The framework for this study is presented in Fig. 3. First, a Budyko-based lake water balance model was established to estimate LWS change in regulated lakes without the need for water output information. Second, the Shuffled Complex Evolution algorithm (SCE-UA) was used to calibrate model parameters. Third, the model performance and uncertainty of the simulatioactive LWS.n results were evaluated. Finally, quantitative attribution of LWS change was analyzed using the Budyko-based elasticity method.
3.1 Budyko-based LWS change estimation model
3.1.1 Lake water balance equation
The catchment of a lake can be conceptualized as a system of two regions: the lake surface and its contributing basin. The water balance of the lake can be written as (Haghighi and Kløve 2015)
$$S_{l}^{{t - 1}}+\left( {P_{l}^{t} - E_{l}^{t}} \right)A_{l}^{t}+R_{b}^{t}A_{b}^{t}+I_{c}^{t}=S_{l}^{t}+O_{r}^{t}+O_{g}^{t}+O_{h}^{t}$$
where Sl is the LWS, Pl is the areal precipitation over the lake, El is the evaporation over the lake, Rb is the contributing basin runoff, Ab is the contributing area of the basin, Al is the surface area of the lake, Ic is the channel inflow from outside the basin, Or is the outflow through the lake-outlet rivers, Og is the groundwater outflow, Oh is the human-induced water output associated with water diversion and withdrawal from the lake, and the superscripts t and (t-1) are used to denote the parameters in periods t and (t-1), respectively.
The most common strategy to estimate LWS change from the water balance relies on term-by-term estimation of the components comprising the above equation. On the left-hand side of Eq. (1), the areal precipitation over the lake Pl can be calculated from precipitation data gathered at the meteorological and/or rain gauge stations close to the lake using the Thiessen polygon method (Gibson et al. 2006b). Evaporation from the lake water surface El is estimated by the standard Penman-Monteith formulation (Allen et al. 1998). Basin runoff Rb is simulated by the dynamic water balance model (DWBM) (see subsection 3.1.4 for more details). Channel inflow from outside the basin Ic is usually measured. However, it is impossible to accurately estimate the three water output terms on the right-hand side of Eq. (1) for most regulated lakes. For example, the outflow of regulated lakes can be estimated from the operation curve for regulation (Veijalainen et al. 2010; Han et al. 2021). However, actual outflow has been shown to deviate from the estimated results because lake regulation schemes needed to be corrected in real time (Lee et al. 1994; Parisopoulos et al. 2009). Therefore, the equation for estimating LWS change is not always closed.
3.1.2 Rearrangement of the lake water balance equation
For regulated lakes, there are two typical water levels in the regulation rules: maximum controllable hmax and minimum drawdown hmin (Parisopoulos et al. 2009). As illustrated in Fig. 4, hmax is set to the upper limit of the water level for flood prevention purpose, while hmin is commonly set to the lower limit of the water level for lake regulation without damage to the lake ecosystem (Veijalainen et al. 2010). Hence, of the water stored in the lake in period t, the portion above hmin is active (defined as active LWS), while the portion below hmin is static (static LWS). ThereforeEstimation of basin runoff, LWS may be determined by
where Sla is the active LWS, and Sls is the static LWS. To ensure sustainable use, water use should not exceed the active LWS.
Moreover, when focused on the change in LWS, detailedEstimation of basin runoff simulation of the three output terms is not necessary, and thus they can be replaced by a total water output term, such that
where O0 is the total water output. For the case with a fixed hmin, the change in static LWS due to sedimentation can be negligible. Hence, substituting Eqs. (2) and (3) into Eq. (1), the lake water balance equation can be simplified as
$$S_{{la}}^{{t{\text{-}}1}}+\left( {P_{l}^{t} - E_{l}^{t}} \right)A_{l}^{t}+R_{b}^{t}A_{b}^{t}{\text{+}}{I_c}=S_{{la}}^{t}+O_{0}^{t}$$
From the perspective of water resources, this relationship indicates that water resources contained in the lake consist of the following three parts: naturally replenished, artificially replenished and stored (Izmailova 2018). The first part is water resources replenished through the natural water cycle, and includes tributary inflow, and precipitation minus evaporation from the lake, which is given by
$$W_{n}^{t}=\left( {P_{l}^{t} - E_{l}^{t}} \right)A_{l}^{t}+R_{b}^{t}A_{b}^{t}$$
in which Wn is the water resources replenished through the natural water cycle. The second part is water resources transferred from outside the basin through the inter-basin water transfer project, i.e.
