Industrial ADFW systems displayed novel and diverse virus pools
The viruses in five industrial ADFW reactors were investigated. After assembly of reads, 5,036 vOTUs were recovered using the identification pipeline with one vOTU greater than 300 kb in length that might be assigned to a huge virus [35]. According to the estimation using CheckV [23], 93 vOTUs with completeness higher than 50% were assessed as complete, high-quality, and medium-quality (Table S2). Exploration of the composition of 5,036 vOTUs found that 46.8% of the viral community could not be attributed to any known family. Siphoviridae (32.7%), Myoviridae (11.9%), and Podoviridae (3.0%) were detected as the dominant classifiable families, accounting for 47.6% of the total composition (Figure S1 and Table S3).
To investigate the relationship between ADFW vOTUs and the NCBI reference viral genomes, a gene-sharing network was constructed by vConTACT2 [30]. Consequently, 1278 viral clusters (VCs) were grouped at approximately the genus level, of which only 14 (1.10%) VCs were shared with the known viral genomes from NCBI Refseq (version 201) (Figure 1a and Table S4). While a large proportion (64.48%) of VCs clustered by ADFW alone, which suggests that most ADFW viruses may reflect habitat specificity. These findings prompt further research to compare the ADFW viruses in broader habitats. Partial viral sequences in IMG/VR database v3.0 [33] were used to explore the co-occurrence between ADFW viruses and specific ecosystems. A total of 15,055 viral sequences were used to execute the construction of the gene-sharing network. Results showed that the vOTUs in the present work were shared among all other ecosystems except for the aerobic subclass of the bioreactor. There were considerable shared clusters between ADFW and the anaerobic subclass compared with the aerobic subclass (Figure S2).
Further analysis of the relevance among five reactors showed that these reactors were distanced from each other, with only one pair of LG1 and LG5 representing a higher similarity (Figure 1b). As shown in the gene-sharing network (Figure 1a), ADFW vOTUs were clustered at 838 VCs, of which only 26 (3.1%) VCs were detected in five reactors and 61 (7.3%) VCs were unique. However, the vast majority of VCs were shared among more than two reactors (Figure 1c). On the whole, the reactors in the same plant have similar feedstock and operating conditions, which the ADFW viral communities showed commonality, but also variability due to the individuality of each reactor.
The performance during the operation of the lab-scale reactors
During the incubation period, the same feedstock was maintained for all three semi-continuous reactors in Stage I to maintain stable operation. As shown in Figure 2, the organic loading rate (OLR) in Stage I has been increased twice from 0.5 to 0.83 g-VS/L·d, at which point there was a downward trend in COD and TOC. Different feeding strategies were introduced until the 47th day and continued at 0.83 g-VS/L·d until the 92th day. Stage III and IV were cultured for 16 days with 1.04 and 1.3 g-VS/L·d, respectively. Due to the addition of NH4Cl in the feedstock, the TAN in N-group gradually increased and was maintained at more than 6000 mg·N/L. Acetate was observed to accumulate in Stages III and IV in N-group. Corresponding, the specific methane production (SMP) in N-group was consistently lower than that in the V-group with the change in feeding strategy. However, the addition of palmitate (L-group) appeared to have a positive effect on methane production. Although the propionate concentration in L-group was lower than that in V-group, the β-oxidation of lipid may drive the formation of acetate (see details of physicochemical parameters in Table S5).
Dynamics of viruses and prokaryotes under ammonium or palmitate stress
Three lab-scale reactors were conducted to further excavate the behavioral characteristics of the viruses in anaerobic environments with high levels of ammonium or palmitate. From the 15 metagenomes, 13,691 vOTUs were eventually recovered (Table S6), with two-fifths of the viral community that could not be attributed to a known annotation at the family level (Table S7). Siphoviridae was the most dominant family in all samples (35.1%), while Myoviridae (14.9%) and Podoviridae (2.8%) had a high relative abundance (Figure S3), which is similar to that of full-scale reactors. High or medium-quality of binned genomes were demonstrated by the 169 MAGs for accessing the characteristics of prokaryotes (Table S8).
