Cancer patients will be recruited via the respective visceral oncology centers of the three study sites. The eligibility criteria will be assessed by the study coordinators. During recruitment, study coordinators assess whether patients are cognitively or linguistically able to answer the questionnaires. If patients decline to participate in the study, a three- to five-minute interview will be conducted to capture reasons for refusal, previous screening and psycho-oncology experiences, and information about the current disease. The participants receive the same questions in the questionnaire.
If the inclusion criteria are fulfilled and the patient is interested in participating in the study, a detailed explanation is given in a personal interview (informed consent) after the initial contact with the patient. If the person declares their willingness to participate, a signed consent form is obtained. In addition to the screening, the patients receive a questionnaire package (approximately 30-40 minutes) at t0 and t1 (Table 1). Furthermore, demographic, medical and treatment-related data are collected. The patients receive the questionnaires in person (at t0 during the inpatient stay) and by mail or e-mail as an online survey via link (at t1). The online questionnaire will be provided via a secure online survey platform (UniPark). Completed questionnaires will be collected by the study nurse and the study coordinators. If questionnaires are not received at t1, a reminder will be sent (by mail or e-mail) after 2 weeks.
Table 1
Measurement instruments
CG t0
CG t1
IG t0
IG t1
Basic data
demographic, medical and treatment-related data
distress (NCCN-DT)
knowledge about psycho-oncology (OptiScreen Questionnaire)
Psychological functioning
depression (PHQ-9)
anxiety (GAD-7)
quality of life (SF-8)
fear of cancer recurrence (PA-F-KF)
health literacy (HLS-EU-Q16)
support needs (SCNS-SF34-G)
social support (ISSS)/SSUK-8)
body image (BIS)
patient activation (PAM-13D)
satisfaction with care (REPERES-33-G)
relationship satisfaction (OMI-D)a
sexuality (SBQ-G)
Notes. CG = control group; IG = intervention group; NCCN-DT = National Comprehensive Cancer Network Distress Thermometer (Mehnert et al. 2006); Corona-DT = Adapted version of the DT to measure psychological distress from the Covid-19 pandemic, PHQ–9 = Depression module of the Patient Health Questionnaire (Kroenke et al. 2001); GAD-7 = Generalized Anxiety Disorder Questionnaire (Spitzer et al. 2006); SF-8 = Short Form-8 Health Survey (Ware et al. 2001); PA-F-KF = Fear of recurrence Questionnaire, short version (Mehnert et al. 2006); HLS-EU-Q16 = European Health Literacy Questionnaire (Sorensen et al. 2013); SCNS-SF34-G = Supportive Care Needs Survey, short form (Sklenarova et al. 2015); ISSS/SSUK-8 = The Illness-specific Social Support Scale (Ullrich and Mehnert 2010); BIS = Body Image Scale (Hopwood et al. 2001); PAM-13D = Patient Activation Measure (Brenk-Franz et al. 2013); REPERES-33-G = Recherche Evaluative sur la Performance des Réseaux de Santé, German short version (Defossez et al. 2007); QMI-D = Quality of Marriage Index (Zimmermann et al. 2015); SBQ-G = Sexual Behavior Questionnaire (Müller and Gensch 2003). a only for patients in relationships.
All patients are given a code to ensure anonymity. All study documents will be stored in locked cabinets, and data will be stored in password-protected files accessible only to the study team.
The comparison sample (CG) is collected at baseline as a care-as-usual condition. The survey will take place before the OptiScreen-Training is conducted.
To survey the intervention group (IG), after conducting the oncology nursing training, the trained nurses are assigned per site to conduct the screening. Their task is to screen all inpatients for psychosocial distress using the screening instrument, e.g., the Distress Thermometer (Mehnert et al. 2006). The nurses evaluate the screening and also consider the clinical impression of the treatment team. When performing the screening, the nurses take into account the aspects taught in the training regarding framework conditions and obstacles. In case of elevated distress, further psycho-oncological diagnosis and care is provided by the psycho-oncology team, which in turn provides feedback on the patient's psychological distress to the medical treatment team in a feedback loop. If there is no to low stress, a low-threshold information offer (e.g., flyer) is made.
