The present meta-analysis investigated the neuroprotective effects of sex steroid hormones treatment in rodents suffering neonatal HI. Results suggested moderate to large size effects of hormone administration against morphological and cellular consequences of HI, while a small impact was observed on functional deficits. The analysis also indicated a high degree of heterogeneity among studies, suggesting that guidelines that address methodological aspects are required to reduce the risk of spurious findings.
During the developmental period, sex hormones are responsible to sculping sexually dimorphic neuronal structures and circuits, that determine behavioral responses to hormones and sensory stimuli at adulthood [2]. The functional role of sex hormones subserve unique effects on neurodevelopmental processes and hormone receptor expression dynamically changes over development. Structures such as the cerebral cortex display a high concentration of estrogen receptors at early postnatal period; however, there is a decline in the number of these receptors after 14 days [3]. Interestingly, some studies have indicated that exposure to sex hormones during critical periods of development causes irreversible changes on the animal’s brains and its subsequent sexual behavioral (e.g animals without typical mating stance). Unfortunately, data are controversial when comparisons with humans are performed [3] .
The influence of sex steroid involves mechanism such as epigenetic changes, neural pruning, apoptosis, myelination and dendritic spine remodeling, processes that present a organizational effect and lead to the maturation and remodeling of cerebral networks [2]. As the brain undergoes changes in structural and functional parameters, which are related to the action of circulating hormones [10], there is significant concern with regard to the impact of exposure to exogenous sex hormone administration during sensitive periods in neuronal development and their potential impact on brain and behavioral development. In addition, the responses of newborn animals to sex hormone treatment after HI insult is likely to be unique from other forms of HI treatment.
For example, progesterone and estradiol play important roles in the fetal-placental unit, CNS development, signaling activity and immune system [9, 61, 62]. and have shown an important effect as protective agents after cerebral ischemia in adults [61, 63]. These characteristics have led to a growing number of studies focusing on the analysis of their potential effects on mitigating HI-induced damage at the early stages of neurodevelopment, as shown in the Table 1. In contrast, a reduced number of studies evaluated the effectiveness of estetrol or testosterone as hormone therapy against neonatal HI. Estetrol is a natural estrogenic steroid synthesized exclusively during pregnancy by the fetal liver [64, 65]. Moreover, fetal levels of estetrol are higher in comparison with maternal levels, suggesting it as a safe and efficacious candidate for the treatment of early brain insults. In turn, testosterone is tied to the masculinization of neuronal morphology and behavioral responses [66] and testosterone administration before HI insult causes a detrimental effect in females, inducing an intrinsic vulnerability to brain injury [43]. Future research using testosterone would be useful to better understand the mechanism underlying dysmorphic outcomes at the early stages of neurodevelopment.
Although dose-response curves were not run for sex steroid hormones, progesterone was mainly used in a dose of 8mg/kg, agreeing with previous studies that indicated it as an optimal dose to induce beneficial effects after stroke [61, 67]. Nevertheless, a wider range of doses was used regarding other steroid hormones, which may be associated with the heterogeneity observed and making it difficult to compare individual protocols. Despite of not statistical significance, the observation of dose-response outcomes in studies evaluating different hormone concentrations suggest that high doses of sex hormone (e.g estrogen) are neeed to induce neuroprotective effects in newborn rats [4],being related with a dose-dependent pattern [5].
Although several models of HI have been developed in order to mimic the pathophysiological mechanisms observed in term and preterm infants after brain insults [5], the Rice-Vannucci model performed at postnatal day 7 was widely used between the articles included in the present analysis. Interestingly, no paper using this model induced HI insult at postnatal days 1 to 5 in rats in order to simulate a brain lesion in preterm babies, even though prematurity s a potential cause of neonatal HI in humans and the its current treatment – therapeutic hypothermia - shows adverse effects for neonates born preterm [68].. Some authors proposed the supplementation of estradiol and progesterone in preterm infants to maintain conditions similar to those found in the intrauterine milieu and reduce the risk of neurological complications [9]. However, physiological characteristics such as the presence of fetal zone steroids (only present in humans and higher primates, such as baboons) in the adrenal cortex is a limitation for the use of rodent models to investigate the role of sex steroids hormones in conditions as prematurity.
Furthermore, there is clear evidence that sex is an important factor to determine histological, molecular and functional responses to neonatal HI and experimental treatments [7]. In addition, newborns differ by sex in regard to placental growth and structure, physical characteristics and brain vulnerability to perinatal complications [69]. It is plausible that sex hormones treatment could have collateral off-target effects on brain development given differences in prenatal exposure to sex hormones associated with sexual differentiation of the fetus as well as their potential effects on SNC maturation and organization. Despite that, 50% of the papers enrolled in the present study included both sexes into the same analysis, which did not allow to determine differences between males and females, neither to evidence if hormone treatment could be an alternative intervention with a sex dysmorphic profile. Only five studies showed a comparison between sexes, fact that limit the statistical power of sex as a predictor of steroid hormones effect. Thus, sex differences related to steroid hormone treatment and outcomes following neonatal HI remain poorly understood. It is mandatory that future research with translational potential include sufficient numbers of both males and females in preclinical work to be able to analyse sex differences.
Experimental studies often use lesion volume as the main outcome evaluated after cerebral ischemia [70]. Results presented here showed that estradiol, progesterone, or its metabolite, allopregnanolone exert a moderate effect to reduce cerebral infarction size as compared to the control group. Interestingly, it has been reported that progesterone increases the incidence of stroke-related death [71]. This fact was not verified due to the low number of articles reporting the mortality rate after hormone treatment. Nevertheless, our data in favor of sex steroid hormones were also confirmed after influencer analysis and publication bias adjustment, and because of similarities with previous meta-analysis and systematic reviews using stroke models in adult rodents [70–72]. They are suggestive that morphological parameters, such as degree of brain damage, can benefit from steroid hormonal intervention after a neonatal hypoxic-ischemic insult.
