Presence of two types of LCN2 (L) and OSM (O) elevation patterns in axSpA patients
Annual serial measurements of LCN2 and OSM levels (over a course of at least 4 years) from 286 patients, revealed two patterns of elevation: persistent or transient. In this study persistent elevation (p) is defined as elevation of LCN2 (Lp) or OSM (Op) levels which are sustained over a period of at least 2 years. Transient elevation (t) is defined as a single elevation over a period >2 years (Lt and Ot). 43% (123/286) of axSpA patients have involvement of the LCN2 pathway alone (Lp & Lt). 9% (27/286) have involvement of the OSM pathway alone (Op& Ot). 26% (74/286) have involvement of both pathways. The remaining 22% (62/286) have normal LCN2 and OSM levels (LnOn; Suppl. Table 2).
Patients with involvement of LCN2 pathway alone had no detectable OSM levels (On). Significantly higher LCN2 levels (mean + SE) are found in those with persistent LCN2 (Lp) elevation (LpOn vs LtOn: 259 ng/ml + 9 vs 193 ng/ml + 7; p < 0.0001). LnOn patients have normal LCN2 levels (114 ng/ml + 3; 150 ng/ml being the cutoff) and undetectable OSM levels (Fig. 1A).
Patients with involvement of OSM pathway alone had normal LCN2 levels (LnOp & LnOt: 97 ng/ml + 6 & 78 ng/ml + 11). Higher OSM levels are found in those with persistent OSM (Op) elevation (LnOp vs LnOt: 463 pg/ml + 110 vs 61 pg/ml + 14), though it is not significantly different. This may be due to the spread of levels in LnOp patients and too few LnOt patients for the comparison (Fig. 1B).
There are two groups of patients with involvement of both LCN2 and OSM pathways: Lp and Lt; each of which has 2 subgroups: Op and Ot. Comparison of patients LpOp vs LpOt reveals no significant difference in LCN2 and OSM levels (LCN2 levels in LpOp vs LpOt: 229 ng/ml +13 vs 227 ng/ml +18; OSM levels in LpOp vs LpOt: 575 pg/ml +125 vs 178 pg/ml + 90; Fig. 1C). Comparison of patients LtOp vs LtOt shows no difference in LCN2 levels (LtOp vs LtOt: 186 ng/ml + 8 vs 181 ng/ml +7); but there is a significant difference in OSM levels (LtOp vs LtOt: 978 pg/ml + 20 vs 103 pg/ml + 34, p=0.0006; Fig. 1D). It appears that only when LCN2 is transiently elevated, persistently elevated OSM levels (Op) are much higher than transiently elevated OSM levels (Ot). This result also implicates interactions between LCN2 and OSM in patients with involvement of both pathways. For this reason, the remaining results will focus just on analyses of patients who have involvement in a single pathway, either LCN2 or OSM. This approach has generated more informative insights with less complexities due to cross talks between pathways. Suppl. Table 3 summarized the different categories of patients.
The above results on the two patterns of elevation were based on annual measurements of LCN2 or OSM. We asked whether the elevation patterns could be established in less than a year. About 12% (34/286) of the axSpA patients in our cohort had more frequent assessment mainly due to acute increased back pain. Suppl. Fig. 1 showed that the pattern of LCN2 or OSM elevation or normalization could be established with repeat measurements 3 months apart.
MRI evidence of sacroiliac joint (SIJ) involvement is correlated with elevated LCN2, and OSM in axSpA patients
We previously showed that there is a relationship between circulating LCN2 and ankyloses [12]. In this study, we asked whether LCN2 plays a role in SIJ and/or axial inflammation. For this purpose, we selected axSpA patients with SIJ scores 3 or lower, as ankylosis was absent in these patients (mSASS=0)
For comparison of LCN2/OSM levels with MRI scores (SPARCC SIJ or Berlin spine score) [17-19], we used 3 patient subgroups based on their pathway involvement signature: LpOn (patients with persistent LCN2; n=12); LnOp (patients with persistent OSM; n=11); and LnOn (patients with normal LCN2 and OSM n=14). MRI taken within 12 months of the time of biomarker measurements were used for this analysis. In all axSpA patients, significant correlations are present between LCN2 levels and SPARCC SIJ scores (Fig. 2A; Pearson’s correlation coefficient = 0.7, p = 0.0005; Spearman’s Rho = 0.8, p=0.0001). Similarly, for LnOp and LnOn patients, there is a significant correlation between OSM levels and SPARCC SIJ scores (Pearson’s correlation coefficient = 0.55, p = 0.005; Spearman’s Rho: 0.57, p=0.003; Fig. 2B). Using Pearson’s correlation analysis, there is no correlation between LCN2 or OSM levels and Berlin Spine scores in the respective patient groups. However, for LpOn and LnOn patients, there is significant correlation between LCN2 levels and Berlin Spine scores using Spearman’s Rho correlation analysis (Spearman’s Rho: 0.5, p=0.009). These results suggest that persistent elevation of LCN2 or OSM is associated mainly with SIJ inflammation.
