4.1. Quantification of 6-gingerol and 6-shogaol
6-gingerol and 6-shogaol content in ginger OR was determined using a validated reverse-phase chromatographic method. Figure 1 shows the chromatograms of the ginger OR (Fig. 1a) and analytical standards (Fig. 1b). Retention times for gingerol and shogaol in OR were, respectively, 8.5 and 21.5 min. The 24-min running time is shorter than the previous methods described, which required between 30 and 60 min [20–24]. In addition, high resolutions among 6-gingerol and 6-shogaol and the other OR constituents were achieved (peak resolution of 3.04 and 3.11, respectively).
The method was linear with correlation coefficients 0.9999 and 0.9998 for 6-gingerol and 6-shogaol, respectively, meeting the validation requirements and proving the ability of the method to provide proportionality between the area and the concentration values in the range tested (3 to 18 µg mL− 1). The high values of the angular coefficients of the curves (246200 and 316703, for 6-gingerol and 6-shogaol, respectively) indicate the appropriate response of the method to the changes in concentration imposed. ANOVA shows non-significant linearity deviation (0.03 < 3.26 for 6-gingerol and 0.10 < 3.26 for 6-shogaol) and significant linear regression (432.22 > 4.75 for 6-gingerol and 504.64 > 4.75 for 6-shogaol). The residual graph showed non-biased data collection (Fig S1, supplemental material). The method was also accurate (97.67–99.19% for gingerol and 99.69–99.92% for shogaol) and precise (coefficient of variation of 1.45% for gingerol, and 1.83% for shogaol) with a quantification limit of 159 and 1,027 ng mL− 1 for gingerol and shogaol, respectively. Selectivity was investigated (βCD, HPβCD, HPMC, PEG400, and talc), and no interference was observed in drug retention time (Fig. S2, supplemental material). Furthermore, the area of the peaks did not change in the presence of the formulation constituents. 6-gingerol and 6-shogaol content in OR was 5.15 g. 100 g− 1 and 3.98 g. 100 g− 1, respectively.
4.2. Phase-solubility studies
The phase-solubility diagram of 6-gingerol in HPβCD is shown in Fig. 2a. The curve showed that the 6-gingerol solubility linearly increased with HPβCD concentration, featuring a type AL curve, as proposed by Higuchi and Connors [17]. The Kc of this complex was 9.89 M− 1 which is a value below the usual range found for drug inclusion complexes reported in the literature (50 to 2000 M− 1) [25]. In its turn, the phase-solubility diagram of 6-shogaol (AL-type, Fig. 2b) showed higher affinity to HPβCD cavity with a Kc of 80.12 M− 1, which is expected since 6-shogaol is rather more apolar than 6-gingerol.
Despite the differences in 6-shogaol and 6-gingerol affinity to the HPβCD cavity, both showed low Kc values, which can be attributed to the competition for the cyclodextrin cavity with several other guests presented in a natural product such as OR ginger [8]. As far as we know, this is the first time that HPβCD complexes with 6-gingerol and 6-shogaol were reported. Moreover, the inclusion complexation of oleoresins with cyclodextrins is poorly documented in the literature [12, 26–29]. Importantly, there is no previous report on ginger OR/ HPβCD inclusion complex.
On the other hand, the complexation of 6-gingerol in ginger OR with βCD resulted in the formation of a Bs-type complex. Figure 2a shows an initial increase in 6-gingerol solubility (at low βCD concentration) followed by a decrease. In this profile, the inclusion complex formed is poorly soluble. Indeed, increasing the βCD concentration produced more inclusion complexes that rapidly reached saturation in the medium and precipitate. From that point onwards, the progressive increase in the concentration of βCD shifts the balance towards the formation of more inclusion complexes that precipitate. Thus, in practice, a reduction in the amount of compound dissolved in the medium is observed. Silva et al. (2021) also reported the formation of Bs-type complex with βCD using high-purity 6-gingerol. Unlike the observed for gingerol, shogaol/ βCD complex gave rise to AL type curve (Kc; 15.91 M-1) (Fig. 2b). There is only one report on the inclusion complexation of 6-shogaol with βCD that shows a Kc value of 1017.24 M-1, about 64-fold higher than that found here. This can be attributed to the multiple guests present in ginger OR and is evidence that the cyclodextrins interact with the other compounds of the natural extract.