Another interesting outcome to be evaluated is activation of cell death pathways. Apoptosis is one of the main mechanisms of cell death following neonatal HI and cysteine-aspartic proteases (caspases), Bax and DNA fragmentation staining techniques are important biomarkers of damage [75]. Several studies suggest that steroid hormones can modulate apoptotic pathways, inflammatory responses, mitochondrial dysfunction, blood-brain barrier disruption and neurogenesis [11, 12, 27, 62, 73, 74]. Findings presented here show a positive effect of sex steroid hormones for this parameter, which is in agreement with data reported in conditions such as TBI and stroke [70]. In addition, an enhancement of the expression of anti-apoptotic factors such as phosphorylated AKT, Bcl-2 and the number of intact cells was also observed. There is strong evidence showing an improvement in neuronal survival and neurogenesis after brain damage, especially when progesterone and estradiol were used [27, 76].
Neonatal hypoxic-ischemic insults also trigger an inflammatory response which results in microglia activation and increase of inflammatory mediators including interleukin-1β, tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFα) and nuclear factor kappa B (NF-κB) [77]. Progesterone is a well-known suppressor of the injury-induced inflammatory response [70], being the only hormone used to assess this parameter among the studies evaluated here. As expected, progesterone treatment showed a large size effect. On the other hand, some authors have reported estrogen also plays an important role in ischemic neuroprotection by down-regulating TNFα expression [78], which could be an interesting issue for further investigation. Altogether, it seems the neuroprotective role of steroid hormones in reducing infarct size is especially associated with the effect of progesterone and estradiol in modulating cell death and inflammatory pathways following neonatal HI. In addition, these findings highlight the need to further evaluate the effectiveness of steroid hormones in a temporal context, i.e., following injury progression for longer periods as well as evaluating different stages of brain development.
Animal stroke models have demonstrated that sex hormones play a pivotal role in the prognostic after brain insult [6]. A critical point in attempting to identify new therapeutic targets is to identify whether the treatment is rescuing the effects of HI or engaging separate neurodevelopmental processes that appear to be rescuing HI insult. To restate this, is the sex hormone treatment saving cells or merely enhancing cell growth and suppressing natural death of cells associated with neurodevelopmental pruning? Compiling the data presented here as well as evidence available in adult animals, it is clear that neurosteroids can modulated different points of the ischemic cascade reducing reactive gliosis, decreasing pro-inflammatory cytokines migration, promoting the activation of neuronal survival pathways, among others [7–9]. Therefore, it may be reasonable to suggest synergic neuroprotective effects, enhancing neurodevelopmental pathways and reducing HI-dependent damage.
In addition to these morphological and biochemical data, it is also worth mentioning brain damage caused by neonatal HI leads to long-term impairments in both motor and cognitive function [79]. Therefore, functional assessment should be considered in order to determine the efficacy of several treatments after brain insult [80, 81]. In addition, some divergences between histopathological results and behavioral outcomes have been reported, indicating that rodents submitted to HI models could present functional improvement without significant tissue preservation or vice-versa [72, 82]. Despite the relevance of functional responses, there are a dearth of studies including more exhaustive functional measures with regard to either short term or long-term outcomes. The estimation of neuroprotective effect of sex steroid hormones in the functional parameters was small or null, for cognitive and motor function, respectively. One possible explanation to that could be the methodological differences among studies, considering the test used or the variable reported, as well as the time point at which the measurement was performed. In this sense, this review highlights the relevance of further research including behavioral tests in order to confirm whether this result is a consequence of high heterogeneity among data or sex steroid hormones are protective under certain stages of the injury but are limited regarding functional prognosis. Therefore, the functional significance of sex steroid hormones treatment after neonatal HI remains to be clarified.
Treatment onset regarding the HI insult, as well as duration of hormone administration, were identified as relevant moderators of the effect of sex steroid hormones on neuronal survival and neuroinflammatory responses. Administration of steroid hormones immediately after HI insult (post-injury period) and during some days displayed more beneficial effects than hormone treatment prior to the injury and as a unique dose. These outcomes showed similarity with previous reports on stroke models [70, 72], suggesting that steroid hormones could be modulating cell death and inflammatory pathways at earlier stages of the insult. Thereby, further attention should be given to steroid hormones, particularly progesterone and estrogen since the encouraging therapeutic effects against neonatal brain insult would be of interest for translating it into pediatric clinical practice.
Concerning the quality of the studies, the papers analyzed here were classified with moderate and high scores. However, methodological limitations were identified in terms of description of the sample size calculation, randomization process and blinded assessment, agreeing with previous meta-analysis using animal models [37, 72]. The lack of relevant methodological information introduces bias and also influences the outcomes. From this perspective, the detailing of methodological procedures and protocols used in the studies should be encouraged.
The positive effects of sex steroid hormones shown here, estimated as a moderate effect size, point to the use neurosteroids as a promissory strategy against HI-induced brain damage. However, some limiting aspects should be taken into consideration. The analysis of funnel plot and Egger’s test evidenced the presence of publication bias in the studies included. Consequently, in some cases the benefits of sex steroid hormone on morphological and cellular outcomes following neonatal HI were overestimated. This may be related to the fact that only studies with available data could be included and consequently there was a small number of studies analyzed. Moreover, the inclusion of studies using different sex steroid hormones and the variability of protocols regarding hormone administration could impact the effect of hormonal treatment and the results should be interpretated with caution.