By index cell sorting, we correlated CD110 cell surface expression with the type of colony grown by each MEP under control conditions and found that all MEPs express similar levels of CD110 regardless of the type of colony formed, although there is a trend toward increased levels in Mk-destined MEPs (Fig. 5a).
Based on in situ fluorescent staining with CD41, CD71, and CD235a at day 14 of MEP standard CFU assays (permitting identification of CD71hi E-destined progeny that lacked CD235a expression in the absence of EPO) (Fig. 5b), the lack of TPO or EPO did not affect the frequency of bilineage and unilineage colonies (Fig. 5c). However, in the absence of TPO or EPO, there was a decrease in total colony counts (20 ± 2%, p < 0.05) and size (Fig. 5b, Supplemental Fig. 8a).
To determine whether the reduced cellularity and total colony number in the absence of TPO or EPO arose from increased cell death, slower proliferation, or less expansion, we utilized the time-lapse CFU approach in conjunction with in situ staining for CD41 and CD71 to measure the cell death, motility, and division rate of bipotent and Mk- and E-destined progenitors grown in control versus conditions lacking TPO or EPO (Fig. 6a–c). We observed that the frequency of E- versus Mk-lineage specification is equivalent for MEPs grown without EPO or TPO (Fig. 6d). In the absence of TPO, MEPs undergo fewer expansion divisions compared with the absence of EPO and control conditions (Fig. 6e). MEP self-renewal by maintenance divisions also decreases in the absence of TPO or EPO compared with control conditions (Fig. 6f). Similarly, MEP exhaustion (loss of bipotency) occurs significantly sooner in the absence of TPO or EPO compared with controls (Fig. 6g). We confirmed this finding by comparing MEP transitions in the absence of EPO or TPO with the mathematical model (Fig. 6h–k). Taken together, TPO and EPO do not instruct MEP lineage commitment, but do support MEP self-renewal.
MEP cell death also increased significantly in cultures lacking TPO or EPO compared with controls (Fig. 6l). Furthermore, both E-destined and Mk-destined progeny exhibited increased cell death in the absence of TPO and EPO compared with control conditions (Fig. 6m-o). We also observed a significant increase in the time between divisions in cultures lacking TPO compared with control cultures (Fig. 6p). Ultimately, the exclusion of TPO or EPO reduces the proliferative rate and viability of MEPs and thereby diminished the growth of all colony types. The lack of TPO or EPO also significantly stunted the survival of E- and Mk-destined cells, implicating TPO and EPO as important survival factors for MEPs, ErPs, and MkPs.
Unexpectedly, we also observed changes in motility for MEPs and downstream Mk- and E-destined progeny in the absence of TPO or EPO. We measured a significant increase in the total distance traveled by MEPs and E-destined progeny in the absence of TPO and EPO, whereas Mk-destined progeny exhibited an increase in the total distance traveled in the absence of EPO, but a decrease in the total distance traveled in the absence of TPO (Fig. 6q). We found that MEPs cultured in the absence of TPO and EPO also exhibited significant increases in diffusion distance compared with control conditions, whereas E-destined and Mk-destined progeny exhibited an increased diffusion distance only in the absence of EPO (Fig. 6r). Furthermore, MEPs and E-destined progeny exhibited a significant increase in peak velocity in the absence of TPO and EPO, whereas Mk-destined progeny only exhibited an increase in peak velocity in the absence of TPO (Fig. 6s). Taken together, these results suggest that progenitors capable of E and/or Mk differentiation are responsive to TPO and EPO, which regulates the motility of these cells.