This research work was designed to develop computer vision techniques for detection and classification of liver cancer by using image processing and neural network toolboxes in Matlab software in which the proposed methodology shown below in Fig. 1.
Image Acquisition
In this section only abdominal computed tomography (CT) images were focused on for image acquisition The data’s was collected from Black Lion Hospital in DICOM store in Addis Ababa. One slice in axial view per diagnosed patient from 128 slices of images that clearly shows liver was taken by the help of Radiologist.
Before segmentation process, erosion was used for data compression to remove unwanted background, using the “diamond” structure element with a ‘radius of 2’ as proposed by Sahoo et al., [9].Then filtering operation using a median filter was also performed to reduce noise present in it. The median filter used a neighborhood (kernel) of 5×5 pixels around the evaluated pixel and this value was obtained from the previous work of Malik et al., [10].
Liver Segmentation
the liver is both of highly variable shape and it displays low difference appearance compared to the neighboring organs, segmentation of the liver is a very difficult task because of two reasons; First, the liver is a soft organ, whose shape is highly dependent on the other organs in the abdomen. Moreover, many pathologies have a strong effect on the appearance and the shape of the liver. For instance, no edges are visible on many sides of the liver. In particular the differences in between the liver and the diaphragm or the stomach or the spleen are very small [11].
For this work, first the liver image was segmented from the enhanced abdominal CT image by using semi-automatic technique which involves in separating the unwanted part by a correct cut-off non-liver region without losing pixels that belong to the liver.
Texture Feature Extraction
After segmentation of liver from abdominal CT image, texture features were designed to extract nine texture features. Texture analysis was comprising by two stages: image filtration, followed by quantification of texture. It is more efficient to employ the filter in the frequency domain, as convolution of the filter mask and the image in the spatial domain is equivalent to multiplication of the Fourier transforms of the filter mask and the image in the frequency domain.Texture features were quantified as mean, variance, standard deviation, range, contrast, energy, homogeneity, correlation and entropy.
To obtain textural features, co-occurrence matrix adopted first. The co-occurrence matrix method of texture description based on the repeated occurrence of gray level configuration in the texture. An occurrence of a gray level configuration described by a matrix of relative frequencies Pθ,d (i,j), giving how frequently two pixels with gray levels appear in the window separated by a distance d in direction θ and these matrices are symmetric, pθ,d = Pθ,d (i,j).The GLCMs are normalized by dividing each entry of the matrices by the total number of pairs as follows:
p(i,j) = P (i,j) /n (3.1)
Where, p(i,j) is the normalized GLCM and
P (i,j) - is the un-normalized GLCM and n is the normalization factor, which is equal to the total number of pairs. Texture features measured using GLCM derived quantities by taking the ratio of each normalized GLCM elements multiplied by a logarithmic function of fine and medium texture respectively. These values could be considered to represent the relative contributions made by each fine and medium [12]. This texture ratio quantification was used because the ratio would effectively normalized, thereby minimizing the effects of any potential variations in CT attenuation values occurring from one image to another and also reducing the effect of noise on texture quantification.
The procedure adopted in obtaining these features given in equations (3.3) through (3.11).
Where; p(i,j) is gray level co-occurrence matrix, µ - mean, σ - standard deviations, var -variance, Con - contrast, EG - energy, HOM - homogeneity, CO - correlation, EN - entropy &
TR-texture ratio. For all the separated gray level components, the derivation of co-occurrence matrices, Pθ,d(i,j) were done for different directions. For all pixels (i1,j1) in the image, (i2,j2) at a distance, d in direction, θ were determined.
Classification of Liver
Since we had two classes that correspond to the normal and abnormal, we used two binary bit numbers. If the value of the column vector is 0, it indicates that the feature data set is the member of the normal liver class and if it is 1, it indicates that the feature data set is the member of abnormal liver class.
In this research work, classification of liver was designed to differentiate normal liver and abnormal liver images by the texture of liver images using a neural network classifier.
