5.1. Eustatic and climatic controls on sedimentation
A low gradient homoclinic ramp model (Figs. 10 and 12) is proposed, similar to the model proposed by Jorry (2004) and Jorry et al. (2006) for the Ypresian-Lutetian deposits. An inner ramp, a middle ramp, and an outer ramp make up a carbonate ramp. Open marine facies distinguish the outer ramp with PF and radiolarians (Souar Formation, Messaoud et al., 2021). The restricted inner ramp (lagoon) is dominated by restricted to semi-restricted shallow marine facies.
The vertical stacking of facies points towards shallowing upward sequences interrupted during the upper Lutetian-lower Bartonian (Reneiche/Siouf member) by a major transgression which induced the renewal of nummulitic carbonate production factories that had been interrupted since the latest Ypresian. The Bougobrine section starts with restricted bay (lagoonal) facies as attested by the dominance of lumachels. Marly limestone, bioclastic mudstone/wackestone, and high-energy facies made of bioclastic wackestone are less abundant. The Lutetian's shallowing-upward cycles exhibit meters-scale, 2 to 4-m cyclicity in response to cyclic subsidence, eustatic sea-level oscillations, and sediment supply. These cycles begin with subsidence when the transgressive facies are deposited. The sea-level fall usually favours shallower deposits on top (e.g., Bonnefous and Bismuth, 1982; Bismuth, 1996; Ben-Ismail-Lattrache, 2000; Tlig et al., 2010; Taktak et al., 2012). The important alternation of marls and limestone (about 60 alternations) and the lateral thickness and facies variations support our interpretation of cyclic sea-level fluctuations. Repeated tectonic subsidence and uplift of epicontinental platform basins in a passive margin of the SW Neo-Tethys could not explain the frequency and magnitude (2–4 m thickness and 100–200 kyr duration) of the observed cycles.
Figure 10 about here portrait
Low detrital inputs, even though the sedimentation occurs mainly in shallow water during the Lutetian, imply relatively low tectonic activities (e.g., Bouaziz et al., 2002; Khomsi et al., 2006; Mejri et al., 2006) coupled with arid to semi-arid paleoclimatic conditions (Chermiti et al. 2018; Njahi Derbali and Touir 2019). Shallow water with low detrital inputs and warm paleoclimate favoured the development of a thick series of lumachels during the Lutetian. The upper Lutetian is marked by an acute eustatic fall associated with the Lu4 (Haq et al. 1987) sequence boundary, followed by a fast-sea-level rise during the lower Bartonian. This recovery is manifested in the field by the widely extended transgressive deposit, the Siouf member, on different older series from the Kasserine Island to the Halk El Menzel platform. This transgression is also marked on the border of Kasserine island and the Gafsa basin by the deposition of the Djebs evaporites (Burollet, 1956; Comte and Dufaure, 1973; Jamoussi et al., 2001; Kadri et al., 2015). The lower Bartonian shallow subtidal environment show packstone/grainstone texture with abundant LBF (nummulites) and small-echinoderms. These nummulites were the main carbonate-producing benthos during the Eocene (e.g., Abu El Ghar, 2012; Bassi et al., 2013; Jorry, 2004; Less & Özcan, 2012; Papazzoni & Sirotti, 1995; Tomassetti et al., 2016).
After the thick T-R 5 sequence (lower Bartonian), sequences began to thin out, which suggests that the available accommodation space has been significantly reduced. The facies analysis of the Priabonian series reflects enhanced weathering inputs via the deposition of thick detrital silty shales (F10). The Late Eocene is attributed to a widespread sea-level lowstand in central Tunisia (Ben Ismail-Lattrache & Bobier, 1984; Burollet, 1956). These conditions prevented the development of the Lutetian oyster communities. During this period, the basin became shallower, and the short-term transgressions of the Bartonian were replaced by short-term regressions, which affected the nature of the sedimentation.
5.2. Early Bartonian abrupt facies change
The dominance of oysters, the mono-specific marine fossils, and the occasional dolomitization (Facies 1, 2, 3, and 4) during the Lutetian predominated only in lagoonal environments with low water circulation and relatively high salinity (e.g., Bismuth, 1996; Carlucci et al., 2014; Chermiti et al., 2018; Coster et al., 2012; Kocsis et al., 2014; Matmati et al., 1992; Sallam et al., 2018). The observed dolomitization within facies F1 and F4 could be attributed to the regression of the sea level in the phreatic and meteoric zones accompanied by high moldic porosities (Spalluto, 2012; Tawfik et al., 2017).
