3.1. Pseudo-sinusoidal method
A complete injection and suction cycle with a maximum injection flow rate of 20000 µl/min as shown in Figure (4). The total duration of a complete cycle with the mentioned flow rate is 180 seconds and is divided into 16 stages (sections) of injection and suction. Each cycle has 8 injection stages and 8 suction stages. Each injection and suction step has an injection or suction volume of 1000 µl. A cycle begins with step 1 injection. Step 1 involves injecting a fluid with a flow rate of 2500 µl/min for 24 seconds (total volume 1000 µl). Step 2 with injection rate of 5000 µl/min and injection time of 12 seconds. Step 3 is 10000 µl/min with an injection time of 6 seconds. Finally, in stage 4, the fluid is injected with a flow rate of 20000 µl/min for 3 seconds. From stage 5 to stage 8, the flow rates from 20000 µl/min to 2500 µl/min continue in descending order according to the process shown in Figure (4) of the injection diagram. At the end of stage 8, the cycle entered the suction phase and the eight stages of suction were performed. Suction steps with negative flow rates are shown in Figure (4).
For injection and suction with flow rates of 30000 µl/min and 10000 µl/min, the number of injection and suction steps is the same as flow rate of 20000 µl/min in 16 stages. Also, the injection volume of each step is 1000 µl. The difference between different flow rates is in the duration of the stages and the cycle period, which depends on the flow rate. The general trend in all flow rates of the Pseudo-sinusoidal method is as shown in Figure (4). The periodicity of a complete injection and suction cycle for the maximum different flow rates is shown in Table (4). In each experiment, 6 complete 16-step cycles are performed and the results of different cycles are compared.
Table 4
Periodicity of a complete cycle for maximum different flow rates in Pseudo-sinusoidal injection-suction method
Maximum flow rates (µl/min) | 10000 | 20000 | 30000 |
The periodicity or time of a complete cycle (s) | 360 | 180 | 120 |
In order to investigate and analyze the morphological changes of the two fluid contact surfaces in the Pseudo-sinusoidal injection-suction method, as a basic model, the results related to the maximum injection flow rate of 20000 µl/min are examined. Before starting the injection of the first stage of the first cycle, a circle with a radius of 1 cm was formed. It should be noted that the shape of the initial circle affects how the fingers are formed in the later stages of the injection and suction operations, so the initial circle must be created with great precision.
In stage 1, by starting the injection within 24 seconds, the length of the largest finger increases from 0.000 to 0.523 cm. The growth rate of finger length in this stage is less than the next stages because the injection speed is slower. As a result, the capillary number is low.
In stage 2, as the flow rate increases, the instability of the contact surfaces between the two fluids increases and the growth of the fingers increases so that the number of fingers has increased from 1 to 2. At this stage, for 12 seconds, the length of the largest finger starts at 0.523 cm and continues to 1.24 cm. The changes in finger length at this stage are greater than at stage 1 because as the flow rate increases, the growth rate of the fingers increases. The morphology of the two-phase contact surface at the moment t = 36s which is the end of stage 2 and the beginning of stage 3 is shown in Figure (5).
In step 3, in 6 seconds the largest finger increases from 1.24 cm to 1.884 cm and the number of fingers increases from 2 to 4. The base radius changes less than the maximum finger radius, so this indicates a greater tendency to increase finger length. And the capillary number is higher than the previous stage due to the increased injection flow.
In stage 4, the injection is done with the maximum flow rate and in 3 seconds, the length of the largest finger starts from 1.884 cm and reaches about 2.529 cm. The fingers grow faster than the rest of the steps, so the number of fingers increases from 4 to 7. Due to the fact that at this stage the amounts of flow rates are maximum and the effective radius is moderate, the amount of capillary number is more than the previous stages.
Step 5 is a repetition of step 4. The injection time of both stages is equal to the difference that the number of fingers reaches from 7 to 8 and the increase rate of the length of the largest finger is less than the previous stage because most fingers become wider in this stage and because the effective radius increases compared to the previous stage, the number of capillaries decreases.
