Outbreaks of adenoviral keratoconjunctivitis are serious public health concern in ophthalmology departments[15]. In addition, adenovirus-mediated conjunctivitis is a highly contagious infection with a transmission rate of up to 50% by estimation [16]. The virus is transmitted through contaminated personal things, infected fingers, discharges from the eyes, medical equipment, and swimming pools [12]. The comparison of different laboratory studies of acute conjunctivitis showed 40–75% accuracy of diagnostic methods and a reliable place of molecular testing in the clinical setting [6].
There are multiple adenovirus genotypes/serotypes which are associated with different types and severity of infection [12]. Group D, including types 8, 19, 37, and 11 (in group B), are the predominant viruses of keratoconjunctivitis outbreaks from different regions worldwide [17, 18], however, the study considering the prevalent serotypes in the Middle-East is limited. In our region, some studies were conducted to determine the prevalence of adenoviruses in patients with acute conjunctivitis [19]. Also, Shafiei et al. in a similar study demonstrated adenovirus serotype 8 as the most common cause of conjunctivitis in Ahvaz, southwest of Iran [11]. In this regard, the current study aimed to determine the prevalence of adenovirus and related serotypes during two close long-period EKC at Khalili referral Hospital, in the biggest city in the south of the country,
The results showed that out of 153 patients, most of them were males. The Real-Time PCR showed that 82.4% of samples were adenovirus positive. The age group of 30–39 years old was the most affected population, while a rare case of > 65 years old was diagnosed. In a study in Iraq, most of the subjects were women, and the most affected age group with HAdVs was 30–49 y/o (34%), and finally the age over 50 was the least infected one. Because the elderly are more likely to stay at home, they are more likely to have neutralizing antibodies, and their innate immunity is not as strong as at younger ages, the risk of severe inflammatory conjunctivitis acquisition is less than at younger ages, according to theory. However, AL-Mousawi study in Iraq is different as it showed the female gender as an animportant risk factor in groups [20]. Li et al. also revealed that the incidence was significantly higher among male students, in agreement with our study. They pointed out that the largest incidence of adenoviral keratoconjunctivitis infection was detected among 30-39-year-old (17.05%) people [21]. However, Shafiei et al. determined that the lowest incidence rate was in the age group of 10 years, which was different from our study [11]. In this regard, the Iranian study showed that 94.4% of cases based on PCR had an adenoviral origin, and there was no significant difference in terms of gender, age, and income level with the disease. These results are inconsistent with our study because some demographic characteristics, like gender and direct contact with an infected person in the family or friends, were risk factors for EKC [10].
There is a significant relationship between positive adenovirus tests and the history of infection in family or colleagues. In this regard, Li et al. reported that the main risk factor for infection was close contact with the patients or contaminated equipment [21]. Besides, the current study showed that conjunctival injection, eye discharge, conjunctival hemorrhage, tearing, follicular reaction, and foreign body sensation are the most common symptoms. Das and Basu found redness (63.7%) and watery discharge (42.1%) as the commonest signs [22]. Epidemic keratoconjunctivitis is also the most severe form of conjunctivitis, and it presents with watery discharge, hyperemia, chemosis, and ipsilateral lymphadenopathy [23]. Preauricular lymphadenopathy or tenderness was documented in 1406 (7.3%) cases. Other studies pointed out that common manifestations of EKC were follicular hyperplasia, pseudomembrane formation, preauricular lymphadenopathy, corneal involvement, and blurred vision, which were different from the clinical findings in our study [21, 24]. Aoki et al. found that the presence of chemosis, sub-epithelial infiltration, and pre-auricular lymphadenopathy were more associated with EKC than with other ocular infections, such as bacterial or other viral agents involved in ocular infections. [25]. They also reported pre-auricular lymphadenopathy and SEI in 23.5% and 43% of 68 cases, respectively, in adenoviral keratoconjunctivitis, which was due to several adenovirus types [25]. However, in the current study, there was no significant relationship between adenovirus detection and conjunctival injection, eye discharge, preauricular lymphadenopathy [25], and those symptoms which Lee et al mentioned [26]. Also, there was no significant relationship between adenovirus genome detection and preauricular lymphadenopathy inconsistent with Aoki et al [25].
On the other hand, there is no significant relationship between clinical signs of the cornea and PCR results. In a study, there was a correlation between clinical manifestations of EKC and viral infection [27]. The current results also showed that among clinical signs related to conjunctiva and eyelid, conjunctival bleeding and membrane formation had a significant relationship to positive PCR results. Aoki et al. and Hou et al. found different findings that there was no significant relationship between PCR results and conjunctival bleeding and membrane formation signs [25, 28]. Also, pain and tearing had a significant relationship to PCR results, which was inconsistent with Aoki et al [25]. However, Lee et al. showed that there was a significant relationship between tearing and the existing adenovirus genome as in our study [26].
Uemura et al. also didn’t find a significant difference in clinical scores between human groups and several factors, such as days after onset, sex, HAdV DNA copy number on a logarithmic scale, and age [29]. Overall, we also didn’t find any related evidence regarding the association of other clinical manifestations with the presence of adenovirus in the molecular assessment. The inconsistency of the current study results with other reports on the relationship between clinical symptoms and positive molecular tests may be explained by some difference in sample size, the method of detection, or non-random sampling. Also, it was a single-center study from a referral center and needed more investigation in a larger population. Of our important limitations was the absence of other adenovirus types as positive controls and relevant enterovirus genus during the test set-up.
The phylogenetic analysis showed that all of the detected viruses were type D8 adenoviruses. The HAdV8 was also detected as the major cause of many conjunctivitis outbreaks in different populations all over the world, such as Iran [11], Japan [30], Spain [31], Vietnam [32], Tunisia [33], China [34], and Turkey [7]. Sammons et al. showed that HAdV-8 is also the commonest genotype for epidemic conjunctivitis in neonatal patients [35]. Nguyen et al. also demonstrated that HAdV8 in Hanoi (VN2017) belongs to a subgroup of HAdV8 which is circulating in many parts of the world and their genomes are highly conserved [32].
Other studies have shown that the type of adenovirus might contribute to the severity of disease as HAdv-8, HAdv-37, HAdv-53, HAdv-54, and HAdv-57 induce more inflammatory responses and illness than other types [36]. However, in our epidemics, the comparison between types was not applicable. Anyway, these results emphasized a critical need for the use of dignostic methods to find more dangerous types and limit their spread. [37]).
In conclusion, the current study suggests that adenovirus is the most common cause of epidemic keratoconjunctivitis. Moreover, HAdV-D8 was the predominant circulating type in our area. In addition, demographic characteristics and clinical symptoms such as pain, tearing, membrane formation, lymphadenopathy around the ear, and conjunctival bleeding have been shown to be associated with the presence of an adenoviral genome.