Our data revealed that the incidence of CP per 1000 live births declined significantly from 4.77 to 2.52 babies among all live single births between 2007 and 2015. More than 90% of children with CP were diagnosed within four years of birth. The risk of developing CP was 5.6 times higher in babies weighing < 2500 g, 3.9 times higher in babies born preterm, and approximately 4.1 times higher in babies born from pregnancies with polyhydramnios.
The incidence rate of cerebral palsy
A previous study in South Korea found that the incidence of CP increased from 2.2 to 3.2 per 1000 children born between 1999 and 2003.[3] The incidence of CP in Korea decreased from 4.77 to 2.52 per 1000 babies between 2007 and 2015, close to the CP incidence in developed countries. According to a meta-analysis analyzing 19 previous reports using live births as the denominator, the overall prevalence of CP is 2.11 per 1000 births.[4] The included studies were from the USA, Canada, Australia, or Europe, except one study from China. Nationwide population studies in other Asian countries have recently reported a prevalence of CP of 1.09 per 1000 children under 20 years of age in Taiwan,[5] 1.19 in children aged 0–6 years in China,[6] and 2.26 in children aged 0–4 years in Japan.[7]
Risk factors for cerebral palsy
Medical advances may be a possible explanation for why the incidence of CP has decreased. Among them, early detection and prevention of preterm labor, magnesium sulfate treatment for preterm birth, and post-brain injury management, such as brain cooling, are at the forefront of medical progress. Our study showed that low birth weight (< 2500 g), preterm birth, and polyhydramnios are still major risk factors for developing CP in Korea.
1) Preterm birth
Aside from our study results, preterm birth is already well-known as a risk factor for CP.[8, 9] The immature brain cannot effectively maintain a blood supply because there are fewer collateral vessels or anastomoses around the peripheral blood vessels and immature walls. The vessels cannot compensate for hypoxic-ischemic damage to limited vasodilation capacity.[10] Thus, various attempts have been made to prevent preterm birth; 17α-hydroxyprogesterone caproate may help prevent recurrent preterm birth.[11–13] Furthermore, vaginal progesterone prevents premature birth of mothers with short cervixes and improves neonatal outcomes.[14–16] Overall, progesterone administration lowered the rate of preterm births by approximately 50%.[15, 17] Cervical pessary use or cervical cerclage prevents repeated preterm births in high-risk women with a short cervix.[18] Despite medical advances, the rate of preterm births increased from 2.9% (1997–1999) to 4.5% (2011–2013)[19] and from 3.31% (1997–1998) to 6.44% (2013–2014)[20] in Korea. The increase in twin births is thought to have contributed to the rise in preterm births. As shown in Fig. 4, singleton's incidence of preterm birth gradually decreased between 2007 and 2015 (P < 0.001) in our study.
2) Low birth weight
The association between the development of CP and fetal growth restriction is well known. This association is not related to the gestational age at delivery.[21] Fetal growth restriction has been reported as a more critical risk factor for CP than fetal inflammation and birth asphyxia combined.[22] Intrauterine infection, one of the major causes of intrauterine growth retardation, can cause fetal inflammatory response syndrome: fetal growth restriction, damage to blood vessels in the fetal brain, placental vascular disorders associated with congenital disabilities, and white matter damage. Among them, white matter damage is a typical pathologic hallmark of CP. Our study also showed that the risk of developing CP was 4.6 times higher in babies weighing less than 2500 g. Fortunately, between 2007 and 2015, the number of low birth weight babies decreased (Fig. 4, P < 0.001).
3) Polyhydramnios
Polyhydramnios was found to quadruple the risk of CP in our study. Polyhydramnios has also been associated with increased perinatal morbidity and mortality risk, such as preterm birth, aneuploidy, cesarean section, fetal anomalies, and perinatal and postnatal mortality.[23, 24] Even when the results of a detailed ultrasound examination of the fetus were normal, polyhydramnios doubled the risk of genetic syndromes, neurologic disorders, and fetal malformations diagnosed after birth.[25] The incidence of polyhydramnios slightly increased over the study period (Fig. 4, P < 0.001). Older maternal age could be one of the underlying reasons for this change. In addition, considering that efforts to reduce the occurrence of CP have focused on preventing perinatal asphyxia and preterm birth and developing treatments to minimize brain damage and not the prevention of polyhydramnios, it is considered a natural result.
4) Direct efforts to reduce the chances of neonatal brain injury
There have been various advances in medical technology that have minimized neonatal brain injury and mortality. First, magnesium sulfate (MgSO4) stabilizes blood pressure, reduces vasoconstriction in the cerebral arteries, and restores circulation in preterm neonates.[26, 27] Treatment with MgSO4 in preterm labor may lower the risk of CP.[28–30] The proportion of moderate to severe CP decreased significantly in babies born in women with preterm birth who were treated with magnesium (relative risk, 0.55; 95% CI 0.32–0.95)[29]; several meta-analyses also support this result.[31–33] Second, the prenatal administration of corticosteroids for fetal lung maturity may reduce the occurrence of CP.[34] Finally, brain or whole-body cooling has become standard management for neuroprotection in newborns with birth asphyxia.[35, 36]
With all these efforts, Korea's infant mortality rate decreased from 4.7 in 2004 to 3.0 in 2014.[37] Our study found that the incidence of CP also continues to decline in Korea.
Our data do not include perinatal or postnatal neonatal risks, such as birth asphyxia, neonatal sepsis, or respiratory distress syndrome. We did not include early infantile risks, such as encephalitis or head trauma, which may also cause CP. A child can be diagnosed with CP when a precipitating event occurs before the affected function has developed.[1]