In stage 6, the fingers expand as the flow rate decreases. In 6 seconds, the length of the largest finger increases from 2.815 cm to 3.554 cm. The number of fingers has increased from 8 to 10 and the fingers are longer than in the 5th stage. Due to the flow rate has been decreased and the effective radius has been increased compared to the previous stage, although this causes to reduce the capillary number, but the capillary number is still high and causes the number of fingers to increase.
In step 7, the length of the largest finger increases from 3.554 cm to 4.069 cm in 12 seconds. Compared to the previous step, the changes in finger length are less and the fingers become wider, but the number of fingers is fixed and equal to 10. With decreasing flow rate and increasing radius, the capillary number decreases compared to the previous stage.
At the end of the 8th stage, the injection phase of the first cycle ends. The duration of the injection in the eighth stage is 24 seconds, which is the longest finger with a length of 4.454 cm. The minimum flow rate and the maximum effective radius value occur at this stage. This stage is the stage that number of fingers remains constant and is contained the minimum value of the capillary number for the first cycle.
The difference between the suction phase and the injection phase is in the order of fluid displacement. In the injection phase, the water moves the oil outwards of Hele-Shaw, but in the suction phase, the water pushes the oil inwards of Hele-Shaw. The suction phase begins in stage 9 with the lowest flow rate and the length of the largest finger decreases but the number of fingers remains constant. All parameters of step 9 are the same as step 8. In the ninth step, it is noteworthy that the base radius is increased but the maximum finger radius is reduced. Within 24 seconds, the length of the largest finger decreases from 4.515 cm to 4.179 cm.
In step 10, the finger lengths are reduced again. In 12 seconds, the length of the largest finger decreases from 4.179 cm to 3.896 cm. The total volume of the injected fluid and the flow rate in step 10 are equal to step 7. As the length of the fingers decreases, the base radius continues to increase, and the capillary number is higher than the previous step.
In step 11, unlike the previous two steps, the base radius decreases with the maximum finger radius. Within 6 seconds, the length of the largest finger has decreased from 3.896 cm to 3.482 cm.
In step 12, the maximum suction rate is established and within 3 seconds the length of the largest finger decreases from 3.482 cm to 2.949 cm. The changes in the value of the base radius are so small that they can be assumed to be constant.
In step 13, step 12 is repeated and the base radius is almost constant as in the previous step. Within 3 seconds, the length of the largest finger decreases from 2.949 cm to 2.226 cm. Also, the base radius and the maximum finger radius are reduced.
In stage 14, the injection flow rate decreases and in 6 seconds the length of the largest finger reduces with a sharp droplet from 2.226 to 1.317 cm. At this stage the fingers became very small and their number is reduced from 6 to 2.
In stage 15, the intensity of the decrease in finger length increases due to the sharp decrease in the amount of water inside the cell, and the length of the largest finger decreases from 1.317 to 0.322 cm. Also at this stage, the changes in the base radius are much greater and the number of fingers decreases from 2 to 0.
By entering stage 16, the size of the base radius reaches the radius of the initial circle at the beginning of stage 1, with the difference that the instabilities created in stages 1 to 16 of the first injection and suction cycle cause irregularities in the periphery of the circle.
Figure (5) shows snapshots of how the two-fluid contact surface develops in the 16 steps mentioned in the first cycle. In table (5) the start and end time of each step, number of fingers, minimum and maximum base radius size in each step, maximum instantaneous radius size, number of injected fluid droplets, and number of oil bags created in each step of the first cycle, has been shown.
