The morphology of SC is well established and perhaps best demonstrated by both anterior and posterior prominences. Previous study indicates a posterior bullet is more common than anterior bossing.8,9 Despite a well-established morphology, patient evaluation remains subjective, and limited objective measurements focus on the anterior cranium. Objective measures are needed as clinician visual assessment of global and regional severity varies considerably.17–21 This inconsistency coupled with the absence of a tool targeting posterior anatomy limits surgeon ability to objectively discuss operative results and evaluate longevity of surgical correction. For these reasons, tools are needed to quantify and standardize regional morphology to aid in preoperative planning and evaluation of short and long-term outcomes.6
Posterior cranial analysis has been largely limited to volumetric study.10–12 While volume is a 3D measure, it lacks dimensional specification. For example, an increase in protrusion coupled with decrease in width yields minimal volumetric change. Vu et al. hypothesized that the postero-inferior expansion observed in patients with SC is not sufficient to compensate for transverse constriction.10 As a result, posterior volumetric differences have been statistically insignificant.10–12 We therefore posit that volume-based measure may be insufficient for characterizing the atypia of the posterior cranium in this population.
The Cephalic Index (CI) is a two-dimensional direct anthropomorphic measure of the ratio of maximum cranial width (euryon-euryon) to maximum length (anterior-posterior or glabella-opisthocranion) developed in the 1800s for skull osteology,22 and is widely used but also criticized for its shortcomings.6,13,23 The CI may not correlate with clinical severity4 and is unable to provide a regionalized (frontal vs. occipital predominance) and comprehensive three-dimensional measure of the scaphocephalic cranium.
The classic calvarial shape resulting from sagittal craniosynostosis is generally regarded as an oblong head. The cephalic index, however, is unable to distinguish differences in relative projection anteriorly and posteriorly. A step to evaluate posterior projection was made by Meulstee et al., using a principal component analysis to aid in diagnosis.24 One such component was the amount of AP length due to occipital elongation. However, this component was used in conjunction with three others to determine SC diagnosis. This did not create a measure that could be used in isolation but demonstrated feasibility of using posterior projection in conjunction with 3D photography for regional cranial shape analysis.
Historically, the measure perhaps best suited to quantify occipital morphology was the occipital incline angle.2 This measure evaluates occipital prominence using an angle formed by the intersection between the Frankfort horizontal plane and a line connecting the opisthocranion and inion. This provided a valuable measure of relative protrusion using an internal control based upon CT. However, the measure becomes difficult to replicate using surface anatomy. We found frequent soft tissue interferences at axial levels A0-A2 due to parental hand positioning or excessive posterior neck adiposity on 3D photography in infants, limiting assessment of the lower posterior calvarial surface anatomy.
Ratio based measures such as the cephalic index allow for comparison between individuals of different head sizes. However, the components of the ratio derive its meaning. For instance, using the cephalic index one cannot evaluate width restriction or compensatory elongation independently but rather the combined relationship between the two. To study a single abnormality, a ratio must be made up of one component that is abnormal and a second that is not. Previously, we created a frontal bossing index (FBI).16 The FBI is the ratio of the protrusion of paired superolateral vertices (S ± 3, A5), divided by the protrusion of the sellion (Anterior S0, A0). The sellion was selected as the denominator based upon previous studies finding no significant differences in the sella-nasion distance25 or length of the anterior cranial fossa (n = 20)26 in patients with SC relative to controls. Here we attempted to verify that the sellion’s protrusion was unaffected by diagnosis. To do this, regression analysis was used to evaluate the effects of age, sex, and diagnosis on head length, width, height, circumference, and sellion protrusion. We found that all measured factors had a statistically significant difference between the two population; given the large sample sizes, our study is powered to detect small degrees of difference. The factors least affected by SC diagnosis were the sellion protrusion, cranial height and A7 circumference. Of these only the sellion protrusion allows for avoidance of alteration by surgical intervention, allowing for easier interpretation of postoperative changes in the index. We previously utilized sellion projection to determine the FBI, and again selected this denominator for normalizing for head size.
The FBI demonstrated a high sensitivity (93.5%) and specificity (92.9%) for distinguishing control patients from those with SC. In contrast the OBI has relatively lower diagnostic performance. This is likely due to both a lower magnitude of protrusive difference observed posteriorly (8–10%) compared to frontal bossing (17%) as well as the complex anatomy of the occipital region. The frontal bossing phenotype observed in SC is facilitated in part by the patency of the coronal sutures; the brain is permitted to decompress perpendicular to those sutures. Relative to the coronal sutures the lambdoid sutures have a more oblique orientation, and in the setting of SC posterior compensation allowed by these sutures has both a vertical and horizontal component. The posterior phenotype in SC is variable and may involve different combinations of occipital prominence, vertex narrowing and restriction in posterior vertical height. By limiting analysis of the posterior shape to the OBI in this study we concede that further work describing vertex narrowing and posterior vertical height will be necessary to gain a complete representation of the SC dysmorphology.
While the OBI alone is predicted to identify infants with a relatively low sensitivity and specificity, when the OBI and FBI are used in tandem to evaluate an individual’s length abnormality, sensitivity (94.7%) and specificity (93.1%) are greater than that of the CI (sen = 90%, spec = 92.8%).27 This diagnostic ability occurs despite lacking a component measuring bi-parietal width restriction. A measure that takes the average of both halves as the cephalic index “dilutes” the values of the more significant prominence and lessens the sensitivity of the test. By looking at both halves as individual measures, the sensitivity/specificity increases. Inclusion of a width component would likely further improve the measure’s performance and is the topic of further study.
The inability of the CI to distinguish heads with varying degrees of anterior and posterior prominence but similar total AP length is especially relevant in patients with SC (Fig. 6). Rarely does a preoperative patient have equal degrees of anterior and posterior projection; we found no correlation between the regional severity of the anterior (FBI) and posterior (OBI) prominence in SC (correlation coefficient of 0.019). An elevated OBI relative to the FBI may guide surgeons to focus on the posterior rather than anterior calvarium. Postoperatively, quantifying change that occurs in either hemisphere is important for understanding how an intervention changes head shape and for tracking patient progression over time.
Early attempts have been made to measure the morphology of the calvarium using machine learning.13,14,28 This typically utilizes three-dimensional analysis measuring vectors originating from a central point radiating to the skull surface.13,14 These measures are then compared to a simulated skull created using multiple normal individuals allowing for visualization of differences in morphology; however, no metric has been created to describe any aspect of specific regional morphology, as outcomes are primarily qualitative and based on visual interpretation of color. While this model creates a detailed analysis of the exact morphology of the cranium, often visualized as a heat map, it does not yield numeric metric(s) describing severity and regional dysmorphology. While this aids in a surgeon’s understanding of a patient’s morphology, the models are rarely quantified to allow for scoring, which would aid in provider-patient and provider-provider discussion.
When we assessed senior surgeons’ clinical evaluation of the occipital bullet, the degree of correlation between surgeons was found to be greater (ICC = 0.789) than of previous study (ICC = 0.39).19 Initial analysis of the metric’s correlation coefficient to clinical evaluation (ICC = 0.568) is between the two indicating adequate clinical correlation. A larger sample of experts across differing institutions is warranted to further validate the tool’s correlation with clinical evaluation as our correlation is based on only two clinician’s evaluation of bulleting. The increased agreement between surgeon’s clinical assessment is potentially due to fewer senior surgeons in this study than previous study (2 vs 6).19 More data from a greater number of surgeons may be helpful to validate and assess the metric’s correlation with clinical assessment.