The different TFE were first individually studied on PET substrates. As expected, going from single to multilayer architectures decreases the steady state flux and significantly increases the BIF for both helium and water vapor measurements. The TL also increases accordingly (Table 2). Best results were obtained for M, which improved the gas barrier properties of the PET substrate by a factor 1178 and 1646, respectively for helium and water vapor permeation.
A linear correlation can be found by plotting the helium BIF as a function of water vapor BIF on PET substrates (Fig. 1). According to the experimental results, the linear slope of the fit is 0.42 ± 0.08. HeTR of the TFE were measured before and after the WVTR experiment and remained constant. It was concluded that the stack does not suffer any moisture ingress over the duration of the WVTR measurement. Then, the correlation between Helium and water vapor BIF can be used as a predictive scale for quality screening of the TFE and control samples can regularly be added to the fabrication of the TFE and characterized to anticipate shifts of performances due to process variations (aging of the reagent, particle contamination, etc.). The chemical selectivity of the substrate between helium and water depends on the materials used for the TFE. New studies should be considered for any change in the chemical composition.
As previously stated, in the TFE architecture the barrier properties are mainly provided by the Al2O3 barrier layer, and high performances are not expected from the nano-CP material. Indeed, as shown in (Table 2) the TFE S displays an average BIF of 37 while the BIF provided by a single nano-CP layers barely exceed unity (Supplementary Table S6). M and B architecture are respectively compared with T and S to highlight the influence of the thick nano-CP layer. Despite displaying no intrinsic barrier properties, the 5 µm thick nano-CP coating improved by a factor 2.3 the performances of architecture S and T regarding the water vapor steady state flux, and positively impacted the TL. Firstly, this evolution obviously implies that the processing of this material (solvent, temperature, polymer shrinkage, etc.) has at least no negative impact on the quality of the barrier layer underneath, which is consistent with our previous observations on OLED substrates [23, 24]. To go into detail, as previously observed in the literature over different conditions, the protective effect cannot be explained by the poor intrinsic properties of the polymer-based materials and is closely linked to the barrier layer substrate [8, 29, 30]. Some studies suggest that the hydrophobic properties of the resin may explain the passivation differences as the coating isolates the barriers from the sorption of ambient moisture [31]. Yet, a global consensus is to be found regarding this hypothesis. In this study, this assumption is consistent with our materials but may not be sufficient to explain the overall decrease in steady-state flux as the samples are stored under inert atmosphere prior to the measurement. Another hypothesis relies on the mechanical properties; the TFE is deposited on flexible substrate and inevitably mechanically stressed over the test. The top coating is expected to prevent degradations originating from the storage and the handling of the substrate such as bending stress, surface scratches from the permeation equipment and particle deposition. As a result, the BIF, the reproducibility as well as the time-lag are slightly improved for mechanically protected samples.
Table 3
Helium and water vapor gas barrier improvement relatively to the substrate material.
Al2O3 grade | Substrate | BIF of layer S [Al2O3] | BIF of dyad [Al2O3/nano-CP] |
S[PET] | PET | S | 37 ± 7 | 259 ± 38 | B | 226 ± 45 | 581 ± 58 |
S[CP] | B | T | 1.6 ± 0.4 | 1.3 ± 0.3 | M | 5.0 ± 1.3 | 2.9 ± 0.7 |
In the TFE architecture, the nano-CP is not only considered as covering material but also as an interface planarization layer. It is well known that the ALD method is sensitive to the properties of the substrates [32–34] (roughness, surface energy); therefore the analysis of the impact on our Al2O3 growth and on the overall barrier performances is required (S[PET], S[CP] and S[SiOx]). A WVTR of 3.1 10− 2 g.m−− 1 is measured from the single layer S[PET] (Supplementary Fig. S3). This result is abnormally high compared to the average data detailed in the literature [7, 35] (10− 3 to 10− 5 g.m−− 1), and is attributed to a deteriorated growth of the Al2O3 by ALD on top of the polymeric PET substrate. This result was to be expected and is corroborated by a previous observation of the same ALD growth made at CEA-LETI [36]. On top of a commercial organic photoresist the Al2O3 layers are imperfect and granular, while layers grown on low-roughness silicon substrate are smooth and homogeneous. In the Table 3, the quality of the two Al2O3 grade