Table 5
Results from the steps of the first cycle for some important quantities
step | Start and end time of steps | Fingers | Number of droplets | Number of pockets | Minimum and maximum largest finger | minimum and maximum r (cm) | minimum and maximum rb (cm) |
Number | Branched |
1 | 0–24 | 0–1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0-0.523 | 1.078–2.999 | 1.078–2.476 |
2 | 24–36 | 1–2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.523–1.240 | 2.999–4.13 | 2.476–2.89 |
3 | 36–42 | 2–4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1.240–1.884 | 4.13–4.851 | 2.89–2.967 |
4 | 42–45 | 4–7 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1.884–2.529 | 4.851–5.621 | 2.967–3.092 |
5 | 45–48 | 7–8 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2.529–2.815 | 5.621–5.956 | 3.092–3.141 |
6 | 48–54 | 8–10 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2.815–3.554 | 5.956–6.783 | 3.141–3.229 |
7 | 54–66 | 10–10 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.554–4.069 | 6.783–7.343 | 3.229–3.274 |
8 | 66–90 | 10–10 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 4.069–4.515 | 7.343–7.882 | 3.274–3.367 |
9 | 90–114 | 10–10 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 4.515–4.179 | 7.882–7.591 | 3.367–3.412 |
10 | 114–126 | 10–10 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 4.179–3.896 | 7.591–7.332 | 3.412–3.478 |
11 | 126–132 | 10 − 9 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.896–3.482 | 7.332–6.920 | 3.478–3.438 |
12 | 132–135 | 9 − 8 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.482–2.949 | 6.920–6.385 | 3.438–3.436 |
13 | 135–138 | 8 − 6 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2.949–2.226 | 6.385-5.600 | 3.436–3.334 |
14 | 138–144 | 6 − 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2.226–1.317 | 5.600-4.599 | 3.334–3.282 |
15 | 144–156 | 2 − 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1.317–0.322 | 4.599–3.182 | 3.282–2.860 |
16 | 156–180 | 0–0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.322-0 | 3.182–1.187 | 2.860–1.187 |
With the beginning of the second cycle and the repetition of the 16 steps mentioned, from step 1 to 16, the length of the fingers increases compared to the first cycle. It can be said that in the injection and suction process of this cycle, more instabilities are observed in all stages than in the previous cycle. Among these instabilities is the creation of more branches in the fingers, which starts from stage 6 and is observed up to stage 13. Figures (6) shows a snapshot of how the contact surface of the two fluids developed during the second cycle using the pseudo-sinusoidal method. By comparing the results in Figure (6) with the results presented in Figure (5), we can see an increase in the amount of instabilities.
In the fifth cycle, more instabilities are expected than in the previous cycles. From the third stage in the fifth cycle, the number of fingers reaches the maximum possible number during the cycle. The length of the largest finger has reached 5.709 cm in step 8, indicating that the length of the fingers has also become longer than in previous cycles. In steps 9, 10 and 14, the base radius increases during suction. It should be noted that the maximum number of branches in this cycle has reached 4. Figures (7) shows a snapshot of how the contact surface of two fluids develops during the fifth cycle using the pseudo-sinusoidal method. In the fifth cycle, the fingers became wider and more symmetrical. It is also noteworthy that the finger base radius increases in steps 9 to 11 and 13 despite the suction.
To compare the results of the tricycles, Table (6) compares the number of fingers, the number of branched fingers, and the length of the largest finger in the first, second, and fifth cycles. As can be seen, with increasing number of cycles, the length of the largest fingers has increased in all stages. In stage 6 of the first cycle, in stage 4 of the second cycle and in stage 2 of the fifth cycle, the number of fingers reaches a maximum. It can be concluded that as the number of cycles increases, the number of fingers reaches their maximum and minimum number in the cycle faster. In the first cycle, none of the fingers will branch. In the second cycle, the number of branched fingers reaches a maximum of 3, and in cycle 5, this number reaches 4. As a result, as the number of cycles increases, both the number of branches in the fingers increases and at the same time the formation and disappearance of branches becomes faster.
Table 6
Number of fingers, number of branched fingers, and length of the largest finger in the first, second, and fifth cycles.