A classifier always requires a training and testing data to train and evaluate performance of the classifier. The sample data’s for training liver images obtained from radiologist who has assigned 24 images from abnormal and 12 images from normal, a total of 36 liver images.
Nine texture features namely mean, standard deviation, variance, range, contrast, energy, homogeneity, correlation, and entropy were selected as input to the network. Accordingly, in this study, the input layer has nine nodes and the hidden layer has ten nodes and the output layer has two nodes.
Liver Tumor Segmentation
Otsu thresholding which is histogram based, was used for tumor segmentation due to its simplicity and the difference in the gray levels intensities, which requires different threshold for different images. It works based on pixel distributions and similarity among the pixels within a region.
The histogram shown in Fig. 4, is suitable for image thresholding.The right bottom region of image was discarded as this region normally not contain the tumor. A histogram of the image is analyzed and the highest pitch represents the middle intensity of tumor region.
In this section, segmentation of liver tumor performed by Otsu method which is histogram based thresholding. The valley point is usually chosen as the threshold. In bi-level thresholding, all the gray level values greater than the threshold values were assigned the tumor label and all the other gray level values were assigned the background label. Thus the tumor pixels were separated from the background pixels.
Where T is the threshold. Where T is the threshold. If the same value of T is adopted for the entire image, the process is called global thresholding. When the choice of value for T at coordinates point (x,y) depends on statistical properties of pixel values in a neighborhood around (x,y) referred as regional thresholding. Then after thresholding method, area opening technique was used to remove the connected components(objects) from a binary image that have pixels lower than a set value based on the procedures suggested by Al Mahmud et al., [13]. Then, pixel subtraction operator was used by taking two images as input and producing as output a third image.The pixel values of the output were simply the pixel values of the first minus the pixel values of the second image [14].
R(i, j) = S(i, j) – T(i, j) (3.13)
Where R, S and, T represent the output image, thresholded image and the image after small object removal, respectively.
Morphological Feature Extraction
The classification system proposed are based on the morphology of the image by shape. The image characteristics of the liver tumor can be obtained from the analysis of binary images. The following morphological features were extracted from the binary images to classify liver tumor images: area, perimeter, major and minor axes lengths, eccentricity and roundness of the tumor.
Liver Tumor Classification
Since we had two classes that correspond to malignant & benign and, we used two binary bit numbers. If the value of the column vector is 0, it indicates that the feature data set is the member of the benign class and if it is 1, it indicates that the feature data set is the member of malignant. A classifier always requires a training and testing data to evaluate classifier performance. The sample data’s for training obtained from the 24 segmented images of abnormal liver tumors: 12 images from malignant and 12 images from that of benign were assigned by radiologist. The six morphological features were selected as an input to the Neural network. Accordingly, in this study, the input layer has six nodes and the hidden layer has ten nodes and the output layer has two nodes. The neural network trained by adjusting the weights so as to be able to predict the correct class. Classification accuracy was observed in MSE and % E. If the results of MSE and % E are small in the samples given for training, testing and validation, the value is observed in either confusion matrix analysis or ROC. Only confusion matrix method was considered in this work.
Analysis of the Classifier
In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm to classify the liver tumors, four metrics were used.These are: true positives (TP), true negatives (TN), false positives (FP), false negatives (FN). TP represent mass lesion marked as malignant, which is also classified as malignant. TN represent mass lesion marked as benign, which is also classified as benign. FP mass lesion marked as malignant, but classified as benign. FN represents the mass lesion marked as benign, but classified as malignant.
Table 1
| Positive | Negative |
Positive | TP | FP |
Negative | FN | TN |
The mathematical equations that were used to evaluate the performance of the classifier for tumor classification described as follows.
Sensitivity = TP /TP + FN (3.14)
Specificity = TN /TN + FP (3.15)
Accuracy = TP + TN /TP + TN + FP + FN (3.16)