Association of treatment outcome with pathway involvement
Since persistent elevation of LCN2 or OSM reflects SIJ inflammation, we asked whether there is any association of LCN2 or OSM levels with the central clinical symptom back pain in the evaluation of treatment response of the patients. Using sequential LCN2 and OSM measurements and sequential back pain scores (question 2 of BASDAI survey) [20], concordant vs discordant association were observed in responses to all treatments (both with and without TNFi). Patients with the concordant pattern include those who were clinically quiescent and serologically quiescent (CQSQ) vs clinically active and serologically active (CASA). CQSQ patients had normalized LCN2 and/or OSM levels as well as reduced back pain scores (<4) after treatments. CASA patients remained having persistently elevated LCN2 and/or OSM, and back pain scores (>4) after treatments. Patients with the discordant pattern include those who were CQSA vs CASQ. CQSA patients had back pain resolved but remained serologically active. CASQ patients had persistent back pain even though they were serologically quiescent. Persistent back pain in CASQ patients is likely not due to involvement of LCN2 and OSM pathways. Alternatively it could reflect a possibly non-inflammatory nature of back pain in CASQ patients.
We questioned how the pathways involving LCN2 or OSM might affect the outcome of treatments, both with and without TNFi. We first compared treatment response in patients having involvement of the LCN2 pathway alone. For patients with persistent LCN2 elevation (LpOn), profiling indicated that both concordant and discordant patterns were observed. Patients with concordant response were mostly CASA (35% [29/82]). Only 12% [10/82] are CQSQ. Most of the patients with discordant response are CQSA (pain resolved but LCN2 remained elevated; 50% [41/82]). Only two patients with discordant response are CASQ (pain persisted but with normal LCN2; 2% [2/82]; Table 1A Left Panel). Similarly, both concordant and discordant treatment responses are observed in patients with transient LCN2 elevation (LtOn). However, for patients with concordant treatment responses, significantly more of them are responders [CQSQ] (LpOn vs LtOn; CQSQ: 11% vs 71%; CASA: 35% vs 7%; chi² = 27.9, p<0.00001; Table 1A Right Panel).
Out of 62 LnOn patients, 58% (36/62) are deemed responders [CQSQ] as defined by normal LCN2, undetectable OSM and low back pain scores. The remaining 42% (26/62) showed discordant treatment response, having the CASQ pattern as both LCN2 and OSM were persistently normal, but back pain persisted (Table 1A Left Panel).
Profiling treatment responses in patients with involvement of OSM (O) pathway alone (LnOp and LnOt) revealed differences compared with those found in LpOn patients with involvement of LCN2 (L) alone. All LnOp patients with concordant treatment responses are CASA (63% [15/24]; with persisting elevated OSM levels and back pain >4). Those with discordant treatment response are all CQSA (pain resolved but elevated OSM levels persisted; 38% [9/24]; Table 1B). Unlike LnOp patients, all LnOt patients in our cohort (n=3) are CQSQ with both pain resolved and OSM levels normalized. Thus, among patients with involvement of only one pathway (either LCN2 or OSM alone; comprising 43% and 9% of our cohort respectively; Table 1), transient elevation of LCN2 or OSM during the disease course appears to be an indicator of better response to all treatments (Table 1A & 1B). In addition, current treatments are less effective in LnOp patients. None of the 24 LnOP patients in our cohorts were CQSQ, although about half of them are CQSA with back pain resolved but OSM elevation persisted (Table 1B).