in which Wa is the artificially replenished water resources. On the left-hand side of Eq. (4), the remaining term is the stored water resources, i.e.,
$$W_{s}^{t}=S_{{la}}^{{t - 1}}$$
in which Ws is stored water resources. Therefore, the total usable water resources contained in the lake can be determined by
in which W0 is the total usable water resources. Hence, substituting Eqs. (5)~(8) into Eq. (4), the lake water balance equation can be rewritten as
The relationship indicates that the total usable water resources in the lake is partitioned into active LWS and total water output. Similar to the Budyko hypothesis for estimating evapotranspiration through a simple partitioning of precipitation without the need for streamflow information, this study proposed a Budyko-based model to estimate active LWS by partitioning the total usable water resources in regulated lakes without the need for water output information.
3.1.3 Budyko-based model for LWS change estimation
The Budyko hypothesis was originally proposed to estimate the evapotranspiration ratio as a function of the ratio of available energy (the demand) to water (the supply) in natural, closed basins (Budyko 1958). More recently, it has been extended to solve various supply–demand balance problems in hydrological modeling on the basis of a supply–demand framework (Zhang et al. 2008; Lei et al. 2018; Simons et al. 2020). The general Fu-type expression for the extended Budyko framework is as follows (Zhang et al. 2008; Wang et al. 2011):
$$\frac{Z}{X}=F\left( {\frac{Y}{X},\alpha } \right)=1+\frac{Y}{X} - {\left[ {1+{{\left( {\frac{Y}{X}} \right)}^\alpha }} \right]^{1/\alpha }}$$
in which F is the function symbol, X represents the supply, Y the demand, Z the consumption, and α is the consumption curve parameter with a range of (1, ∞).
To partition the total usable water resources in regulated lakes within Budyko’s supply- demand framework, the “supply” term is the total usable water resources (X=\(W_{0}^{t}\)), and the “demand” term is the effective storage capacity, which is defined as the storage capacity between the two limits of the water level:
$$Y=S_{e}^{t}=S_{{l*}}^{t} - S_{{ls}}^{t}$$
in which Se is the effective storage capacity of the lake, Sl* is the maximum LWS corresponding to the maximum controllable hmax, as shown in Fig. 4. Therefore, as the “consumption” term, the active LWS (Z=\(S_{{la}}^{t}\)) can be calculated as follows:
$$\frac{{S_{{la}}^{t}}}{{W_{0}^{t}}}=F\left( {\frac{{S_{e}^{t}}}{{W_{0}^{t}}},{\alpha _1}} \right)=1+\frac{{S_{e}^{t}}}{{W_{0}^{t}}} - {\left[ {1+{{\left( {\frac{{S_{e}^{t}}}{{W_{0}^{t}}}} \right)}^{{\alpha _1}}}} \right]^{1/{\alpha _1}}}$$
in which α1 is lake storage efficiency. The larger the value of α1, the more water is stored in the lake, and the less is the water output from the lake. When \({\alpha _1} \to \infty\), the term in Eq. (12) \({\left[ {1+{{\left( {{{S_{e}^{t}} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{S_{e}^{t}} {W_{0}^{t}}}} \right. \kern-0pt} {W_{0}^{t}}}} \right)}^{{\alpha _1}}}} \right]^{1/{\alpha _1}}} \to 1\), then one has \(S_{{la}}^{t}=S_{e}^{t}\). It indicates that the active LWS (the consumption) perfectly matches the effective storage capacity of the lake (the demand). In reality, the demand is often unmet, the active LWS is below both the effective storage capacity and the total usable water resources, as shown in Fig. 5. Then, the LWS change in period t can be estimated by
$$\Delta S_{l}^{t}=S_{{la}}^{t} - S_{{la}}^{{t - 1}}$$
in which \(\Delta {S_l}\) is the change in LWS.
