Study sites
Snow samples were collected from an area near the O’Higgins Base Station (Chile) located on the Isabel Riquelme Islet (63 ºS; 57º W) during the November and December 2019 (Fig. 1). Snow from four 2 x 2 m quadrats was sampled twice a week over a 35‑day period with a total of 46 samples.
Between the first and second sampling day, the snow of two sites melted completely, therefore the quadrats were moved closer to the snow-covered sites (see new coordinates in Supplementary Table 1). Because the progression of the snow algae blooms was unpredictable, two very light-green snow patches (Site 1 and 2) and two white snow patches were originally selected. The colors of the blooms changed during the experiment.
For the molecular analyses (metabarcoding and metagenomics), superficial snow (~2 cm) was sampled into two 1260 mL Whirl‑Pak bags (Nasco, WI, USA) using sterile gloves and a small metallic shovel.
Temperature of each snow sampling site was measured with a Handheld Conductivity Meter (Pro40, YSI, OH, USA). For the determination of the nutrients content (NH4+, NO2, NO3-, and PO4-3), superficial snow samples (0-3 cm) were collected in a 1260 mL Whirl‑Pak bag. Additionally, for the determination of the content DOC, snow samples were collected using sterile 50 mL centrifuge tubes (Falcon). After collection, snow samples were transported to the laboratory at O’Higgins Base Station for further processing.
Sample Processing
For molecular analysis, the snow was melted and filtered through 0.22 μm mixed cellulose esters membranes (47 mm, Millipore). Depending on the intensity of the algal blooms, different volumes were filtered. For clear white snow 1 L was filtered, while for colored snow, only 100-150 mL was filterable before the filter saturation. Finally, the filters were stored at -20 °C inside individual aluminum foil envelopes and transported in a dry shipper to the laboratory at the Universidad Austral de Chile (Valdivia). Here, samples were stored at -80 °C until further DNA extraction.
Environmental parameters
The concentrations of NH4+, NO3- and PO4-3 in snow samples were quantified using a portable photometer (9300 Kit, YSI Inc., Yellow Springs, OH, USA). This instrument measures the change of color when chemical reagents react with the sample, and whose intensity is proportional to the concentration of the parameter under test. Previously, samples were melted and filtered through 0.45 µm mixed cellulose esters membranes (47 mm, Millipore). Afterwards, the filtered liquid was added to the commercial kit used for quantifying the nutrients following the manufacturer instructions. All samples were measured within 24 h after collection. For the determination of DOC, samples were stored at -80 ºC and transported in a dry shipper to the Centro de Investigación en Ecosistemas de la Patagonia (CIEP) in Coyhaique for quantification using the combustion catalytic oxidation / NDIR (Non-Dispersive Infra-Red) method. The chlorophyll a concentration was determined in 5 ml aliquots of melted snow filtered onto Whatman GFF filters. The filters were kept frozen at −20 °C and transported to the Universidad Austral de Chile in Valdivia, until extraction in 90% ethanol at 75 °C, and spectrophotometric measurements (SFS, 1993). No acid correction for phaeophytin was made.Daily records of maximum and minimum temperatures, accumulated snow, and fresh snow at O’Higgins Antarctic Base during the study period, were obtained from the Dirección Meteorológica de Chile (
DNA extraction and metabarcoding
Total DNA from snow samples was extracted using the DNeasy PowerSoil Pro Kit (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany) following the instructions from the manufacturer. DNA was extracted from filtered samples thawed in ice and cut into small pieces with a sterile scalpel. Half of the filters were used for DNA extraction and the other half was kept at −20 °C as a backup. Negative controls using ultrapure water were included during the DNA extraction (one negative control each 23 samples). Finally, DNA quantification was performed using the Qubit® dsDNA HS Assay Kit and a Qubit 3.0 fluorometer (Thermo Fisher Sci., Waltham, MA, USA). Samples were normalized to a DNA concentration of 5 ng/μl.
Metabarcoding libraries of the 16S rRNA and 18S rRNA genes were generated at the AUSTRAL-omics core research facility of the Universidad Austral de Chile according to the procedure detailed previously in Soto et al. (2022). For multiplexing, three pools (with 16, 18, and 18 samples per pool) of equimolar DNA concentration of 16S rRNA amplicons were generated. Each pool included two negative controls, one of them consisting of an indexed PCR product using ultrapure water as template and the other one a negative control obtained during the DNA extraction. For the 18S rRNA amplicons, three pools (27, 20, and 5 samples per pool) were generated. Two negative controls were included in each pool.
