The global geographical distribution of FAW projected with CLIMEX model closely matched the current distribution of FAW. The model set out to predict areas where FAW populations could establish themselves permanently; that is, their presence is year-round with multiple generations. Based on the CLIMEX projections under present climate conditions, the world’s tropical and subtropical climates are suitable for the year-round establishment of FAW, whereas temperate climates are at risk of seasonal invasions. In Africa, a large part of east, west and central Africa (i.e. 57.2% of the total area) is currently suitable for FAW population establishment. In the future, areas of climatic suitability for FAW establishment are expected to gradually decrease over time mainly due to heat and dry stress. However, FAW may still survive and become established in significant areas in Africa (i.e. 47.2% and 53% of the total area under the CSIRO-Mk3.0 and MIROC-H GCMs, respectively) by the end of 2080. If certain conditions are met, these established persistent populations, could, in turn, serve as a source of seasonal invasions and migrate into less favorable climatic regions. Therefore, it is likely that FAW will establish permanent populations and cause substantial damage and economic losses to certain crops production every year in Africa unless FAW population can be effectively managed.
Our CLIMEX model projects that, under the current climate, there is an increased risk of global FAW invasion and establishment. Outside of its native range in North and South America, the current climatic conditions in many parts of Africa, South and South-East Asia, southeastern parts of China, the north coast of Australia, and a few pockets in Europe are favorable for FAW invasion and establishment. Until 2016, FAW was confined to areas with a subtropical wet/dry climate in the Americas. After invading Africa in 2016, FAW has spread rapidly throughout vast regions of Africa that have a climate similar to its native range. By 2020, FAW has further spread to the Middle East, South Asia, South East Asia, and Australia18,24. While FAW has not yet invaded Europe, our model identifies several pockets in Europe that are climatically suitable for FAW invasion, suggesting that FAW has not reached its full potential range and its range is still expanding.
The model suggests that extreme temperatures, cold winters and hot summers, as well as limited soil moisture, are the most critical factors constraining the survival of FAW. Currently, cold stress limits FAW’s potential to permanently establish in northern North America, southern parts of South America, the northern part of Asia, and Europe. Presently, the permanent establishment of FAW in these regions is not possible because FAW does not diapause14. However, if global temperature increases as predicted, some areas currently classified as climatically unsuitable may become suitable for FAW invasion and establishment in the future. Expansion towards the north has already been reported for several invasive insect species under climate change64,65.
Similarly, dry stress limits FAW’s establishment in North African countries, the Middle East, and a large part of Australia. In the future, these areas are predicted to experience a reduction in total annual rainfall and would not be expected to support FAW populations. However, irrigated crop fields in these areas could support seasonal FAW populations during warm winters.
In Africa, central, eastern, and western African countries with sub-tropical wet/dry climates offer optimal conditions for FAW population establishment and are under high risk. These areas could serve as overwintering areas and sources of seasonal invasions to other parts of Africa, in the same way, that southern Florida, Texas, and Mexico serve in North America28. The predicted FAW overwintering areas in the present study are consistent with those in previous studies35,26. Further, the projected climatic suitability for FAW also closely matches the predicted distribution of maize, its preferred host under current and future climates (see Ramirez-Cabral et al.43 for global distribution maps of Zea mays), which further enhances the probability of FAW to invade and even establish persistent populations in the areas projected by our model.
In Africa, the northern part of FAW's current distribution is currently limited by extreme heat and dry stress. The permanent establishment of FAW in this region is unlikely, as FAW cannot tolerate extreme heat53–55. However, microclimates near maize growing areas in the Nile River basins and irrigated zones could provide channels of suitable habitat66 and support the establishment of FAW permanent populations. In addition, a small portion of the Mediterranean coast in North Africa is suitable for FAW persistence but has not yet been invaded. The arrival of FAW in those areas by its means is unlikely because FAW has to migrate across the Sahara and face these harsh desert conditions. Yet, since FAW has already invaded the humid irrigated zones of Aswan Governorate in South Egypt19, we should not rule out the possibility of seasonal invasion of the north through natural migration. Migrant FAW moths could use maize fields along the Nile River basins as ‘stepping-stones’ before finding a suitable location along the North African coast. The flight biology of FAW in North America suggests that it can complete such a long-distance migration28. The establishment of significant populations along the North African coast and the Nile River basin will increase the threat to North Africa and Europe through seasonal migration67. The risk posed by migrant FAW populations north of the Sahara should not be ignored, since a similar scenario occurs in North America where the climate also does not support FAW establishment, yet crops are still devastated by seasonal invasions of FAW28.