Regarding the dependence of viral populations on different factors, the Pearson correlation was used to reveal the relationships between viral taxa and abiotic factors. Results showed that the majority of taxa can be affected by different physicochemical properties (Figure 3a and Table S9). Significant correlations were observed among TAN and five viral families, especially Tectiviridae and Salasmaviridae which were correlated to COD. As of 126th day, the relative abundance of Tectiviridae increased up to 2.62-fold (0.60% to 1.57%) and that of Salasmaviridae increased 7.45-fold (0.04% to 0.35%) in the N-group, which indicated that the members of Tectiviridae and Salasmaviridae were tolerant at high ammonium conditions. In addition, four families were significantly correlated with SMP, of which Plectroviridae and Smacoviridae showed a negative correlation. The dual character of viruses illustrated that some taxa are positive for methanogenesis while some are negative. Mantel test was performed to evaluate the driving factors of viral and prokaryote taxonomic dissimilarities (Figure 3b and Table S10). SMP was the stronger correlate of both viral and prokaryote taxonomic dissimilarities, indicating that viruses, like prokaryotes, tend to evolve in the direction of methane production.
To verify the virus-prokaryote dynamics, we examined the correlations between viral and prokaryote community diversities. Specifically, the Shannon diversity (R=0.95, p=2.4×10-8, Figure 4a) and Simpson diversity (R=0.72, p=0.0023, Figure S4) of prokaryotes and viruses were observed significantly correlated. In addition, the correlation was exhibited in the observed species index of prokaryotes and viruses (R=0.83, p=1.1×10-4, Figure 4b) (details diversity index see Table S11). PCoA analysis was applied to reveal the clustering patterns of the viral community (ANOSIM, R=0.5674, p=0.002, Figure 4c) and prokaryotic community (ANOSIM, R=0.7422, p=0.001, Figure 4d) in time series, respectively. Results showed that the microbial community structure was significantly different from the original community structure during the incubating process, especially L126. For the different feedstock conditions, the microbial community of the N-group converged after the addition of NH4Cl in feedstock (92th, 108th, and 126th days). The microbial community of the V-group showed convergence in one direction with increasing organic loading and gathered when the OLR reached more than 1 g-VS/L·d (108th and 126th days) (Figure 4d). Meanwhile, compared to V-group, the microbial community of the L-group showed significant differences in the initial stage of palmitate addition, until the 126th day, it showed a clear distance from all other samples. On the other hand, comparing the communities of viruses and prokaryotes, congruous dynamic changes have been observed during the incubating process. Furthermore, the results of the multiple regression matrix (MRM) showed that viruses explained 85.4% of prokaryotic community composition, much higher than the power of abiotic factors (21.0% for pH, TOC, TAN, COD, SMP) (Table S12).
Consequently, viruses should be participants in methanogenesis, which may regulate functional microorganisms through some mechanisms, enabling synergistic development with prokaryotes under different conditions.
Overview of prokaryotic communities associated with methanogenesis in lab-scale reactors
A total of 169 MAGs containing 159 bacteria and 10 archaea MAGs were used to evaluate the prokaryotic succession patterns under different feeding strategies. To assess microbial community structure, we calculated the relative abundance of prokaryotes taxa at the phylum level based on GTDB-TK annotation (Table S8). Within the bacteria, the dominant members were Firmicutes (59.9%), Bacteroidota (8.2%), Chloroflexota (7.8%), and Cloacimonadota (6.1%), accounting for 82%. For archaeal lineages, members were mainly affiliated with Methanobacterita (5.0%) and Halobacteriota (4.8%) (Figure S5). Evidence proved that some syntrophic acetate oxidizing bacteria (SAOB) can achieve acetate oxidation using the oxidative Wood-Ljungdahl (WL) pathway [36]. On this basis, the interesting findings were observed that the functional genes encoding a complete or nearly-complete oxidative WL pathway can be reconstructed in four high-quality MAGs (L92bin.31, L44bin.114, N92bin.52, N126bin.29) (Figure S6 and Table S13). All four members were classified as Firmicutes, including two known SAOB Syntrophaceticus schinkii (N92bin.52) [37] and Tepidanaerobacter acetatoxydans (L44bin.114) [38], while the other two MAGs (L92bin.31, N126bin.29) were assigned to the DTU022 order.
Regarding the impact of palmitate on methanogenesis, the relative abundance of archaea in the L-group decreased compared with that in V-group (Figure 5 and Table S8). However, the proportion of Methanoculleus members (L126bin.71, V108bin.21, N0bin.115, and L0bin.128) in the total archaea composition increased from 33.4% (0th day) to 97.1% (126th day), while a clear shift of L92bin.31 was observed with the relative abundance range from 2.21% (0th day) to 5.82% (126th day), eventually accounting for 74.4% of all SAOB abundance. Other archaea members seemed not to be actively working under the pressure of palmitate, as the declining abundance of Methanobacteriaceae and the consistently low abundance of Methanomethylophilaceae. These results denoted that Methanoculleus dominated hydrogenotrophic methanogen became the dominant pathway in the late stages of palmitate stress. In addition, two MAGs (L126bin.41 and L126bin.10) assigned to the Desulfobacterota phylum were considered to be typical sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) which have the ability of sulfate reduction coupling to convert long-chain fatty acids (LCFAs) [39,40]. Both of them experienced a significant increase of more than 3-fold in Stage IV. Therefore, the symbiotic flora of hydrogenotrophic methanogens and SRB shared the responsibility for the metabolism of substances under palmitate stress.