In the case of bioinformatic analyses of 16S rRNA and 18S rRNA gene amplicons, they also were conducted as detailed in Soto et al. (2022). After filtering and chimera's removal, a total of 1,536,943 unique sequences for the 16S rRNA gene amplicon were obtained and 2,450 ASVs were identified after removing singletons, sequences that occurred in only one sample, and potential contaminants. With regards to the 18S rRNA gene amplicon, we obtained a total of 3,511,719 unique sequences and 500 ASVs were identified. The resulting sequences were used to construct rarefaction curves verifying the sampling depth for the analysis of bacterial and eukaryotic communities (Supplementary Fig. 1).
Inferring community assembly mechanisms
Sequences alignments were conducted under the ClustalW method using the R package msa (Bodenhofer et al., 2015). In addition, maximum-likelihood phylogenetic trees were constructed using FastTree 2.1.11 (Price et al., 2010).
Quantification of the relative influences of community assembly processes were assessed using the R package iCAMP, which is a phylogenetic bin-based null model framework (Ning et al., 2020). iCAMP divided taxa into different groups (bins) based on their phylogenetic relationships. Then, the process governing each bin is identified based on null model analysis of the phylogenetic diversity using beta Net Relatedness Index (βNRI), and taxonomic β‑diversities using modified Raup–Crick metric (RC). For each bin, the fraction of pairwise comparisons with βNRI < −1.96 is considered as the percentages of homogeneous selection, and βNRI > +1.96 as the percentages of heterogeneous selection (Stegen et al., 2015). Additionally, pairwise comparisons with |βNRI| ≤ 1.96 and RC < −0.95 are treated as the percentages of homogenizing dispersal, while those with RC > + 0.95 as dispersal limitation (Stegen et al., 2015). The remainders with |βNRI| ≤ 1.96 and |RC| ≤ 0.95, represent the percentages of drift, diversification, weak selection, and/or weak dispersal (Ning et al., 2020; Zhou and Ning, 2017). Finally, to estimate the relative importance of individual processes at the whole community level, the fractions of individual processes across all bins are weighted by the relative abundance of each bin.
In this study, results were summarized for each group of samples collected the same date, and then the succession of relative importance of each ecological process was compared between consecutive sampling dates. The significance of differences was based on bootstrapping (1000 replications).
Determining the potential for biotic interactions and metabolites exchange
SMETANA (Zelezniak et al., 2015) was used to assess the potential for biotic interactions and the exchange of metabolites between bacteria and algal species. For this analysis, we used Polaromonas, Pedobacter, Cryobacterium bacteria genome-scale metabolic models — previously generated in Soto et. al (2022) — and Chlamydomonas sp. ICE-L and Chlamydomonas sp. UWO 241 reconstructed genome-scale metabolic models that were generated using CarveMe (Machado et al., 2018).
Genome assemblies of Chlamydomonas sp. ICE-L (accession number PRJNA636631) (Zhang et al., 2020) and Chlamydomonas sp. UWO 241 (accession number PRJNA547753) (Kalra et al., 2020) were obtained from GenBank ® genetic sequence database at NCBI. Protein-coding sequences were predicted from both genomes assemblies using AUGUSTUS (Stanke and Morgenstern, 2005) and the genome of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii as the model training set for gene prediction.
Assuming a minimal medium, the SMETANA score was calculated to estimate the potential exchange of metabolites in the microbial snow algae community (Zelezniak et al., 2015). Only exchanged compounds with scores > 0.5 following SMETANA were included in this study, meaning that at least in 50% of the simulations those compounds were exchanged between bacterial and algal species.
Statistical Analysis
Rarefaction curves were generated using Vegan package under R v3.6.1 (Oksanen et al., 2007). In addition, Shannon-Wiener index and Chao 1 Richness was calculated and illustrated using the packages phyloseq (McMurdie and Holmes, 2013) and ggplot2 (Wickham, 2016). Non-parametrical Kruskal-Wallis test was used to compare diversity and richness values during the formation of the algae blooms, using sampling date as categorical variable.
Metabarcoding RDA were based on Hellinger distance (Legendre and Gallagher, 2001) which was calculated using the R package BiodiversityR (Kindt and Kindt, 2015) and the reads count of bacterial and eukaryotic ASVs. RDA models were constructed considering the concentration of NH4+, NO3-, PO4-3 and DOC as constraining variables and test the significance of each variable performing an ANOVA like permutation test for redundancy analysis (permutations = 999).
Correlation (Pearson correlation) matrices of bacterial genera against eukaryotes were computed and plotted using the Hmisc and corrplot R packages, respectively (Harrell Jr and Harrell Jr, 2019; Wei et al., 2017). For this analysis we used taxa that significantly contributed to the assembly of the microbial communities and were taxonomically assigned at genus level.
Finally, the figures were generated using the R packages ggplot2.