Effect of HLS
To explore the effects of HLS on our solar cells and identify the best treatment conditions, we subjected CIGS solar cells on PI substrates to subsequent HLS treatments with progressively increased temperatures. The sample containing 15 cells was illuminated for 24h at 80°C in N2 ambient in open-circuit condition, after which JV characteristics were monitored 2 hours after the end of treatment, as well as several times during the following days. Then, the sample was subjected to a new HLS treatment at a more elevated temperature (90°C) and characterized similarly as previously. The procedure was repeated until reaching the final 120°C temperature. Figure 1 shows the evolution of VOC with time. Starting from about 725 mV, the VOC increases up to 740 mV shortly (2 hours) after the first annealing, before stabilization slightly above the initial value (730 mV). Subsequent annealings at progressively more elevated temperatures also evidence this dual behavior: an initial VOC increase metastable on the timescale of hours, followed by relaxation at an improved VOC value. The best performance was achieved after annealing at 110°C for 24h. JSC values are unchanged upon annealing. The FF may slightly vary by a few percent, however without a clear trend as different samples did exhibit opposite behaviors (not shown). The overall stability of JSC and FF upon annealing is in contrast with part of existing reports, as JSC degradation especially is often observed 7,8,16. Finally, treatment at 120°C leads to performance degradation due to saturation of VOC gain and a slight FF decrease (see Supplementary Information Figure SI.1).
Further, we conducted comparable experiments to probe various other parameters. A very similar behavior was observed for cells on polymer PI and soda-lime glass (SLG) substrates. The presence or absence of the MgF2 anti-reflective coating appears irrelevant, suggesting a mechanism internal to the device. Repeated identical HLS treatment does not bring further benefits compared to a single treatment. Finally, cells maintained in open circuit conditions during HLS treatment improve comparatively better as cells driven in MPP conditions.
Changes in VOC
In the next step, we investigated in-depth specific samples to reveal the nature of the changes induced during HLS treatment. Solar cells were processed from the same CIGS deposition run performed on both PI and SLG substrates. The cells were characterized before and after a unique 24 h HLS treatment at 110°C, identified previously as the optimum treatment condition. In the following, we show data of the sample on PI substrate whenever possible. For temperature-dependent measurements, we present the data of the SLG sample, due to technical reasons. The cells on PI and SLG substrates show very similar efficiencies and PV parameters, and almost identical behaviors for all investigated techniques.
The VOC evolution with time is shown in Figure 2(a). The VOC was stable for 2 months prior to HLS treatment, and increased by about 15 mV upon HLS, after which it remained stable on a timescale of months. JSC and FF only underwent weak changes upon HLS (see Supplementary Information Figure SI.1). External quantum efficiency (EQE) measurements exclude changes in absorber bandgap as well as in sub-bandgap absorption tail (see SI Figure SI.2(c,f)): the VOC improvement arise from higher external radiative efficiency and quasi Fermi level splitting (QFLS).
The internal QFLS potential energy limits the device VOC. In order to discriminate the contributions of both electrons and holes to the QFLS and device voltage, we performed photoluminescence continuous wave (PL-CW) and TRPL measurements on sample fragments after removal of the front electrode by acetic acid wet etching. Figure 2(b) shows power dependencies of PL-CW under around 1-sun equivalent excitation power. The PL intensity increases slightly less than a factor of 2 upon treatment, as reported in Figure 2(d), with a corresponding QFLS increase by about 20 meV, in good agreement with terminal VOC.