In sum, phase solubility studies of 6-gingerol and 6-shogaol in ginger OR clearly showed the advantages of using HPβCD as host since it gave rise to AL curves. Accordingly, only HPβCD complexes were prepared by slurry and hot-melt extrusion methods.
4.3. Ginger OR complexation by slurry and hot-melt extrusion methods
The AL-type phase-solubility curves for HPβCD discussed in section 4.2 indicated the formation of inclusion complexes with 1:1 stoichiometry (OR/HPβCD) in solution. To produce solid-state complexes, which are limited molecular mobility systems, in addition to the equimolar ratio, complexes in the molar ratio of 1:2 (OR/HPβCD) were also produced. SL complexes prepared at 1:1 and 1:2 OR/HPβCD molar ratio resulted in yellowish granulated material (Fig. 3). SEM images showed a large particle size of the 1:1 SL complex, likely related to the greater amounts of OR. The macroscopic aspect of the 1:1 SL complex showed a darker and more cohesive material than the 1:2 OR/HPβCD complex (Fig. 3).
1:1 and 1:2 OR/HPβCD complexes were prepared by HME. Preliminary tests were performed to determine the range of the extruder operating conditions in preparing these complexes. The temperature range used (120/130/140°C) allowed for high yield production, without OR losses, and enabled processing under moderate torque. Indeed, the inclusion complexation by HME did not result in any decrease of %R compared with pure OR (p > 0.05) (Fig. S3, supplemental material). ANOVA showed no individual difference in the 6-shogaol and 6-gingerol content of the HME complexes compared with pure OR (p > 0.05). This finding showed the feasibility of using a thermal process to obtain stable inclusion complexes containing ginger OR.
The reversible conversion of 6-gingerol into 6-shogaol was reported as insignificant within a 1h period in solution at 37°C [7]; however, the reaction is favorable at high temperatures [6]. It can be suggested that the recirculation time used during HME trials (3 min) was not enough to generate an effective conversion between the markers. HME complexes showed a denser and homogeneous aspect than SL ones (Fig. 3), explained by their lower OR concentration (Table 1). SEM images of the milled OR/CD HME complexes show the presence of small and agglomerated particles (Fig. 3).
4.4. Solubility study
The solubility of ginger OR markers was evaluated in a simulated gastric medium to assess the feasibility of the oral administration of the inclusion complexes produced. From the free ginger OR, the solubility of 6-gingerol (16.09 µg/mL) was 8.6-fold higher than that of 6-shogaol (1.87 µg/mL). Indeed, the higher polarity of 6-gingerol is due to the presence of a hydroxyl moiety in the alkyl chain of such compound [24].
Gingerol and shogaol solubility in OR/HPβCD complexes prepared by SL or HME are presented in Fig. 4. 6-gingerol solubility was significantly improved in all OR/HPβCD complexes prepared by both methods at 1:1 and 1:2 OR/HPβCD ratio, when compared to ginger OR (p < 0.05) (Fig. 4a). 6-gingerol solubility was not influenced by the preparation method (p > 0.05).
In its turn, 6-shogaol solubility in SL complexes showed a 147-fold improvement compared to ginger OR (p < 0.05) (Fig. 4b). The comparison among SL complexes prepared at 1:1 and 1:2 molar ratios showed that the shogaol solubility was significantly higher when HPβCD amount was greater (OR/HPβCD 1:2) in the formulation (p < 0.05). Inclusion complexation using HME technology resulted in an even greater improvement of 6-shogaol solubility compared to pure OR (162-fold) (p < 0.05). Additionally, shogaol solubility in HME complexes was significantly higher than that observed for the corresponding SL complexes (p < 0.05). This finding suggests the higher complexation efficiency of HME complexes prepared under higher temperatures and shear forces. Malaquias et al. [15]. had shown that HME was 3-fold more effective than traditional complexation methods when the poorly water-soluble fluconazole was extruded with hydroxypropyl cellulose and βCD or HPβCD.