Psycho-oncology team
To obtain a validated external assessment of patients' psychological distress and support needs, information will be collected by the psycho-oncology team after the initial consultation with patients (assessment sheet psycho-oncological consultation). In addition, the psycho-oncology team will be surveyed after the OptiScreen-Training has been conducted to assess acceptance, satisfaction, and changes in nurses' attitudes and behaviors regarding the psycho-oncology screening process.
Nursing staff will also be surveyed on satisfaction, feasibility and acceptance of the OptiScreen-Training via questionnaire (paper-pencil). The pre-questionnaire for the nurses is completed two weeks prior to the training, the post-questionnaire immediately after the OptiScreen-Training. Nurses choose a personal code for anonymity to compare the pre- and post-questionnaires.
To measure the study objectives the following outcomes should be captured: (a) psychological distress of patients, (b) utilization of psycho-oncological support, (c) information about psycho-oncological services, (d) treatment satisfaction, (e) acceptance and practicability of OptiScreen-Training by caregivers, (f) assessment of access to and utilization of support services, barriers and facilitating factors for utilization of psycho-oncological services. A list of measurement instruments is presented in Table 1.
Primary outcomes
Mental distress of patients (identified as mentally distressed by optimized screening, receive a psycho-oncology consultation and further diagnosis by psycho-oncology verifies mental distress). To assess distress, the German version of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network Distress Thermometer will be used (Mehnert et al. 2006). General distress is measured on a visual analogue scale ranging from 0 = no distress to 10 = extreme distress. A score of 5 is internationally recommended as an indicator that a patient is distressed and needs support (National Comprehensive Cancer Network 2020). Further 36 potential causes of distress that are grouped in five subscales, i.e., (1) practical problems, (2) family problems, (3) emotional problems, (4) spiritual/religious concerns, (5) physical problems and an open answer option for possible other problems are assessed using the problem checklist (yes/no).
Secondary outcomes
Information about psycho-oncology services, treatment satisfaction, patient competence and quality of life. Acceptance and practicability of the OptiScreen-Training, assessment of access to and utilization of support services, barriers and facilitating factors for the utilization of psycho-oncological services.
OptiScreen questionnaire
An individual questionnaire (OptiScreen questionnaire) was developed to assess patients' experiences with screening and psycho-oncology. Questions address psychological support prior to disease, as well as experiences with psycho-oncologists during current hospitalization or need for further psychological support after discharge (use of support and need). Attitudes toward psycho-oncology, barriers, and satisfaction with support services were also recorded (satisfaction and barriers). In addition, experiences with caregivers regarding information about psycho-oncology, brochures received, and the screening questionnaire are asked (information and screening).
Assessment sheet psycho-oncological consultation
For psycho-oncologists, a questionnaire and documentation sheet ("assessment sheet psycho-oncological consultation") is prepared, which is to be completed by the psycho-oncologist after the psycho-oncological consultation in the hospital. The assessment sheet contains information about the patient and duration of the psycho-oncological consultation, information about the cancer diagnosis and treatment, level of information of the patient about psycho-oncology (information provided by the medical treatment team, receipt of a flyer about psycho-oncology, knowledge about the upcoming psycho-oncological consultation), patient's need for psycho-oncological care, patient's competence to recognize own need for psycho-oncological support, patient's openness to psycho-oncological support, patient's psychological distress/illness as well as previous psychological illnesses, type, extent and quality of psycho-oncological exchange with current oncological treatment team, environmental factors (organization, materials, facilities, patient's accessibility, documentation, etc.) to ensure psycho-oncological support, degree of burden of the psycho-oncologist by the psycho-oncological consult. In addition, the patients' symptom and stress areas will be evaluated as a third-party assessment in comparison to the patient survey. Synchronous to the patient survey, short versions or adapted parts of the questionnaires will be used as external evaluation (Table 1).
Training evaluation questionnaire for nurses
The training evaluation questionnaire includes sociodemographic data, questions about current knowledge and experience with psycho-oncology and the screening measures. Pre-training expectations and attitudes toward screening are asked. Questions are answered on a five-point Likert scale (1 = not at all to 5 = very much).
