XRD Studies
The atomic structure of GPE was analyzed with the help of XRD. It shows the change in the crystalline nature of the samples due to the doping of salt[21]. The XRD spectrum of the pure PVA and PVA:AgBF4 wt% samples are shown in Fig. 1. The sharp peak at 19.41° and a small peak at 40.6° obtained in the crystalline plane (101) and (111) which is mentioned in the non-doped PVA film (100:00wt%)[22][23]. XRD spectrum of pure 100:00 wt% sample confirms the Quasi-crystalline behaviour of PVA[23]. This behaviour takes place from the molecular interaction with PVA through bonding of hydrogen atoms[20]. The intensity of sharp peak gets decreased for salt doped polymer. The diminish in the intensity denotes that crystallinity reduced and become amorphous due to the doping of salt, which defines the complexation of polymer and salt[24]. The doping of salt leads to the interaction of positive ions of the PVA hydroxyl group and weak interaction of negative ions leads to the amorphous nature of the sample[25]. Due to the increasing concentration of salt electrolyte gains ion concentration in the GPE and becomes amorphous, which gives enhancement in the divisional mobility of ions and gives rise in ionic conductivity of the polymer electrolyte[26].
From Fig. 1, the comparison of all the spectra with the pure spectrum has been shown with the miller indices of the peaks present in it. Here, the peak at 19.41° in the pure spectrum getting broad when salt doped with polymer and the intensity of the peak is getting reduced. For 60:40 wt% sample, the peak at 19.41° is becomes broad when compared to the other concentration samples and intensity of the peak is also small. It clarifies that the structure of the material changes from semi-crystalline structure to nearly amorphous structure. The crystallinity of the material is also calculated for the prepared materials from XRD spectra using Origin 8.5 software[27]. The following relation used to calculate the degree of Crystallinity of the material.
X = (A/a) × 100 ....(1)
Here, Xc represents the Crystallinity. Ac and At are the area of Crystalline peaks and area of the complete XRD spectrum[27]. The values of the degree of crystallinity for different concentration of samples has been given in Table.1. From the calculation of degree of crystallinity of the material, the crystallinity is getting reduced when the salt is doped with the polymer and it shows low crystallinity for 60:40 wt% sample, which confirms the complexation between polymer and salt.
Table 1
Degree of Crystallinity values of PVA:AgBF4 sample in different wt% compositions
PVA:AgBF4 (wt%)
Degree of Crystallinity (%)
FTIR was used to analyze the functional groups of the sample and used to confirm the Polymer:salt complexation[28]. Figure 2(a)., illustrates the FTIR spectra for pure PVA polymer films and the vibrational bands in the spectrum has been clearly identified. Figure 2(b)., shows combined FTIR spectra of PVA:AgBF4 (wt%) samples with various salt concentration. It shows that the peaks has been shifted and transmittance of the peak has been changed in the salt doped GPE. This change in the wavelength of the peak and transmittance of the peak has been clearly shown for each wt% samples in Table.2. Figure 2(a) shows a broad peak at 3270cm− 1 mentions O-H stretching, which is appeared due to hydroxyl group presents in the PVA[29]. The peaks from 2938 cm− 1 and 2910cm− 1 defines C-H bond of asymmetric and symmetric stretching vibrations[30]. A small peak presents at 1658cm− 1 defines the C = O stretching[30]. The peaks from 1414 cm− 1 and 1086 cm− 1 wavelengths identifies CH2 bending and C-O stretching[30]. When the salt doped to the polymer the peaks shifts has been achieved in the wavelength of the spectra and changes in the peak transmittance in the FTIR spectra has been taken place.
Table 2
Identification of peaks from the FTIR spectra of PVA:AgBF4
O-H Stretch
C-H sym stretch
C-H Asym stretch
C = O stretch
C-H bend
C-O stretch
From Table.2 it shows the wavelength and transmittance of peak present in the FTIR spectrum of different wt% samples. From the table, the O-H stretching peak of pure PVA (100:00 wt%) at 3275cm− 1 shifted to the wavelength 3291cm− 1 for salt doped GPE. This shift in the O-H stretching denotes the interaction of silver ions with the oxygen atom present in the hydroxyl group of PVA polymer[31]. From the other peaks there is a very small shift in the wavelength of the spectra, but change in transmittance of the peak has been taken place. From Fig. 3, it illustrates the possible modes of interaction between polymer and salt. In Fig. 3(a), it shows the molecular structure of PVA and in Fig. 3(b) molecular structure of AgBF4 and in Fig. 3(c) possible modes of interactions between PVA and AgBF4 has been shown. It shows the interaction of silver ions with the oxygen atom present in the hydroxyl group of polymer. From the FTIR analysis, we can conclude that, the Table.2, shows the wavelength of the peak present in the spectra which gets shifted for salt doped GPE confirms the complexation between polymer and salt. From Fig. 3, it illustrates the interaction of silver ion with the polymer chains. From Fig. 2, the graphs illustrates the peaks due to vibrational bands presents in the material and peak shifts for the salt doped GPE, which explains the complexation between polymer and salt.