Figure 11 about here portrait
The nine third-order depositional sequences are arranged in a long-term shallowing upward trend (Figs. 7 and 8) interrupted by the transgression that favoured the Siouf member's deposition. The transition to the Siouf member is accompanied by a change from mud- wackestone to pack-grainstone. Grainstone texture, well-developed nummulites, abundant BF/echinoderms, and common PF, in the limestone layers of the Siouf member point to the deepest deposits recorded in the Cherahil Formation inside the shallow subtidal zone.
F6 and F9 (Siouf member) are thick-bedded, grainy limestones with rich fauna content (nummulites, BF, bivalves, echinoderms, and small-gastropods). The abundance and high diversity of skeletal fauna distinguish these facies from the restricted inner platform facies (e.g., Aghaei et al., 2013; Jank et al., 2006). The pack- grainstone texture indicates a depositional environment with high hydrodynamic energy (e.g., Dunham, 1962; Flugel, 2004). The association of echinoderms (Echinolampas, (Jorry 2004)), LBF (Discolina spp., Nummulites spp.) indicate a more open water circulation (Aghaei et al., 2013; Jorry, 2004; Lanterno & Edouard, 2019; Tomassetti, Benedetti, & Brandano, 2016). The nummulite occurrence is favoured between the fair-weather and storm-wave base in warm (Figs. 11 and 12), mesotrophic, and well-oxygenated waters following previous interpretations on the lower Eocene nummulitic beds of El Garia Formation in Tunisia (Jorry, 2004; Jorry et al., 2006). The texture and fossils content of F9 indicate maximum nummulite carbonate production during a high sea level. This facies shows very similar content to the El Garia Formation (Ypresian) described by Jorry (2004) and Jorry et al. (2006) as nummulithoclasts facies rich in ostracods and BF with common echinoderms (Echinolampas) and nummulites suggesting. The carbonate production induced by the MECO abruptly ceased favouring the return of shallowing deposits in harmony with the fast cooling upward following the MECO event (Post-MECO, Bohaty et al., 2009; Sluijs et al., 2013; Spofforth et al., 2010).
5.3. Carbon isotope stratigraphy
The evolution of the global carbon cycle, expressed in the ratio of stable carbon isotopes (ō13C), is controlled by significant carbon fluxes driven by volcanism, tectonics, the expansion of ice sheets, and changing Earth parameters. However, global signals are superimposed by regional carbon fluxes, which are related to changes in sea level, productivity, and carbon burial, especially on marginal shelves (e.g., Galeotti et al., 2010; Giorgioni et al., 2019; Crouch et al., 2020; Dickson et al., 2021).
Our δ13C curves show three distinctive features:
The δ13C pre-MECO max at 122 m occurs at the base of the Siouf member. This shift to more positive δ13C ratios requires the input of isotopically heavier carbon (13C), and the long-term enrichment in heavier carbon isotopes is strongly related to eustatic sea-level rise (e.g., Mitchell et al., 1996; Stap et al., 2010; Eldrett et al., 2020). High and positive δ13C values correspond to phases of sediment accumulation during transgressions. Thus, the lower Bartonian transgression could induce δ13C pre-MECO Max (Haq et al., 1987; Hardenbol et al., 1998; Miller et al., 2005).
The δ13C MECO min at 134 m level within the Siouf member. This negative shift correlates well (Fig. 9) with the negative shift in δ13C found during the MECO in Turkey (Giorgioni et al. 2019), NW Atlantic (ODP 1051, Bohaty et al., 2009), Southern Ocean (ODP 748B, Bohaty et al., 2009), and the Alano section (Italy, Luciani et al., 2010).
The δ13C post-MECO max at 149 m occurs at the end of the Siouf member. This strong positive shift may be influenced by the return of aragonite-producing organisms from the platform (gastropods, bivalves). In carbonate platforms, aragonite-producing species flourish, particularly during peak sea levels.
These three isotopic events have been previously identified on the δ13Corg in the Souar section (Tunisian dorsal, Messaoud et al., 2021). The decreasing trend in the bulk δ13C record just after the Siouf limestone suggests increasing carbon burial at the shelf, related to the sea-level drop during the Late Eocene (Burollet 1956; Ben Ismail-Lattrache and Bobier 1984). All the δ13C records (Fig. 9) display variations within the MECO interval (Giorgioni et al. 2019).
Unstable oceanographic/carbon cycle conditions and coincidence between a 400 kyr and a 2.4 Myr orbital eccentricity minimum have, however, been proposed as global forcing factors to explain the δ13C signal across the MECO (Edgar et al., 2010; Giorgioni et al., 2019; Van der Ploeg et al., 2018; Sluijs et al., 2013; Westerhold and Rohl, 2013).