Figure 2(c) shows the TRPL decays at various excitation power levels. The absence of fast initial transient in the few first nanoseconds suggests a weak band bending. We observe two qualitative changes in the decays upon HLS: a strong increase in initial intensity (ΣA), and faster decays (τeff). As reported in Figure 2(d), the time-integrated intensity increases by about 20 meV, in very good agreement with both PL-CW and terminal VOC. Therefore, the data qualifies for further interpretation, based on 2-exponential fits (values in Supplementary Information Table SI.1). The pulse with fluence reported in Figure 2(d) generates about 1e11 – 2e12 cm-2 charges, yielding about 1e14 – 2e15 cm-3 charge density when redistributed within the about 1 µm deep bandgap minimum region (GGI gradient in Supplementary Information Figure SI.3), whereas the doping level is about 1e17 cm-3 (see C-V below). Therefore, TRPL measurements satisfy the low-injection condition, except for the highest power levels in "Before" state (with lower doping) for which we may approach high injection condition briefly after the pulse. In low injection condition, the radiative recombination rate is proportional to doping 25: we conclude that doping density increases by half an order of magnitude upon HLS. Absolute values for the doping density are presented below from C-V profiling. Upon HLS treatment, τeff decreases from about 250 down to about 120 ns. The QFLS increase due to doping density (about +40 meV) is partly counterbalanced by an increased recombination rate (about -20 meV).
The origin of τeff degradation deserves further discussion. The measurement conditions remain far from the radiative limit (external radiative efficiency is < 1%, see Table 1). With reasonable assumptions of deep traps, low injection conditions and not too dissimilar electron and hole lifetimes, Shockley-Read-Hall recombination is also independent of doping level. The deep defect assumption represents a worst-case scenario, because as will be presented below, the only identified signature possibly related to a defect becomes shallower upon HLS, thus becoming less detrimental if anything. Therefore, the decreased τeff value should not be a direct consequence of the increased doping level; but it could be caused by an increase in concentration of a defect also responsible for the doping increase. We cannot rule out a possible degradation in the top interface recombination rate, as plausible values in the range of S=1000 cm/s could limit the TRPL decays to the observed values 25.
The optical diode ideality factor extracted from the PL-CW power dependency is about 1.3, unchanged upon HLS. This similarity is in line with the almost unchanged device FF. The optical ideality factor is however significantly lower than the one extracted from J-V curves or suns-VOC data (which are also unchanged upon HLS at about 1.5-1.6). Literature hints that the optical ideality factor is limited to values above 1 by metastable defects in the absorber bulk 26,27, possibly the amphoteric VSe-VCu defect complex. We note that as the optical diode factor is unchanged upon HLS, the defect possibly responsible for the optical diode factor is unlikely to be also responsible for the decreased TRPL decay times after HLS treatment.
The doping level was estimated from C-V profiling, at room temperature (cell on PI substrate) and as a function of temperature (cell on SLG). Figure 3(a) displays the apparent doping density as a function of apparent depth, with symbols highlighting the 0 V value. The room-temperature behavior is very similar for both cells on SLG and PI substrates. Upon HLS, the apparent doping density increases dramatically by more than one order of magnitude, and the space-charge region width shrinks. However, the corresponding increase in QFLS (>60 meV) is not consistent with the electrical and optical data presented above. Figure 3(b) compares the built-in voltage Vbi, and device VOC (see Mott-Schottky data evaluation in Supplementary Information Figure SI.4). The voltage values agree reasonably well in the "After" state, especially near room temperature, but strongly differ in the "Before" state. We believe that before HLS treatment, the front interface induces a capacitance response that differs from the textbook behavior (e.g. via traps, dipole, etc.), resulting in unreliable apparent doping density (in addition to being hard to interpret due to charge injection and SCR thickness, see 28,29). By contrast, the Vbi value after HLS treatment is reasonable and therefore we accept the apparent doping density value of about 1e17 cm-3. Combined with our earlier TRPL analysis suggesting an increase in doping density by about half an order of magnitude, we conclude that the HLS treatment increases the effective doping density in the CIGS layer from about 3e16 up to 1e17 cm-3.