Uv-vis Spectroscopy Studies:
To analyze the optical properties of the material, UV-Vis Spectroscopy analysis were studied. The optical band gap of the synthesized GPEs are analyzed[32]. Optical absorption analysis were used to investigate band structure of the synthesized GPE from the absorption spectrum[33]. At low wavelength, there is an abrupt rise in absorption is said to be absorption edge. The energy gap of the material is calculated by using UV-Visible absorption spectrum[32][33]. To calculate the absorption coefficient, the following equation was used.
α = 2.303 × (A/d) ....(2)
Here, A and d represents the absorption and thickness of the material[34].
From optical studies, it classifies the energy gap as direct and indirect band gap. The valence band when establish directly above the conduction band represents direct energy gap contains equivalent wave vector and it is vice versa in indirect band gap[32][35]. At close to the absorption edge, the Indirect and direct transitions of electrons occurs[32]. To determine the band gap of the material,
(αhν) = B(Hν-e) ….(3)
(αhν)1/2=B(hν-Eg)n ….(4)
Here, B is considered as constant which depends on structure of specimen, Eg relates energy band gap, h represents Planck’s constant ν is defined as the incident optical frequency and a denotes absorption coefficient. The estimation of absorption coefficient can be done by, (2.303. A)/t. Here, A is considered to be absorption and t is the thickness of the sample[36].
In the case of silver ion conducting polymer electrolyte, there is an absorption in the spectra which denotes the Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) peak[18]. This peak will form when the frequency of incident photon radiation is equal to the natural frequency of surface electrons oscillating against to the restoring force of positive nuclei[18]. The absorption spectra of PVA:AgBF4 (wt%) is shown in Fig. 4.(a). The Evaluation of Absorption coefficient from absorption spectra is shown in Fig. 4(b). and the graph of direct and indirect band gap is mentioned in Fig. 4(c). and 4(d). From Table.3 the Band gap of PVA and PVA:AgBF4 sample with different wt% samples has been shown. From the table it shows that when salt increases, band gap is decreasing. Due to the complexation between polymer and salt, changes in the band gap of the material were observed. Since the band gap is more than 3eV, it confirms that the charge carriers inside the GPE are ions[37].
Table 3
Band gap values calculated from UV-Visible spectra for PVA:AgBF4 samples
Sample Concentrations
Absorption Coefficient
α (eV)
Direct energy gap
Indirect energy gap (αhν)1/2(eV)
A.C. Impedance:
Ionic conductivity is an important parameter for the synthesized Gel Polymer Electrolyte, which is studied by AC Conductivity analysis[38]. Ionic conductivity could be effective in amorphous structured Polymer electrolyte[39]. Shujahadeen et.al studied Chitosan based silver ion conducting polymer electrolyte[40]. A.C Conductivity analysis studied for prepared GPEs using 3532-50 HIOKI-LCR HITESTER instrument. Using two stainless steel plates as electrodes the analysis were done in the range of AC frequency 1000Hz – 1MHz. The following equation helps to determine the ionic conductivity value.
σ = t/(Rb.A) ….(5)
Here, the term t denotes the thickness of the sample, Rb considered as bulk resistance and A mentions the surface area of the electrode[41][46]. The Cole-Cole/Nyquist plot has been shown in Fig. 5 with electrical equivalent circuit.