step | Start and end time of steps | Number of fingers | Number of branched fingers | The length of the largest finger |
first cycle | second cycle | fifth cycle | first cycle | second cycle | fifth cycle | first cycle | second cycle | fifth cycle |
1 | 0–24 | 0–1 | 0–1 | 0–5 | 0 | 0–0 | 0–0 | 0-0.523 | 0-1.102 | 0-1.763 |
2 | 24–36 | 1–2 | 1–4 | 5–10 | 0 | 0–0 | 0–0 | 0.523–1.240 | 1.102–2.034 | 1.763–2.836 |
3 | 36–42 | 2–4 | 4–6 | 10–10 | 0 | 0–0 | 0–0 | 1.240–1.884 | 2.034–2.942 | 2.836–3.520 |
4 | 42–45 | 4–7 | 6–9 | 10–10 | 0 | 0–0 | 0–1 | 1.884–2.529 | 2.942–3.459 | 3.520–3.998 |
5 | 45–48 | 7–8 | 9–9 | 10–10 | 0 | 0–0 | 1–4 | 2.529–2.815 | 3.459–4.069 | 3.998–4.601 |
6 | 48–54 | 8–10 | 9–9 | 10–10 | 0 | 0–2 | 4–4 | 2.815–3.554 | 4.069–4.491 | 4.601–5.036 |
7 | 54–66 | 10–10 | 9–9 | 10–10 | 0 | 2–2 | 4–4 | 3.554–4.069 | 4.491–4.801 | 5.036–5.519 |
8 | 66–90 | 10–10 | 9–9 | 10–10 | 0 | 2–3 | 4–4 | 4.069–4.515 | 4.801–5.087 | 5.519–5.709 |
9 | 90–114 | 10–10 | 9–9 | 10–10 | 0 | 3–3 | 4–4 | 4.515–4.179 | 5.087–5.062 | 5.709–5.404 |
10 | 114–126 | 10–10 | 9–9 | 10–10 | 0 | 3–3 | 4 − 3 | 4.179–3.896 | 5.062–4.604 | 5.404–5.204 |
11 | 126–132 | 10 − 9 | 9–9 | 10–10 | 0 | 3–3 | 3 − 0 | 3.896–3.482 | 4.604–4.353 | 5.204–4.827 |
12 | 132–135 | 9 − 8 | 9–9 | 10–10 | 0 | 3 − 2 | 0–0 | 3.482–2.949 | 4.353–3.779 | 4.827–4.470 |
13 | 135–138 | 8 − 6 | 9 − 8 | 10–10 | 0 | 2 − 0 | 0–0 | 2.949–2.226 | 3.779–3.241 | 4.470–3.838 |
14 | 138–144 | 6 − 2 | 8 − 4 | 10–10 | 0 | 0–0 | 0–0 | 2.226–1.317 | 3.241–3.399 | 3.838–2.921 |
15 | 144–156 | 2 − 0 | 4 − 1 | 10 − 5 | 0 | 0–0 | 0–0 | 1.317–0.322 | 3.399–1.179 | 2.921–1.85 |
16 | 156–180 | 0–0 | 1 − 0 | 5 − 0 | 0 | 0–0 | 0–0 | 0.322-0 | 1.179-0 | 1.85-0 |
3.2. percussive method
In this method, each cycle starts with the injection phase with the maximum flow rate, then decreases and then in the following increases, and with the start of the suction phase, the flow rate decreases and increases again. The volume of fluid injected or sucked in each step is 1000 µl. In step 1, fluid injection is started with a flow rate of 20000 µl/min for 3 seconds. The second stage of injection is performed with a flow rate of 10000 µl/min in 6 seconds, the third stage of injection with a flow rate of 5000 µl/min in 12 seconds and the fourth stage, injection with a flow rate of 2500 µl/min in 24 seconds. Then the fifth to eighth steps in an increasing trend of injection flow rate again reaches 20000 µl/min. Then, in the ninth step, it suddenly enters the suction phase and the injected fluid with a flow rate of 20000 µl/min is sucked from inside the cell. Figures (8) shows the 16 steps of injection and suction by percussive method.
Table (7) shows the start and end time of each step, the number of fingers, the minimum and maximum size of the base radius in each step, the size of the maximum instantaneous radius, the number of droplets and the size of some important quantities in each step of the first cycle. As the results show, the length of the largest finger in the first cycle of the percussive method has reached 5.362 cm and the length of each finger is longer than the first cycle of the pseudo-sinusoidal method. The maximum number of fingers has reached 12 and the maximum number of fingers with branched has reached 2. No pockets or droplets are observed in this cycle.