SIMS depth profiling was performed before and after HLS treatment to link the changes in optoelectrical properties to chemical composition. As visible in Figure 3(c), the apparent concentration inside the absorber of both Na and Rb increases by a factor of 2 to 3 upon HLS. The alkali concentrations at front and rear interfaces are within expectations. The increase in the bulk upon HLS is not related to the substrate as the same behavior is observed for samples on alkali-free PI (Figure 3(c)) and SLG (not shown) substrates. It is possible that alkali elements, initially located inside the Mo back contact acting as a reservoir, are released upon treatment into the CIGS layer. Alkali elements incorporate preferentially at the grain boundaries, with little direct impact on doping. However, optimized PDT conditions typically lead to saturation of the absorber bulk and ion exchange 30. We speculate that the HLS condition favors alkali incorporation along extended crystallographic defects as well as within grain interiors presumably for Na, where the impact on doping is enhanced. An alternative explanation is related to instrumentation artifacts, as modification in local alkali implantation, e.g. bulk versus grain boundaries or substitutional versus interstitial may affect matrix effects and therefore the detected signals. In summary, we believe the increase in doping density evidenced by TRPL and C-V methods originates from an increase in Na and Rb alkali concentrations in the bulk.
Other changes
We observe further changes upon treatment, delivering additional insights into the effect of HLS, although with unclear connection to the room-temperature PV performances. Figure 4(a) shows the temperature-dependent VOC of a cell on SLG substrate, for different illumination intensities. Extrapolation of the data points to T=0 K can be interpreted as the transition energy of the dominant recombination channel 31–33. In our case, the high-temperature data extrapolates to about 1.21 eV, very similarly both before and after treatment. This value roughly corresponds to the CIGS bandgap near the front interface, which is slightly higher than the bandgap minimum extracted from EQE (1.15 eV by derivative method; see Supplementary Information Figure SI.2(c)): near room temperature, we assume the dominant recombination mechanism to be a band-to-band transition. The low-temperature data extrapolate to lower values, especially so before HLS, suggesting a change in the dominant recombination mechanism to being defect-mediated. The energy difference of the intercepts for high and low temperature ranges, denoted EA in Figure 4(a), is interpreted as the defect energy to the nearest band. Its energy decreases from about 175 meV down to 115 meV upon HLS treatment, which in principle is favorable to the device performance.
C-f admittance spectroscopy measurements shown in Figure 4(b) reveal a similar signature. The spectra show a change in capacitance values in line with the C-V profiling discussed earlier, as well as a clear main step at low temperatures. Assuming a barrier/trap without temperature dependency, its characteristic energy decreases from about 219 meV down to 118 meV upon HLS. We note the similarities in values as compared to the activation energies derived from VOC-T data. Both before and after HLS, the step characteristics (activation energy & thermal prefactor) perfectly matches the so-called N1 signature as parametrized in Ref. 34, and therefore originate from the same feature. The interpretation of the N1 defect is notoriously ambiguous. We assume that the same feature is responsible for both the capacitance step and VOC-T behavior, and its energy is decreased upon HLS treatment. If assuming this feature is a defect, the SRH theory predicts that shallower defects have a lesser impact on recombination rate and device performances as compared to deep defects: HLS should improve the TRPL decay times, however, the opposite is observed experimentally. Therefore, and considering the insights of built-in voltage, we postulate that the admittance step and the VOC-T behaviors actually originate from a change in band alignment and a more favorable interface barrier after HLS, with unclear localization within the device.
Last, temperature-dependent dark and illuminated J-V measurements are shown in Figure 4(c), for three different temperatures. The slight VOC improvement upon HLS is visible. Decreasing temperature evidences a blocking behavior affecting dark and illuminated curves in a similar manner, suggesting a barrier for injection current. The behavior is slightly improved after HLS treatment (compare both 214K curves), hinting at an improvement in the band alignment upon HLS.
