The current study investigated the effects of prolonged andrographolide treatment (2 mg/kg, 30 days) on short-term spatial and recognition memory and neuroinflammation in the ICV-STZ model of sAD in rats. It is extensively described in the literature that the ICV infusion of STZ in rodents causes impairments in cognitive tasks that rely on the HIP (Prickaerts et al. 1999; Rodrigues et al. 2010; Li et al. 2020). This feature can mimic a well-documented early symptom of AD, spatial and temporal disorientation (Tu et al. 2015). The ability of rodents to remember a location in space defined by distal visual cues, which is essential for the Y maze task, is severely disturbed by hippocampal damage (Martin and Clark 2007; Eichenbaum 2017). In the present study, as indicated by the Y maze performance, the STZ-injected animals showed impairment of short-term spatial memory. It has been previously demonstrated that ANDRO can improve the performance of rodents in spatial memory tasks (Serrano et al. 2014; Rivera et al. 2016). Here, ANDRO exhibited an ambiguous role. In the Y maze test, the results suggest a positive effect of ANDRO in short-term spatial memory. However, in the object location test, the STZ-animals treated with ANDRO had a significantly worse performance in comparison with the SHAM + VEH group, and the STZ + VEH group a similar one, suggesting a negative impact of ANDRO. The conflict between these results is unexpected since the two tasks have fundamental similarities in assessing short-term spatial memory, both are inherently not stressful and based on exploiting rodents’ innate preference for novelty (Dellu et al. 1997; Vogel-Ciernia and Wood 2014). Despite the poor performance of the STZ + ANDRO group, all the groups showed a low discrimination index in the OLT (-0.1 < d < 0.2), including the control group, which could have occurred due to performance confounds, like stress and anxiety (Vogel‐Ciernia and Wood 2014).
Along with spatial memory dysfunction, recognition memory dysfunction is proposed as an early marker of AD, been relevant for animal models of AD (Bassani et al., 2017b; Grayson et al., 2015). Therefore, we subjected the animals to the object recognition test. The ORT relies on different brain regions, including insular, perirhinal, and ventromedial prefrontal cortices. The PFC may be of particular importance for associative memory (Vann and Albasser 2011). The HIP role in object recognition varies depending on the experimental setup, in the present protocol is suggested that the hippocampus is required for encoding the spatial and temporal context of the objects (Vogel-Ciernia and Wood 2014; Grayson et al. 2015). In line with previous studies (Cisternas et al. 2019; el Sayed and Ghoneum 2020), we observed a disruption of short-term recognition memory caused by STZ, and ANDRO was able to preserve it, having a protective effect on rats’ ORT performance. Our study is the first to report an improvement in short-term recognition memory by ANDRO in the ICV-STZ model of sAD. In a recent report, it was observed that ANDRO (15, 30, and 60 mg/kg, 14 days) protected rats against STZ-induced learning and memory impairment (Patel et al. 2021). However, cognition was assessed 21 days after STZ infusion in the Morris Water Maze Test and in a modified version of the Elevated Plus Maze Test, which measures spatial long-term memory. In addition, the doses were substantially higher than the dose used in our study.
In the OFT, the diminished frequency of locomotion of the STZ + ANDRO group could suggest a negative effect of ANDRO on the spontaneous exploratory behavior of STZ-injected rats and an impairment in locomotor activity (Walsh and Cummins 1976; Choleris 2001). Yet, the lesion factor was the only factor showing significant differences, indicating that the STZ infusion was the responsible for the decrease in locomotion frequency not the ANDRO treatment. It is known that changes in these parameters could decrease the animals’ performance in subsequent cognitive tests (Moura et al. 2020). However, the exploratory behavior and/or ambulation seem to have been affected only in the OFT, the groups did not show differences in the total time spent exploring the objects in the OLT and in the ORT, in addition, there were no differences in the distance covered in the Y maze and in the number of entries in the arms. An explanation is that the OFT was performed 8 to 9 days before the other behavioral tests and the animals could have recovered the exploratory and/or locomotor capacity before the cognitive tests.
As mentioned, the hippocampus and the prefrontal cortex are critical for spatial memory and recognition memory tasks (Akirav and Maroun 2005; Barker and Warburton 2011; Eichenbaum 2017). The HIP and the PFC have distinct yet complementary roles in rats and humans and are part of a larger network of interconnected brain regions that contribute to mnemonic function (Vann and Albasser 2011). The ICV-STZ infusion can compromise the optimal functioning of these areas by increasing the expression of APP, Aβ, and tau; oxidative stress; and neuroinflammation, as expressed by microgliosis and astrogliosis (Bassani et al., 2017a; Chen et al., 2013; Hira et al., 2019; Pierzynowska et al., 2019). It is known that ANDRO can protect the PFC and the HIP from these disturbances in rodent models of AD. In APP/PS1 transgenic mice, the treatment with 2 mg/kg of ANDRO (three times per week for 4 weeks) reduced Aβ deposition, inhibited microglial activation, and decreased the secretion of proinflammatory factors in the PFC and HIP (Zhang et al. 2021). In the Octodon degus model, ANDRO (2 mg/kg, three times per week for 3 months) significantly reduced the total Aβ burden, the oxidative stress, as well as astrogliosis in the HIP (Lindsay et al. 2020). Thus, in the current study, we analyzed the effects of the ICV-STZ infusion and ANDRO in markers of neuroinflammation regarding the microglia and astroglia, and in the APP expression in the PFC and HIP.