Figure 5.(a), (b) & (c) shows the Cole-Cole/Nyquist plots of PVA:AgBF4(wt%) samples (80:20wt%, 70:30wt% & 60:40wt%) and a simplified equivalent circuit has been drawn in each Cole-Cole/Nyquist plot. Cole-Cole plot/Nyquist plot which displays a semi-circular arc at highest frequency values and a linear peak in the lowest frequency values. The semicircular arc in the plot reflects the bulk resistance of the sample and the linear peak represents the capacitance of the material[42]. By the Eq. (5) ionic conductivity is calculated and found out that, 60:40wt% sample is having superior ionic mobility. Figure 5(a) shows Cole-Cole/Nyquist plot for 80:20wt% sample shows a semicircle which defines the bulk resistance of the sample and it is having less ionic conductivity. The Equivalent circuit shows a parallel combination of Resistance. Here, the Resistance represents the bulk resistance presents in the sample.[43]. In Fig. 5(b) and 5(c), it shows a peak after semicircle which mentions the ionic conductivity of the sample. In Fig. 5(c) the semicircle presents here is small when compared to 80:20wt% and 70:30wt% sample which shows that it has less resistance and more ionic conductivity. The equivalent circuit of Fig. 4(b) & (c) shows a parallel combination of resistance and capacitance and with a capacitance connected in series represents the capacitive behaviour of the material[43]. The conductivity of the different samples are calculated and shown in Table. 4. It shows the high ionic conductivity was found to be 1.28 × 10− 5 Scm− 1 achieved by 60:40 wt% sample.
According to the literature survey, the present work is compared with the literature work regarding AC ionic conductivity of silver ion conducting polymer electrolyte like PEO:AgNO3 and PEO:AgCF3SO3[44][45]., given in Table.5. It concludes that, the present work, (PVA:AgBF4) sample with 60:40wt% has good ionic conductivity and can be used for energy storage applications.
Table 4
A.C.Conductivity values of PVA:AgBF4 samples.
Conductivity (S.cm− 1)
2.37×10− 10
6.28×10− 6
4.83×10− 6
1.28×10− 5
Table 5
Ionic Conductivity of the present work compared with the Literature regarding silver ion conducting polymer electrolyte.
1.1 × 10− 6 S/cm
7.12 × 10− 7 S/cm
1.28 × 10− 5 S/cm
Present work
Dielectric Properties:
Dielectric properties were analyzed for the synthesized GPEs. The Dielectric constant(Ɛ') and Dielectric loss(Ɛ") of the material has been evaluated from the data of Cole-Cole/Nyquist plot and the graphs were plotted with respect to the frequency on X-axis. The evaluation of Ɛ' and Ɛ" is done by the following formulas,
Ɛ' = Z"/(ωC0(Z'2 + Z"2)) ….(6)
Ɛ" = Z'/(ωC0(Z'2 + Z"2)) ….(7)
Here, Ɛ' defined to be Dielectric Constant and Ɛ" Dielectric loss, Z' and Z" are real and imaginary part of impedance, C0 is vacuum capacitance of the measuring cell[47]. The graphs shown by, Fig. 6(a), (b) and (c) determines the Dielectric behavior of Dielectric Constant (Ɛ'), Loss (Ɛ") and Tangent loss (δ). In the highest frequency value a drop off in the Ɛ' and Ɛ" is taken place due to polarization phenomenon[47]. This occurrence is owing to inability of ions orientation in the field flow direction[48]. In the lowest frequency values the Dielectric constant and loss are high owing to the space charge effect in interface of electrode blocking effect along with dipole configuration by the applied field[49]. The value of dielectric constant increases in low frequency leads to high storage of dipoles electric charge[49]. The increase in the value of dielectric loss denotes energy loss due to reverse polarization with the phase change in the AC frequency[49]. In the highest frequency region, constant and loss values gets decreased owing to instant phase changes in AC field. Here dipoles in the GPEs are not capable to align itself in the high frequency[50]. In Fig. 6(c), Tangent loss was analyzed to examine the relaxation of dipoles in the prepared material[39]. It is analyzed by using the relation,
tan δ = Ɛ"/Ɛ' ….(8)
Relaxation behaviour is said to be short delay while the dipoles recover to its original state from polarized state[47]. Tan δ increases from the least frequency through increase in frequency, since the ohmic resistance was dominant than the dipole capacitance[51]. When frequency increases to high, tan δ diminishes, since ohmic portion becomes independent from the applied frequency and the reactance component raises[49]. The presence of maxima is observed only at a single frequency when the perfect matching between the frequency of electric field and frequency of molecules rotation occurs[52]. This resonance leads to the maximum power transfer to the dipole in the system[49]. From Fig. 6(c), the relaxation peaks shifts towards high frequency region which indicates the faster ion dynamics from one coordinating site to another due to a decrease of relaxation time[52]. Here, relaxation peak of 60:40wt% (PVA:AgBF4 wt%) sample shifts towards higher frequency than other samples is having faster ion dynamics from one coordinating site to another.
