In hemostasis research the novel platform assays for the diagnosis of hemostatic disorders were limited. In 2005, an in vitro test cascade was constructed for assessing the immune response stability of nanomaterial and devices for hemostatic evaluations. [1] The hemostasis biomarker sequence was substantiated on 400 different nanotechnology devices, some of them not confined to liposomes, emulsified, nanostructured lipid carriers, and colloidal metals, but instead metal oxides, nano-tubes, fullerenes, and polymeric nanotechnology were considered for use in assessing hemostatic disorders. A few assays were conducted using either conventional anticoagulants or hirudins to protect the blood clotting of the healthy donated blood used in such lab tests. Earlier, a novel system for measuring hemostasis in whole blood that used T2 magnetic resonance was described (T2MR) [2]. One such technique uses limited blood volume (35 lL), is essentially simple since platelets are not really separated, and produces results in minutes. Adhesion strength, bacteria–host interaction, and healing are all critical aspects of fibronectin. In some studies, lower serum fibronectin levels are proposed as a possible disease risk for the forming of antiPF4/heparin antibodies and the development of professional HIT. Then, fibronectin suppressed the capabilities of HIT immunoglobulin to implement platelets through a variety of methods, which would include inhibition of PF4 and PF4/heparin complex formation on extracted platelets, complex disruption down regulation of antibody high affinity for PF4/heparin complexes, and decreased expression of anti-PF4/heparin antibody-induced immune activation. Furthermore, the International Society on Thrombosis and Hemostasis/Scientific and Standardization Committee ordering processes flow cytometer as more than just a method for processing when compared with routine diagnostic disorders, but it is shown to be preferred to light transmission aggregometry throughout the diagnosis and treatment of platelet activity dysfunction. [5, 6] Platelet granule identifiers, including P-selectin, are even used in the flow cytometer testing of mild routine diagnostic disorders, but involve platelet stimulation prior to the analysis. The fluorescence functionalized subset, something that joins receptor nuclei, is often used to determine the density of platelets. Several researchers have discovered reduced mepacrine fluorescence in patients with storage pool disorder (SPD) [7.8], and it is proposed to be included in such a screening methodology for routine diagnostic disorders. All the same, when ongoing fluorescent records are appealing, their success in a real-world medical setting remains to be seen, especially in comparison to routine SPD screening procedures. [9, 10] Natural resources abound in the oceans. Moreover, many marine products are derived from naturally occurring active components with specific properties, also including marine-appropriate peptides, which would be a critical feature of aquatic active ingredient analysis. According to some findings, marine active peptides have anti-microbial, hemostatic, and wound healing functions [11–13]. Oyster peptides (OP) are active substances found in marine organisms that include antiseptic peptides and angiotensin I, in order to convert enzyme inhibitor peptides and antioxidant peptides [14, 15]. In studies, it has been shown to have exceptional biological properties, including antibacterial, antioxidant, hypoglycemic, anti-aging, and anti-tumor activity [16, 17]. OP too has typical physical and chemical properties, such as various compositions, ease of adaptation, and non-toxic and non-harmful properties [14, 15]. Besides that, because of their readily available nutrition and poor bio stability, they are exposed to microorganism invasion, resulting in the loss of biological processes [18]. Platelet abnormalities should always be monitored in order to diagnose mild bleeding disorders (MBDs), which are characterized by grossly disproportionate bleeding after trauma, menorrhagia, severe and frequent mucocutaneous hemorrhage, and easy bruising [19, 20]. Although this technique has been used in diagnostic laboratories for more than four decades, it still lacks sensitivity for mild platelet function defects (PFDs) and does not predict the risk of bleeding health problems in patients with certain clinical diagnostic defects [21–26].The difficulties of transmission aggregometry may include poor standardization, but besides existing guidelines, the need for a large amount of fresh blood, the realization that it is periodical and time-consuming, and that it is not applicable for analyzing platelet count [27–32]. As a result, alternative techniques for measuring platelet aggregation have just been developed, but despite potential advantages, neither of these techniques raced with LTA in terms of bleeding diagnostics [33]. Alternative methods for providing additional data about mild platelet function defects are desperately needed. The whole normal platelet initiation test (WB-PACT), developed by Shattil et al. [34], is a flow cytometric approach that enables platelets to just be stimulated with various agonists and platelet stimulation to be quantified using different kinds of activation markers such as granule official launch, glycoprotein activation, and phospholipid expression. Because many research laboratories do not have both aggregometry and flow cytometer capabilities, records based on the agreed methodologies are as previously published [35, 36]. Using synthetic and natural polymers such as chitosan, electro spinning allows us to create three-dimensional porous and fibrous materials [37]. This method is used in biomedicine and tissue engineering in conjunction with 3D printing [38]. While the extracellular matrix is modeled by electrode position scaffolds for rapid cell proliferation and tissue regeneration [39], early literature has shown that electro-spun chitosan membranes have high blood clot-forming activity as well as biocompatibility. Furthermore, the composition of hydrogen bonds formed after chitosan dissolves in an acid solution complicates the spinning process, limiting the use of pure chitosan [40].Extra added polymers, like caprolactone (PCL), polyvinyl alcohol (PVA), or polyethylene oxide (PEO), are now used to improve chitosan spinning, reduce conductivity, or produce thinner fibers [41]. The best way to stabilize the chitosan electroprocessing route would have been to add PEO, a water-soluble synthetic polymer with good biocompatibility and low toxicity [42]. In a previous study, PEO was used, which binds to chitosan via hydrogen bonds, lowering the viscosity and interfacial of the chitosan solution. The purpose of the present review study would be to make a comparison between several assays for assessing the novel hemostatic techniques used in the diagnosis of coagulation disturbance and to point out the most advantageous and disadvantageous aspects of each method as a predictor of morbidity and mortality to determine hemostatic efficacy as well as biological safety.