Neuroinflammation, as reflected by astrogliosis and microglial activation, is a pathological hallmark of AD (Guo et al. 2017). The formation of amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary in the vicinity of activated microglia and astrocytes in the brain is demonstrated in animal studies and AD patients. Aβ deposition promotes the activation of glial cells, stimulating reactive gliosis pro-inflammatory signaling cascade (Serrano-Pozo et al. 2013; Heneka et al. 2015). Pro-inflammatory cytokines when chronically activated affect the processing of APP through beta-secretase, accelerating the production of Aβ. The result is a reduction of activated glial cells clearance of Aβ, leading to an increase of Aβ burden (Kaur et al. 2019). During immune responses, reactive microglia and astrocytes change their morphology and functionality. The activation of this reactive phenotype ensures the removal of injurious stimulus, protecting the brain. However, the diversification and perpetuation of activated glial cells can act as a double-edged sword that induces neurodegeneration and AD (Meraz-Ríos et al. 2013). Studies suggest a deleterious role of glial cells in the progression of multiple AD biomarkers (Furman et al. 2012).
Reactive astrocytes are characterized by increased expression of GFAP (Heneka et al. 2015). Several reports demonstrated that in the ICV-STZ model, the GFAP immunoreactivity and expression increased in the PFC and the HIP (Rai et al. 2014; Ravelli et al. 2017; Rajasekar et al. 2017; Pilipenko et al. 2019). In the present study, GFAP expression increased only in the PFC of the STZ + VEH group. ANDRO protected the PFC of the rats against astrocyte reactivity induced by STZ. In the HIP, there were no differences between groups, however, a negative correlation was identified between the performance in the ORT and the GFAP expression. Furthermore, we found a negative correlation between the performance in the Y maze and the GFAP expression in the PFC. These results corroborate the association between cognitive impairment and astrogliosis and the neuroprotective role of ANDRO in the PFC.
Distinctively from previous studies (Zappa Villar et al. 2018; Pilipenko et al. 2020) we did not observe an increase of the number of cells and reactivity of microglia in the HIP of the STZ + VEH group in relation to the SHAM + VEH group. Nevertheless, in the CA3 and the DG there were important tendencies. On the other hand, there was a significant decrease of microglia cells in CA1 and CA3, and of reactive microglial cells in CA3 and DG of the STZ + ANDRO group compared to the STZ + VEH group, agreeing with the report of Zhang et al. (2021) and reinforcing the capability of ANDRO to inhibit the hypertrophy and proliferation of microglia in regions of the HIP. In addition, we identified negative correlations between the performance in the Y maze and microgliosis in the CA3 and DG areas.
Regarding the expression of APP, no significant differences were observed between the groups both in the PFC and the HIP. There is evidence that the ICV infusion of STZ can increase APP levels. For example, Pierzynowska et al. (2019) observed augmented expression of APP in the PFC, HIP, and the rest of the brain of Wistar rats after 30 days of the STZ infusion (3 mg/kg). Retinasamy et al. (2020) observed in Sprague Dawley (SD) rats an increase of the gene expression of APP in the PFC and HIP 21 days post-surgery (STZ 3 mg/kg). However, there is also contrasting data, as in the study of Zappa Villar et al. (2018), in which the infusion of 1 and 3 mg/kg of STZ did not increase the APP expression in the HIP of SD rats after 25 days; in the work of Gupta et al. (2018), the gene expression of APP was increased by STZ infusion only in the cortex, but not in the HIP of SD rats 30 days after surgery. APP has been shown to have a key role in synapse formation and repair and is known to be upregulated during neuronal injury (Plummer et al. 2016). The increase of APP expression can be attributed to a regenerative attempt of the neurons to counteract the neuronal injury induced by STZ (Mishra et al. 2018). APP is a complex molecule that undergoes substantial posttranslational modification and at least ten different proteolytic fragments of APP have been identified. Several of these are suggested to be pathogenic, whereas others are neuroprotective (Wang et al. 2017). As the levels of the pathogenic fragments (e.g., Aβ 1–40, Aβ 1–42) were not measured in the present report it is difficult to state if the amyloidogenic pathway influenced the effects of STZ and ANDRO.
The mechanisms of andrographolide neuroprotection involve its anti-inflammatory and antioxidative activities (Lu et al. 2019). ANDRO can reduce glia-mediated oxidative damage and production of pro-inflammatory cytokines (IL-1β, TNF-α, IL-6, IL-18, nitric oxide) by down-regulating the nuclear factor kappa B (NF-κB) pathways and activating the NF-E2-related factor-2 (Nrf2), heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1), and the anti-inflammatory factor CD206, important molecules of the inflammatory response (Wong et al. 2016; Xu et al. 2019; Zhang et al. 2021). Furthermore, ANDRO reduces levels of tau protein, improves insulin resistance, restores glucose uptake, and inhibits glycogen synthase kinase-3 beta (GSK-3β) activity, activating the downstream Wnt/β-catenin pathway, recently implicated in regulating glucose metabolism in the brain, which is dysfunctional in AD (Rivera et al. 2016; Tan et al. 2017; Cisternas et al. 2019; Gherardelli et al. 2020). These mechanisms have not been contemplated in the current report, further studies are necessary to better understand the ANDRO role in the ICV-STZ model.
In summary, ANDRO attenuated the impairment of short-term spatial memory and short-term recognition memory induced by the ICV-STZ model of sAD in rats. Additionally, ANDRO decreased astrogliosis in the prefrontal cortex and microgliosis in the hippocampus of the animals, which could be related with the memory improvement. Further investigations of the effects of ANDRO on the ICV-STZ model are necessary to elucidate the adjacent mechanisms of neuroprotection and the treatment optimal dose.