Figure (9) shows snapshots of how the two fluid contact surfaces develop in the 16 steps mentioned in the first cycle. Due to the start of the injection phase with the maximum flow rate, a significant number of fingers (6) is observed during 9 seconds. Following the injection phase until the end of step 8, the fingers become larger and wider. Starting the suction phase with the maximum flow rate in the ninth step, the lower part of the fingers are pulled inwards. This is due to the increase in capillary forces applied to the lower part of the fingers as a result of the increased suction speed towards the injection center. In the 135 and 171 second images in Figure (9) is visible that, the fingers are stretched inward (toward the injection center).
Table 7
Number of fingers, minimum and maximum size of base radius, size of maximum instantaneous radius, number of droplets in different stages of the first cycle of percussive method.
step | Start and end time of steps | Fingers | Number of droplets | Number of pockets | Minimum and maximum largest finger | minimum and maximum r (cm) | minimum and maximum rb (cm) |
Number | Branched |
1 | 0–3 | 0–6 | 0–0 | 0 | 0 | 0-1.693 | 0.927–3.317 | 0.927–1.624 |
2 | 3–9 | 6–11 | 0–2 | 0 | 0 | 1.693–2.698 | 3.317–4.353 | 1.624–1.655 |
3 | 9–21 | 11–11 | 2–2 | 0 | 0 | 2.698-3.400 | 4.353–5.195 | 1.655–1.795 |
4 | 21–45 | 11–12 | 2–2 | 0 | 0 | 3.400-3.923 | 5.195–5.870 | 1.795–1.947 |
5 | 45–69 | 12–12 | 2 − 1 | 0 | 0 | 3.923–4.383 | 5.870–6.372 | 1.947–1.988 |
6 | 69–81 | 12–12 | 1–1 | 0 | 0 | 4.383–4.682 | 6.372–6.695 | 1.988–2.013 |
7 | 81–87 | 12–12 | 1–1 | 0 | 0 | 4.682–5.059 | 6.695–7.124 | 2.013–2.064 |
8 | 87–90 | 12–12 | 1–1 | 0 | 0 | 5.059–5.362 | 7.124–7.446 | 2.064–2.083 |
9 | 90–93 | 12–12 | 1–1 | 0 | 0 | 5.362–5.264 | 7.446–7.338 | 2.083–2.074 |
10 | 93–99 | 12–12 | 1–1 | 0 | 0 | 5.264–4.842 | 7.338–6.969 | 2.074–2.126 |
11 | 99–111 | 12–12 | 1–1 | 0 | 0 | 4.842–4.553 | 6.969–6.671 | 2.126–2.117 |
12 | 111–135 | 12 − 11 | 1–1 | 0 | 0 | 4.553–4.133 | 6.671–6.319 | 2.117–2.186 |
13 | 135–159 | 11–11 | 1 − 0 | 0 | 0 | 4.133–3.669 | 6.319-5.800 | 2.186–2.130 |
14 | 159–171 | 11 − 9 | 0–0 | 0 | 0 | 3.669–2.962 | 5.800-5.081 | 2.130–2.119 |
15 | 171–177 | 9 − 3 | 0–0 | 0 | 0 | 2.962–2.025 | 5.081–4.103 | 2.119–2.078 |
16 | 177–180 | 3 − 0 | 0–0 | 0 | 0 | 2.025-0 | 4.103–1.113 | 2.078–1.113 |
In the second cycle, the number of fingers, the droplets formed from the injected fluid, the oil pockets, the branching in the fingers and their length increase compared to the first cycle. The number of fingers and the number of branched fingers reach a maximum of 21 and 3, respectively, and the number of oil pockets created and the droplets reach 1 and 10, respectively. In stages 11 to 15, the base radius increases despite the presence of fluid suction in the center of the cell. This is due to the effect of reducing the length of the fingers and the movement of fluid inside them towards the center of the cell. Table (8) shows the start and end time of each step, the number of fingers, the minimum and maximum size of the base radius in each step, the size of the maximum instantaneous radius, the number of droplets of injected fluid, and the number of oil pockets created in each step of the second cycle.