3.1.4 Estimation of basin runoff
The DWBM proposed by Zhang et al. (2008) was applied to estimate basin runoff in this study. In the DWBM, the total precipitation over the basin \(P_{b}^{t}\) is partitioned into direct surface runoff \(R_{d}^{t}\) and catchment water retention \(\varPhi _{b}^{t}\), which consists of soil storage change \(\Delta S_{b}^{t}\), basin evapotranspiration \(E_{b}^{t}\), and ground water recharge \(R_{g}^{t}\), as shown in Fig. 4. Considering the basin precipitation as the “supply” term in Eq. (10) (i.e., X=\(P_{b}^{t}\)), the potential basin water retention as the “demand” term (Y=\(\varPhi _{{{b^*}}}^{t}\)), and the actual water retention over the basin as the “consumption” term (Z=\(\varPhi _{b}^{t}\)), the direct surface runoff is determined as follows:
$$R_{b}^{t}=P_{b}^{t}\left( {1 - \frac{{\varPhi _{b}^{t}}}{{P_{b}^{t}}}} \right)=P_{b}^{t}\left[ {1 - F\left( {\frac{{\varPhi _{{b*}}^{t}}}{{P_{b}^{t}}},{\alpha _2}} \right)} \right]$$
$$\varPhi _{{b*}}^{t}=E_{{b*}}^{t}+{S_{b*}} - S_{b}^{{t - 1}}$$
in which Pb is the basin precipitation, Eb* is the potential evapotranspiration of the basin, Sb* is the soil water storage capacity, Sb is the soil water storage. Φb* is the potential basin water retention, α2 is the basin water retention efficiency. Then, in period t the total available water over the basin \(U_{b}^{t}\), i.e., the sum of the basin water retention \(\varPhi _{b}^{t}\) and the residual soil storage in the previous period \(S_{b}^{{t - 1}}\), can be partitioned into the evapotranspiration opportunity \(\varTheta _{b}^{t}\) and groundwater recharge \(R_{g}^{t}\). Considering the total available water over the basin as the “supply” term in Eq. (10) (i.e., X=\(U_{b}^{t}\)), the potential evapotranspiration opportunity as the “demand” term (Y=\(\varTheta _{{b*}}^{t}\)), and actual evapotranspiration opportunity as the “consumption” term (Z=\(\varTheta _{b}^{t}\)), the groundwater storage is determined by
$$G_{b}^{t}=\left( {1 - k} \right)G_{b}^{{t - 1}}+U_{b}^{t}\left[ {1 - F\left( {\frac{{\varTheta _{{b*}}^{t}}}{{U_{b}^{t}}},{\alpha _3}} \right)} \right]$$
\(\varTheta _{{b*}}^{t}=E_{{b*}}^{t}+S_{{b*}}^{t}\) , \(U_{b}^{t}=\varPhi _{b}^{t}+S_{b}^{{t - 1}}\) (17)
in which α3 is the evapotranspiration efficiency, Gb is the groundwater storage, and k is the recession constant of groundwater. Treating groundwater storage as a linear reservoir, groundwater inflow into the lake is calculated as follows:
$$R_{g}^{t}=k \cdot G_{b}^{{t - 1}}$$
in which Rg is groundwater inflow into the lake.
