While several studies have examined the effects of quadriceps anatomy on force or torque expression, none have investigated the relationship between regional architecture and rapid torque expression at multiple joint angles. Our primary findings were that mid-region vastus lateralis FL, and mid-region rectus femoris MT were the strongest and most consistent predictors of the rate of torque development. When paired with previous findings, researchers should assess distal or mid vastus lateralis, mid rectus femoris MT and mid vastus lateralis FL to estimate the knee extensors' potential for both maximal and rapid torque expression.
A key finding of this study was the relatively high and consistent correlations between rectus femoris MT and RTD0 − 200 (√adjR2 = 0.27–0.51). This finding contrasts with previous work demonstrating that rectus femoris MT (√adjR2=-0.01-0.49) was a minor and inconsistent contributor to peak torque when compared to vastus lateralis MT (√adjR2 = 0.18–0.64) or FL (√adjR2 = 0.29–0.60)9. This discrepancy can most likely be explained by several factors. While all quadriceps muscles insert into the patella, the rectus femoris is oriented and attaches directly superior7. Therefore, the rectus femoris has the most direct line-of-pull of the superior quadriceps muscles7, potentially reducing the time required for measurable torque following contraction on-set. However, the rectus femoris is substantially smaller than the vastus lateralis, limiting its contribution to maximal knee extensor strength5,20,33,34.
Vastus lateralis FL being a top predictor of rapid torque expression is logical given the implication of sarcomeres-in-series to contraction velocity35, or more recently sarcomere resting length theories36. Though our hypothesis of distal vastus lateralis FL being a top predictor of RTD was not confirmed as mid-region FL had higher correlations at all three joint angles. It is difficult to determine why this is the case, especially as distal vastus lateralis FL was consistently the worst predictor of RTD on the FL measures. However, it is plausible that regional FL is representative of other regions of the same muscle. The mid-region of the vastus lateralis is also thicker than the proximal or distal regions and, therefore, likely has the greatest potential for maximal force and torque expression24. Given that maximal strength is a good predictor of rapid force and torque expression37, our finding is logical. This finding is also interesting as distal vastus lateralis FL had the greatest inter-participant variability.
No meaningful relationships between vastus lateralis PA and RTD0 − 200 were found (√adjR2=-0.23–0.32), regardless of region or joint angle. This finding, similar to our previous work examining peak torque9, is contrary to several studies examining maximal or rapid contractile performance8,10,33,38. However, our findings are similar to a recent study also examining knee extension kinetics that found small correlations between vastus lateralis PA and rate of force development over several epochs (r=-0.23–0.19)16. Though it is difficult to determine the reasons for these conflicting results, it has recently been suggested that assessing PA may lack functional significance due to a variety of factors, including its relationship to MT and FL, changes in PA based on joint position and muscle force, and concepts such as muscle gearing39.
Contrary to Coratella et al.,16 this study did not find large or consistent correlations between the RTD measure and vastus intermedius MT. The discrepancy between studies could be due to several factors. Firstly, Coratella et al.,16 utilized a relatively small sample of 17, whereas we examined 48 limbs across 24 individuals. Secondly, and similarly to Ando et al.,12 Coratella et al.16 was only concerned with knee extensor capabilities and muscle architecture on a single occasion, inviting additional uncertainty. Additionally, while our participants were well-trained (≥ 2 lower body resistance-training sessions per week for ≥ 6 months), the participants in the aforementioned studies were 'recreationally trained' and 'healthy', respectively. Therefore, training status may have affected the correlational results as the force or torque expression of the well-trained participants is likely more influenced by neural versus anatomical factors40. These differences in neural control would partially explain the generally weaker correlations in this present study as compared to those of Coratella et al.,16 though this could be due to other factors including the fact that Coratella and colleagues utilized a strain-gauge, whereas an isokinetic dynamometer was used in this study. Finally, while we, and other researchers, have utilized several strategies to maximize reliability, determined good inter-rater variability, it cannot be assumed that sonographers, are without substantive error.
Other researchers have determined that cross-sectional areas and muscle volume are stronger predictors of muscle function than MT25. Therefore, it could be recommended that the distal and middle quadriceps cross-sectional area be assessed via panoramic ultrasound to obtain a robust predictor of torque expression in only two scans. Additionally, a third scan examining mid-region vastus lateralis FL could be performed if predicting RTD potential is a priority.
Limitations and future research directions
While the aims of this study were achieved, there are several limitations to consider. Firstly, the use of surface or needle electromyography to determine individual muscle activation at different joint angles was not utilized; yet similar examinations have reported electromyography to have trivial to moderate correlations to isometric10,38 and cycling performance33, and/or contributed little to multiple regression models10,11,38. Similarly, we could only evaluate our participants' voluntary efforts, not the maximal potential of the quadriceps musculature through peripheral or transcranial stimulation techniques41,42. While the aforementioned strategy to maximize voluntary activation removes many limitations, the lack of joint angle order randomization may have led to the accumulation of non-trivial fatigue levels as contractions progressed from 40º to 100º of flexion. We used the greatest RTD outputs over the three collection sessions to partially address this.
Future research could include the knee joint moment arm, which can change through the range of motion10,43. Likewise, compression of the dynamometer padding means that the joint angles reported were likely overestimated and RTD was delayed. Researchers may also wish to scan the quadriceps in the same position as the isometric strength assessment to represent joint angle-specific architecture better. More experienced sonographers or different hardware could have consistently produced extended field-of-view rectus femoris and vastus intermedius FLs, allowing for further elucidation of the relationship between regional quadriceps anatomy and angle-specific torque. Likewise, sonographer error is an ever-present consideration, and this study is no exception. Analyzing the mean fascicle length over multiple regions may also result in interesting findings while diminishing the effect of sonographer error.
While several researchers have examined inhomogeneous morphological and architectural adaptations, very few have evaluated more than two regions of an individual muscle44. Therefore, we recommended that future investigations examine three or more regions to illuminate further the effect of training or disuse on region-specific muscle adaptations. Other advanced methods used as muscle volume assessments and high-density electromyography may unveil additional insights. The bi-articular structure and function of the rectus femoris should be further explored as it is the most commonly injured quadriceps muscle during accelerations and sprinting45, and may play a critical role in clinical populations46.