Geographic features of Oita Prefecture. Oita Prefecture is located on the northeast side of the coastal area of Kyushu Island. Oita Prefecture has a population of 1,124,983 (October 1, 2020) and a geographic area of 6,340 km2. Oita faces the seaside and is surrounded by mountains. It consists of 18 municipalities, including Oita City. Oita City, the capital of Oita Prefecture, is located in the east center of Oita Prefecture of the coastal area, with a population of approximately 470,000 in 2020, accounting for 40% of the prefecture's population. The population of Oita Prefecture had been steadily decreasing year by year. Children aged < 15 years and older individuals aged > 65 years account for 12.1% and 33.3% of the population, respectively. The corresponding numbers of the national average in Japan are 11.9% and 28.6%, respectively. Therefore, Oita Prefecture appears a roughly 1/100 scaled-down version of Japanese society.
Study population. The patients newly diagnosed with T1D, who were < 15 years of age and living in Oita Prefecture, were enrolled in this study from January 1999 to December 2021. Those who moved out from Oita Prefecture were excluded from this study.
Three strategies of data collection methods were prepared for this study. First, clinical information of newly diagnosed patients with T1D was searched from the medical records in three core hospitals: Oita University Hospital, Oita Prefectural Hospital, and National Hospital Organization Nishi-Beppu National Hospital. Second, the pediatricians in all domestic hospitals were directly asked regarding inpatient facilities for children in Oita Prefecture as follows: National Hospital Organization Nishi-Beppu Hospital, Nakatsu Municipal Hospital, Kunisaki Municipal Hospital, Bungo-Ono Municipal Hospital, Saiseikai Hita Hospital, and Tsurumi Hospital. Third, the patients were confirmed by the T1D registered in the MAPChD database. The MAPChD records in Oita Prefecture are separately stored under the management of two government offices; the Oita City Government for Oita City citizens and the Oita Prefecture for citizens of all cities and towns, except for Oita City. Since the Oita City data before 1999 and those of Oita Prefecture before 2009 were not stored, we used the Oita City data from 2000 to 2021 and those of Oita Prefecture from 2010 to 2021. The population statistics in Oita Prefecture were referred from the database of vital statistics in Oita Prefecture (
Longitudinal epidemiological data of viral infections in Oita Prefecture. The annual occurrence of 27 types of infectious diseases, including rhinovirus, parechovirus, enterovirus, parainfluenza virus, mumps virus, adenovirus, and herpes family viruses has been investigated > 20 years in Oita Prefecture. The samples of nasopharyngeal swab fluid, feces, cerebrospinal fluid, or blood were submitted to the Oita Prefectural Research Center for Sanitation and Environment at approximately 10 fix-point medical institutions in Oita Prefecture. The epidemiological data report of viral infections in Oita Prefecture has been annually published by the Oita Prefectural Research Center for Sanitation and Environment and is available on the website (
Statistical analysis. Incidence rates were calculated by dividing the numbers of registered children by annual population estimates in Oita Prefecture, Japan. Similarly, the T1D incidence by municipality was measured by dividing the number of registered children in the municipality. Estimates of rates increase were obtained using a mixed effects Poisson regression model with age and sex as fixed effects. Time trends of age-standardized rates and annual percent change and P-values were estimated by Joinpoint analysis (Joinpoint Regression Program, Version 4.9.; Statistical Research and Applications Branch, National Cancer Institute, US). To calculate rates, the denominator values (i.e., number of boys and girls aged < 15 years) were obtained from the Japanese Model Population. Subgroup analyses were performed according to sex and age group (0–4, 5–9, and 10–14 years) in patients with T1D. The 95% CI were also calculated for proportions. All other calculations were performed using the R version 3.5.2 (R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria []). Rates are given per 100,000 person/year. The significance level was set at 5% for two-sided tests.
The cohort is not processed when some of their records have zero counts. We aggregated the data by combining the years to eliminate the zero values according to the software operation manual. We combined the data in the smallest units. In the as-group analysis by age and sex, data binding was required up to every 5 years. Therefore, the data for 23 years was obtained, but the analysis by age and sex was for the first 20 years.
Ethics Approval Statement
The study was done in accordance with the Helsinki Declaration, 2004, and performed in accordance with all relevant guidelines and regulations. This study was approved by the ethics committee of Oita University Hospital, Oita, Japan (No. 2118). The study information was disclosed on the website ( Informed consent was obtained by an opt-out method. Patients who declared to opt out of the study excluded from this study.