Genetic material and growth conditions
A trial test was conducted under semi-natural conditions using a structure facility constructed specifically for this purpose (Figure 1). The study was accomplished during the 2019/2020 cropping season, at Low-Land Embrapa Experimental Station, located near Pelotas city, Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil. Soil from this region is classified as Haplic Planosol (Albaqualf) (Santos et al. 2018), with geographic coordinates (31º46'19" S, 52º20'33” W), 17 m ASL, a traditional region for rice production under continuous flooding. Detailed description of the facility structure will be described in the next subtopic.
The analyzed data sets were collected from a set of 20 genotypes (table 1) consisting of rice traditional varieties and elite breeding lines from the breeding program of Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa), plus a hybrid (XP 113) from a private company.
Table 1 Genetic materials and genealogy of crosses made between conventional parents, with the respective status within breeding program, origin, genotype per cross e subtype plants used for the study
Cross combination
AB 14738
BRA Pampa x Irga 424
BRA 050151
BRS 7 Taim/CL Sel 720
BRS 358
BRS A705
BRA 01016/CNAi10393
BRS Firmeza
BRS Pampa CL
BRS Pampa (3)/Puitá INTA CL
BRS Pampeira
IR 22/CNA 8502
CNA 1003
Progeny S0:3
Multiples (Pop. SR CNA 11)
CNA 1120
Progeny S0:3
Multiples (Pop. SR CNA 11)
CNA 1121
Progeny S0:3
Multiples (Pop. SR CNA 11)
CTB 1419
Progeny F5
Sel. TB 1211-2/IRGA 424
CTB 1444
Progeny F5
Sel. TB 1211-1 BRA 051108
CTB 1455
Progeny F5
Sel. TB 1211-5/BRA 051077
LTB 13016
BRS Firmeza/BRS Agrisul
LTB 13036
BRA 050055/BR-IRGA 409
LTB 14002
BRS Atalanta/Oro
LTB 17033
CL 113-4-1-1/CL 591
LTB SEL 1211-2
CL 113-4-1-1/CL 591
LTB SEL 1211-3
CL 113-4-1-1/CL 591
XP 113
Rice Tec
Confidencial information
The BRS Pampa CL, BRS 358 cultivars and AB 14738 elite line were selected based on results from a field study conducted by Brito and co-workers (Brito et al. 2019), where BRS Pampa showed a positive plasticity for total root volume and root length, whereas a negative plasticity was found for BRS 358 and AB 14738. The set of additional genotypes were included based on its use by regional farmers or as result of grain yield performance in field assessments by Embrapa’s Rice Breeding Program. Sowing was accomplished in rows spaced in 0.175 m with 1m long, thinned to density of 300 plants m-2 ten days after emergence. The set of genotypes used were similar for maturity group (125-135 days from emergence to maturity). Sowing was accomplished in September 23th, 2019, emergence occurred in October 02nd, 2019.
Topdressing fertilization consisted of 100 kg ha‑1 of N as commercial urea split in two applications: 70% of the dose was applied at the beginning of tillering of the plants (20 days after emergence – DAE), prior to flooding, and the remaining 30% of the dose was applied nearby to panicle initiation. This stage was estimated by using the software PlanejArroz (Steinmetz et al. 2020) by supplying location, emerge date and indicating BRS Pampa CL, a commercial variety with similar cycle length to the evaluated set of genotypes. Soil chemical parameters are shown in Table 02.
Table 2 Soil chemical characteristics from 0 - 20 cm of the soil layer in Estação Experimental Terras Baixas (EETB), Embrapa Temperate Agriculture, Pelotas, RS, Brazil.
