Diatom Diagram with CONISS
We identified over 150 different diatom taxa in Kelly Lake. Among them, 21 taxa (more accurately, 17 species and 13 genera) were selected for the diatom graphical and statistical analysis. These all appeared at >5% abundances in at least one sample (Fig. 4). There were 12 benthic taxa (Navicula genus, Achnanthidium genus, Achnathidium exiguum, Gomphonema acuminatum, Meridion circulare var. constrictum, Nitzschia semirobusta, N. tabellaria, Psammothidium rosenstockii, Pseudostaurosira parasitica, P. brevistriata, Staurosira construens, S. venter), 5 planktonic taxa (Aulacoseira genus, A. italica, A. pusilla, Fragilaria crotonensis, Melosira genus), and 2 benthic or planktonic taxa (Achnanthidium minutum, Staurosirella pinnata). The diatom diagram was drawn in R using rioja package (Juggins 2020) (Fig. 4). The Kelly Lake diatom-water depth zones were divided into shallow-benthic (0 – 1.25 m), mid-depth (1.25 – 3.75 m), and deep-water zones (3.75 – 5.2 m) according to the diatom assemblages using a stratigraphically constrained cluster analysis (CONISS) with the vegan package in R (Oksanen et al. 2020). The cluster communities were calculated with the Bray-Curtis distance method to measure the dissimilarity between communities (Grimm 1987).
According to the CONISS analysis, Kelly Lake was divided descriptively into three depth zones, which are Shallow (0 m – 1.25m), Mid-depth (1.25 m – 3.75m), and Deep (3.75 – 5.2m). ANOSIM was subsequently conducted to determine whether there was statistically significant difference between the three depth zones by examining the similarity of the diatom communities (Elmslie et al. 2020). The diatom taxa, which appeared more than 1% at least one sample, were analyzed.
There were statistically significant differences between the three depth zones based on the result of ANOSIM. The P values in Table 2-(a) indicate significance differences between the groups. The values were close to 0, which allowed us to reject the null hypothesis (“there is no difference”) and indicated that there were statistically significant differences between the diatom assemblages from the three different water depth zones (i.e., shallow, mid-depth, and deep zones).
R values were also calculated in ANOSIM, which showed the strength of the depth factors on the samples. Generally, if an R value is lower than 0.2, it means that the factors had a small effect on the variables. However, the R values in Table 2-(b) were larger than 0.2. Accordingly, it further indicates that the lake depth was influential on the composition of diatom communities observed in the lake sediments and the differences between the depth zones.
Table 2
Results of ANOSIM. (a) indicates P values showing significance levels, (b) indicates R values showing the strength of the factors on the samples.
Therefore, the ANOSIM results indicate that there were differences in the diatom communities by specific depth zones, and lake depth was an influential factor in the diatom assemblage composition in the sediments of Kelly Lake.
Principal component analysis
Principal component analysis (PCA) was performed on the covariance matrix with the taxa that occurred more than 1% in at least one sample with more data for a reliable analysis. The cumulative variation of PC 1 and 2 was 70.5%, the first two axes were considered in this study (Fig. 5). The diatom assemblages clustered on the PCA biplot by depth, reinforcing the conclusion that lake depth was a strong control on the diatom assemblages preserved in the sediments. PC 1 appeared to represent water depths between middle to deep, while PC 2 reflected shallow to middle water depths. The three most important diatom taxa in determining these PCA axes were Staurosirella pinnata, Staurosira venter, and Nizschia semirobusta.
Diatom-lake depth transfer function models
Two diatom-lake depth transfer functions were developed using MAT and WA-PLS. Model construction incorporated diatom taxa that occur >1% in at least one sample.
The first diatom-inferred water depth inference model was developed using WA-PLS (Fig. 6-(a)). The R2 value was 0.963 and indicates a high degree of correlation between the observed depths and diatom-inferred depths. The RMSEP value is based on the degree of error between the observed and the expected value. Thus, the lower the value, the more significant it is. In this study, the third component for WA-PLS had the lowest RMSEP value, which was 0.661. Therefore, the third component was selected for the WA-PLS transfer function. As seen in the graphs (Fig. 6-(a)), the WA-PLS model performed better in mid-depths between 2 and 3 m than shallow and deep depths.
The second transfer function was developed using the Modern Analogue Technique method (Fig. 6-(b)). The dissimilarity for MAT was measured using squared chord distance. The R2 values of the MAT transfer function was 0.9765, and the RMSEP value was 0.387. In general, the MAT model displayed good performance; it performed well in shallow and deep zones and showed a bit over-representation in the mid-depths.
Overall, the MAT transfer model showed better performance than the WA-PLS model with higher R2 and lower RMSEP values. However, for both transfer function the R2 values were higher than 0.95, and both models showed good representations of diatom-inferred water depths.
Residual scatter plots
Residual scatter plots were created to further assess the MAT and WA-PLS models (Fig. 7). This was done to determine whether there was a trend in residuals, and thus a bias, in the models. The residuals in the MAT model showed less trend than the residuals in the WA-PLS model according to the R2 values. The residuals in MAT were more scattered in the mid-depths, while the ones in WA-PLS were more scattered in the edges of the depths. Even though MAT showed less trend than WA-PLS, both had small R2 values and small slopes. That is, the residuals in both MAT and WA-PLS did not suggest a strong bias.