Ethics approval and consent to participate
Ethical approval was provided by the Institutional Review Board at the University of Pennsylvania and verbal informed consent was obtained from participants prior to all interviews. IRB approval number is 844971. All methods were performed in accordance with relevant guidelines (such as Declaration of Helsinki and Good Clinical Practice).
Consent for publication
Availability of data and materials
The datasets generated and/or analyzed during the current study are not publicly available due to the researchers not compiling or analyzing any datasets as part of this qualitative research, but additional information from the corresponding author is on reasonable request.
Competing interests
This work was supported primarily by a grant from the Patient Centered Outcomes Research Institute (COVID-2020C2-10830- Delgado, PI). The authors were also supported by the National Institutes of Health (Delgado - K23HD090272001, Chaiyachati - K08AG065444) and with a philanthropic grant from the Abramson Family Foundation (Delgado) during the study period.
Role of the Funding Source
The funding sources had no role in the design and conduct of the study; collection, management, analysis, and interpretation of the data; preparation, review, or approval of the manuscript; and decision to submit the manuscript for publication.
Authors' contributions
Conception and design: KHC, JAS, MW, MNN, MG, JR, SK, DLC, JEH, DAR, JE, KCL, ABF, ZFM, ASK, DAA, MKD, AUM
Analysis and interpretation of the data: KHC, JAS, MW, MNN, MG, JR< SK, DLC, ZB, RAX, CKS, MKD, AUM
Drafting of the article: KHC, JAS, AUM
Critical revision of the article for important intellectual content: KHC, JAS, MW, MNN, JR, ZB, JEH, DAR, JE, KCL, ZFM, ASK, DAA, MKD, AUM
Final approval of the article: KHC, JAS, MW, MNN, MG, JR, SK, DLC, ZB, JEH, DAR, JE, RAX, CKS, KCL, ABF, ZFM, ASK, DAA, MKD, AUM
Provision of study materials or patients: KHC, MG, JR, SK, DLC, JEH, DAR, AUM
Qualitative expertise: KHC, JAS, MW, MNN, AUM
Obtaining of funding: KHC, KCL, ABF, ZFM, ASK, DAA, MKD, AUM
Administrative, technical, or logistic support: MW, MNN, MG, JR, SK, DLC, ZB, JEH, DAR, MKD
Collection and assembly of data: MW, MNN, MG, JR, SK, DLC, ZB, JEH
The authors would thank P.J. Brennan, C. William Hanson III, Susan Day, Michael Y. Kopinsky, Roy Rosin, David Do, Christina J. O’Malley, Lauren Hahn, Nancy M. Mannion, Ann Marie Huffenberger, Susan McGinley, Mohan Balachandran, Neda Khan, Way to Health (Philadelphia, PA), the COVID Watch nursing and clinical team, Linda Grabner Travis, Vivian Williams, Cori Mclaughlin, Rebecca Pepe, Bill Marella and colleagues at HealthShare Exchange (Philadelphia, PA), and our patient and stakeholder advisory board: Jill Baren, Dennis Burroughs, Utibe R. Essien Brooke Feldman, Carlos Pascual Sanchez, and Janet Williams.
Dr. Asch is a partner at VAL Health, a behavioral economics consulting firm. Dr Chaiyachati reported receiving grant support from the National Cancer Institute, and Roundtrip, Inc; consultancy fees from Verily, Inc.; and nonfinancial support from RAND Corporation and Independence Blue Cross, Inc. that are outside of the submitted work. Dr. Friedman reported receiving grant support from Emergency Medicine Foundation, University of Pennsylvania, Public Interest Technology – University Network that are outside of the submitted work. Dr. Kilaru reported nonfinancial support from Independence Blue Cross, Inc. that is outside the submitted work.