From Fig. 6(a) & (b) the Dielectric constant and Dielectric Loss increased for salt doped GPEs. It shows high dielectric constant for 60:40 wt% sample, which concludes that 60:40% wt% sample has good charge storage ability. From Fig. 6(c) the dielectric relaxation peak shifts towards high frequency region for salt doped GPEs and the shift is high for 60:40wt% sample. It confirms that 60:40wt% sample has faster ion dynamics from one co-ordinate to another.
Linear Sweep Voltammetry (Lsv):
Electrochemical stability of GPE is considered to be an essential part to study the maximum potential limits possibile to a cell[53]. To determine the electrolyte stability of the synthesized material Linear sweep Voltammetry (LSV) was studied[51]. LSV was analyzed to examine the stability of GPE acquires, which is defined as electrochemical operating window[54][55]. To execute LSV for prepared sample, SS/GPE/Ag cell was exploited at RT. In the Potential range between 0-4V the LSV has been accomplished. When the voltage reaches the cell, initially current is constant and a rapid rise in particular voltage occurred denotes the decomposition voltage of the electrolyte[56][57][58].
For silver ion conducting polymer electrolyte, LSV was reported for Chitosan:AgNO3:Al2O3:Glycerol for supercapacitor application[61]. The present work shows LSV graphs shown in the Fig. 7, shows the graph which is performed with the cell SS/GPE/Ag in 0-4V potential range with the scan rate of 50mV/s for high conductivity concentration of PVA:AgBF4 sample (60:40 wt%). It shows the breakdown voltage at 1.1V which shows that the material is stable up to 1.1V. For other concentrations, it does not show break down voltage, instead only a linear increase in current is occurred from 0V to 4V. So, it concludes that the GPE with 60:40wt% concentration only showing electrochemical stability voltage, which is up to 1.1V.
Cyclic Voltammetry Studies (Cv):
Cyclic Voltammetry studies were done for PVA:AgBF4(60:40 wt%) GPE by fabricating two different cells. The first cell SS/GPE/Ag and the second cell Ag/GPE/Zn have been fabricated and analysed by CV studies. In the first cell Stainless steel (SS-Stainless steel) plate has been used as cathode and silver (Ag-Silver) plate has been used as anode. The CV studied in 0-2V potential range with the scan rate of 50mV/s. Here, Fig. 8(a) represents Cyclic Voltammetry graph of PVA:AgBF4 sample with 60:40 wt% which is having high ionic conductivity. It is having admirable stability for first 10 cycles and again it is taken for 25 cycles and shows excellent cyclic stability for 25 cycles, which is shown in Fig. 8(b). Literature regarding PEO-PVP-NaNO3 and PEO-PMMA-LiBF4 reported for one cycle, which has been studied using stainless steel plates as electrodes[59][60].
The second cell Ag/PVA:AgBF4(60:40wt%)/Zn, CV studies has been analyzed and red-ox reaction of the cell was studied. According to the literature survey, CV analysis for Silver ionic conducting polymer electrolyte is mostly studied for supercapacitor applications. One of the report has been reported regarding chitosan based plasticized silver ion conducting polymer with AgNO3 as salt for supercapacitor application[61]. After that the performance of the prepared GPE as a battery is analyzed here using Cyclic Voltammetry. Here, Zn is the anode and Ag is the cathode. Silver-zinc electrode cell was first designed and continuously utilized as battery due to high energy density[62]. The most commonly used electrolyte for Ag-Zn battery is routine aqueous solution. Literature reports regarding PVA-KOH as electrolyte studied for Ag-Zn battery with addition of Zinc salt[63]. Here, Zn as anode and Ag as cathode is used to test the performance of the prepared silver ion conducting GPE as a battery and analysed the electrochemical reactions happening in the cell. CV is tested for this cell in the voltage range of 0–1V with the scan rate 10mV/s which showing a small oxidation and reduction peak. The scan was swept from 0V to 1V with the scan rate of 10mV/s. The CV graph achieved through cathodic and anodic scan and resulted as a duck shape graph. It confirms that the fabricated cell shows the electrochemical behaviour of battery. Here oxidation peak formed at nearly 0.9V and the reduction peak formed at 0.15V and the CV is showing a quasi-reversible graph[64][65]. This confirms that electrochemical reactions taken place in the cell and defines that the synthesized electrolyte material is opt for energy storage applications.