g dm-1
------ mg/dm3------
------------ cmolc/dm3 --------- g dm-1
* Analysis were carried out according to Tedesco and co-workers (Tedesco et al. 1995)
The study comprised two water managements consisting of a well-watered set of plots, where plants were maintained under continuous flooding (control), and another treatment submitted to Alternate wetting and drying management (AWD) (stressed) imposed from V4 plant stage (Counce et al. 2000) onwards (Price et al. 2013), consisting of three intermittent cycles of irrigation. A set of rectangular 500 L fiberglass water tanks was arranged in a split-plot design, with water treatments as the main plots and genotypes as subplots, in three replications. From rice sowing to the beginning of tillering, all plots were irrigated daily to keep soil moisture near field capacity. At tillering, a five cm flood depth was established for each plot and maintained under continuous flooding by 10 consecutive days. Subsequently, for each cycle of intermittent irrigation, those plots submitted to AWD were drained and not irrigated again, being monitored until soil water tension reached 20 kPa (7-11 days depending on prevalent climatic conditions), when the first AWD cycle was completed. At this water tension, plots were re-irrigated with a new five cm flood depth, and maintained by 72 h. Subsequently, a new AWD cycle was started by controlled drainage via independent valve-controlled water inlets and outlets of each plot. Three intermittent irrigation cycles were sequentially imposed. The progress of soil water tension was monitored by installing two Watermark sensors (Irrometer inc., USA) per plot at 10 cm depth, wired to electronic data loggers for continuous follow up on soil water status. Data were reviewed twice a day and mean values, excluding outliers, was used to define the time for re-irrigation at the end of each intermittent cycle (Figure 1).
Facility structure and measured phenotypic traits
Aiming an efficient control of the intermittent irrigation cycles for AWD treatment, a specific facility structure was idealized and constructed to allow the establishment of good plant growth conditions and, at same time, especially designed to permit the control of uniform drainage during application of AWD (Figure 1). This structure created the adequate conditions for applying the AWD technique due to the efficient control of water inlets and outlets, including the water layer height, and uniformity in the rapid drainage for AWD.
Figure 1 Overview of a low-cost structure facility specifically designed and constructed for monitoring and efficient control of the alternate wetting and drying cycles during the study; red arrows indicate rainwater reservoir (1), data loggers for soil tension monitoring and logging (2), float-controlled layer valve (3), water inlet controller (4) and water drainage controller (5)
Briefly, this structure consisted of a set of fiberglass tanks connected by PVC pipes to a 5000 L water reservoir fed by rainwater collected on the rooftops of two adjacent greenhouses. This set of rectangular 500 L fiberglass water tanks was equipped with independent valve-controlled water inlets and outlets for precise irrigation and drainage as needed. These tanks were filled with a 5 cm layer of crushed stone followed by a 5 cm layer of coarse sand and, 50 cm layer of soil previously corrected and fertilized for rice (SOSBAI 2018). Soil was collected from a nearby area, with long history of rice cultivation under continuous flooding. The soil was collected between 0 and 20 cm depth, which represents the average root depth in local soils. Water layer height was controlled via installation of a float valve for each tank. For uniform and fast drainage, a perforated 25 mm PVC pipe with 70 cm long (5 cm higher than the height of the tank wall) were installed in the center of each tank in order to avoid the formation of water pockets into soil during application of the intermittent irrigation cycles, standardizing the drainage procedures. Water re-entry into the system after a drainage cycle occurred when the watermark sensors of the plot indicated 20 kPa of soil water tension (Pinto et al. 2016; Pinto et al. 2020).
A set of twenty genotypes consisting of modern cultivars, progenies, lines and a hybrid grown under semi-natural conditions, submitted to two water irrigation regimes (AWD cycles and continuous flooding), were evaluated to assess the variation in phenotypic traits. In total, 24 phenotypic traits/derivatives, distributed in three categories (Root architecture, physiological/shoot morphological and micro-morphological traits), were evaluated during plant vegetative phase (Table 3).
