In this section, the multi-string LED power PLED and drive efficiency η were calculated to optimize the distribution of LEDs in sub-strings by adjusting Vf[k] (k = 1, 2, …, n). And the product of PLED and η was proposed as an optimization parameter to balance high PLED and high η.
To illustrate the calculation process more clearly, this paper shows specific calculation examples with 380V line voltage. With linear LED driving schemes, one of the critical issues is the voltage fluctuation in power grids, which significantly impacts PLED and η. In this paper, the input voltage Vin was considered within a tolerance of ± 10%. For 380V ± 10% line voltage, the corresponding Vin range is 420 ~ 593V, as shown in Fig. 4 (a).
A. LED Power and Driving Efficiency
For simplifying the calculation, suppose that the input constant current Iin = I[k] (k = 1, 2, …, n) = I0 and Vsat[k] (k = 1, 2, …, n) = 0V (as Vsat[k] is much smaller than Vf[k], which can be ignored). To achieve the maximum driving efficiency and the lowest flicker, the optimum Vf1 should be set at as same as the minimum Vin, so that the first LED sub-string operates continuously without being affected by Vin ripple, i.e., the input current is constant at I0, as shown in Fig. 4 (b). Then the input power Pin can be calculated by Eq. (5)
$${P}_{in}= \frac{{\int }_{t=0}^{t=T}{I}_{0} {V}_{in}\left(t\right) dt}{T} \left(5\right)$$
Where T is the period of Vin, equal to 1/6 of the fundamental period of three-phase AC voltage.
Considering the symmetry of the Vin waveform in period, LED power PLED is Eq. (6)
$${P}_{LED}=\frac{2\sum _{1}^{n}\left({\int }_{{t=t}_{n}}^{{t=t}_{n+1}}{I}_{0}{V}_{fn} dt\right)-{\int }_{t={t}_{n}}^{t={t}_{n+1}}{I}_{0} {V}_{fn} dt}{T} \left(6\right)$$
Where t[k] (k = 1, 2, …, n) is the time when Vin(t) = Vf[k] + Vsat[k] (k = 1, 2, …, n) independently, which is also the time when Is[k] (k = 1, 2, …, n) is turned on in sequence, and tn+1 is the time when Isn is turned off.
Driving efficiency η is defined as Eq. (7)
$$\eta = \frac{{P}_{LED}}{{P}_{in}} \left(7\right)$$
η equals the ratio of the area under the stepped line representing Vf[k] (k = 1, 2, …, n) to the area under the arc line representing Vin in Fig. 4 (b). It is observed that the larger the number of LED sub-strings, the closer the ratio is to 1.
However, the number of LED sub-strings can’t be as large as possible in practice. On the one hand, the multi-string LED structure reduces the utilization ratio of LEDs, which increases the material cost of lamps; on the other hand, each MOSFET connected to the LED sub-string must be capable of withstanding high voltage, so each port needs to use a high-voltage MOS device. Multiple high-voltage MOS devices will increase the size and cost of the current regulator chip. Therefore, there is a trade-off between the total luminous flux of LEDs and the cost of multi-string LED schemes in lighting applications. This section only shows the optimization results and analysis of the double-string and triple-string LED schemes obtained by the formulas (5), (6), and (7) for reference.
B. Optimization for Double-string LED
In the double-string LED driving scheme, Vf1 is set to 420V, i.e., the minimum value of Vin, to ensure that the first LED sub-string can be lit all the time. Vf2 is set to 420 ~ 564V. I0 is set to 40mA to be consistent with the experiment.
Figure 5 (a) shows PLED of the double-string LED with different Vf2. At Vf2 = Vf1 = 420V, it is equivalent to a single-string LED in the circuit, and there is almost no change in PLED as the line voltage increases. At 420V < Vf2 < 492V, PLED increases with the increase of line voltage. At Vf2 ≥ 492V, a breakpoint can be seen in PLED, and it shifts to the right as Vf2 increases. At this breakpoint, Vf2 equals Max(Vin). That means that when Vf1 ≤ Max(Vin) < Vf2, only the first LED sub-string operates and PLED keeps constant; when Max(Vin) ≥ Vf2, the second LED sub-string starts to operate and PLED increases with the increase of Vin.
Figure 5 (b) shows η of the double-string LED with different Vf2. At 420V ≤ Vf2 < 492V, η gradually decreases with the increase of line voltage. Similar to the trend of PLED, the breakpoint also appears at Vf2 ≥ 492V. Overall, PLED and η are obviously impacted by line voltage fluctuations. PLED remains stable with the decrease of η at small Vf2, while PLED fluctuates significantly with the increase of η at high Vf2. Therefore, it is difficult to select Vf2 intuitively.
Taking the balance of PLED and η into account, the maximum average value of PLED ⅹ η within ± 10% voltage fluctuations was selected as a candidate for optimizing Vf2. The optimization goal G in the double-string scheme can be expressed as Eq. (8)
$$G = \frac{{\int }_{ {(1-10\%)*U}_{0}}^{(1+10\%)* {U}_{0}}{P}_{LED} \left({V}_{f2} , U\right) \eta \left({V}_{f2} , U\right)dU }{{\int }_{ (1-10\%)* {U}_{0}}^{ (1+10\%)* {U}_{0}} dU} \left(8\right)$$
Where U is the input voltage Vin, U0 is the rated line voltage within ± 10% tolerance.
G rises firstly and then falls as the line voltage increases, exhibiting a parabolic-like trend in Fig. 5 (c). Within ± 10% voltage fluctuations, the maximum of G is achieved at optimal Vf2 = 492V, and the corresponding η is 87% (@420V line voltage) ~ 95% (@365V line voltage).
C. Optimization for Triple-string LED
Similarly, in the triple-string LED driving scheme, Vf1 is set to 420V and I0 is 40mA. Vf3 is set to 420 ~ 564V. Vf2 satisfies Vf1 < Vf2 < Vf3, and the optimal Vf2 is calculated after its corresponding Vf3 is determined.
The optimization goal G in the triple-string LED scheme is
$$G = \frac{{\int }_{ {(1-10\%)*U}_{0}}^{(1+10\%)* {U}_{0}}{P}_{LED} \left({V}_{f2} , {V}_{f3} , U\right) \eta \left({V}_{f2} , {V}_{f3} , U\right)dU }{{\int }_{ (1-10\%)* {U}_{0}}^{ (1+10\%)* {U}_{0}} dU} \left(9\right)$$
Figure 6 (a) shows the three-dimensional surface of G with different Vf2 and Vf3. The maximum G is calculated at Vf2 = 477V and Vf3 = 522V. In the case of determining Vf3, the optimal Vf2 corresponding to the maximum G is shown in the insets of Fig. 6 (b) and (c). The value of Vf2 increases non-linearly with the increase of Vf3.
Figure 6 (b) and (c) show PLED and η of the triple-string LED calculated with optimal Vf2 and different Vf3, respectively. The trends of PLED and η in the triple-string scheme are analogous to those in the double-string scheme. The difference is that two breakpoints appear in PLED and η at Vf3 ≥ 564V, which is relevant to the operating principle of the linear multi-string LED driving circuit mentioned in section Ⅱ. Under optimal conditions of Vf2 = 477V and Vf3 = 522V, and the corresponding η is 93% (@420V line voltage) ~ 96% (@387V line voltage).
Comparing the single-string, double-string, and triple-string LED driving schemes, it can be seen that η increases with the number of LED sub-strings.