Gdap1 WT and Gdap1–/– iPSCs show similar potential for differentiation to mature MTNs
To facilitate the identification of MTNs in our studies we generated reporter iPSC lines by introducing EGFP under the control of the Mnx1 (also known as Hb9) promoter [29] in Gdap1WT and Gdap1–/– iPSCs [30]. MTN differentiation was induced by retinoic acid (RA) and Smoothened agonist (SAG) stimulation for 1 week (Fig. 1A) [29, 31]. On day (d) 5, we detected EGFP expression and, on d7, embryoid bodies (EBs) were enzymatically disaggregated and cells plated in monolayer (Fig. 1B).
Differentiation efficiency was quantified by quantitative RT-PCR (qPCR), flow cytometry and immunofluorescence. On d7, EGFP fluorescent signal (Fig. 1B, middle panels) and Mnx1 gene expression (Fig. S1A) increased similarly in both genotypes. Importantly, EGFP-positive cells displayed HB9 nuclear staining by immunofluorescence, validating the pMnx1-EGFP reporter (Fig. 1B, lower panels).
We assessed differentiation efficiency by flow cytometry at d7 and found 16% and 19% of EGFP-positive cells in Gdap1WT and Gdap1–/– cultures, respectively (Fig. S1B). At d9, cultures were analyzed by confocal microscopy, and the percentage of EGFP-positive cells was approximately 25% in both genotypes (Fig. 1B, green bars). At this timepoint, over 60% of EGFP-positive cells co-expressed the neuronal β-tubulin III (Tubb3) (Fig. 1B, black bars) and the neuronal polarization Ankyrin G (Ankg) markers (Fig. 1C) in both genotypes. Importantly, we detected Gdap1 protein expression in Gdap1WT cultures at 7 of differentiation while it was absent in Gdap1–/– cells (Fig. S1C).
Gdap1 –/– MTNs have an abnormal cellular phenotype
To assess MTN viability, 7-day-old EBs were disaggregated and plated at identical densities (Fig. 2A). From the next day onwards, EGFP-positive cells were manually counted for 2 weeks and compared to d8 (100%). While the percentage of EGFP-positive cells decreased over time in both genotypes, the rate of reduction in Gdap1–/– cultures was increased, with no EGFP-positive cells beyond d20 (Fig. 2A,2B). To evaluate possible paracrine signaling defects on survival, twice as many Gdap1–/– cells were seeded relative to controls (Fig. S2A-B), however this did not change the viability curve. Neurite development of MTNs increased rapidly following plating in wild-type controls (Fig. 2C). In contrast, while neurite development initially increased in Gdap1–/– MTNs, the emergence of neuronal projections stopped at 16 hours post-plating and sharply decreased at 24 hours (Fig. 2C).
Gdap1 –/– MTNs show an altered mitochondrial functionality
As GDAP1 is a protein involved in mitochondrial dynamics [8, 32], we investigated whether this process was altered in Gdap1–/– iPSC-derived MTNs. Mitochondrial morphology (fragmented, tubular, or mixed) in EGFP-positive MTN somas was assessed by microscopy using Tom20 as a marker for these organelles (Fig. 3A). MTNs of both genotypes displayed mostly fragmented mitochondria. However, Gdap1–/– cultures displayed a reduction in cells with tubular mitochondrial morphology, and an increase in those with mixed or fragmented mitochondria (Fig. 3A, middle panels and left graph). The changes in mitochondrial morphology were associated with increased autophagy and mitophagy, assessed by autophagosome Lc3b staining, and Pearson Correlation Coefficient (PCC) of Tom20 and Lc3b colocalization, respectively (Fig. 3A, right panels, and middle and right graphs). However, no significant differences were observed between genotypes in either mitochondrial mass, measured by immunoblotting for Tom20 (Fig. S3A), or in levels of the machinery governing mitochondrial dynamics in these organelles (Fig. S3B), in agreement with our previous observations in somatic and pluripotent stem cells [30, 33].
We next measured mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP) and mitochondrial superoxide anion, using TMRM and MitoSOX fluorescent probes, respectively. Gdap1–/– MTNs showed a significant increase of both signals at d7, measured by flow cytometry, and at d8, determined by confocal microscopy (Fig. 3B-E).
Gdap1 –/– cells differentiated into MTNs display an altered metabolic profile
Oxygen consumption (OCR) and extracellular acidification (ECAR) rates were measured as proxies of oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) and glycolysis, respectively. Data analysis showed higher OCR in Gdap1–/– cells compared to controls (Fig. 4A), while glycolysis and glycolytic capacity were considerably lower in Gdap1–/– cultures (Fig. 4B).
To further investigate these metabolic differences, the major metabolic enzymes involved in OXPHOS or glycolysis were analyzed by immunoblotting. Atp5b subunit (complex V), Hk2 and Ldh enzyme expression decreased in Gdap1–/– cultures (Fig. 5A, B). Interestingly, changes in hexokinase genes may participate in development of some CMT subtypes [34–36]. To rule out the possibility that Hk2 downregulation was an initial genetic defect in Gdap1–/– iPSCs, expression of Hk1, Hk2 and Gdap1 proteins was measured in undifferentiated iPSCs or during their differentiation into MTNs by immunoblotting (Fig. 5C). While kinetics of Hk1 expression was similar in both genotypes, expression of Hk2 readily declined at d7 of differentiation in Gdap1–/– cells (Fig. 5C), when Gdap1 expression is first detected (Fig. S1C).
Gdap1 –/– cells differentiated into MTNs show an increase of innate immune response markers and activated p38 MAPK
Gene ontology analysis of our previously published transcriptome data [30] revealed that Gdap1–/– MEFs displayed marked upregulation of genes associated with innate immune response (Fig. 6A). In agreement with the observed oxidative stress increase in Gdap1–/– MTNs (Fig. 3B-E), the analysis also showed a drastic activation of markers associated with the cellular response against ROS (Fig. 6A).
Next, gene expression of these markers was analyzed during MTN differentiation (Fig. 6B). Gdap1-null cells displayed an upregulation of factors induced by the activation of the innate immune response both at the EB stage (d6 of differentiation; Il6, and Cxcl10) and after seeding, at d8 (Dhx58, Ddx58, Isg15, Ifit1 and Irf7) and d10 (Dxd58, Ifih1, Ddx58, Il6, Cxcl10, Ifi44, Isg15, Ifit1 and Irf7).
A relationship between ROS, innate immune response and MAPK activation does exist [37–39]. Activation of Jnk1/2 and Erk1/2 MAPKs was observed in both genotypes during early differentiation (Fig. 7). In wild-type controls, p38α MAPK underwent a mild activation (around 1.5-fold) during differentiation. However, phosphorylation of this MAPK increased by more than 3-fold in Gdap1-null cultures at d3. At d7, the increased activation of p38α remained evident in Gdap1-null relative to control cultures (Fig. 7, right-most graph).