Table 8
Results of the second cycle’s steps for important quantities.
step | Start and end time of steps | Fingers | Number of droplets | Number of pockets | Minimum and maximum largest finger | minimum and maximum r (cm) | minimum and maximum rb (cm) |
Number | Branched |
1 | 0–3 | 0–21 | 0–0 | 0–4 | 0–1 | 0-2.294 | 1.113–3.811 | 1.113–1.517 |
2 | 3–9 | 21–21 | 0–0 | 4–8 | 1–1 | 2.294–3.240 | 3.811–4.938 | 1.517–1.698 |
3 | 9–21 | 21–21 | 0–1 | 8–9 | 1–1 | 3.240–3.833 | 4.938–5.614 | 1.698–1.780 |
4 | 21–45 | 21 − 18 | 1–2 | 9–10 | 1–1 | 3.833–4.358 | 5.614–6.314 | 1.780–1.955 |
5 | 45–69 | 18 − 17 | 2–3 | 10–10 | 1–1 | 4.358–4.803 | 6.314–6.804 | 1.955–2.001 |
6 | 69–81 | 17–17 | 3–3 | 10–10 | 1–1 | 4.803–5.177 | 6.804–7.264 | 2.001–2.086 |
7 | 81–87 | 17–17 | 3–3 | 10 − 8 | 1–1 | 5.177–5.512 | 7.264–7.643 | 2.086–2.130 |
8 | 87–90 | 17–17 | 3–3 | 8–8 | 1–1 | 5.512–5.817 | 7.643–7.967 | 2.130–2.150 |
9 | 90–93 | 17–17 | 3–3 | 8–8 | 1–1 | 5.817–5.679 | 7.967–7.795 | 2.150–2.115 |
10 | 93–99 | 17–17 | 3–3 | 8–9 | 1–1 | 5.679–5.389 | 7.795–7.431 | 2.115–2.041 |
11 | 99–111 | 17–17 | 3–3 | 9–9 | 1–1 | 5.389–4.994 | 7.431–7.113 | 2.041–2.118 |
12 | 111–135 | 17 − 16 | 3–3 | 9–10 | 1–1 | 4.994–4.612 | 7.113–6.743 | 2.118–2.130 |
13 | 135–159 | 16–16 | 3 − 2 | 10 − 8 | 1–1 | 4.612–4.177 | 6.743–6.318 | 2.130–2.141 |
14 | 159–171 | 16–16 | 2–2 | 8–8 | 1–1 | 4.177–3.498 | 6.318–5.585 | 2.141–2.087 |
15 | 171–177 | 16–16 | 2 − 1 | 8–8 | 1–1 | 3.498–2.446 | 5.585–4.614 | 2.087–2.167 |
16 | 177–180 | 16 − 0 | 1 − 0 | 8 − 2 | 1 − 0 | 2.446–0.473 | 4.614–1.480 | 2.167–1.006 |
Figure (10) shows a number of morphologies related to the 16 stages in the second cycle. As in the first cycle, the injection process begins with the maximum flow rate. The fingers in this cycle are narrower and longer than the first cycle and from the very beginning, oil pockets are seen inside the injection fluid, which appear at the end of the sixteenth stage of the first cycle and the beginning of the first stage of the second cycle and remain in the injection fluid until the end of the cycle. According to Table 9 in the fifth cycle, the number of fingers and the number of droplets have reached a maximum of 17 and 5, respectively, both of which are less than in the second cycle, but the number of pockets has increased significantly from 1 to 38. Also, the number of branched fingers has reached 5. Similar to the second cycle, in most suction stages, the size of the base radius increases.
Table 9
Results for some quantities in the 16 stages of the fifth cycle.
