Despite the riparian zone being dominated by the invasive non-native kikuyu and subjected to more than 150 years of clearing and grazing, our study found that native plant species were not depleted from the soil seed bank. We found a clear relationship between the soil seed bank and the extant riparian vegetation for nativeness and growth form at each site. With 97% of the species recorded in the seed bank occurring in the extant vegetation, the seed bank could best be described as a subset of the extant vegetation, rather than a distinctly different community. Similar to other studies in inland rivers (Williams et al. 2008), we found that 28% of the recorded species were common to both standing and seed bank communities.
Our results showed that the seed bank at the coastal Victoria Creek held slightly more species (~ 31%) in the extant vegetation than other similar studies (20–25%) for inland systems (Wilson et al. 1993; Beismann et al. 1996; Ling et al. 2022). The literature suggests that the longer duration of disturbance, the more degraded the soil seed bank will be (Bakker et al. 1996; Thompson 2000; Chang et al. 2001). Despite the extended period of grazing history along Victoria Creek (i.e., since the 1850s. Hope et al. 2007), our study demonstrated that the soil seed banks could be beneficial to the natural regeneration of these sites. For example, species such as Juncus usitatus, J. bufonius and Alisma plantago-aquatica were highly abundant in the seed bank, with the native Juncus spp. accounting for ~ 48% of the seedlings. Juncus spp. are well-reported for their large, persistent soil seed banks even when absent from the standing vegetation (Wisheu and Keddy 1991; Lunt 1997; Greet et al. 2012). These species could provide important bank stability and shading functions, both instream and the stream banks up to the fencing, to reduce the cover of the currently dominating exotic species. Importantly, none of the species recorded in the seed bank were part of the replanting scheme. These native species can add further structural complexity to the understorey layer and complement the tree and shrub layer. These native emergent riparian communities are particularly important, given the vital role of rooted aquatic macrophytes in the structure and functioning of shallow freshwater ecosystems to provide ecosystem services such as floodwater retention and water purification (Jeppesen et al. 1997; Zedler 2000). This structural layer also supports vital habitat for aquatic fauna such as waterbirds, frogs, fish and macroinvertebrates that rely on the aquatic and fringing non-woody vegetation species as habitat for protection, food sources and reproductive success (Robertson and Rowling 2000; Jansen and Healey 2003).
Passive restoration or natural regeneration studies that rely on the seed bank have mixed results. Some studies have found lower native cover and species richness in passive restoration compared to active restoration strategies (Gornish et al. 2017). Others have found good recovery where the densities of invasive species were low (Reinecke et al. 2008; Galatowitsch and Richardson 2005), but poor recovery where the standing vegetation community was dominated by non-natives (Blanchard and Holmes 2008), with some studies finding no recruitment of native species (Ruwanza et al. 2013). Other studies have suggested that passive restoration may be preferred over any active techniques and may be necessary to restore stream function (Kauffman et al. 1997; Roper et al. 1997; Tullos et al. 2009). Clearly, from these studies, many factors influence recruiting success at any site including time in the season, flooding history before seed bank replenishment, and species-specific dormancy conditions.
Nativeness relationships
Our results showed that the seed bank reflected the extant vegetation in terms of the communities’ indices for nativeness. Few studies reported the proportions of native and exotic species when investigating the relationship between the seed bank and the extant riparian vegetation in freshwater wetland ecosystems, even though they highlighted the importance of the native/exotic ratio is important for any restoration effort (Hopfensperger 2007). We calculated that a study by Davies et al. (2013) also found similar proportions of native (~ 69:71) and exotic (~ 31:29) species between the extant vegetation and the seed bank impacted by grazing on Kangaroo Island in South Australia.
In our highly degraded sites, nearly half (~ 49%) of the species for both communities were native, although this was site dependant. While Greet et al. (2013) found similar results (~ 44% natives), when we calculated the proportion of native seeds in other seed bank studies in Australia, < 63% native species is considered low (Lunt 1997; Williams et al. 2008; Brock et al. 2011; Casanova 2012; Davies et al. 2013; Greet et al. 2013).
