Occult HBV infection accelerates the progression of liver fibrosis, cirrhosis, and finally leading to hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) (20). In Sudan the incidence of OBI is low frequency; according to result were conducted 2020 by Ibrahim and colleagues which is exhibit 18 were OBI in renal transplant patients. (12) .This study analyzed the occult HBV-genotypes and HCV in liver cirrhosis HCC patients. Indicated that only5 (2were HCC and 3 were Liver Cirrhosis) out 200 samples were OBI (positive HBV DNA, negative for HBsAg, and that all positive for anti HBcAg), and 4 out of 5 were positive for HBeAg indicating that they active occult HBV carrier.
In addition, the prevalence of OBI was moderately low (2.5%) as it has been diagnosed by molecular biology technique. This agrees with a study had carried out by Alejandra Duque and collogues in Colombia (21) where they found OBI occurred in 13% of HCC and Liver Cirrhosis patients. However, it was much lower than studies have been conducted in japan(22) and Italy ( 23) and disagree with other study was conducted in Egypt by (20) which they found OBI were22% in HCC and LC Egyptian patient .
This study showed us males were more susceptible to OBI in HCC (64.0%) and LC (56.0) group while the female were less susceptible to OBI in HCC (36.0%) and LC (44.0%) among the 100 individuals in HCC patients, all the females were seropositive HBsAg whereas 3.1% were tested negative. In contrast, the high HBsAg seropositive results were recorded in males (98.2%) compared to females (95.5%) (Figs. 2 and 3).The difference between gender types were found to be not significant in the two patients groups (HCC: P-value = 0.535, LC: P-value = 0.581) this result agree with other study were conducted in by (24) in Japan.
On the other hands In the HCC group, the large number of seropositive results were recorded in patients with age greater than 60 years (100%) whereas the HBsAg seronegative results were highly recorded in patients’ age smaller than 40 (7.1%) compared to other age groups From the Fischer exact test there was no association between age groups and HBsAg as illustrated in Fig. 4. Similarly, as shown in Fig. 5, the differences between age groups and HBsAg detection in LC patients groups were statistically not significant. It is found that OBI occurred exclusively in the 40–60 age group this result agree with other result was conducted in japan by Nakano and collogues (24).
This study exhibit that all the samples were positive for HBV DNA and antiHBcAg. Only two individual were HBsAg seronegative among HCC patients and three among LC patients as illustrated in Table 3 and 4 this the result was similar to other study was conducted in Italy (23), the ELISA test revealed that 44% of the Hepatocellular Carcinoma group (Table 3) and 44% of the Liver Cirrhosis group were negative for HBeAg (Table 4). In HCC patients (Fischer exact test, P-value = 1.000) or LC patients (Fischer exact test, P-value = 0.253), there was no significant difference between HBsAg and HBeAg results. However, one HCC patient was reported to be negative for both HBsAg and HBeAg (Table 3).
Regarding to the occult HBV genotypes this study showed us In the HCC group, one sample was genotype E and the other was mixed genotype D/E, while in the LC group, one sample was genotype E, one was genotype D, and the other was mixed genotype D/E. (Fig. 1). This result is similar to results were conducted in Sudan (12) (17) showed us the common genotype of HBV in Sudan were D, E and mixed infection D and E genotypes and in Egypt (20).
In This study all occult HBV patient were negative for HCV indicating that Occult Hepatitis B virus cusses of Hepatocellular Carcinoma and Liver Cirrhosis in absence of hepatitis C virus in Sudanese Patients this finding supporting the uses of molecular techniques such as real time PCR and multiplex PCR in Sudan for routine diagnosis spicily in blood donors and other groups under risk of HBV infection such as renal transplant patients, hemodialysis patients, liver diseases and immune suppressive drugs users .