In the Neo-Tethys, the carbon cycle during the middle Eocene was affected by the episodic continental runoff, which may have lowered the seawater's heavy carbon isotopes (Giorgioni et al., 2019; Jovane et al., 2007; Rego et al., 2018). Significant paleo-circulation changes due to the restriction of the westward subtropical Eocene Neo-Tethys (STENT) current (Jovane et al. 2009) and increased primary productivity associated with the biological pump (e.g., Boscolo Galazzo et al., 2013; Luciani et al., 2010; Savian et al., 2014; Toffanin et al., 2011) affected the local expression of the δ13C signal.
5.4. SW Neo-Tethys carbonate platform evolution
The establishment of the nummulitic limestone during the early Bartonian reflects the presence of ancient warm water (e.g., Flugel, 1992; Brasier, 1995; Hottinger, 1997; Jorry, 2004; Jorry et al., 2006; Less and Özcan, 2012; Bassi et al., 2013; Tomassetti et al., 2016; Rego et al., 2020). Here, we attribute the Middle Eocene “maximum” marine carbonate production event materialized in central Tunisia by the Siouf member as a response to the warming peak of the MECO (Figs. 12 and13). The coincidence of this sedimentological shift with geochemical and biological (apparitions, disappearances, the proliferation of specific taxa) events may be due to environmental changes. Therefore, a high-resolution time calibration independent of environmental perturbations must be carried out. These results are very similar to those recorded during the Early Eocene Climatic Optimum (EECO), which coincides with the deposition of the Ypresian nummulitic limestones of the El Garia Formation in the same marginal setting of the Neo-Tethys (Racey et al. 2001; Tlig et al. 2010; Taktak et al. 2011), suggesting that similar mechanisms occurred during the Eocene warming events that favoured the development of nummulitic carbonate series.
The magnitude of the EECO and the MECO is reflected in the thickness and nummulites proliferation difference between the El Garia Formation (150-m in some areas, Jorry, 2004) and the Reneiche member (maximum of 25-m). Although our results show significant similarities with Northern Neo-Tethys margins regarding the age of the MECO, the installation of nummulitic limestone banks remains characteristic of the MECO in the South-Western Neo-Tethys.
Figure 12 about here
In the South-Western Neo-Tethys, the MECO induced the proliferation of tropical carbonate platforms dominated by larger foraminiferal shells of nummulites (e.g., Jorry 2004; Höntzsch, 2011) during the early Bartonian. These nummulitic limestone series were developed under a warm climate (Brasier 1995; Jorry 2004) with high sedimentation rates (up to > 100 m/m.y.), and abundant large BF association dominated by nummulites (e.g., Bassi et al. 2013; El Baz 2019; Jorry 2004). Eocene nummulitic limestones series constitute an important hydrocarbon reservoir in the northern and northeast African provinces (e.g., Bey et al., 2015; Jorry, 2004; Racey et al., 2001; Swei and Tucker, 2015; Taktak et al., 2010; Taktak et al., 2012).
Scheibner and Speijer (2009), Höntzsch (2011), and Höntzsch et al. (2013) show that global warming during the Early Palaeogene caused a massive decline in coral reefs and a coeval shift to large benthic foraminifera (LBF). The authors directly link the larger foraminifera turnover's evolutionary impact at the Palaeocene-Eocene boundary to the PETM. A transient period with an increasing abundance of LBF K-strategist taxa is also present during the MECO (Höntzsch, 2011; Nebelsick et al., 2005). During the Late Eocene, the general cooling trend (Late Eocene cooling event; McGowran et al. (2009)) caused the extinction of LBF (e.g., discocyclinids; early Palaeogene Nummulites; Prothero et al., 2003).
Figure 13 about here
The high primary marine productivity induced by the MECO ceased abruptly, favouring the return of shallowing deposits (Fig. 10), consistent with the fast cooling following the upward post-MECO (Bohaty et al., 2009). The late Bartonian - Priabonian interval remains poorly identified in Tunisia since it corresponds to a widespread sea-level lowstand. In central Tunisia and the Tunisian dorsal, the Priabonian corresponds to silty greenish silt within the upper Globigerinatheka semiinvoluta Zone (P11), indicating that the Priabonian contemporaneous the installation of a shallow environment with enhanced erosion (Bismuth, 1996; Burollet 1956; Ben Ismail-Lattrache and Bobier 1984).