Growth form and life cycle relationships
The life cycles (perennial, annual and biennial) and growth forms of the species were also highly similar in both seed bank and extant communities. This was similar to other studies in coastal NSW (Ling et al. 2022) and Victoria (Williams et al. 2008) where most of the seeds that germinated (~ 62%) were perennial monocotyledons such as grasses, reeds, rushes, and sedges. This contrasted to studies in semi-arid regions of Australia where viable seed banks were dominated by annuals or biennial dicotyledons, especially in degraded sites (Navie et al. 1996; Greet et al. 2013; Capon and Reid 2016; Kelleway et al. 2020). Considering the average understory cover of the standing vegetation in our study is dominated by perennial grass-types (Cenchrus clandestinus* ~84%, Cynodon dactylon ~ 13%, Typha domingensis ~ 8%, Schoenoplectus validus ~ 8%) this was not unexpected especially since these species produce large quantities of seeds. For example, Typha sp. can produce 20,000-700,000 fruits per inflorescence (Ahee et al. 2015; Bansal et al. 2019). Only one woody plant germinated from the soil seed bank (Acacia mearnsii), which produces copious numbers of small seeds that are not dispersed actively but often buried by ants and can remain viable for up to 50 years (O’Neill Seeds 2022). These seed bank germination results reflect other studies in Australia, with few shrubs or trees emerging (Williams et al. 2005, Capon and Reid 2016), the abundances dominated by grass-types, and diversity dominated by forbs (McIvor and Gardner 1994; Williams et al. 2008).
Studies have suggested that in repeatedly disturbed communities, there is a high similarity in the species composition between the standing vegetation and the seed bank (Chang et al. 2001). In later successional stages, the standing vegetation is typically comprised of perennial species, while the seed bank is typically composed of short-lived annuals (Chambers 1993). Our data concur with these authors given both the extant vegetation and the seed bank communities were highly similar in the degrees of nativeness, growth forms and life cycles, and given the extended history of grazing disturbance at our sites.
Water dependant species
The target species for riparian restoration are those water-dependant or wetland specialist species that could renaturalise the wetter zones. The dominance of wetland specialists in the seed bank (~ 63%) with nearly 50% being native indicates the regeneration potential for future restoration. In contrast, the extant vegetation had less than half of the species being wetland specialists (~ 45%) and only 36% of these being native. This potential for wetland specialists in our sites is contrary to other studies of degraded riparian zones that suggest reduced numbers of wetland species at sites with high grazing intensities (Eldridge and Lunt 2010; Dawson et al. 2017).
Most of the terrestrial species were non-natives from both the standing vegetation (63%) and the seed bank (79%), which is slightly higher than the proportions found from intermittent wetland seed banks that range from 60–70% terrestrial non-natives (Casanova and Brock 2000; Greet et al. 2013).
The challenge of invasive and non-natives species in the seed bank
With over 51% of the species in the seed bank classed as exotic or invasive, some authors suggest there is an inherent risk that is relying on degraded soil seed bank for re-naturalisation will thwart any restoration efforts (James et al. 2007; Williams et al. 2008; Tererai and Wood 2014; Grewell et al. 2019). There is also the risk that the non-native species could out-compete native species with similar environmental requirements. For example, the non-native Isolepis prolifera* and the native I. inundata share similar zones in the channel and often occur together, however I. prolifera* is typical of degraded wetland conditions (Sieben et al. 2017; Rebelo et al. 2018) and may act as an indicator of poor water quality. Of the nine invasive species recorded in the standing vegetation, three of these also germinated from the soil seed bank samples, plus the additional J. articulatus** that was only recorded from the seed bank. As typical invasive species, they are characterised as fast-growing to the flowering stage, have vegetative propagation and non-specialized pollination systems and germination requirements, and are prolific seeders with seeds spread by livestock (A. fissifolius**, C. clandestinus**, and S. madagascariensis**), wind (S. madagascariensis**), and water flow (A. fissifolius** and J. articulatus**) (Lake and Leishman 2004; Tropical Forages 2020; 2022). Indeed, the ability to form a large seed bank is one of many traits that have contributed to the success of many invasive species (Pyšek and Richardson 2010).
