Data: Residue decline data were obtained from field studies conducted in the EU. In each of the studies, a single spray application was made with a fungicidal product on young cereal plants.
In each trial, 7 samplings were normally taken on days 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7 and 10 after application. However, 2 trials are included which were sampled at days 0, 1, 3, 5, 7, 10 and 14, and some trials included samplings on day 4 or 6 instead of day 5 or similar. Nevertheless, no trials are included which lack samplings on day 0, 3 and 10, because day 0 is necessary for a proper decline curve, and days 3 and 10 are necessary for a specific side-investigation where we looked at the impact on TWA calculations of having trials with only 3 but suitably spaced sampling time points (here: days 0, 3 and 10).
Many of these trials were conducted with mixed formulations, but specific care was taken that each trial is included only once in the data base (i.e., trials that were conducted with a mixture of 2 compounds a and b were either used in the data set for compound a or compound b, but never twice). Otherwise the assignment of the trials was so arranged that the data set for each compound comprised data from both European residue zones (North and South), where possible.
All trials were conducted according to regulatory standard guidelines (OECD TG 509), and under Good laboratory Practice (GLP). Validated residue analysis methods were employed with certified analytical standard, and most of the trials were already submitted and reviewed by regulatory authorities in the EU.
Evaluations with KinGUII: KinGUII v2.1 (Witt et al., 2014)
For each of the 6 active substances (fluopyram, trifloxystrobin, spiroxamine, fluopicolide, tebuconazole and propineb), 6 trials were evaluated (n = 36). Each trial was evaluated with SFO (single first order), DFOP (double first order in parallel), FOMC (first-order multi-compartment) and HS (hockey stick) kinetic models in KinGUII, resulting in 156 sets of kinetic parameters. All parameters including the initial residue value were fitted.
Fit quality assessment: Each fit was quantitatively assessed based on the Chi2- value, which is a metric to calculate the goodness of fit. The Chi2- value is mainly driven by the deviation between measured and fitted values relative to the average of the measured values. According to FOCUS (2014), good fits should provide Chi2-values ≤ 15% for laboratory soil residue dissipation studies, under field conditions Chi2 ≤ 25% may be acceptable. Additionally the visual fit of the curve was scored (good fit = 1, acceptable fit = 2, bad fit =3) for the residues themselves, and for the residuals as proposed by EFSA (2019). These scores aim to express in number how well the curve visually appeared to capture the “true” decline residue pattern when allowing for chance variations of the residue measurements, and whether there are systematic deviations of the residuals (indicative that the respective kinetic model would fit not or only partially to the “true” kinetic).
Parameter uncertainty was not considered as criterion because typically most of the residues had dissipated within 10 days and the extrapolation by the prediction (to 21 days) beyond study duration (10 days) is limited.
These 3 fit quality descriptors were combined in one single value per trial and kinetic which we call “fit quality” (FQ), calculated as the product of Chi2 x visual fit score x residual fit score. For instance, a fit with a Chi2-value of 7. 3%, a good visual fit (score = 1) and acceptable distribution of the residuals (score =2) gets an FQ value of 7. 3 x 1 x 2 = 14.6. The kinetic model that provides the lowest FQ value for a given trial is called the best-fit model for this trial.
Additionally, KinGUII was also employed with a reduced data set, consisting only of 3 measurements (days 0, 3 and 10) for each trial, termed SFO3. These reduced data sets were only evaluated with SFO kinetics, as the degrees of freedom with only 3 data points are not sufficient for non-SFO models. This reduced data was used to assess the impact of a low-quality data set on the residue predictions in the risk assessment compared to the best-fit model for the full data set. This reduced data set provided the SFO3-DT50.
Finally a surrogate SFO-DT50 was generated by dividing the FOMC-DT90 by 3.32. Again, the residue predictions with this surrogate SFO-DT50 was compared against the best fit model, in order to assess the level of conservativeness associated with such procedure. This approach is called FOMC90 in this article.
In total 6 kinetic evaluation results were generated per trial (SFO, SFO3, DFOP, FOMC, FOMC90, HS) with KinGUII, resulting in 36 x 6 = 216 TWA assessment runs in TREC.
Evaluations with TREC: TREC is an Excel-based calculator that allows residue decline simulations for the 4 kinetic models in KinGUII (SFO, DFOP, FOMC and HS) for any agricultural use scenario (multiple applications with varying inter-application intervals and use rates), and provides multi-application factors (MAF) and TWA-factors (fTWA) for use in bird and mammals risk assessments according to EFSA (2009). The TREC tool was presented at the SETAC conference in Helsinki 2019 (Weyers et al 2019) and is included in the supporting information files of this article.
The kinetic parameter derived by KinGUII-analysis for the 36 field residue decline data sets were employed in TREC, separated per kinetic model (i.e. one file with all 36 SFO-evaluations, one file with all 36 DFOP evaluations etc.). In order to run TREC, the same application scenario was applied to all compounds (2 applications with a 10 day interval) which is not untypical for fungicides like the 6 model compounds. The mean RUD of 54.2 for grass and cereals was selected (EFSA 2009), so that the RUD category in TREC matched with the matrix from the decline trials. The selected application rate of 1 kg a.s./ha was however arbitrary and just chosen for sake of simplicity, because for our case study calculations it only mattered that the same scenario is simulated for all compounds. As we limit our evaluation of the TREC results to MAF and fTWA, the settings of application rate and RUD are irrelevant, since they do only influence the absolute residue concentrations and not the dissipation; application rate and RUD are only needed for TREC running properly.
From the TREC output, the MAF and the 21-d moving time window TWA factor (21d fTWA) were extracted and multiplied in order to compute the trial- and kinetic-specific 21-d residues (21-d RES) which was the key metric for the following comparisons.