Furthermore, several pest species have crossed unfavorable geographic barriers by ‘piggybacking’ on human transit routes. Therefore, intra-continental travel and trade increase the risk of FAW introduction to the North African coast and Europe26,27. Rwomushana et al.4 reported several interceptions of FAW in consignments from Africa. Therefore, to prevent travel-assisted introduction of the FAW in these places, close monitoring of the FAW invasion and activity in North Africa as well as adopting strict phytosanitary measures are and will continue to be necessary. In addition, pest species, including FAW, can move long distances aided by meteorological phenomena such as storm fronts68. While the present study did not consider it, an analysis of synoptic and mesoscale wind and storm patterns may be useful, especially since these patterns are predicted to change over time.
The climate around the globe is changing, and the distribution of areas climatically favorable to FAW persistence will change accordingly. Our results suggest that under future climate scenarios, the projected distribution of FAW in Africa will contract in both northern and southern regions towards the equator. These findings are in line with the results of a previous study, which also predicted a decrease in climatically suitable areas in the Americas under the climate change scenario38. These range contraction predictions are similar to those made for its preferred host, Z. mays43. The predicted decrease in suitable climate in the northern and southern range in Africa is due to a significant increase in heat and dry stress caused by increased temperatures. During hot and dry summers, FAW pupae do not generally hatch, and if hatched, their ability to fly and search for mating partners is compromised55,56. Similarly, exposure to high temperatures for extended periods also significantly reduces fecundity and increases mortality in FAW53, leading to population decline in formerly suitable areas. However, these areas could be re-infested every year from migrant populations, accordingly resulting in potential damage.
Our model predicted a high risk of the permanent establishment of FAW in Africa. The year-round availability of host plants and warm and moist winters is optimal for FAW populations' long-term persistence in Africa. Although hot summer temperatures are likely to exclude the FAW from the warm habitat in humid-tropics in Africa, the overwintering populations in sub-tropical wet/dry climate areas could re-infest these areas every year during favorable seasons. Records of FAW occurrence in hotter and dryer areas than those in its native regions suggest that FAW is extremely heat-tolerant, more so than we thought in the past. Since there are no detailed studies on FAW biology and ecology in Africa, we used temperature-dependent life history data from the studies conducted in the Americas during the 1960s-1990s to predict infestation areas with suitable climatic conditions. However, FAW may have adapted and become more heat tolerant than previously reported. Therefore, any change in the insect's ability to survive in extreme climate conditions (in this case, tolerance to dry and heat stress) would expand the predicted range of distribution. Hence, further studies are necessary to assess FAW's biological and ecological adaptation to the African continent.
The geographic distribution of FAW is determined by biotic interactions, abiotic factors, and its active or passive movementv69. This study focuses on abiotic factors for temperature-dependent life history events to map climatically suitable areas for FAW because abiotic factors such as climatic variables are considered prime factors affecting species distribution at the continental and global scales. At these large scales, the results from the bioclimatic models alone are sufficient to suggest which regions are at high risk pest invasion and establishment under future climates70. Consequently, we examined the influence of climate change only on FAW's range of invasion and establishment.
Biotic factors should be incorporated in the bioclimatic model results to provide a more refined understanding of the species distribution under changing climates69. FAW requires a suitable place to live and complete its lifecycle over several generations. FAW also requires an adequate supply of host plants in synchrony with its lifecycle, without which it cannot persist in that environment. Furthermore, FAW's interactions with other species, such as natural enemies and competitors in a particular region, affect species distribution. Unfortunately, at this point combining all these factors in the bioclimatic model would increase the complexity and is not currently possible69–70.
The projected distribution of the FAW in Africa has indicated that FAW will severely impact agriculture over the next several decades. Insect pest management will be more challenging in a changing climate since climatic factors affect the timing of pest infestation, host preference, the efficacy of chemical and biological measures of control, and their utilization within integrated pest management strategies71. In this case, modeling/predicting habitat suitability for the pest under current and future climatic conditions provides robust tools and recommendations across multiple stakeholder levels and geographical scales. The current study will guide farmers, extension agents, researchers, policymakers, and public and private sectors to develop risk assessment protocols and climate-smart pest management strategies to prevent/reduce the economic loss due to FAW.