Table 1 Association of treatment outcome with LCN2 and OSM in axSpA with a single pathway involvement. A. Left Panel: Comparison of treatments outcome in patients with normal OSM but persistent LCN2 elevation (LpOn) vs. transient LCN2 elevation (LtOn) vs. normal LCN2 (LnOn). Right Panel: Comparison of treatments outcome in patients with normal OSM but persistent LCN2 elevation (LpOn) vs. transient LCN2 elevation (LtOn). B. Comparison of treatments outcome in patients with normal LCN2 but persistent OSM elevation (LnOp) vs. transient OSM elevation (LnOt). CQSQ: clinically quiescent, serologically quiescent; CASA: clinically active, serologically active; CQSA: clinically quiescent, serologically active; CASQ: clinically active, serologically quiescent. Pearson’s Chi-square test was used.
Results on treatment response based on patients receiving TNFi vs no TNFi are summarized in Suppl. Tables 4 & 5. In general, treatment response profiles (with vs without TNFi) are similar. However, for TNFi-treated patients with LCN2 involvement only, LpOn patients with concordant treatment response, compared to LtOn patients, significantly more LtOn patients are responders [CQSQ] (LpOn vs LtOn; CQSQ: 12% vs 74%; CASA: 44% vs 6%; chi² = 28.5, p<0.00001; Suppl. Table 4A). Though the trend is similar in patients not treated with TNFi, there are no significant differences. This implicates that TNFi as being more effective in patients with LCN2 pathway involvement.
Profiling of response treatments in AS vs nr-axSpA patients showed similar patterns (data not shown). We also addressed whether HLA B27 status, gender, and comorbidities affected the outcome of treatment response by biomarkers profiling and found that none of these cofactors affected the analyses.
A novel perspective related to defects leading to axSpA development
Acute phase proteins (APP) play a prominent role in the defence mechanisms of the host innate immune system. Both LCN2 and OSM are known APP [21-24]. Transient elevation of APP is thought to play a protective role in host defense. However, failure to normalize APP in a timely manner would have pro-inflammatory consequences, resulting in chronic inflammation. An important implication of this hypothesis is that persistently elevated APP such as LCN2 and OSM lead to SIJ inflammation as reflected by the MRI results. Fig. 3 shows a schematic of this perspective.
CRP, an APP, contributes to systemic inflammation [25]. To further evaluate our hypothesis, we asked whether persistent elevation of CRP could be found in AS patients in our cohort. Nr-axSpA patients are excluded in this analysis as only 2 patients had elevated CRP in our cohort.
Similar to LCN2 and OSM, both transient and persistent elevations of serum CRP are found in AS patients as expected. Patients with any CRP elevation (Cp or Ct) are predominantly found in patients with LCN2 pathway involvement (LpOnCp and LpOnCt; 43% [28/65] and 22% [14/65] respectively of LpOn patients in our cohort). LpOnCp patients had higher LCN2 levels (compared to levels from LpOnCt and LpOnCn patients; 293 ng/ml + 21 [LpOnCp] vs 235ng/ml + 11 [LpOnCt] vs 243 ng/ml + 12 [LpOnCn]; one-way ANOVA p = 0.04; Fig. 4A). LpOnCp patients also had higher CRP levels, compared to levels from LpOnCt patients (49 mg/L + 6 [LpOnCp] vs 27 mg/L + 5 [LpOnCt]; p = 0.02; Fig. 4B).
We asked whether persistent vs transient CRP elevation might have differential effects on treatment response (with and without TNFi) in LpOn patients (LpOnCp vs LOnCt). LpOnCp patients have higher and lower % of CASA and CQSQ patients respectively (CASA: 36% vs 21%; CQSQ: 7% vs 29%; LpOnCp vs LpOnCt respectively; Table 2); though p = 0.06 for chi² test. Taken together, persistent CRP elevations (Cp) likely have a small effect, if any, on treatment response outcome in LpOn patients.
Table 2 Association of treatment outcome with CRP in AS patients with LCN2 pathway alone. In patients with the involvement of LCN2 pathway alone, (A) Comparison of treatments outcome in patients with normal CRP (LpOnCn) vs. transient CRP elevation (LpOnCt) vs. persistent CRP elevation (LpOnCp). (B) Comparison of treatments outcome in patients with transient CRP elevation (LpOnCt) vs. persistent CRP elevation (LpOnCp). CQSQ: clinically quiescent, serologically quiescent; CASA: clinically active, serologically active; CQSA: clinically quiescent, serologically active; CASQ: clinically active, serologically quiescent. Pearson's chi-square test was used.