This single-site randomized open-label parallel trial was approved by the research ethics committee of Hospital Clínic de Barcelona (file number HCB/2016/0781) and registered at (NCT02988804) on December 9, 2016. A data analysis and statistical plan was written and posted on and in the institutional review board (research ethics committee of Hospital Clínic de Barcelona) files before data were accessed. The study was performed according to the Declaration of Helsinki Criteria, and this manuscript adheres to the CONSORT guidelines. Patients provided written informed consent and were randomly allocated to one of two study groups.
Adult patients undergoing elective endoscopic endonasal transsphenoidal pituitary surgery were recruited from February 2017 until September 2019. We applied the following exclusion criteria before randomization: anticipated difficult airway (severe acromegaly, limited mouth opening) or unexpected Cormack–Lehane grade IV detected during laryngoscopy, risk of bronchial aspiration (e.g., gastro-esophageal reflux disease or lower cranial nerve palsy), uncontrolled arterial hypertension during preoperative assessment, and contraindication for early emergence based on anesthetic criteria. Surgical complications (e.g., severe bleeding, surgical approach modification) after randomization but before extubation were also exclusion criteria.
Patient characteristics (age, body mass index, sex) and relevant aspects of past medical history were recorded. We also did a cough test during the preanesthetic evaluation.[13]
1.2.1 Anesthetic procedure
In the operating room, patients were premedicated with intravenous midazolam (1–2 mg). Standard monitoring consisted of electrocardiography, pulse oximetry, continuous arterial pressures (S/5; Datex Ohmeda, Helsinki, Finland), depth of anesthesia (bispectral index) (BIS Brain Monitoring System; Covidien, Mansfield, MA, USA), neuromuscular blockade (response to train-of-four stimulation), temperature and urine output, cerebral regional oxygen saturation (SrO2) (INVOS 5100C Cerebral/Somatic Oximeter; Minneapolis, MN, USA), and cardiac index (LiDCOplus™; LiDCO, London, UK). A transcranial Doppler ultrasound monitor (Intraview; Rimed, Singen, Germany) was fixed at the temporal window to monitor middle cerebral artery (MCA) flow velocity during induction and emergence.
General anesthesia was provided with an intravenous site-effect target-controlled infusions of 4 µg mL-1 propofol, 2 ƞg mL-1 remifentanil (Orchestra Infusion Workstation, Primea Base; Fresenius Vial, Bad Homburg v.d.H., Germany), and an intravenous perfusion of rocuronium. Propofol and remifentanil infusions were set to maintain the BIS index between 40 and 60. Rocuronium doses were given to maintain a response between T0 and T1 in train-of-four stimulation. After intravenous injection of 1.5 mg kg–1 of lidocaine, we performed direct laryngoscopy and orotracheal intubation with a reinforced ETT (Lo-Contour Oral/Nasal cuffed tracheal tube; Mallinckrodt, Covidien, Tullamore, Ireland) in all patients. Tube sizes were assessed by the anesthetist according to a patient’s sex and weight. We recorded the Cormack–Lehane grade, the number of intubation attempts, and the need for additional equipment (tube introducer, videolaryngoscope). The ventilator (Primus; Dräger Medical Hispania, Madrid, Spain) parameters were set to maintain normocapnia and a partial pressure of oxygen in arterial blood of 150–200 mm Hg. A pharyngeal tamponade was inserted to prevent the passage of blood to the stomach during surgery. One puff of xylometazoline 0.05% nasal spray was applied every 5 min for 1 hour before surgery in the ward.
During the surgical procedure, arterial blood pressure was kept low, at about 20% below a patient’s baseline but always with a MAP above 50 mm Hg; the SrO2 was kept above 50 and no lower than 20% below baseline. Antihypertensive agents (urapidil or clevidipine) were administered when needed, and the doses were recorded.
1.2.2 Randomization
At the end of surgery, with general anesthesia and muscle relaxation still in effect, we administered paracetamol (1 g) and ondansetron (4 mg) through the intravenous line and removed the pharyngeal tamponade.