step | Start and end time of steps | Fingers | Number of droplets | Number of pockets | Minimum and maximum largest finger | minimum and maximum r (cm) | minimum and maximum rb (cm) |
Number | Branched |
1 | 0–3 | 0–17 | 0–5 | 4–5 | 6–21 | 1.253–2.761 | 1.973–4.563 | 0.720–1.801 |
2 | 3–9 | 17–17 | 5–5 | 5 − 4 | 21–34 | 2.761–3.676 | 4.563–5.648 | 1.801–1.972 |
3 | 9–21 | 17 − 16 | 5–5 | 4 − 3 | 34–38 | 3.676–4.295 | 5.648–6.377 | 1.972–2.081 |
4 | 21–45 | 16 − 14 | 5 − 4 | 3–3 | 38–38 | 4.295–4.748 | 6.377–6.974 | 2.081–2.226 |
5 | 45–69 | 14–14 | 4 − 3 | 3–3 | 38–38 | 4.748–5.255 | 6.974–7.585 | 2.226–2.330 |
6 | 69–81 | 14–14 | 3–3 | 3–3 | 38–38 | 5.255–5.586 | 7.585–7.931 | 2.330–2.345 |
7 | 81–87 | 14–14 | 3–3 | 3–3 | 38–38 | 5.586–5.951 | 7.931–8.310 | 2.345–2.358 |
8 | 87–90 | 14–14 | 3–4 | 3–3 | 38–38 | 5.951–6.182 | 8.310–8.583 | 2.358–2.401 |
9 | 90–93 | 14–14 | 4–4 | 3–3 | 38–38 | 6.182–6.091 | 8.583–8.474 | 2.401–2.383 |
10 | 93–99 | 14–14 | 4 − 3 | 3–3 | 38–38 | 6.091–5.836 | 8.474–8.244 | 2.383–2.408 |
11 | 99–111 | 14–14 | 3–3 | 3–3 | 38–38 | 5.836–5.582 | 8.244–7.944 | 2.408–2.362 |
12 | 111–135 | 14–14 | 3–3 | 3–3 | 38–38 | 5.582–5.031 | 7.944–7.433 | 2.362–2.401 |
13 | 135–159 | 14–14 | 3–3 | 3–3 | 38–38 | 5.031–4.246 | 7.433–6.832 | 2.401–2.485 |
14 | 159–171 | 14 − 13 | 3–3 | 3–3 | 38–38 | 4.246–3.832 | 6.832–6.268 | 2.485–2.435 |
15 | 171–177 | 13 − 8 | 3 − 1 | 3–4 | 38–38 | 3.832–3.097 | 6.268–5.484 | 2.435–2.387 |
16 | 177–180 | 8 − 0 | 1 − 0 | 4–6 | 38 − 5 | 3.097–1.397 | 5.484–2.154 | 2.387–0.757 |
In figure (11), that is snapshots of how the contact surface of two fluids is created during the 16 stages of injection and suction in the fifth cycle, dislocation is seen in the fingers along with a large number of pockets of oil and droplets of displacement fluid.
The data in Table (10), which presents the results of the first, second, and fifth cycles for some quantities, show that the number of fingers does not follow a specific pattern, but by comparing Figs. 9 to 12 with each other, it can be seen that the number of fingers is directly related to the narrowness or width of the fingers, so in the second cycle, due to the narrowness of the fingers, the number of fingers is more than in the first and fifth cycles. But in general, the length of the fingers increases with increasing number of cycles, so that at the end of stage 8 of cycle 1 (end of injection phase) the length of the largest finger from 5.36, at the end of this stage in the second cycle to 5.81 and for the fifth cycle reaches 6.18 cm. By increasing the number of cycles, the number of branched fingers will increase. Also, the time of branching of the fingers in the injection phase is faster than the time of disappearance of the finger branching in the suction phase of the cycles. Generally, in the percussive injection-suction method, the results show that the number of oil pockets is strongly dependent on the number of injection cycles, so that reaches from zero pockets in the first cycle to 38 pockets in the fifth cycle. In addition, in this injection-suction method, droplets are formed from the second cycle. The reason for this could be a sudden decrease in the injection rate from its maximum to its minimum value during a cycle, which does not give enough time for a slow change in the morphology of the fingers so that during the rapid process of finger contraction (moving to the center cell), a part of the fingers is cut off and makes a drop.
