Coconuts of the Alto Saladita variety (ASV) from Tecpan de Galeana, Gro., Mex, were used in the study. The pulp was obtained by the Walter et al. [6] and Abioye [7] procedures. After remotion of the testa, the pulp was manually grated. Refined all-purpose wheat (Triticum aestivum) flour was from a local market. Solvents and chemical-grade reagents as well as α-, ß-, and γ- tocopherol standards were from Sigma Chem Co.
Coconuts Hardness
The coconut flesh of ten coconuts was cut into 1x1 cm pieces (10 cubes per coconut, taken from different areas of each coconut) and hardness was measured with a TA-XT2 texturometer (Texture Analyzer Stable Micro Systems, Surrey, UK) using a cylindrical attachment with diameter of 1 mm at a test speed of 1 mm/s, penetration of 7.5 mm and a force of 100 g. The force and distance thresholds were 10 g, and 1 mm, respectively.
Determination Of Water Activity (Aw)
The water activity of the grated pulp was measured by triplicate before and after drying using a HygroPalm equipment (Rotronic AG, Bassersdorf, Switzerland). The target of Aw for the dry pulp was set at 0.65 based on preliminary assays for extracting most of the oil.
The color measurement of the fresh and dry pulp, the flours, and tortillas, was carried out with a Chroma Meter CR-400 (Konica Minolta Sensing, Inc., Osaka, Japan), recording values for L* (brightness or whiteness), a* (redness to greeness), and b* (yellowness to blueness).
Coconut Drying And Oil Extraction
The grated pulp was dried at 50°C for 2 h, in an Enviro-Pak air dryer (MP500 Series) with an air velocity of 3.0 m/s. Water activity of the pulp was monitored at different time intervals until reach a value of 0.65, since this value is recommended to successfully extract most of the oil and obtain the residue to prepare the coconut flour. The oil was extracted from the dry pulp using a manual oil press, where the equipment was not subjected to any type of previous heating, this in order to maintain the quality of the dry coconut pulp.
Preparation Of Coconut Flour
The dried and partially defatted coconut pulp underwent pre-grinding in a food processor (Moulinex AR6838, Apaseo el Grande, Gto., México) in order to reduce its particle size, and then continue grinding in a Pulvex 200 mill (Pulvex de México, S.A. de C.V., CDMX, México) with a 1 mm mesh.
Proximate Composition
Proximal analysis of the wheat flour (control), coconut flours of the ASV and a commercial sample, and tortillas was done by the Methods 44-16.01, 46-13.01, 30-20.01, and 08-01.01 [8] for moisture, protein, fat, and ash contents, respectively. The two-stage Approved Method 44-15A [8] was used for tortilla moisture analysis. The conversion factors for protein content were 5.75, 5.3 [9], and 6.25 for the control, coconut flour, and composite tortillas, respectively. The carbohydrate content was calculated by difference.
Vitamin E Content
The content of vitamin E of the defatted coconut flours of ASV and the commercial sample was determined according to [10] and [11]. Once the hexane was evaporated with nitrogen, the sample in the test tube was reconstituted with 0.2 mL of absolute ethanol, turning the tube to incorporate part of the sample that could be adhered to the wall, homogenizing in vortex for 30 s. Then, the sample was placed in an amber vial. The vitamin E content was determined using an HPLC (1260 Infinity, Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara, CA, USA) with an UV-Visible detector and a C18 Agilent Microsorb column (100-3 C18, 100 x 4.6 mm). An isocratic mobile phase of methanol:water (98:2, v/v) was used. Detection was performed at a wavelength of 290 nm. Standards were solutions of α, ß and ɣ tocopherol.
Soluble, Insoluble And Total Dietary Fiber
Dietary fiber (SDF, IDF, TDF) of the dry and defatted ASV coconut flour was quantified using a Megazyme kit (K-TDFR-100A). Analysis was done by duplicate.
Preparation Of Flours Blends And Dough Rheology Properties
Wheat and coconut flour blends were prepared by replacing wheat flour with 10 or 20% ASV flour. The rheological properties of the dough were determined with the Mixograph (National Mfg. Co., Lincoln, IL, USA) according to the Method 54-40.02 [8]. The optimum mixing time (min) (OMT) and water absorption (%, 14% mb) for the dough of the blends and the wheat flour only, were obtained.
Preparation Of Wheat Flour And Composite Tortillas
The ingredients used to prepare the tortillas are shown in Table 1. The amount of flour was adjusted to 14% mb. The amount of shortening in the recipe was adjusted to keep the same fat content as that of the control tortillas. Doughs of the different formulations were obtained by mixing all ingredients in a Model 2150-A-10 mixer (National Mfg., Co., Lincoln, NE, USA) according to the OMT determined in the mixograph, then dough was divided into balls of 30 g, covered with a plastic sheet, and rested at ambient temperature (25°C) for 20 min. Then, the balls were hot-pressed for 1 s each side and baked in a hot-plate at 293–296°C for 40 s each side.
Table 1
Ingredients to prepare the wheat flour (control) and the composite tortillas.
Tortilla sample | Flour (g) | Water (%) | Shortening (%) | Salt (%) |
Control (100:0) | 99.2 | 63.0 | 10.0 | 1.5 |
Blend-1 (90:10) | 98.5 | 63.8 | 7.4 | 1.5 |
Blend-2 (80:20) | 97.9 | 64.8 | 6.2 | 1.5 |
Physicochemical Analysis Of Tortillas
Tortillas’ diameter (cm) and thicknesss (mm) were measured. The proximate composition and color measurements were determined as previously described. The tortilla texture was measured objectively with a TA-XT2 texturometer (Stable Micro Systems Ltd, Godalming, Surrey, UK) using a cylindrical rounded end probe (TA-23) and the TA-108N rig (Fig. 1). The settings were test speed 2.0 mm/s, distance and force of 35 mm and 0.98 N, respectively. The force (N) required to rupture the tortilla and the distance (mm) before rupturing were recorded as firmness and extensibility, respectively.
Statistical Analysis
Data of composition of the flours and tortillas, dough rheological and tortilla textural properties, was analyzed using the SAS software (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA). A one-way ANOVA for the variables of the flours and the obtained tortillas was performed, and Tukey-Kramer test for means comparison were done. Significance was p < 0.05.