The study showed that (92.3%) of the women had normal nutrition status, while (44.9%) were undernourished. Average monthly income, decision-making autonomy, intra-household violence practice, history of any type of abortion, antenatal care follow-up, current pregnancy intention, any illness during the current pregnancy, substance use, food security and type of latrine possessed were factors associated with nutritional status. The reasons for normal and undernutrition might be due to study setup and MUAC cut-off points to categorize as normal or undernourished for their nutritional status. This finding is almost consistent with studies conducted in Wondo Genet District in Southern Ethiopia which was 9.2% (24) and, in Rwanda 8.2% (60) of pregnant women were undernourished.
The prevalence of undernutrition was lower than the finding from a cross-sectional study conducted in Gonder Town 14.4% (29), and an institutional-based study in the Gonder District16.2% (30), Gambella 28.6% (27), and rural eastern Ethiopia(61). The prevalence of undernutrition in present study was higher than the finding in Sudan 4.4% (31), and Uganda 6.4%(62). The possible reason for variation is might be due to a difference in study design, and, socio-economic status of women's' decision-making autonomy, and intra-household violence practices during pregnancy were associated with undernutrition status. The pregnant women whose household monthly income of 2001–2300 ETB per month were less likely to be normal in their nutritional status compared to ≤ 3001 ETB (AOR = 0.17, 95%CI: 0.04 to 0.77). This finding is in line with studies conducted in eastern Ethiopia (25), Gumay District, Jimma Zone, South West Ethiopia(12), and rural Bangladesh(14). The pregnant women having medium decision-making autonomy were less likely to be normal in their nutritional status than those with high decision-making autonomy (AOR = 0.25, 95%CI: 0.07 to 0.87). This finding is consistent with studies conducted in Gumay District, Jimma Zone, south-west Ethiopia(12) and, eastern Ethiopia (25), and the University of Gondar Hospital, Northwest Ethiopia (30). In addition, this finding was also consistent with the findings of cross-sectional household studies done in rural India which showed a statistically significant association of maternal autonomy with stunting(63). The above-indicated finding is also in agreement with other studies conducted in India that show a statistically significant association between maternal undernutrition and their autonomy at the household level. The pregnant women with no intra-household violence practice at home compared to those with intra-household violence practice are 13.04 times more likely to be normal in their nutritional status (AOR = 13.04, 95%CI: 5.82 to 29.19).
History of any type of abortion, gestational age, pregnancy intention of any illness during the current pregnancy, and substance use were among the reproductive, medical, and behavioural characteristics of women that were associated with nutritional status. Pregnant women with no history of any type of abortion compared to those with abortion were 3.42 times more likely to be normal in their nutritional status (AOR = 3.42, 95%CI: 0.97 to 11.98). Pregnant women with Gestational age of 25–28 weeks were increased likely hood of to be normal nutritional status by a factor of 5.5 than those who were > = 33 weeks GA (AOR = 5.51, 95%CI: 1.27 to 23.96). Concerning pregnant women, current pregnancy intention, those pregnant women who were not planned for pregnancy were less likely to be normal in their nutritional status than those with planned (AOR = 0.22, 95%CI: 0.09 to 0.52).Concerning pregnant women with history of any illness during current pregnancy, those pregnant woman who were ill were less likely to be normal in their nutritional status than those who were not ill (AOR = 0.37, 95%CI: 0.16 to 0.86). Our study also showed that pregnant women who used above one type of substance were less likely to be normal in their nutritional status than those who did not use the substance at all (AOR = 0.14, 95%CI: 0.05 to 0.37). The present findings are consistent with the findings of studies conducted in Gumay District, Jimma Zone, South West Ethiopia(12), Eastern Ethiopia (61), data from a systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis (64), and another study conducted on cigarette smoking, alcohol use and adverse pregnancy outcomes(65). In this study the household food security status was also another variable that showed a statistically significant association with pregnant women's nutritional status. Pregnant women with household food security status (HFIAS score), food-insecure pregnant women were less likely to be normal in their nutritional status than those who were food secure (AOR = 0.44, 95%CI: 0.21 to 0.94). This finding is consistent with the findings of studies conducted in the Tigray region(15), Jimma Zone, (12) Gambella (27), and Nepal(19).
Finally, pregnant women, ANC attendants, and households possessing improved latrines were health care and environmental factors of respondents that were associated with nutritional status, those pregnant women who were attending FANC at health facilities were increased likely hood of to be normal nutritional status by a factor of 6 than those who don’t attendance FANC (AOR = 5.95, 95%CI: 1.49 to 23.82).Pregnant women of households possessing improved type latrine less likely to have been normal nutritional status in comparison to those having unimproved latrine (AOR = 0.22, 95%CI: 0.05 to 0.90).
Conclusions: In this study, the prevalence of undernutrition among pregnant women was 7.7% and it is interpreted as low magnitude. Average family income of households of the respondents, decision making autonomy of pregnant women at household level, Using Substance, household food insecurity, household average monthly income, women decision making autonomy, intra-household violence practice during the current pregnancy, history of any type of abortion, gestational age, pregnancy intention, of any illness during current pregnancy and substance use, household food security status, pregnant women FANC attendant and household possessing improved type latrine were found to be independent predictors of pregnant mother nutritional status.