Table 10
Number of fingers, number of branched fingers, and length of the largest finger in the first, second, and fifth cycles.
step | Number of fingers | Number of branched fingers | The length of the largest finger | Number of droplets | Number of pockets |
first cycle | second cycle | fifth cycle | first cycle | second cycle | fifth cycle | first cycle | second cycle | fifth cycle | first cycle | second cycle | fifth cycle | first cycle | second cycle | fifth cycle |
1 | 0–6 | 0–21 | 0–17 | 0–0 | 0–0 | 0–5 | 0-1.69 | 0-2.29 | 1.25–2.76 | 0 | 0–4 | 4–5 | 0 | 0–1 | 6–21 |
2 | 6–11 | 21–21 | 17–17 | 0–2 | 0–0 | 5–5 | 1.69–2.69 | 2.29–3.24 | 2.76–3.67 | 0 | 4–8 | 5 − 4 | 0 | 1–1 | 21–34 |
3 | 11–11 | 21–21 | 17 − 16 | 2–2 | 0–1 | 5–5 | 2.69–3.40 | 3.24–3.83 | 3.67–4.29 | 0 | 8–9 | 4 − 3 | 0 | 1–1 | 34–38 |
4 | 11–12 | 21 − 18 | 16 − 14 | 2–2 | 1–2 | 5 − 4 | 3.40–3.92 | 3.83–4.35 | 4.29–4.74 | 0 | 9–10 | 3–3 | 0 | 1–1 | 38–38 |
5 | 12–12 | 18 − 17 | 14–14 | 2 − 1 | 2–3 | 4 − 3 | 3.92–4.38 | 4.35–4.80 | 4.74–5.25 | 0 | 10–10 | 3–3 | 0 | 1–1 | 38–38 |
6 | 12–12 | 17–17 | 14–14 | 1–1 | 3–3 | 3–3 | 4.38–4.68 | 4.80–5.17 | 5.25–5.58 | 0 | 10–10 | 3–3 | 0 | 1–1 | 38–38 |
7 | 12–12 | 17–17 | 14–14 | 1–1 | 3–3 | 3–3 | 4.68–5.05 | 5.17–5.51 | 5.58–5.95 | 0 | 10 − 8 | 3–3 | 0 | 1–1 | 38–38 |
8 | 12–12 | 17–17 | 14–14 | 1–1 | 3–3 | 3–4 | 5.05–5.36 | 5.51–5.81 | 5.95–6.18 | 0 | 8–8 | 3–3 | 0 | 1–1 | 38–38 |
9 | 12–12 | 17–17 | 14–14 | 1–1 | 3–3 | 4–4 | 5.36–5.26 | 5.81–5.67 | 6.18–6.09 | 0 | 8–8 | 3–3 | 0 | 1–1 | 38–38 |
10 | 12–12 | 17–17 | 14–14 | 1–1 | 3–3 | 4 − 3 | 5.26–4.84 | 5.67–5.38 | 6.09–5.83 | 0 | 8–9 | 3–3 | 0 | 1–1 | 38–38 |
11 | 12–12 | 17–17 | 14–14 | 1–1 | 3–3 | 3–3 | 4.84–4.55 | 5.38–4.99 | 5.83–5.58 | 0 | 9–9 | 3–3 | 0 | 1–1 | 38–38 |
12 | 12 − 11 | 17 − 16 | 14–14 | 1–1 | 3–3 | 3–3 | 4.55–4.13 | 4.99–4.61 | 5.58–5.03 | 0 | 9–10 | 3–3 | 0 | 1–1 | 38–38 |
13 | 11–11 | 16–16 | 14–14 | 1 − 0 | 3 − 2 | 3–3 | 4.13–3.66 | 4.61–4.17 | 5.03–4.24 | 0 | 10 − 8 | 3–3 | 0 | 1–1 | 38–38 |
14 | 11 − 9 | 16–16 | 14 − 13 | 0–0 | 2–2 | 3–3 | 3.66–2.96 | 4.17–3.49 | 4.24–3.83 | 0 | 8–8 | 3–3 | 0 | 1–1 | 38–38 |
15 | 9 − 3 | 16–16 | 13 − 8 | 0–0 | 2 − 1 | 3 − 1 | 2.96–2.02 | 3.49–2.44 | 3.83–3.09 | 0 | 8–8 | 3–4 | 0 | 1–1 | 38–38 |
16 | 3 − 0 | 16 − 0 | 8 − 0 | 0–0 | 1 − 0 | 1 − 0 | 2.02-0 | 2.44–0.47 | 3.09–1.39 | 0 | 8 − 2 | 4–6 | 0 | 1 − 0 | 38 − 5 |