Recruitment occurred between September 2015 through April 2019. Forty-five stroke survivors (28 males and 17 females) met all eligibility criteria and were randomized in this parallel randomized controlled trial after baseline data collection to receive either treadmill robot training using the ankle robot (TMR) or treadmill training alone (TM). Inclusion criteria was as follows: (1) index stroke > 2months prior to enrollment with residual lower extremity hemiparesis including symptoms of foot-drop (2) clear indications of hemiparetic gait assessed by clinical observation; (3) completion of all conventional physical therapy; and (4) ability to walk on a treadmill with handrail support. Individuals with unstable angina, heart failure within the last 3 months, poorly controlled hypertension, a recent hospitalization for a severe medical condition, orthopedic or chronic pain, a history of orthopedic related gait problems or severe aphasia limiting informed consent were excluded from the study. All participants signed informed consent and underwent medical evaluations to establish eligibility.
Randomization was based on permuted blocks in two strata defined by baseline gait speed and the study statistician sent the computer-generated allocation to the study coordinator. Subjects were expected to participate 3-times weekly in their randomized 6-week gait training program. Recruitment and informed consent procedures were approved by the University of Maryland, Baltimore Institutional Review Board and the Baltimore Veterans Affairs Research and Development Committee.
Data Collection
Assessments were completed in the research lab by trained research staff blinded to randomization assignment at baseline, post training, 6-weeks post training and 3-months post training. Gait assessments were performed over two separate days and consisted of the Timed 10-Meter Walk Test (10MWT) [28], lower limb joint kinematic data collection and paretic leg force generation during OG walking. Three 10MWT were performed on the first visit using an instrumented gait mat (GAITRite®, CIR Systems, Havertown, Pa). to determine self-selected OG walking velocity with or without an assistive device as needed. Spatiotemporal outcomes of mean speed (cm/s), stride lengths (cm), cadence (steps/min), and relative times in paretic single support and double support (%-cycle) were collected. The speed for all the walking conditions were based upon this initial self-selected floor walking velocity. To minimize fatigue, participants had a two-day rest prior to returning for additional walking tests.
A robot-based evaluation was completed during this second visit. Participants practiced walking with the robot as needed to adapt to its weight prior to data collection. Neutral stance alignment of the lumbosacral (L5/S1) joint, bilateral anterior superior iliac spine, knee joint, ankle joint, and feet was measured and collected before the robot and non-robot wearing OG trials using Vicon Nexus motion analysis system. All kinematic variables were expressed with respect to this neutral stance or "zero" angle. Once captured, participants walked with and without the robot across a 7.3-meter-long walkway at their self-selected walking pace. Footswitches (Myopac Jr., Run Technologies, Mission Viego, CA) inside the shoes determined robotic timing of paretic foot initial contact and pre-swing termination during the gait cycle. The calculated OG velocity while wearing the robot was utilized to set the treadmill speed for both TMR and TM treadmill conditions. Additional robot-based ankle metrics and positional data were collected during seated unassisted ankle robot trials as described elsewhere [25].
On this second visit non-robotic assessments included paretic leg anterior–posterior (A-P) propulsive force generation in single-leg support during self-selected speeds over a force plate (data not presented here). Additionally, three-dimensional motion analysis calculations were generated during the walking trials based on retro-reflective markers on the anterior and posterior iliac spine, lateral mid-thigh, lateral mid-gastrocnemius, lateral aspect of the foot, and the toe and heel of each leg.
Interventions were initiated by matching treadmill gait training speeds with baseline assessments and were advanced with a performance-based progression over 18 sessions (3x/week; 6 weeks). Participants were supervised throughout training and encouraged to exert a work intensity effort between a range of “somewhat hard-to-hard” on the Borg Rating of Perceived Exertion Scale [29]. Each one-hour session included AFO use if needed for the TM group and removal of the AFO for the TMR robot-assisted training. An impedance-controlled ankle robot (Anklebot; Interactive Motion Technologies; Watertown, MA) actuated ankle dorsiflexion as described in the literature [30] during the TMR locomotor training. Robot assistance was individualized based on dorsiflexion ankle deficits, and pre-training spatial-temporal gait cycle values. The treadmills were all equipped with a body weight support harness for safety in the advent of loss of balance and the robot set-up included an adjustable shoulder strap to offset the robot’s weight and provide anti-gravity support during the swing phase of walking.
Data Analysis
The analysis was pre-specified and primary outcome variables were peak paretic DF swing angle, DF angle at foot strike, and gait velocity. The groups were compared with respect to these outcomes using a longitudinal regression model with the outcomes measured at four time points (baseline, post training, 6-weeks post training, and 3 months post training). The model allowed for different variances at each time point in each group, and an unstructured within-person correlation pattern [31] and was fit by restricted maximum likelihood. An advantage of this approach over repeated measures ANOVA is that it makes fewer assumptions about the variance structure, it allows for inclusion of those with missing data at some time points, and it implicitly imputes missing values. Due to the randomization, the model incorporated the assumption that the groups were equivalent in expectation at baseline.
The primary analysis was based on the principle of intention to treat (ITT). However, since some of the participants did not contribute any data (baseline or follow-up) for the primary outcomes, these participants were not included in the primary analysis, making this a modified ITT analysis. In a secondary analysis, we compared groups defined by the treatment they actually received. In this “as treated” (AT) analysis, we excluded those who did not participate in at least 6 exercise sessions and we crossed one patient over who had been randomized to receive TM, but actually received TMR. The minimum number of sessions was based on motor learning profiles of the unassisted peak paretic swing angle across 18 training sessions by Forrester et al. where at least 6 session were required for subjects to attain 80% of their steady-state post-training value [27]. Additionally, in an exploratory analysis, we restricted the analysis to those who satisfied a biomechanical definition of foot drop This included those with a negative paretic peak DF swing angle on their baseline OG Vicon gait assessment. Eight subjects (6 randomized to TMR; 2 randomized to TM) met this definition. Biomechanical foot drop was defined as peak DF swing angle less than 0⁰ at swing phase of gait.