Table 3 List of analyzed and derived phenotypic traits broadly classified into three categories (A–C) with trait acronyms and units
Trait acronym
Total root length (cm)
Total root length under continuous flooding in first cycle
TRL in CF – 1st cycle
Total root length under continuous flooding in second cycle
TRL in CF – 2nd cycle
Total root length under continuous flooding in third cycle
TRL in CF – 3rd cycle
Total root length under alternate wetting drying in first cycle
TRL in AWD – 1st cycle
Total root length under alternate wetting drying in second cycle
TRL in AWD – 2nd cycle
Total root length under alternate wetting drying in third cycle
TRL in AWD – 3rd cycle
Total root volume
Total root volume under continuous flooding in first cycle
TRV in CF – 1st cycle
Total root volume under continuous flooding in second cycle
TRV in CF – 2nd cycle
Total root volume under continuous flooding in third cycle
TRV in CF – 3rd cycle
Total root volume under alternate wetting drying in first cycle
TRV in AWD – 1st cycle
Total root volume under alternate wetting drying in second cycle
TRV in AWD – 2nd cycle
Total root volume under alternate wetting drying in third cycle
TRV in AWD – 3rd cycle
Mean root diameter
Mean root diameter under continuous flooding in first cycle
MRD in CF – 1st cycle
Mean root diameter under continuous flooding in second cycle
MRD in CF – 2nd cycle
Mean root diameter under continuous flooding in third cycle
MRD in CF – 3rd cycle
Mean root diameter under alternate wetting drying in first cycle
MRD in AWD – 1st cycle
Mean root diameter under alternate wetting drying in second cycle
MRD in AWD – 2nd cycle
Mean root diameter under alternate wetting drying in third cycle
MRD in AWD – 3rd cycle
(B) Physiological and shoot morphological traits
Carbon isotope discrimination under continuous flooding
Carbon isotope discrimination under alternate wetting drying
Shoot dry weight under continuous flooding
Shoot DW in CF
Shoot dry weight under alternate wetting drying
Shoot DW in AWD
(C) Micro-morphological traits
Stomatal density
Stomatal pore width
Carbon fractionation analysis
An isotopic mass spectrometer at the Stable Isotopes Center of the Universidade Estadual Paulista - UNESP, Brazil was used to determine the leaves carbon isotope percentages. Leaves samples were dried in an oven at 50°C for 48h to homogenized in a cryogenic mill (Geno / Grinder 2010 - SPEX SamplePrep, USA) using liquid nitrogen at -196°C. A 50 to 70 μg aliquot of each sample was weighed in a tin capsule using a 1 µg resolution scale (XP6 - Mettler Toledo, Switzerland). The homogenization of the samples increases the representativeness of the small sample rate. The capsules were analyzed in a CF-IRMS continuous-flow isotope ratio spectrometry system using an IRMS (Delta V Advantage, Thermo Scientific, Germany) coupled to an Elemental Analyzer (Flash 2000, Thermo Scientific, Germany) using a gas interface (ConFlo IV, Thermo Scientific, Germany). The CF-IRMS determined the isotopic ratio of Carbon R (13C / 12C) and the values were expressed in relative difference of the isotopic ratio (δ13C), in mUr (Brand and Coplen 2012), from the V-PDB standard according to the equation 1 (Coplen 2011). The standard uncertainty of the CF-IRMS is ± 0.15 mUr and the results were normalized from the IAEA-NBS-22 standard, as shown by the following formula: δ13C = [R(13C / 12C)sample / R(13C / 12C)VPDB] – 1. For carbon isotopic discrimination (Δ), the following formula was used: Δ = (δ13Ca - δ13Cp) / (1 + δ13Cp), where δ13Ca and δ13Cp are the carbon isotope compositions of atmosphere and plant samples, respectively (Farquhar et al. 1989). As a convention, the δ13Ca values was assumed to be -8.0 mUr (Hall et al. 1994). As pointed before, carbon isotope composition values at most of time expressed in terms of ‘per mil’ aiming indicate that the original value was multiplied by 103.
Root sampling and image analysis
At the end of each of the three AWD cycles, three plants per genotype were randomly collected independent of applied irrigation system. For this propose, a whole plant core sampler (50 mm diameter by 70 cm long) tube, inserted from the top to the bottom of the cultivation tanks. Subsequently, the whole plants (shoots and roots) were individually prepared; samples consisted of shoot and roots, separated by means of a cut in the crown region aiming facilitate its washing and whitening. Subsequently, these roots were taken to the photographic studio of Embrapa Temperate Agriculture to obtain the root images; these were then placed into a black-bottomed plastic tray containing a water film approximately 2 mm thick, thus facilitating root dispensal. Roots were spread evenly with the aid of tweezers to avoid root overlapping in the photography. Images was captured by using a Canon EOS 7D photographic camera, 40 mm lens, at a fixed distance of 1.20 m from the target, positioned in an L-shaped support, using LED lighting.