We now speculate on the possible role of the amphoteric metastable defect complex VCu-VSe, which is often invoked to explain the effects of LS and HLS. As a first hypothesis, we assume that the defect complex is responsible for the long-term increase in VOC and doping level, with relaxation time extending over several months. The electronic state b moving within the bandgap explains the reduced TRPL decays. The nature of the initial transient on the timescale of hours is unclear: Lany and Zunger indeed predicted a dependency of relaxation time on the doping level 19, but its value is predicted to vary only by one order of magnitude assuming the observed 3-fold change in doping level. The predicted value for relaxation time is also much shorter (see below). This first hypothesis also does not explain the higher long-term effectiveness of the treatment performed at higher temperatures. As a second line of thought, we hypothesize that the VCu-VSe defect complex is responsible for the initial VOC transient on the timescale of hours. This is in reasonable agreement with the different treatments shown in Figure 1, as a value of 100 s with 2.5e16 cm-3 net doping density predicted by Lany and Zunger 19. As observed, switching the amphoteric defect has a stronger effect on VOC when the base doping level is low (see Figure 1, experiments at 80°C or 90°C in comparison to 100°C or 110°C), because of the logarithmic dependency of VOC on net doping. The long-term increases in VOC and doping could be ascribed to the increase in Na and Rb alkali concentrations. The origin of the decreased TRPL lifetime upon HLS is less clear, and we tentatively linked it to the same mechanism responsible for the increased doping level. Considering the discussion above, we conclude that the VCu-VSe complex is probably responsible for the VOC transient behavior with a timescale of hours, while the long-term VOC increase arises from an alkali-induced increase in doping level. In the samples investigated, this mechanism involving alkali required exposure to temperatures of 100°C or above to be observable without ambiguity.
Champion device
Thanks to the benefits of the HLS treatment, we demonstrate a champion CIGS cell with 21.4% power conversion efficiency on flexible substrate, independently certified by Fraunhofer ISE. The JV and normalized EQE curves are shown in Figure 5. Table 1 details the PV parameters of the new champion cell together with the previous best 2. The absorber was grown on Mo-coated PI substrate with a composition of 0.40 GGI and 0.99 CGI, and about 3.3 µm thickness. The window layers consist of around 20 nm CdS, 65 nm ZnO, 110 nm ZnO:Al, and 105 nm MgF2 anti-reflective coating. A unique HLS treatment was applied at 110°C for 24 h. As compared to our best previous mark, the nearly 2-fold increase in external radiative efficiency (ERE) calculated according to Ref. 35 corresponds to an improvement of about 15 mV, confirming the VOC gain obtained with HLS treatment.
Table 1: PV characteristics of the champion cell on flexible PI substrate, as independently certified by Fraunhofer ISE. The previous best cell parameters are reported from reference 2. The external radiative efficiency (ERE) is computed according to reference 35.
VOC [mV]
JSC [mA cm-2]
FF [%]
Efficiency [%]
Area [cm2]
ERE [%]
Best cell on PI
746.7 ± 3.0
37.35 ± 0.60
76.69 ± 0.35
21.38 ± 0.36
0.5039 ± 0.0050
Previous best cell (2019 2)
734.4 ± 2.5
36.74 ± 0.70
77.17 ± 0.50
20.82 ± 0.42
0.5149 ± 0.0032
If the doping level of treated layers (about 1e17 cm-3) is close to the generally assumed optimum value for thin film p-n junction cells, further performance enhancement could be obtained upon reduction of the non-radiative recombination. We indeed observe a two-fold decrease in TRPL decay times, whose origin remains unclear. While our champion device is far from the radiative limit, retrieving the carrier lifetime before treatment would lead to a further 20 mV VOC boost. Further performance gains may also be obtained by improving the relatively low 76.7% FF value. A fit to the JV data of the champion cell yields an electrical ideality factor of about 1.6 (1.5 by JSC vs VOC method), significantly larger than the optical PL-CW 1.3 value. This difference in ideality factor translates into about 3% FF loss, which can be described generically as current transport losses, and may be improved by e.g. thinning the absorber and improving the interfaces. By contrast, the optical ideality factor value of 1.3 is limited by absorber quality, presumably defects 26,27 reducing the FF by another 3% as compared to the perfect 1.0 value.