We further looked into the influence of ammonium on the composition of the prokaryotic communities (Figure 5 and Table S8). The relative abundance of DTU022 members was more than 3.5-fold that of the V-group in Stage IV, despite the other two SAOB did not show activity at high ammonium concentrations. At present, recent research has confirmed the positive role of SAOB in high ammonium stress [41]. Besides, a similar trend was observed in L0bin.128, which was assigned to Methanimicrococcus sp012518265. As in the present study, L0bin.128 was not detected in the N-group and V-group at the initial stage but started to grow at Stage II. Moreover, the relative abundances of L0bin.128 in the N-group were 6.12, 2.08, and 3.71-fold than that in V-group at 92th, 108th, and 126th days, demonstrating the higher growth rate in the N-group. The genera of Methanimicrococcus have been reported to perform methanogenetic pathways using methanol or methylamine [42]. The addition of ammonium facilitated the methanogenic pathway of Methanimicrococcus sp012518265 using methylamine. The results showed the contribution of SAOB and methylotrophic methanogens to methane production under ammonium stress.
The screening of the broader prokaryotic communities was oriented to the bacteria and archaea that affected methanogenesis. In general, SAOB and SRB in the bacterial domain and methanogen in the archaeal domain were considered to be the significant prokaryotic players during the cultivation period.
Viruses infect functional microorganisms related to methanogenesis
CRISPR-Cas spacers matching was used to perform host prediction for 13,691 vOTUs. We retained 1,631 spacers which assigned at least one MAGs and targeted at least one vOTUs in the same sample. Based on this, we recovered 1,182 vOTUs (8.63%) with their putative host, comprising 0.95% - 28.26% of vOTUs in each sample (Table S14). These predicted hosts spanned a wide range of bacteria and archaea, with 14 bacterial and three archaeal phyla. Within the bacterial domain, 858 vOTUs were linked to Firmicutes, which is higher than that of other bacterial phyla. Besides, Bacteroidota (n=215, n: the number of vOTUs linked to phyla) and DTU030 (n=113) were also the more predicted hosts (Figure 6). Among archaea, a considerable proportion of vOTUs infected Halobacteriota (n=130), and Methanobacteriota (n=29) (Figure 6). Among these, the vast majority of phylum have not been reported on virus infection. Out of the 1,182 vOTUs, most of them were assigned to a narrow host range. However, 321 vOTUs exhibited the potential to infect more than one host. Especially, observed that 68 vOTUs can infect bacteria and archaea simultaneously, suggesting the existence of viruses infected different domains (Figure S7).
To investigate the relationship between viruses and key functional microorganisms. There were 10 and 20 vOTUs identified to infest Desulfomicrobium and Desulfobulbus, respectively. Amazingly, the vast majority of vOTUs (90%, 75%) associated with the two hosts showed a significant positive correlation (p < 0.001, Figure S8a), which indicated that viruses may indirectly regulate LCFAs metabolism by affecting SRB. Further exploring the characteristics of the infested SAOB viruses, we found that each SAOB can be infected by several vOTUs, except N126bin.29 (Figure S8b). Different from the infection characteristics of SRB, only a small proportion of vOTUs showed a significant positive correlation with their SAOB hosts. In fact, out of 35 vOTUs, 8 vOTUs displayed a significant positive correlation (p < 0.01) for L92bin.31, the proportion that was 39% for L44bin.114, yet 0 for N92bin.52. However, if the relative abundance of all viruses infecting the same host was added as a whole to calculate the correlation with their host, the host-virus pair interactions demonstrated stronger (R=0.66, p=0.0073 for L92bin.31, R=0.71, p=0.0029 for L44bin.114, R=0.56, p=0.029 for N92bin.52, Figure S9). Results showed that the viruses infecting SAOB have some more complicated internal mechanisms, which jointly regulate the population structure of SAOB.