Moreover, possibly, the conditions used in the SL complexation may not have guaranteed the necessary dispersion of more apolar compounds, like shogaol, whereas the heat and shear forces applied during HME processing may have promoted a closer contact between this compound and the cyclodextrin. Until now, no studies have compared solvent-based and HME methods in the preparation of inclusion complexes with cyclodextrins.
4.5. Thermogravimetry
Solubility improvement of the pungent compounds suggests their complexation with HPβCD. Furthermore, the ginger OR is also composed of several volatile compounds, like the α-zingeberene, α-farnesene, β-bisabolene, β-sesquiphellandrene, cineol, geraniol, camphene, citral among others which contribute to its biological activities [1]. TG analysis is a very suitable tool for inferring the complexation of volatile compounds in cyclodextrins [30]. To investigate the complexation of volatile components in ginger OR, the mass loss differences between solid complexes and their corresponding physical mixtures at different temperature intervals were used. TG curve of pure ginger OR is shown in Fig. S4 (Supplemental Material). This curve shows three mass loss steps from 25°C to 400°C.
Figure 5 shows the mass loss in the interval from 25 to 130°C (Fig. 5a) and from 130 to 290°C (Fig. 5b). Mass loss from OR/HPβCD complexes (SL and HME) prepared at 1:1, and 1:2 molar ratios in the first temperature range were lower than that calculated from their PM counterparts, which suggests a successful inclusion of the OR volatile constituents. Conversely, it may indicate a loss of these volatile compounds during the complexation procedures. To shed light on this issue, mass loss from SL and HME complexes was compared with the mass loss from the corresponding PM at a higher temperature interval (130 to 290 ° C). A higher mass loss from the complexes could be observed, supporting the suggestion of a successful complexation of volatile materials by using both methods.
Particularly, it is important to highlight the mass loss behavior of the 1:2 OR/HPβCD (HME) complex. This material showed the lowest mass loss in the 25–130°C interval. This finding strongly suggested that HME was more efficient in promoting the complexation of the volatile ginger constituents. Therefore, it could be used to produce cyclodextrin complexes containing volatile compounds, similarly to what has already been described for other volatile natural products [31]. Consequently, a proper choice of temperature and residence time is needed to guarantee the quality of the final product.
4.6. In vitro shogaol and gingerol dissolution from OR/HPβCD complexes
Figure 6a shows the shogaol dissolution from ginger OR and OR/HPβCD complexes. Shogaol dissolution from all complexes was significantly higher than from ginger OR (p < 0.05), denoting the impact of the inclusion complexation of ginger OR in accelerating the biomarkers dissolution. It can be noted that a lower % shogaol was dissolved at the end of the experiment (120 min) from 1:1 OR/HPβCD complexes than that from 1:2 samples prepared using the same method, in agreement to solubility data in acid medium. Similarly, 1:2 OR/HPβCD complex prepared by HME showed higher shogaol dissolution (at 120 min) than that observed from the corresponding SL complex (p < 0.05). This finding is, once again, in agreement with the solubility data previously discussed. Notably, the shogaol dissolution from HME complexes was more gradual than from SL samples (Fig. 6a), which can be explained by the swelling of the HPMC extrudate at the beginning of the dissolution assay. Low molecular weight HPMC such as Benecel E3 is used to fine-tune drug release in immediate release systems.
Additionally, one can hypothesize that shogaol is interacting with the polymeric matrix retarding its release. Indeed, Benecel E3 has a high average percent of methoxy-groups [32], increasing its affinity for hydrophobic drugs. Compared to high molecular weight HPMC with a similar percent of methoxy-groups (E5, E15, and E50), Benecel E3 showed a higher ability to interact with poorly soluble drugs [33].
Figure 6b shows the % gingerol dissolved from ginger OR and OR/HPβCD complexes. At 120 min, all complexes showed higher gingerol dissolution than ginger OR (p < 0.05). In fact, at the end of the assay, more than 90% of 6-gingerol was dissolved from the complexes, against only 75% from the uncomplexed ginger OR. The OR/HPβCD complexes presented similar dissolution regardless of the production method or the drug: cyclodextrin molar ratio. Similar to what was observed for shogaol, gingerol was gradually dissolved from the HME samples.