S[PET] and S[CP] respectively grown on PET and nano-CP surface are compared for both the single layer S and the very same layer S included in the dyad Al2O3/nano-CP. The S[CP] quality grade displays lower performances than the grade S[PET]. BIF are respectively decreased by a factor 30 and a factor 200 for HeTR and WVTR measurement. The nano-CP is known to be smooth (0.75 ± 0.15 nm, RMS 500*500 nm scan), yet the presence of asperities due to embedded particle contamination can explain the BIF gap with a layer grown on PET (S[PET]). Another possibility concerns the surface porosity; in the case of the presence of dead volumes in the surface of the composite, the S[CP] layer may grow in these defects and lose quality. Finally, the surface energy of the material can also interfere with the sorption of the ALD reagent and the growth mechanisms. Nevertheless, even if the morphology of the S[CP] layer is affected, the addition of new layers and dyads significantly increase the barrier performances of the TFE. The morphology of Al2O3 layers obtained by ALD layer is more homogeneous on top of smooth inorganic substrates. The measurements using PET substrate are likely to underestimate the real in-situ permeation rate on top of the SiOX capping layer during the fabrication of the OLED substrate (S[SiO]). In our laboratory, OLED devices encapsulated with the single S[SiOx] barrier can be stored over months in ambient conditions without displaying any degradation. Al2O3 quality grades are expected to improve as follows: S[CP] < S[PET] < S[SiOx].
These observations highlight the fact that the intrinsic performances and synergistic influence of each layer need to be evaluated to study the performances of the complete TFE and to anticipate the additions of new layers to further enhance the barrier properties. For this and other reasons, gas permeation measurement are not easily transferred to other methods such as in-situ weathering as long as the substrate impact the studied materials.
The OLED device itself is the most sensitive indicator of the performance of the TFE. Previous experiments have been performed in our laboratory using dedicated fluorescent molecular films encapsulated with the Al2O3 barrier layers, defects have been observed as non-emitting singularities under UV light excitation [37]. Working on a full device is expensive and time-consuming, but it allows an extended approach as nearly all the constitutive layers in the OLED architecture are sensitive against moisture and oxygen [38]. Black spots appear due to the morphological evolution of the organic semiconductors, but mainly because of the degradation of the metallic electrodes and the loss of electrical contact (Fig. 2). Each additional layer can influence the development of extrinsic degradation and the lifetime of the device, it makes the final performances difficult to predict and to standardize. In order to study the in-situ performances of the TFE standard accelerated weathering tests in damp and hot storage environment need to be considered.
Putting aside the variation of ALD growth mechanisms, in-situ weathering test and WVTR measurement are uneasy to compare due to two main differences. First, WVTR measurement on flexible PET substrate are more affected by the mechanical ingress (bending stress, scratches from manipulation), but in-situ measurement affects the TFE as well as the OLED component (changes in internal stress leading to delamination of the TFE). Secondly, the experimental conditions differ. WVTR measurement is based on 38°C-100%HR climatic condition and proceed by applying a controlled pressure and ultra-high vacuum around the membrane. In-situ measurement consists of a storage under 60°C-90%HR climatic conditions. Water diffusion through the TFE is driven by the temperature and water partial pressure. Arrhenius extrapolation can be used as a first approximation; however, this model fails to consider the thermal and chemical changes of the membrane during in-situ measurement. During in-situ weathering tests, substrate is impacted by the method and its morphology changes over time. The constitutive layers of the OLED substrate (electrodes, capping SiOX) influence the permeation properties as intrinsic degradations creates voids and cracks in the architecture. Moreover, like most ceramics and polymer-based materials the nano-CP is sensitive to moisture ingress. A slight irreversible increase in tensile stress (7 ± 1 MPa) can be observed after 50 days of storage (21°C, 50%HR) due to chemical reactions of the silica fillers [39]. This mechanism as well as the thermal dilatation of the layers is amplified in damp and hot environment and can lead to cracking or disbonding. However, in this study no failure of this kind was observed on the nano-CP as long as the protocol avoid brutal thermal chocs. Only black spots appeared and grew over time during the weathering test (90%HR, 60°C).