The first author (P.H.) opened a sequentially numbered, sealed envelope with patient allocation to either the standard procedure (tracheal extubation, ETT group) or replacement of the tracheal tube with a Proseal LMA mask (Laryngeal Mask Co. Ltd., Le Rocher, Victoria, Mahe Seychelles) (LMA group) before emergence from anesthesia. We used a software-generated randomization list in a 1:1 ratio and unstratified blocks of four patients. The anesthetist was not blind to group assignment.
1.2.3 Study procedures
In the ETT group intravenous infusions of propofol, remifentanil and rocuronium were stopped and sugammadex (200 mg) was given to reverse the neuromuscular blockade. When the patient was breathing spontaneously and could follow simple commands, the tube was removed.
In the LMA group, after withdrawing the pharyngeal tamponade and aspirating pharyngeal secretions and with the patient still under general anesthesia, we inserted a size 4 or 5 LMA, according to the manufacturer’s recommendations, using a guided Bailey technique.[14–15] Specifically, the anesthetist first inserted a suction catheter 8–10 cm beyond the distal end of the drainage tube of the LMA to be used, and then inserted the mask behind the ETT, allowing the suction catheter to enter the esophagus and guiding the tip of the LMA into the correct position. After the cuff of the LMA was inflated to a pressure of 60 cm H2O according to a cuff manometer (VBM Medizintechnik GmbH. Sulz, Germany), the ETT cuff was deflated and the tube removed. Ventilation continued with the same parameters through the LMA. Intravenous infusions of propofol, remifentanil and rocuronium were then stopped and sugammadex (200 mg) was given. Gentle manual ventilator assistance was provided until the patient resumed spontaneous breathing and responded to simple commands. The LMA was then removed. Ondansetron to prevent nausea was continued in the postoperative period.
Hemodynamic variables (blood pressure, cardiac index, heart rate, SrO2, MCA flow velocity) were recorded at 8 moments: baseline: before anesthetic induction; end of surgery: before extubation (ETT group) or before ETT replacement (LMA group); and throughout emergence at 1, 5, 10, 15, 30, and 60 min after extubation or LMA removal. The last blood pressure and heart rate measurements were taken in the postoperative recovery room. Respiratory variables (including end-tidal carbon dioxide concentration) and arterial blood gases were recorded during mechanical ventilation.
We measured norepinephrine plasma concentrations with a radioimmunoassay kit (Noradrenalin RIA, IBL, Hamburg, Germany) before induction and 30 min after extubation. The normal norepinephrine concentration range in our laboratory is 136–364 pg mL− 1.
Any coughing episode during emergence was recorded. Postoperative events were recorded as follows: epistaxis and CSF leakage, defined as clinically important rhinorrhea diagnosed by the neurosurgeon and requiring repair of the fissure in the nasal cavity. The patients were expected to be discharged on the fourth postoperative day, and all were followed for one month after surgery.
1.2.4 Statistical analysis
The primary endpoint was postoperative MAP. We calculated that we would need 21 patients in each group to detect between-group differences of 10 mm Hg in MAP, assuming a standard deviation (SD) of 11 mm Hg, with a type-1 error of 5% and power of 80%.
Mean (SD) results and 95% confidence intervals (CI) were calculated for each group. The global estimated group effects and 95% CI adjusted to baseline were calculated for each variable. Longitudinal models were constructed, using the generalized estimating equation method to account for within-subject correlations over time by means of an unstructured correlation matrix. These models were used to analyze the effect of the intervention on MAP and the secondary endpoints (SrO2 and cough incidence) during emergence. The main independent factors were time from baseline (end of surgery) and study group (standard extubation vs extubation after prior placement of a LMA). To evaluate the statistical significance of differences at each data recording time, the model, including the time interaction by group, was run again for each dependent variable. Bonferroni correction of P values was used to adjust for multiplicity in time-by-time analyses.
Homogeneity of groups at baseline was tested. A post-hoc analysis was performed to compare the hypertensive patients to all the patients enrolled. All analyses were done with SPSS version 25 (IBM, Armonk, NY, USA), assuming the superiority of the intervention and a 2-tailed type I error of 5%.