5.5. Paleogeographic extension of the Reneiche/Siouf member
In the shallow carbonate platform of central Tunisia, Amami-Hamdi et al. (2016) and Ben Ismail-Lattrache (2000) studied the Siouf limestone member in central Tunisia (Jebel Jebil) and report only a 5 m thick limestone series rich in LBF: Nummulites gizehensis, Discocyclina roberti, Discocyclina sella, Operculina spp. and Alveolina spp (Fig. 14). In another section in central Tunisia (Jebel Serj), the same member is only 40 cm thick (Amami Hamdi & Ben Ismail Lattrache, 2013) admitting Nummulites and Alveolina elongata Orbigny in addition to bryozoans, echinoderms, lamellibranchs (Ostrea lamellosa), and algae (Fig. 14). In the Bargou area (northern central Tunisia) the Reneiche/Siouf member is identified by a micritic argillaceous limestone bed (30-cm thick) rich in iron oxide, phosphate, and glauconite (Fig. 14). The fauna association is represented by BF (Peneroplis, Buliminides genera, Bolivina spp., S. kamali, and Nummulites gizehensis) and PF characteristic of the Orbulinoides beckmanni zone (E13, lower Bartonian). In southern central Tunisia (Ben Ismail-Lattrache, 2000), this member becomes very dolomitic, bioclastic, and contains iron oxide concretions indicating an upper intertidal depositional environment (Matmati et al., 1992).
The preferential nummulitic carbonate production in central Tunisia during the early Bartonian is mainly related to the structuration of continental shelves and the isolated platforms during the middle Eocene (Bonnefous & Bismuth, 1982; Comte & Dufaure, 1973; Jorry, 2004). Enhanced syn-sedimentary tectonic control explains the high variations in thickness and nummulites content of this limestone member (e.g., Bonnefous & Bismuth, 1982; Ismail-Lattrache, 2000; Khomsi et al., 2006).
We interpret the Reneiche/Siouf member as a discontinuous bioclastic system developed during the lower Bartonian maximum sea-level flooding (Fig. 13). This member extends in the subsurface over the southern Pelagian margin, where it is proven a producing reservoir, and reappears in the Cap-Bon and locally in northern Tunisian Atlas (Comte and Dufaure, 1973; Mejri et al., 2006; Taktak et al., 2012). The trend is superimposed along the edge of the early Eocene transitional area and can be traced as a narrow belt that took place over a gentle homoclinal ramp (e.g., Elfessi, 2017; Fakhfakh Ben Jemai, 2001; Ben Ferjani et al., 1990; Jorry, 2004; Mejri et al., 2006; Taktak et al., 2012).
Platform to basin correlation highlights the absence of Reneiche/Siouf member in the Tunisian dorsal related to the development of an upwelling zone that drastically reduced in situ calcareous nannoplankton and carbonate productivity and triggered instead of the deposition of radiolarian-rich clays (Messaoud et al. 2021).
Figure 14 about here portrait
In NE Tunisia, The Eocene Souar sedimentary succession (Fig. 14) of the Tunisian dorsal (Ben Ferjani et al., 1990; Ben Ismail-Lattrache & Bobier, 1984; Burollet, 1956) consists of a thick (up to 1100 m) sequence of offshore globigerinid-rich clays extending from the Nannotetrina alata group (CNE9, Lutetian) to the Isthmolithus recurvus zone (CNE18, Priabonian). The lower Bartonian sea-level rise (40.4 Ma, Ben Ismail-Lattrache, 2000) is associated with a glauconitic event during the lower Bartonian. It is interesting to note that previous works (e.g., Banerjee et al., 2016; Bansal et al., 2020; Boukhalfa et al., 2015; Sluijs et al., 2014) suggested a link between glauconitic concentrations and warming events during the Paleogene.
In the Cap Bon peninsula (NE Tunisia), where Burollet (1956) first defined the Reneiche limestone member, Ben Ismail-Lattrache et al. (2014) attributed the 20-m-thick of mud- to wackestone series containing nummulithoclasts, LBF (orthophragmines, discocyclinids, alveolinids, and nummulitids) and PF (globigerinids) to the Reneiche member. The authors used the 1 group's first appearance at this member's base as an indicator of the Lutetian/Bartonian boundary (SBZ 16/17) followed by the extinction of Orbitoclypeus douville (lower Bartonian, Less & Özcan, 2012) in the middle of the Reneiche limestones. In NE Tunisia, the Reneiche member is attributed to the transgression near the Globorotalia lehneri (E11) - Orbulinoides beckmanni (E12) zones transition at 40.4 Ma (Fig. 14, Ben Ismail-Lattrache, 2000; Ben Ismail-Lattrache & Bobier, 1984).