From the obtained root images, morphometric parameters were analyzed by using the software WinRHIZO PRO 2013a (Regent Instruments. Inc., Quebec, Canada). Mean root diameter, total root volume and total root length were quantified and considered for calculation of root architecture traits.
Micro morphological analysis
Leaves were collected 23 days after emergence during the first AWD irrigation cycle. For measurements, immediately after cutting, the middle section of the adaxial (upper) face of the second leaf was observed and photographed via an optical microscope (Nikon e200) with 0.5 x magnification for camera and 40 x for microscope objective lens. Leaf sections were gently pressed between two microscope glass slides, held tight together by adhesive tapes, to keep leaf flat open. Photography scales were set by previously capturing images of a microscope calibration ruler, in both magnifications. Subsequently, two images with resolution of 2048 x 1536 pixels (3.1 MP) were randomly taken per leaf for analysis.
Captured images were saved in hierarchical naming structure for later processing via the software ImageJ v.1.53c (NIH, 2020). After software scale calibration, the stomatal density and stomatal pore width (20 x magnification) were quantified by using software tools. Stomatal related data were obtained after applying the filter “relief” to the images to increase stomatal border and opening contrasts. Stomatal density was quantified in an area correspondent to 25% of the captured image, as this was the area into each picture where the microscope was better focused; this area was appropriately considered in stomatal density calculations. Scales were marked into images by ImageJ software.
Statistical Procedures
For estimation of genetic parameters were used the ‘R package sommer’(Covarrubias-Pazaran 2016; Covarrubias Pazaran 2018). Firstly, individual analysis were carried out for each irrigation system; genotypes being considered as random effects, testing the significance of the genetic variance (σ2g) and residual variance (σe2) components via Wald test (Z ration). Additionally, estimate of broad sense heritability (h2) at individual level were done according to (Holland 2006). An univariate unstructured variance model, in which consider the genotypes as random effect and irrigation system as fixed effect were used to estimation of co-variances with subsequent calculation of genetic correlations to a same variable in the two irrigation systems. The test procedures adopted for genetic correlations were identical those used for heritability calculations. All used procedures are integrated into the R Core Team (Core R Team 2020).
The heatmap was constructed using the R package Pheatmap’ (Kolde 2019); variables were standardized individually being the distance between variables calculated via Pearson’s correlation for a given variable in each irrigation system via Ward’s test. For genotypes grouping formation, the estimation of Euclidean distances were calculated using Ward’s procedures also using Ward’s procedures. Taken into account that experiment was comprised by three intermittent irrigation cycles, opted as cut point by three genotypes groups or variables, as shown in Figure 5.
Subsequently, after normality test by Henze-Zinkler, the obtained data were subjected to multivariate statistical approaches, via principal components analysis (PCA) in order to generalize, reduce the overlapping among evaluated variables and characterize the germplasm more comprehensively. This statistical approach is extensively used in situations where a large number of variables should be evaluated, allowing into major components and total variation. In order to facilitate the identification of genotype traits which make it possible to differentiate them from the others in terms of root architecture and its derivatives, physiological/morphological shoots and micro-morphological traits, during PCA analysis some procedures were previously determined during the graph scales definitions. For this propose, scale values on the X axis and on the Y axis were gradually increased leading to maximum genotypes scattering, without loss of any genetic materials and information. The procedures allow an easy overview of those genotypes that were positioned near the centre. These genotypes are similar and not show significant differences between themselves for evaluated variables. On the other hand, those genotypes positioned near and at extremes of two scales can be thought as differing from the others, with superior characteristics closely associated with their positioning across the biplot graph. As cited by Dallastra and co-workers (Dallastra et al. 2014) these genotypes are those that should receive special attention and are likely to be selected. The choice of principal components was based on eigenvalues higher than one (1.0), as by Kaiser’s study (Kaiser 1958). According to this author, eigenvalues greater than this threshold can generate components having a relevant amount of information of the original variables. Multivariate analysis via PCA and data plotting were carried out using tools of the SigmaPlot 14.0, from Systat Software (SigmaPlot Version 14.0).