Additionally the post-evaluation contained the German Training Evaluation Inventary (Ritzmann et al. 2014) which shows good internal consistency (Cronbachs α = .73). It includes five scales on training outcomes dimension (perceived fun, perceived difficulty, perceived usefulness, knowledge acquisition, attitude) and five scales on training design dimension (problem-based learning, activation of prior knowledge, demonstration, application, integration). The respective items can be answered on a five-point Likert scale (0 = I disagree to 4 = I strongly agree). High sum scores represent a higher rating of the respective underlying dimension.
The “OptiScreen-Training”
The concept of the OptiScreen-Training is based on qualitative analyses of nurses training needs (Dreismann et al. 2022) as well as literature, evidence-based examples, and a workshop with experienced psycho-oncologists. In order to achieve a good fit of the training and the needs of nurses, we conducted interviews with 15 experts on nursing from all three study locations to determine barriers, requirements and major questions (Dreismann et al. 2022; Dreismann et al. 2021). The OptiScreen-Training consists of three main thematic modules (Fig 3) that can be taught in one day or on three different dates, each lasting about two hours. Module 1 focuses on psycho-oncological care and possible mental disorders in cancer patients. Module 2 addresses psychological distress and the screening process. Module 3 aims to train communication during the screening process and teaches basic approaches to self-care. All modules include theoretical knowledge transfer as well as practical exercises such as role plays, group-work, case discussions and take place in groups of 4-15 nurses. All trainings are conducted by trained psychologists with expertise in psycho-oncology and are recorded to ensure comparability. To maintain the learning effect of the training, concepts such as booster methods (e.g., booster session one year after the initial training) and refresher techniques (e.g., postcards) are developed to remind nurses to integrate the screening into their daily work.
For the successful implementation of the screening process after training, a local study nurse supports the nursing staff at all three sites in the implementation and evaluation of the screening as well as the referral to psycho-oncology. With the help of the study nurse, the nurses try to overcome barriers and obstacles of the patients regarding the screening through advisory exchange with each other. The study nurse is in direct exchange with the psycho-oncology team. She is also a multiplier for the optimized screening in the medical team (e.g. nurses, casemanagement, physicians) and answers questions regarding the process or specific cases. The study nurse tries to reduce barriers and obstacles in communication and utilization of the screening and to optimize the implementation in the daily clinical routine.
Statistical Measures
First, the primary and secondary outcomes as well as all patient characteristics are analyzed descriptively together and separately for the two groups (means, standard deviations, frequencies). The primary outcome, psychological distress, is analyzed by ANCOVA (analysis of covariance) including variables such as tumor stage, age, and gender as covariates. This usually even increases the power of an ordinary t-test. Missing values are replaced using multiple imputation. In sensitivity analyses, the results of the primary analysis are checked for consistency. Differences in secondary outcomes are evaluated between intervention and control groups or between appropriate subgroups analogous to the primary analysis using univariate or multivariate procedures or appropriate regression models. Depending on the distribution of the target parameter, binary or ordinal logistic mixed model regressions and linear mixed model regressions will be used. Before starting the analysis, the exact procedures are defined in a statistical analysis plan. Moderator as well as mediator analyses are used to identify barriers to take-up, as they can test complex relationships between several variables in the form of a priori models. The evaluation of the training will be analyzed using t-tests (pre and post).
To control for possible selection effects that could lead to sampling bias, reasons for non-participation and socio-demographic and medical data of the non-participants will be analyzed. In this way, possible selection effects can be identified and the interpretation of results may be adjusted as necessary. Possible confounding variables are analyzed in inferential statistical analyses (e.g., regressions) using important covariates (age, gender, tumor entity, stage) as well as other theory-based influencing factors, e.g., physical comorbidities controlled.
Missing values due to drop-outs are replaced and can be predicted by means of multiple imputation, in that for the missing values, estimated values are used, which are calculated by distributing different predictors. This is done by taking all available relevant information of the data set into account and including random errors. The advantage is a low loss of information, since all variables remain included in the model. In addition, standard errors, which are moreover caused by the multiple repetition of the estimation process are randomly and realistically calculated and included.