Before excluding livestock from the riparian zones, pasture grasses dominated the riparian zone, especially the densely stoloniferous C. clandestinus** (Pinto et al. 2021). Research by Bunn et al. (1998) suggest that riparian shading may be a highly effective means of controlling invasive grasses in disturbed streams and some pasture grasses (Norton et al.1990; Chauhan 2013; Casanova-Lugo et al. 2022). The literature suggests that while the pasture grass C. clandestinus is a highly tolerant of salinity, waterlogging, drought, frost, fire and day-length (Tainton 1998), a study in Australia has shown that they can produce a maximum yield in 42% shade (Samarakoon et al. 1990). Similarly, other pasture grasses such as Axonopus sp.* (carpet grasses) and Stenotaphrum secundatum* (buffalo grass), can also thrive in shaded conditions up to 59% (Samarakoon et al. 1990). Therefore, we suggest multiple strategies to address this challenge. Firstly, along with the exclusion of livestock, the active planting of trees and shrubs may not eliminate all pasture grasses from the riparian zone. Nevertheless, they could reduce pasture grass productivity and, thus density to allow the natural regeneration of native species. Secondly, the natural regeneration of the native rushes (especially J. usitatus and J. bufonius) and sedges, ferns, and forbs will assist in outcompeting the understory space to create a more diverse habitat, stabilise the sediment and contribute to the sediment composition and seed bank. Together, these approaches could limit the growing conditions for pasture grass germination. This approach of multiple strategies is supported by the literature where more recent attention has been given to how to utilise riparian seed banks better to support the rehabilitation of vegetation and riparian zone (Middleton 2003; Nishihiro et al. 2006; Boudell and Stromberg 2008; Jensen et al. 2008; Vosse et al., 2008; Meli et al. 2013; Hough-Snee et al. 2013). Other management strategies available might also include (but are not limited to): the removal of exotic species, the application of germination promoters such as smoke and related extracts, disturbance of topsoil, and the alteration of inundation or watering regimes (Roche et al. 2008; González et al. 2015).
There are a number of factors that may have affected the observed relationships between the standing vegetation and the seed banks that have not been accounted for. High numbers of non-native terrestrial species could be due to the drought conditions prior to February 2020, since non-native species are found to be more sensitive to increased inundation than native species in riparian zone (Tabacchi 1995). Also, while our seedling emergence technique is a popular and adequate method for assessing species richness and abundance in wetland seed banks (Brock et al. 1994), it is recognised that any method is unlikely to address all the germination requirements for all species. As such, the lower diversity in the seed bank compared to the standing vegetation was expected. Species that did not emerge from the trial cannot automatically be presumed as absent from the seedbank. Not only may sampling and germination methods may not have been appropriate for all species but it is unknown whether the lower species richness is due to other factors such as absence of a persistent soil seed bank, low seed densities (Chong and Walker 2005; Capon and Brock 2006), seed removal and predation (especially by ants: e.g. Andersen &Ashton 1985; Reader 1993; Yates et al. 1995), or because some wetland emergent species, such as Typha and Schoenoplectus, characteristically reproduced clonally.
Some sites (VC2) are more diverse
Riparian seed banks are derived from various sources, including seed rain from the surrounding environment and hydrochory (the transport and deposition of seeds by water) (Chambert and James 2009). This study found that when both the extant vegetation and the seed bank have high diversity (e.g., VC2), some areas could require fewer resources (active plantings) once rudimentary management approaches such as livestock exclusion have been started. These sites could have the seed bank potential to renaturalise the riparian vegetation, although this may not be in the timeframe required by land managers. However, active planting of trees, especially native trees and shrubs, would be the appropriate management strategy for sites with low diversity in both the extant vegetation and the seed bank.
Overall, we found 18 native species from various growth forms (perennial forbs, rushes, ferns, sedges and grasses) germinating from the soil seed bank. Along with more reliable precipitation, the exclusion of livestock, and multiple layers of vegetation canopy covers (planted native shrubs and trees, and the viable native soil seed bank), we suggest that the successful restoration of the riparian vegetation of Victoria Creek is highly likely. At these sites, the high abundance of an early successional target species, such as Juncus usitatus and J. bufonius in the seed bank could act as an indicator of successful renaturalisation, when the standing vegetation has a reasonable diversity of native trees and shrubs.
Future seed bank studies in the catchment will establish whether the planted species have further contributed to the soil seed bank at the restoration sites, compared to new control and reference sites.