3.2 Parameter calibration and uncertainty analysis
The proposed model has five parameters, i.e., lake storage efficiency α1 and four DWBM parameters (α2, α3, Sb*, and k), which need to be calibrated against measured data. The annual values of LWS were converted from the observed water level during the study period using the water level–storage rating curve. Then, the SCE-UA was applied to calibrate the parameters of the proposed model. (Duan et al. 1994). The performance of the proposed model was evaluated using two statistical indicators: relative root mean square error (RRMSE), and mean absolute percentage error (MAPE). In the present study, four ratings of model performance were defined for RRMSE: excellent (RRMSE < 10%), good (10% ≤ RRMSE < 20%), common (20% ≤ RRMSE < 30%), and poor (RRMSE > 30%) (Zhou et al. 2020).
In addition, the 95% confidence limits of the total predicted uncertainties for LWS change were calculated using the Generalized Likelihood Uncertainty Estimation (GLUE) method (Beven and Binley 1992). Three summary statistics proposed by Xiong et al. (2009), namely the containing ratio, the average bandwidth, and the average deviation amplitude, were used to assess the uncertainty (Table 2).
Table 2
Statistical indicators used to evaluate the performance of the proposed model
Purpose | Statistical metrics | Equation | Perfect value |
Model performance evaluation | Relative root mean square error (RRMSE) | \({\text{RRMSE}}=\frac{1}{{{\mu _m}}}\sqrt {\frac{1}{T}\sum\limits_{{t=1}}^{T} {{{\left( {v_{m}^{t} - v_{e}^{t}} \right)}^2}} }\) | 0 |
Mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) | \({\text{MAPE}}=\frac{1}{T}\sum\limits_{{t=1}}^{T} {\left| {\frac{{v_{e}^{t} - v_{m}^{t}}}{{v_{m}^{t}}}} \right|}\) | 0 |
Uncertainty analysis | Containing Ratio (CR) | \({\text{CR}}=\frac{N}{T}\) | 1 |
Average Bandwidth (B) | \(B=\frac{1}{T}\sum\limits_{{t=1}}^{T} {\left( {v_{{95\% \hbox{max} }}^{t} - v_{{95\% \hbox{min} }}^{t}} \right)}\) | 0 |
Average Deviation Amplitude (D) | \(D=\frac{1}{T}\sum\limits_{{t=1}}^{T} {\left| {v_{e}^{t} - \frac{1}{2}\left( {v_{{95\% \hbox{max} }}^{t}+v_{{95\% \hbox{min} }}^{t}} \right)} \right|}\) | 0 |
Note. \({v_m}\), \({v_e}\)are measured and estimated values, respectively; \({\mu _m}\)is the average value of the measured data; \(V_{{95\% \hbox{max} }}^{t}\), \(V_{{95\% \hbox{min} }}^{t}\) represent the upper and lower bound values of the 95% confidence level, respectively; T is the length of data series, and N is the number of observed value that fall within the 95% confidence limits. |
3.3 Attribution analysis of change in LWS
The elasticity method based on the Budyko framework was used to estimate the quantitative contribution of change in LWS in this study. First, starting with Eq. (2), the total differential of Sl can be expressed as