Over 500h of test, the first two regimes of degradation are observed on the samples: high defect occurrence, followed by a slower occurrence completed by the growth of existing defects (Supplementary Fig. S4). The defect occurrence rates are represented by the slope of the linear fit versus time and respectively expressed as (α1) and (α2). The lag-time (TL) of this experiment express the transition between the two regimes and is determined graphically as the intersection of the linear regressions. Similarly to the HeTR and WVTR experiment, the defect occurrence rate followed the previous observation on PET substrate and the protection was enhanced from TFE (S) < TFE (B) < TFE (T) < TFE (M) as displayed in Table 2. This observation attests the successful implementation of the process from ex-situ deposition on PET substrate to in-situ monolithic deposition on the fragile OLED component. As a reference, bare OLED circuits are destroyed within hours under 60°C-90%HR storage conditions. After 500h of storage, S[SiOx] and B TFE protected respectively 2.7% and 67.6% of the circuits. Best results were obtained for T and M with an average of 90.8% remaining flawless OLED surfaces. In this case, the defects mainly occurred during the initial stage of the test.
At the early stage, the first defect occurrence rate (α1) is due to initial encapsulation defects on the TFE coming from the fabrication process and the handling of the substrates. The complete TFE architecture M improved the performances of the initial S[SiOx] layer by a factor 17.5. On OLED circuits the TFE are not mechanically stressed, yet the nano-CP also surprisingly displayed a positive influence on the occurrence rate. BIFα1 due to nano-CP layer alone are respectively 7.5 and 1.3 for B and M architecture (Supplementary Table S6). This result still cannot be explained by the intrinsic gas barrier properties of the nano-CP itself but can be attributed in this case to the defect encapsulation properties of the resin. Nanoparticle contamination is molded and kept in place into the layer, avoiding the formation of new pinholes [40]. Nano-CP layers indirectly influence the rate by reducing the defect occurrence of the barrier layer. As previously described on PET substrate, the addition of the second Al2O3 layer S[CP] does not give a significant rise to the TL of the TFE and the BIFα1 (1.8) is extremely low (Table 3). These results are consistent with the hypothesis of a degraded growth leading to poorer performances. Although the S[CP] barrier slightly improves the barrier properties, the main protection and the defect occurrence α1 is mainly linked to the quality of the first barrier S[SiOx].
The second defect occurrence rate (α2) is due to the steady-state degradation of the barrier and growth of existing defects. In this case, the architecture M Improved the performances of the S[SiOx] layer by a factor 13.8. BIFα2 due to the nano-CP covering layer is only 1.3 in both B and M architecture which is consistent with the poor steady-state intrinsic barrier properties of the nano-CP material (Supplementary Table S6). Two ranges of defect occurrences can be observed, corresponding to one or two barrier layers in the TFE. Despite a flawed morphology, the addition barrier layer S[CP] significantly improved the long-term properties (BIFα2 8.7). A small improvement of the TL is observed, this result can be due to the lengthening of the permeation pathway. Another possibility relies on the getter effect, protecting the subjacent layer from absorbed water molecules.
The amount of defective OLED protected with the complete TFE M is causally linked to the occurrence rate α1, that is, to the quality of the S[SiOx] layer and thus to the amount of particle contamination arising from the fabrication process reactors (OLE
D and ALD) as well as the nature and the flatness of the substrate. Supplementary layers show a smaller positive effect on the BIF improvement, and yet are mandatory to fully achieve the required gas barrier properties (Table 2, Table 3). Correlation between in-situ weathering test on OLED and ex-situ permeation test on PET substrate needs to consider the chemical and morphological changes of the TFE. In this study, assuming that the WVTR measurement did not record significant degradations of the TFE due to moisture ingress, then the BIFPET/S can be compared to the BIFOLED/S α1 (Fig. 3). Both are causally linked to the defect occurrence in the inorganic layer of the TFE caused by the fabrication process (nanoparticle contamination, solvent ingress) and by the handling of the substrates (bending stress, scratches). The steady state degradation of the OLED substrate (α2) cannot be predicted by the WVTR measurement done in the 38°C-100%HR conditions. In order to approach a correlation, new experiment could consider changing the WVTR condition, or storing the TFE on PET substrate in a climatic chamber for a given time before starting the WVTR measurement.