In general, the benefits of inclusion complexation of ginger OR in solid-state were remarkable. The highest effects were observed for shogaol due to its higher affinity for the HPβCD cavity. It is noteworthy the performance of the 1:2 OR/HPβCD complex produced by HME. Solubility and dissolution data, as well as the TGA findings, pointed to its superiority. Additionally, this complex was produced using no solvent in a fast and potentially continuous process. Altogether, these results show the great potential of the HME method for cyclodextrin complexation of multi-component guests composed of botanical extracts. The next step was to investigate the in vivo anti-inflammatory effects of the selected OR/HPβCD complexes (1:2 OR/CD prepared by SL or HME).
4.7. In vivo study
The anti-inflammatory profile of HME, SL, and ginger OR (200 and 500 mg/kg v.o.) was evaluated by the carrageenan-induced pleurisy model, and the data are summarized in Fig. 7. This model allows studying acute inflammation by following different mediators and determining the effects of drugs in the inflammatory response. Carrageenan increases local vascular permeability, causing fluid extravasation and leukocyte infiltration [34–37]; and activates the immune cells, inducing an exacerbated production of pro-inflammatory cytokines TNF-α and IL-1β [34, 36, 38].
The results show that the administration of carrageenan into the pleural space of mice induced a significant increase in total leukocyte count (p < 0.001), and upregulated TNF-α (p < 0.001), and IL-1β (p < 0.001) production. Treatment with OR/HPβCD 1:2 (HME) complex and ginger OR (500 mg/kg, v.o.) significantly decrease the total leukocyte count (p < 0.001, p < 0.05) compared to control group. The positive control indomethacin (10 mg/Kg, v.o.) had the same effect (p < 0.001) (Fig. 7a). Additionally, HME, SL, and ginger OR (500 mg/kg v.o.) caused a significant reduction in IL-1β levels (p < 0.01) in pleural fluid when compared to the control group (Fig. 7b). Notably, this response was similar to that obtained using the positive control of indomethacin. Finally, no significant difference was observed in TNF-α production in HME, SL, and OR-treated mice (p > 0.05) (Fig. 7c).
Our findings showed that the HME complex mitigated the cell migration induced by carrageenan. This effect was equivalent to that presented by the positive control, indomethacin. In all cases, the inhibition of cell migration may be associated with the inhibition of proinflammatory cytokine IL-1β release (Fig. 7b), since IL-1β plays a key role in respect of cell accumulation in the pleural cavity. Moreover, this cytokine exerts a critical modulatory action in the inflammatory reaction, leading to the increase in prostanoid levels and activating the inflammatory pathway [34]. Then, it is feasible that the anti-inflammatory activity of ginger constituents is associated with the inhibition of the production of inflammatory final mediators. In this context, ALmohaimeed et al. [39] reported that ginger administration downregulated IL-1β expression in the hippocampus of diabetic animals, confirming that ginger acts in the IL-1β signaling pathway. In addition, literature studies have also shown that 6-shogaol, a component of ginger oleoresin, mitigate leukocyte infiltration into inflamed tissue accompanied by a reduction in inflammatory mediators, including COX-2, MAPK, and IL-1β [40, 41], corroborating in part our findings.
It is interesting to note that the SL complex was not able to significantly reduce the cell migration even in the highest dose studied (Fig. 7a). 6-shogaol solubility from the SL complex was lower than that of HME (Fig. 4a). Additionally, TG data suggested that the HME complex has higher volatile content than SL one, therefore, the in vivo superiority of the HME complex can be attributed to the higher inclusion of the 6-shogaol and volatile constituents in this material. Indeed, the anti-inflammatory activity of ginger rhizome has been attributed to volatile components and pungent compounds [1]. Lantz et al. [4] reported that the in vitro anti-inflammatory activity of ginger can be related to inhibition of PGE2-production and LPS-induced COX-2 expression. These authors also showed that ginger constituents are less effective in inhibiting TNF-α, which agrees with the results presented here.