$$d{S_l}=\frac{{\partial {S_l}}}{{\partial {S_{la}}}}d{S_{la}}+\frac{{\partial {S_l}}}{{\partial {S_{ls}}}}d{S_{ls}}$$
The relative change in Sl can be expressed as follows:
$$\frac{{d{S_l}}}{{{S_l}}}=\frac{{\partial {S_l}/{S_l}}}{{\partial {S_{la}}/{S_{la}}}}\frac{{d{S_{la}}}}{{{S_{la}}}}+\frac{{\partial {S_l}/{S_l}}}{{\partial {S_{ls}}/{S_{ls}}}}\frac{{d{S_{ls}}}}{{{S_{ls}}}}$$
Similar to the definition of runoff elasticity (Roderick and Farquhar 2011), the elasticity of LWS to arbitrary independent variable x1 can be calculated as
\({\eta _{{x_1}}}=\frac{{\partial {S_l}}}{{\partial {x_1}}}\frac{{{x_1}}}{{{S_l}}}=\frac{{{x_1}}}{{{S_l}}}\) , x1 = Sla, Sls (21)
in which ηx is the elasticity of Sl to the independent variable x1. Hence, Eq. (20) can be rewritten as follows:
$$\frac{{d{S_l}}}{{{S_l}}}={\eta _{{S_{la}}}}\frac{{d{S_{la}}}}{{{S_{la}}}}+{\eta _{_{{{S_{ls}}}}}}\frac{{d{S_{ls}}}}{{{S_{ls}}}}$$
where \({\eta _{{S_{la}}}}\), \({\eta _{_{{{S_{ls}}}}}}\) are the elasticities of LWS to active LWS and static LWS, respectively. As shown in Eq. (12), the change in active LWS are induced by changes in W0, Se and α1, and the differential of Sla can be obtained by the following equations:
$$d{S_{la}}=\frac{{\partial {S_{la}}}}{{\partial {W_0}}}d{W_0}+\frac{{\partial {S_{la}}}}{{\partial {S_e}}}d{S_e}+\frac{{\partial {S_{la}}}}{{\partial {\alpha _1}}}d{\alpha _1}$$
The relative change in Sla can be expressed as follows:
$$\frac{{d{S_{la}}}}{{{S_{la}}}}=\frac{{\partial {S_{la}}/{S_{la}}}}{{\partial {W_0}/{W_0}}}\frac{{d{W_0}}}{{{W_0}}}+\frac{{\partial {S_{la}}/{S_{la}}}}{{\partial {S_e}/{S_e}}}\frac{{d{S_e}}}{{{S_e}}}+\frac{{\partial {S_{la}}/{S_{la}}}}{{\partial {\alpha _1}/{\alpha _1}}}\frac{{d{\alpha _1}}}{{{\alpha _1}}}$$
Similarly, the elasticity of Sla to arbitrary independent variable x2 can be calculated as
\({\varepsilon _{{x_2}}}=\frac{{\partial {S_{la}}}}{{\partial {x_2}}}\frac{{{x_2}}}{{{S_{la}}}}\) , x2 = W0, Se, α1 (25)
in which εx2 is the elasticity of Sla to the independent variable x2. Then, Eq. (24) can be rewritten as follows:
$$\frac{{d{S_l}}}{{{S_l}}}={\varepsilon _{{W_0}}}\frac{{d{W_0}}}{{{W_0}}}+{\varepsilon _{{S_e}}}\frac{{d{S_e}}}{{{S_e}}}+{\varepsilon _{{\alpha _1}}}\frac{{d{\alpha _1}}}{{{\alpha _1}}}$$
Setting \(\varphi ={{{S_e}} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{{S_e}} {{W_0}}}} \right. \kern-0pt} {{W_0}}}\), Eq. (12) becomes
$$\frac{{{S_{la}}}}{{{W_0}}}=f\left( {\varphi ,{\alpha _1}} \right)=1+\varphi - {\left( {1+{\varphi ^{{\alpha _1}}}} \right)^{\frac{1}{{{\alpha _1}}}}}$$
where f is the function symbol. The elasticity coefficients of Sls can be calculated as:
\({\varepsilon _{{W_0}}}=1 - \frac{{\varphi \cdot f_{\varphi }^{'}}}{{f\left( {\varphi ,{\alpha _1}} \right)}}\) , \({\varepsilon _{{S_e}}}=\frac{{\varphi \cdot f_{\varphi }^{'}}}{{f\left( {\varphi ,{\alpha _1}} \right)}}\), \({\varepsilon _{{\alpha _1}}}=\frac{{{\alpha _1} \cdot f_{{{\alpha _1}}}^{'}}}{{f\left( {\varphi ,{\alpha _1}} \right)}}\) (28)
Starting with Eq. (8), one has the differential of W0 as follows:
$$d{W_0}=\frac{{\partial {W_0}}}{{\partial {W_n}}}d{W_n}+\frac{{\partial {W_0}}}{{\partial {W_a}}}d{W_a}+\frac{{\partial {W_0}}}{{\partial {W_s}}}d{W_s}$$
Defining the elasticities of W0 to arbitrary independent variable x3 as
\({\xi _{{x_3}}}=\frac{{\partial {W_0}}}{{\partial {x_3}}}\frac{{{x_3}}}{{{W_0}}}=\frac{{{x_3}}}{{{W_0}}}\) , x3 = Wn, Wa, Ws (30)
The total differential of W0 can be used to assess the change in the total usable water resources as follows:
$$\frac{{d{W_0}}}{{{W_0}}}={\xi _{{W_n}}}\frac{{d{W_n}}}{{{W_n}}}+{\xi _{{W_a}}}\frac{{d{W_a}}}{{{W_a}}}+{\xi _{{W_s}}}\frac{{d{W_s}}}{{{W_s}}}$$
Substituting Eqs. (26) and (31) into Eq. (22) yields
$$\frac{{d{S_l}}}{{{S_l}}}={\eta _{_{{{S_{ls}}}}}}\frac{{d{S_{ls}}}}{{{S_{ls}}}}+{\eta _{{W_n}}}\frac{{d{W_n}}}{{{W_n}}}+{\eta _{{W_a}}}\frac{{d{W_a}}}{{{W_a}}}+{\eta _{{W_s}}}\frac{{d{W_s}}}{{{W_s}}}+{\eta _{{S_e}}}\frac{{d{S_e}}}{{{S_e}}}+{\eta _{{\alpha _1}}}\frac{{d{\alpha _1}}}{{{\alpha _1}}}$$
in which the elasticities of Sl to Wn, Wa, Ws, Se and α1 are given by
$${\eta _{{W_n}}}={\eta _{{S_{la}}}}{\varepsilon _{{W_0}}}{\xi _{{W_n}}}$$
$${\eta _{{W_a}}}={\eta _{{S_{la}}}}{\varepsilon _{{W_0}}}{\xi _{{W_a}}}$$
$${\eta _{{W_s}}}={\eta _{{S_{la}}}}{\varepsilon _{{W_0}}}{\xi _{{W_s}}}$$
$${\eta _{{S_e}}}={\eta _{{S_{la}}}}{\varepsilon _{{S_e}}}$$
$${\eta _{{\alpha _1}}}={\eta _{{S_{la}}}}{\varepsilon _{{\alpha _1}}}$$
To reduce the influence of discretization error on LWS change attribution results, the average values of the elasticity coefficients in the pre-change (subscript pre) and post-change (subscript post) periods were used in practice (Jiang et al. 2015; Yang et al. 2020). Therefore, the relative contribution to change in LWS by arbitrary variable x4 can be expressed as follows:
\({\omega _{{x_4}}}=\frac{{\Delta S_{l}^{{{x_4}}}}}{{\Delta {S_l}}}=\frac{1}{2}\left( {{\eta _{{S_{{x_4},pre}}}}+{\eta _{{S_{ls,post}}}}} \right)\frac{{\Delta {x_4}}}{{{x_4}}}\frac{{{S_l}}}{{\Delta {S_l}}} \times 100\%\) , x4 = Sls, Wn, Wa, Ws, Se, α1 (34)
in which \({\omega _{{x_4}}}\) is the contribution of change in arbitrary variable x4 (x4 = Sls, Wn, Wa, Ws, Se and α1), ΔSl is the change in LWS from the pre-change period to the post-change period, \(\Delta S_{l}^{{{x_4}}}\)is the change in LWS induced by arbitrary variable x4, Δx4 is the change in arbitrary variable x4 from the pre-change period to the post-change period.