Regarding the archaea (Figure S8c), no corresponding vOTU was matched to Methanimicrococcus sp012518265 and one vOTU was associated with the N0bin.115 which belonged to Methanomethylophilaceae. Two MAGs (N92bin.39, V92bin.105) assigned to Methanobacteriaceae were matched to 28 and 1 vOTU respectively. In comparison, Methanoculleus (L126bin.71, V108bin.21, N0bin.115, L0bin.128) were linked to more vOTUs (25, 41, 30, 34), which suggested that Methanoculleus can be infected by multiple viruses. Methanoculleus is a typical hydrogenotrophic methanogen that has strong tolerance under adverse environments [41]. Multiple viral infestations may become a booster of Methanoculleus tolerance in adverse environments. According to the statistics of correlations between archaeal viruses and hosts, most matches were not significant, which may be due to the slow growth rate of methanogenic archaea and susceptibility to external environmental factors. However, there was a particular finding that a large proportion of viruses infected with N92bin.39 (82.14%) and N0bin.115 (53.3%) showed the opposite trend to their hosts (r < 0). Therefore, in the archaeal domain, a fraction of viruses was negative towards their hosts, which may affect the competition of methanogens for dominant flora.
Viruses encoded extensive auxiliary metabolic genes
Having demonstrated the profile of viral effects on methanogenic-related functional microorganisms, we next attempted to understand the function of viruses on ADFW systems about the gene profiles. Viral ORFs annotated using EnrichM were considered as the broad AMGs that refer to all metabolic genes [43]. Overall, ADFW viruses tended to encode AMGs for substance metabolism including carbohydrate, energy, lipid, nucleotide, amino acid, etc. (Table S15), demonstrating the high diversity of AMGs in the ADFW systems.
The degradation of the lipid hydrolysis product LCFAs is the rate-limiting step in the ADFW systems, which is usually accomplished by β-oxidation [44]. Long-chain acyl-CoA synthetase (ACSL) was found to be encoded by 3 vOTUs that activate LCFAs to form acyl-CoAs. As the key intermediates in β-oxidation, acyl-CoAs play an important role in downstream metabolism [45]. Consequently, results revealed the crucial role of the virus-encoded AMGs in the key steps of LCFAs degradation. Several AMGs were found to be associated with sulfur metabolism. We identified 13 vOTUs encoded cysH, which has been found in viral sequences from various ecosystems to facilitate host in assimilatory sulfate reduction (ASR) [46–48]. In addition, sulfate adenylyltransferase (sat) within AMGs was observed to be responsible for adenosine 5-phosphosulfate (APS) reduction, which is the final step of sulfide oxidation in dissimilatory sulfate reduction (DSR).
Broadly speaking, 40 AMGs were potentially associated with methane metabolism pathways, of which 37 were labeled as carbon fixation pathways in KEGG. To further investigate the impacts of virus-encoded AMGs on methane production in the ADFW systems, we focused on two major pathways for the conversion of acetate to methane, acetoclastic methanogenesis (AM), and syntrophic acetate oxidation coupled with hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis (SAO-HM) (Figure 7a,b and Table S16). For AM pathway, viral members encoded a near-complete list of genes joined in the conversion of acetate to methane, except the gene encoding phosphate acetyltransferase (Pta) and ACDS that catalyzes the activation of acetyl-P to 5,10-Methyl-THMPT. 5,10-Methyl-THMPT is a key precursor for methanogenesis in both AM and SAO-HM pathways. Although the viruses missed a complete pathway to convert acetate into 5,10-Methyl-THMPT in the AM pathway, acetate transformed to acetyl-P by acetate kinase (AckA) was found in five vOTUs (Figure 7c), revealing the possibility that viruses contributed to the conversion of acetate to important intermediates. On the other hand, HM pathway produces methane with H2 and CO2 as substrates, with two steps activated in the transformation of CO2 to 5-Methyl-THMPT. Two vOTUs could catalyze the first step from CO2 to formyl-MFR by formylmethanofuran dehydrogenase (fwdC) and activate 5,10-Methylene-THMPT to 5-Methyl-THMPT through 5,10-methylenetetrahydromethanopterin reductase (mer) (Figure 7c). For the shared steps of both methanogenic pathways, viruses encoded the corresponding enzymes to accomplish the reaction from 5,10-Methyl-THMPT to methane. The oxidative WL pathway is generally considered to be constructed by SAOB, however, we found that viruses could assist in most steps of WL pathway. Viruses encoding enzymes were involved in the conversion of acetate to acetyl-CoA. In addition, there were corresponding enzymes to participate in the conversion of CH3-THF to formate, which was the main step in the WL pathway.